How can we be in love and light without recognizing the art form who spoke these words to be written down for us all for then and now and in the future? TJ

We now walk in light as those in body~mind~spirit knowing we are to become that which we are knowing experiencing the birth~life~death Experience.  Who does believe that they can change this spiritual journey? We are all one in the same when it comes to the knowing of our FATE and DESTINY as ASCENSION BEINGS. This is the way, the truth, and the light so help us God/Goddess.

Those who believe as TJ will know that the future of all is based on the past of who we have become now in the knowing of the love and light in us all. TJ Morris ET



We are a nonprofit faith bases spiritual community called Ascension Center Organization and our belief system is in faith, hope, prosperity for all with love and light of the Christ Consciousness and we believed Jesus was a master who walked on earth in the flesh and ascended to show us all, and to save us all because he was the son of God who came to allow us to ascend into higher levels spiritually. We walk in faith as spirits for we were sometimes in darkness but now we are light in the Lord: walk as children of the Light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Providing what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of the darkness but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever does make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

Ephesians Chapter 5 8-14

ACO Topics & Caqtegories For Members Speakers Engagements for 2013 & Beyond


Holotropic Breathwork





Ancient & Present


Ghost Hunters


Psychic Mediums



Spirit Guides


ET Disclosure Project



Government Cover Ups

Conspiracy Theories



Levitation of Spirit

Mental Telepathy

Migrations of Birds


Psi miracles

Spirits of electricity

God Particle


Time Displacement


Organized divination


Extraterrestrial Education

Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings

Extra biological Beings (EBENS)




Futurists Theories




New Age Culture






Hollow Earth Society

Mayan Calendar




Hollow Earth


New World Order


Ghosts Energy Apparitions

Ascension Channels

Shroud of Turin



Origin of Religions



Thinking of primitive people


History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments

Ideas of Death & Last Judgment



Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present


Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism


History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,


Basic Modes between humankind & Deities



Preanimistic Theory

Theory of Original Monotheism

Magic & Religion

Celts & Slavs






Japanese Buddhism




Extinct Religions

Teutonic Gods

Ideas of Death

Magic of Runes

Biblical Revelations


All isms











Star gates

Time Travel


Zechariah Sitchin










Futurist Politics in World

Building a Website

Starting a Business

Social Networks


USA  Politics of Lightworkers


We will also add our TJ Morris & Friends websites, RSS, and links.


American Culture International Relations

Timely Manor Books

TJ Morris Publishing

TJ Morris tm ACIR sm

Theresa J Thurmond Morris, Author


We are involved with Ascension Center Organization.  We have member’s worldwide exploring consciousness, ET disclosure, & unconditional love in life with believing in our liberty.

 We have a passion and a desire to serve humanity as facilitators of awareness sharing information as our attention shifts.

We are also involved in creating conscious music in unison with frequencies to raise vibrations through sound healing. We have a network of Practioners, Lightworkers and Truthseekers.

Constitution and Bylaws of the Ascension Center Organization

Article I

1 This Body shall be called the ACO Convention of Ascension Center Organization.


Article II

1 This Body shall meet annually according to the adjournment, but in case of emergency the President may call a special session with the advice and consent of the Mission Board, of two-thirds of the members of the Board present and voting may call a special session. A Body must be three or more for gathering.

Article III

1 The membership of this Body shall consist of Lightworker Messengers from cooperating affiliated Ascension Centers as follows:

(1)            Two messengers from each centers church (Body) having one hundred members orless, which is in friendly cooperation with this Convention; is in synergy with compassion and is sympathetic with its purposes and work.

(2)            One additional messenger for each such church shall be allowed for each additional one hundred members or for each $100.00 USD contributed to the Centers Cooperative Program for the Annual Convention during the fiscal year preceding the annual meeting, but no churches may be allowed more than ten (10) messengers per 1000 members.

(3)            Lightworker Messenger’s cards will be sent, upon request, to individual churches who meet the above requirements, from the ACO International Convention office in the United States of America.

(4)            A voting Ballot as a member will be issued to each member at the time one registers in their perspective state level directorship as an ACO Church. Each Church can have no more than 10 per state or nation state in the International level of countries for messengers to total 10 per 1000 members. That is 1 per hundred at the international level for organization and administration purposes of accounting on voting ballots annually at the International ACO Convention.

Article V

1 The Body has no jurisdiction over the local churches or the District Associations, and shall exercise no authority over them.

