Social Contract Web Community Open Directory Project (ODP) 2012

Essence -Our spiritual energy is our memories when we die. Ascension Energy is who we are when we leave.

The Inner Awakening Crew of 2012

Ascension Age by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, TJ Morris,

May 13, 2012 this is a keeper I think ~ unless I change my mind. This is my journal where I have my thoughts. Love and Light TJ

Take control of your inner spirit and awaken the conscious mind to the observer inside that is connected to all things, all people, all places, and all things. The younger generation who came after Star Trek and Star Wars call this the Force.

Engage your awakened observer inside and write a book! We are all the authors of our own life stories. We are the creator, writer, designer, choreographer, actor, and director. We do it all as the observer while we are spirits inside the body. We are all consciousness inside the unity consciousness that is the balance of essence energy inside that which was created in the beginning that has always been. We allow those who came before us as our ancestors who may choose to guide us. We are to believe that there are some bad demons in this world that can enter one’s own body-mind-spirit and act out their emotions if one allows this to happen.

Teach yourself and analyze everything you do from with inside as an observer.

Awaken to the greater possibility that we are all something greater both inside our own body-mind-spirit of which we call the mental-emotional-physical-spiritual (MEPS). We are also a neurological being with a physiology that requires us to feed our energy so that our physical will not starve to death and die.

We also are to feed ourselves spiritually and to grow our spirits from the basic new soul and re-birth to that of attaining a higher level in this lifetime and the one to come.

We are all a soul having the use of a body-mind-spirit that is sharing the birth-life-death experience with outer selves on the same planet. We shall honor the golden rule and know that we treat others the way we desire to be treated. We know that Newton’s Third Law of Motion is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We can go anywhere we want inside our minds to paint our thoughts. We have an inner thought process where we can use thoughts to create visions. We are the observer of the pictures we create in our minds. We are not our minds we are spirit. We are spiritual beings. We are sentient intelligent humanoid beings.

We are all a part of the sea of souls and we must learn to go with the flow. We experience waves in motion and sometimes we calm our waters and there is no breeze when we are being still just to know. We learn to let go and let God. God and Goddess are in us all and the inner awakened awareness of their presence during our meditation and yoga can allow us to hear the divine guidance. We all have guides and our inner messenger may be our own observer or our higher consciousness.

We are deeper than our own conscious. We are deeper than our own thought process when we can hear ourselves think and then we try to say what we should be doing and we hear another voice speak to us like the still small inner voice we know that our minds are trying to tell us what to do. We need to use this type of awakened awareness and learn to say STOP when we are overcome with thoughts and emotions and feel anxiety and fear coming upon us.

We can know that S is for Stop. T is for Take3 deep breaths and smile in all parts of one’s own body energy which will assist our nervous and immune system and laugh at our situation when appropriate.

We can share O is for Observe. Observe the situation we are in and our surroundings and the sensations we are experiencing or enduring.

We can then say P as in Proceed with kindness and compassion and persevere with love in our hearts and have an open mind and heart to what we are experiencing in the now.

We can calm ourselves and others around us simply by thinking the opposite of whatever we feel as anger, anxiety, confusion, or fear that is causing the problem.

Self-image is what you think of you. Image is what others perceive of you. We may or may not agree with another’s perception of what we are projecting but what other’s think and perceive is not something we are here to control and it is not our business to care about what others think of us when we are in a peaceful loving knowing and understanding place going about our own business.

We know that we are the observer here as an explorer to find out who we are, why we are here, and where we go when we leave this existence. We know that Karma is the Echo of what energy we put out to others. We expand our positive energy consciousness and when we allow ourselves to feel fear we contract and feel negative energy consciousness.

Spiritual Advisers and mentors are simply guides forging a path and leaving a trail for others to find if they use their freewill and free choice to do so. No one can make another do anything unless they want too at the mind and spirit level.

