Internet Research and Content Creator TJ MORRIS tm ACIR sm TJ Morris. org, Ascension,

By: TJ Thurmond Morris

The “WE” of all humanoid sentient intelligent being species is to become aware of that which in the past only groups with the desire to “KNOW” would seek and find.

Ascension Age is about the precession and is a portal in time. This portal allows for all essences that are presently in the world we call physical-mental-spiritual desires to know “itself”.

We the Avatar Ascended Masters whom are the Guides for those seeking the Guardians of the Tree of Knowledge in the Akashic Field are in the process of the shift and uplift of time and space time in the order of chaos.

We shall take on the task of defining for all the process of support and advocating archiving all the universal access for knowledge on this particular planet in this particular galaxy in this particular universe in this particular multiverse, inside the metaverse of the xenoverse inside the omniverse.

We offer a plethora of essence and energy that are in the vibrations of all that matters as matter and anti-matter and both light and dark matter.

While the intelligent beings of the planet called Gaia or Earth is in the process of discovering itself and learning about all that is in tangible and intangible life forms, we shall present the direction and main road to the source of which all have been guided to know inside each individual unit that is created for the specific reason of learning to explore that which is created outside of the unit or vessel with the use of senses. The senses requires access to stimulation which is provided and all that is to be learned about that is ever expanding in the eternal is that which is best defined as that which is to procreate.

That which we all participate in as members of the sentient intelligent being species are all able to use our logic to understand that which we call knowledge that leads to wisdom of the Omniverse.

Those who direct the 13 dimensions inside the Omniverse are the outer watchers who have always been and are beyond our present level of understanding with our entire level as one living entity that is all a part of the one universe.

This universe is only one child of the omni.

Archive-It allows institutions to build and preserve their own web archive of digital content, through a user-friendly web application, without requiring any technical expertise or hosting facilities. Subscribers can harvest, catalog, and archive their collections and then search and browse the collections when complete. Collections are hosted at the Internet Archive data center, and accessible to the public with full text search.

Archive-It is designed to fit the needs of many types of organizations and individuals. The over 130 partners include state archives, university libraries, federal institutions, state libraries, non-government non-profits, museums, historians, and independent researchers.

The 1050 Collections captured by Archive-It range from subject matters as diverse as “Political parties in Latin America” to the “Matthew Shepard Web Archive”  to  the “2008 Beijing Olympic Games” to “Iranian Blogs” to “North Carolina State Government Web Site Archive”.
Contact the Archive-It team for more details about subscribing to this service. Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported., the Internet archive at the New Library of Alexandria, Egypt, mirrors the Wayback Machine. Try your search there when you have trouble connecting to the Wayback servers.
Wayback Machine Hardware
Web Collaborations with the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress

Why Preserve Books? The New Physical Archive of the Internet Archive
Posted on June 6, 2011 by internetarchive
By Brewster Kahle, June 2011
Books are being thrown away, or sometimes packed away, as digitized versions become more available. This is an important time to plan carefully for there is much at stake.
Digital technologies are changing both how library materials are accessed and increasingly how library materials are preserved. After the Internet Archive digitizes a book from a library in order to provide free public access to people worldwide, these books go back on the shelves of the library. We noticed an increasing number of books from these libraries moving books to “off site repositories” (1 2 3 4) to make space in central buildings for more meeting spaces and work spaces. These repositories have filled quickly and sometimes prompt the de-accessioning of books. A library that would prefer to not be named was found to be thinning their collections and throwing out books based on what had been digitized by Google. While we understand the need to manage physical holdings, we believe this should be done thoughtfully and well.
Two of the corporations involved in major book scanning have sawed off the bindings of modern books to speed the digitizing process. Many have a negative visceral reaction to the “butchering” of books, but is this a reasonable reaction?
A reason to preserve the physical book that has been digitized is that it is the authentic and original version that can be used as a reference in the future. If there is ever a controversy about the digital version, the original can be examined. A seed bank such as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is seen as an authoritative and safe version of crops we are growing. Saving physical copies of digitized books might at least be seen in a similar light as an authoritative and safe copy that may be called upon in the future.
As the Internet Archive has digitized collections and placed them on our computer disks, we have found that the digital versions have more and more in common with physical versions. The computer hard disks, while holding digital data, are still physical objects. As such, we archive them as they retire after their 3-5 year lifetime. Similarly, we also archive microfilm, which was a previous generation’s access format. So hard drives are just another physical format that stores information. This connection showed us that physical archiving is still an important function in a digital era.
There is also a connection between digitized collections and physical collections.    The libraries we scan in, rarely want more digital books than the digital versions that we scan from their collections. This struck us as strange until we better understood the craftsmanship required in putting together great collections of books, whether physical or digital.  As we are archiving the books, we are carefully recording with the physical book what the identifier for the virtual version, and attaching information to the digital version of where the physical version resides.
Therefore, we have determined that we will keep a copy of the books we digitize if they are not returned to another library. Since we are interested in scanning one copy of every book ever published, we are starting to collect as many books as we can.
We hope that there will be many archives of physical books and other materials as they will be used and preserved in different ways based on the organizations they reside in. Universities will have different access policies from national libraries, say, and mostly likely different access policies from the Internet Archive. With many copies in diverse organizations and locations, we are more likely to serve different communities over time.
Physical Archive of the Internet Archive