Article VI

1 The Body shall be a medium through which the churches in their sovereign capacity can work together for a common cause such as promoting all non-denominational enterprises which they deem necessary in carrying out the Great Commission of Light Service as Raising Consciousness of body~mind~spirit of humanity for the health and prosperity of all sentient intelligent being species in the world.

Article VII

1. The Mission Board of this body shall consist of members from each cooperating District Association plus eight at-large members from geographical regions of the state. The Mission Board membership from the associations shall consist of one member from each cooperating District Association with a total church membership of two thousand or less, and one more member for each additional two thousand church members, or any major fraction thereof, as reported in the Convention Annual of the preceding year with the first original launch in 2012. Each District Association shall nominate two persons for each membership of the Board of whom one shall be elected. Should any District Association fail to exercise this prerogative, then the Committee on Nominations of the Convention shall make the decision for the nomination.

2.  The eight-at-large members shall be elected from any cooperating affiliated Ascension Center Organization Church hereinafter referred to and called ACO.

3. All members of the Board shall be elected by the ACO for a period of three years, except those who are selected to fill vacancies. Vacancies result from death, resignation, or moving from the district of association. A move of an at-large member does not constitute a need for change in a regional representation. No member shall be eligible for re-election for a one year term after his term has expired except one who has been elected to fill an unexpired term. The Founder is a member for life who is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris and shall be the deciding vote throughout her term in office as founder in case of the vacancy herein described which she alone can fill until such time there is a replacement.  The founder is the first Founding President of the ACO Convention.

4. The retiring President of the Convention shall be an at-large member of the Mission Board indefinitely or until such time that he/she reports unable for any reason to perform this mission. At that time the one member shall report for one year immediately following this term of office.

5. The President for the Men and Women’s Missionary Union and the President of the Adolescent and Teens Support Group shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.

6. Three member of the initial Board of the ACO shall constitute a Quorum and from that time forth in growing and in membership there must be two-thirds of the Board Members present at the Annual National and International Conventions.

Article VIII

1. The ACO Mission Board shall have charge of the work of this body between its sessions and shall appoint officers, committees, agents, agencies, organizers that may be required in its world’s mission and work. The mission and board will make recommendations at monthly meetings in keeping with the overall mission quarterly reporting and annually to the state, national, and international Convention. Only the Board of Director may make recommendation to the ACO convention in case of an emergency as the Mission Board is to report back to the Board of Directors of findings and investigations.

2. The ACO Mission Board shall make a report thirty (30) days on the business and marketing plan and ACO Committees formed to meet commitments for the year.  A five year business and marketing plan is to be created by the ACO Mission Board which is to be incorporated in the twenty five year overall international plan for meeting the ACO goals for the future of all humankind.

3. The ACO Board of Directors shall be responsible for seeing that the ACO Mission Board meets its obligation and commitments for the entire ACO Church Body of the membership for making public to all members that which is to be reported at least thirty days prior to the ACO level district, state, regional, national, and international journal as social media marketing management online in cooperation with the various webmasters of each chosen mission. The only exception of not making public the annual plans during the five year to twenty-five year mission for health and prosperity for all humanoid sentient intelligent beings of the species is if an emergency happens and is explained thereafter within a reasonable amount of time but within the same month before the annual convention.

4. No one person can serve at the same time in more than one position such as the Board of Directors, The ACO Mission Board,  Board of Trustees for Finances, or the Directors or Managers of any infrastructure agencies or as an agent of more than one level in the ACO. No one person can serve two positions and must step down serving with the Body from one for a full year before being allowed to run again for office if resigned from office or due to an emergency missing a monthly meeting where another must fill the vacancy. This is set in the constitution to keep order in the cooperative corporation as required by law.

5. Employees if hired for contracting purposes will not be eligible to hold any office of the Board of Directors, ACO Mission Boar, Board of Trustees, or Manager of any agency or institution fostered and supported by the ACO