We are trained on earth to take ownership of our own actions and learn to not react unless it is a natural response to danger that crosses our path that is life threatening then we may react to the situation of which may be called death.

We inside our own spiritual soul self-know that we feel as though we are the center of our own universe of which we try to control. When one let’s go and let’s god then we are turning over our power to a higher control and we allow the force to work through us.

This can be a deep spiritual awakening or re-awakening to the opening up of all our chakras which are the portals to our kundalini energy that drives our spiritual force up and down out spine.

We shall desire to elect team leaders on earth who come to terms with their balance in their lives of positive and negative and allow the flow of energy of the higher power to lead them and their crews while on earth.

More later…

Our Social Contract with the Web Community

Netscape Communications Corporation hosts and administers the Open Directory Project (ODP), and has discretion over its content, use, and operation as described in the ODP's Terms of Use. The ODP is an Open Source inspired initiative created and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. The following is a social contract that we created to reflect Netscape's commitment to the Web community to keep the ODP a free and open resource. It has been inspired by, derived from, the Debian Social Contract.

1. The Open Directory Will Remain 100% Free

We promise to keep the distribution of ODP data, and the submission process to this data, entirely free. We will support our data users who choose to add proprietary and revenue generating content, and other non-free value-added functionality upon versions of the ODP in which they download. In turn, data users agree to attribute use back to us per the free use license.

2. We Give Back to the Web Community

We license our content as free with attribution back to the ODP. We will make the most comprehensive, user-friendly directory possible, so the content and taxonomy will be widely used and distributed. We will do our best to list web sites in a fair and impartial manner, and consider all user requests and suggestions for improvement.

We will make every effort to build a high quality and comprehensive directory. We will make every effort to evaluate all sites submitted to the directory. However, we do not guarantee all submitted sites will get listed. We will be highly selective and judicious about sites we add, and how we organize them. Sites that we do not routinely list are outlined in our submission policies and editorial guidelines.

We will protect the ODP's intellectual property from infringement. Netscape owns the rights to the compilation of the Open Directory, as well as to individual contributions. However, we provide non-exclusive, royalty free rights back to our editors for their personal contributions, so, they can present their material to the greater Web community in other ways if desired.

3. We Don't Hide Our Official Editorial Policies

We will keep all official ODP editorial guidelines and policies open for public view at all times.

4. We Provide an Open Invitation to Join

We extend an open invitation to the general public to join to the ODP. Our community is a diverse group of subject experts and web aficionados. Our categories attempt to express the depth and breadth of human knowledge. We accept editors from all walks of life, and we attempt to represent all points of view. We will keep our application process open to anyone interested in joining. Each new editor application will be reviewed by a member of the ODP community.

Our application process is necessarily selective due to our commitment to building a quality resource. Not all applications will be accepted. We do not endorse any formula for the perfect application, however our intent is to accept applications that show fairness, impartiality, objectivity, and "fit" within our editorial guidelines and codes of conduct.

5. We Encourage a Self-Regulating Community

We foster a self-regulating community governed by community-driven standards. We encourage the community to regulate itself, and to provide the checks and balances needed to ensure that its members follow mutually accepted codes of conduct and editorial standards. We depend on the honesty and integrity of the volunteer editors to ensure the directory is high quality, user-friendly, and free of abuse.

6. Our Priorities are Our Data Users and the Community

We will be guided by the needs of our data users and the ODP editorial community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We allow others to create value-added distributions containing ODP data and data from other commercial and noncommercial sources, subject to the terms of the free use license, without any fee from us.

7. Users Not Meeting The Free Use License

In order for the ODP to continue to flourish as a free and open resource, it is critical that our users comply with our free use license. We do not permit unattributed use of our data, and will request data users to place the attribution on their site or remove the data entirely if they wish not to comply. We consider unattributed use a legal infringement of the free use license, and contrary to the ODP's purpose as an Open Source inspired initiative.

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