Books are cataloged, and have acid free paper insert with information about the book and its location
Internet Archive is building a physical archive for the long-term preservation of one copy of every book, record, and movie we are able to attract or acquire.  Because we expect day-to-day access to these materials to occur through digital means, the physical archive is designed for long-term preservation of materials with only occasional, collection-scale retrieval. Because of this, we can create optimized environments for physical preservation and organizational structures that facilitate appropriate access. A seed bank might be conceptually closest to what we have in mind: storing important objects in safe ways to be used for redundancy, authority, and in case of catastrophe.
The goal is to preserve one copy of every published work. The universe of unique titles has been estimated at close to one hundred million items. Many of these are rare or unique, so we do not expect most of these to come to the Internet Archive; they will instead remain in their current libraries. However, the opportunity to preserve over ten million items is possible, so we have designed a system that will expand to this level. Ten million books is approximately the size of an excellent university library or public library, so we see this as a worthwhile goal. If we are successful, then this set of cultural materials will last for centuries and could be beneficial in ways that we cannot predict.
To achieve a goal of long-term preservation we have assumed:
Infrequent access,
Manage millions of books, records, and movies,
Adapt to needs of different physical media and collection value,
Facilitate storage evolution by monitoring existing systems and introducing new ideas,
Adapt to multiple facilities in different environments, and
Sustainable from a financial and maintenance perspective.

Boxes then store approximately 40 books with labeling on the outside
To start this project, the Internet Archive solicited donations of several hundred thousand books in dozens of languages in subjects such as history, literature, science, and engineering. Working with donors of books has been rewarding because an alternative for many of these books was the used book market or being destroyed. We have found everyone involved has a visceral repulsion to destroying books. The Internet Archive staff helped some donors with packing and transportation, which sped projects and decreased wear and tear on the materials.
These books are digitized in Internet Archive scanning centers as funding allows.
To link the digital version of a book to the physical version, care is taken to catalog each book and note their physical locations so that future access could be enabled. Most books are cataloged by finding a record in existing library catalogs for the same edition. If no such catalog record can be found, then it is cataloged briefly in the Open Library. Links are made from the paper version to the digital version by printing identifying and catalog data on a slip of acid free paper that is inserted in the book. Linking from the digital version to the paper version is done through encoding the location into the database records and identifiers into the resulting digital book versions. The digital versions have been replicated and the catalog data has been shared.
Pallets hold 24 boxes each, and are the stable location unit
Most of these first books have been digitized with funding from stimulus money for jobs programs and funding from the Kahle/Austin Foundation. This served to build the core collection of modern books for the blind and dyslexic. Many of these digital books are also available to be digitally borrowedthrough the Open Library website.
This was a change from our previous mass digitization procedures when a library would deliver and retrieve books from our scanning centers. Where the libraries would have already done the sorting and de-duplication of books, we now need to do these functions ourselves. The process to identify titles that have not been preserved already is now in place, but is in active development to improve efficiency. The thorough work of libraries in cataloging materials is key in this process because we can leverage this for these books. Identifiers such as ISBN, LCCN, and OCLC ids have helped determine which books are duplicates.
In January of 2009, we started developing the physical preservation systems. Fortunately, there is a wealth of literature on book preservation documenting studies on the fibers of paper as well as results from multi-year storage experiments. Based on this technical literature and specifications from depositories around the world, Tom McCarty, the engineer who designed the Internet Archive’s Scribe book-scanning system, began to design, build, and test a modular storage system in Oakland California. This system uses the infrastructure developed around the most used storage design of the 20th century, the shipping container. Rows of stacked shipping containers are used like 40′ deep shelving units. In this configuration, a single shipping container can hold around 40,000 books, about the same as a standard branch library, and a small building can hold millions of books.

Modified 40′ shipping containers are used for secure and individually controllable environments of 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 30% relative humidity

Based on this success and the increasing availability of physical materials, a production facility leveraging this design will be launched in June of 2011 in Richmond, California. The essence of the design from the book’s point of view is to have several layers of protection, each able to be monitored and periodically inspected:
Books are cataloged, and have acid free paper inserts with information about the book and its location,
Boxes store approximately 40 books with labeling on the outside,
Pallets hold 24 boxes each,
Modified 40′ shipping containers are used as secure and individually controllable environments of 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 30% relative humidity,
Buildings contain shipping containers and environmental systems,
Non-profit organizations own and protect the property and its contents.

Buildings contain shipping containers and environmental systems
This physical archive is designed to help resist insects and rodents, control temperature and humidity, slow acidification of the paper, protected from fire, water and intrusion, contain possible contamination, and endure possible uneven maintenance over time. For these reasons the books are stored in isolated environments with a regulated airflow that depends on few active components.

Non-profit organizations own and protect the property and its contents
The Internet Archive is now soliciting further donations of published materials from libraries, collectors, and individuals.
This collection and methodology has already helped in mass digitization and preservation, and we hope that we will offer a wealth of knowledge to future generations.
Thank you to Tom McCarty, Robert Miller, Sean Fagan, Internet Archive staff, San Francisco Public Library leadership, Alibris, HHS of the City of San Francisco, and the Kahle/Austin Foundation for being leaders on this project.