.ACO Bylaws


  1. Each ACO Session called to order will be opened and closed with by a short prayer and remembrance of our ancestors and the higher power of source whoever each may prepare their higher minds for in registering their birth-life-death process on earth as we are all awake and aware that we are here now. All meetings are then called to order by the President or acting Vice president.
  2. Each member will have a vote in meetings as sessions allow however, visitors are not allowed to vote and must become a member in order for their voices in speech craft to be heard and voice their opinions.
  3. Each member will address the founder and President of each level at the session or meeting.
  4. Each member will listen attentively and not be allowed to fall asleep and will participate with all body~mind~spirit engaged in functioning with all senses as taking action by being alert.
  5. No member shall speak more than twice in a single debate on the same day without a two-thirds majority vote of the Convention.
  6. When a member shall be called to order he/she shall be seated until the President can decide or has determined with the rest of the Board if he/she is in order in the formal meeting for the benefit of all present and residing with their undivided attention as the quorum has been established and called for in order to conduct the official ACO Quorum and Annual Convention.
  7. An appeal may be made in writing to the Board of Directors in any case after the meeting and placed in the ACO Journal with the bases for debate having looked into the debate which was established to be found observed and important to the overall mission of the ACO Convention. That person in indecision and debate may be heard at the Board of Directors meeting with a two-thirds quorum held outside of the annual convention in case of urgency to the overall cause to affect all members of the Body as the Church and Mission.
  8. The President and Founder may be heard at any time in the ACO Convention and ACO Church as the Body. She is the only one who can call to order and overrule those who are out of order when a debate or voices desire to be heard unless she is not present at which time temporarily in her absence the Chair can be taken by one recognizing the Robert Rules of Order by one of the Vice Presidents or in the case of the absence of both Vice Presidents, named by the President at the founding of the ACO of Thomas Ray Morris and Thomas Anthony Sinici, then by some member whom the President may select to run the meeting.
  9. In the election of future officers by ballot, if only one nomination is made and no other person desires to nominate, the secretary may cast the ballot for the Convention. If a nominee does not receive a majority of votes cast on the first ballot, subsequent ballots shall carry the names of those who are included in the top fifty percent of the total votes cast in the previous ballot.
  10. The results of all balloted votes shall be made known to all Lightworker Messengers and Truthseekers and perspective neophyte LMs or TMs. LMs are Lightworker Messengers and TMs are Truthseeker Messengers and titles are voted on at the annual conventions and titles can be taken away by the body of the church based on what is considered unbecoming to that of a member of the church such as murder of another human being or taking life in a harmful way of any living creature. Lightworkers are to be messengers of love, light, and wisdom teachings of the Ascension Center Organization. Truthseekers are to be archivists, researchers, and explorers of all that is for the good of the Body as the Church.
  11. The results of all ballots for the purpose of election of officers, members, and titles shall be made known to all messengers and recorded in the proceedings of the ACO Convention. It is understood that the votes made at the time of the annual convention refer to the election of officers and any other ballot votes required maintaining order in the Convention.
  12. All resolutions and votes, memorials, and all motions except motions related to procedures made for the consideration of the annual Convention shall be presented in writing. All resolutions and memorials shall require for passage the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present and voting.
  13. No new item of miscellaneous business except motions related to procedures may be made for consideration of the annual Convention except for the ACE Folklife Club which is for the preservation of information and archiving purposes of our members for their families and friends while on this planet we call home as earth and Gaia.
  14. We also recognize the Star Nations and Galactic Federation as part of the ACE Folklife Club of Archiving Clubs as members if they so desire to join with their own organization or church in alliance with other Open Minds and Conscious Conferences to be recognized with their own appointed member of 1 voice per 100 members. In order for the Native American Indian Churches to be recognized they must report in writing to the ACE FOLKLIFE CLUB ARCHIVISTS that their voice of organizations and tribes will need to be heard at the next annual convention.  This forever goes to the other Alien ET UFO Community groups such as Mutual UFO Network, International UFO Congress, Open Minds magazine, Fate Magazine, Social Paranormal Magazine, Anew News Magazine, American News Magazine, ET Spirit Magazine, and any and all groups, websites, and members of other associations, groups, clubs, societies who participate in the social media networks online.
  15. All education, classes, workshops, colleges, universities online in webinars, workshops, of an kind that desire to participate with our Lightworker Messengers, and Truthseeker Messengers desiring to have a voice in our ACO with TJ Morris Marketing Media Management as Administrator will have to submit their request in writing and forward the request in writing as in electronic mail and/or snail mail for archiving purposes as we are recognized as archivists.
  16.  ACE Folklife Club is for Authors, Co-creators, Educators, Folklorists, Historians, Visual, and Performing Artists including, Editors, Copywriters, Producers, Graphic illustrators, Videographers, Special Effects artists, and more.
  17. The rules may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a two thirds vote of the members present as long as the Board of Directors agree and are present.
  18. In case of dissolvement of the ACO the assets will be sold and monies given to the charities such as Red Cross and Saint Jude Hospital.



TJ Morris Intuitive Counselor ET ORATOR

English: receiving from Judge his certificate ...

English: receiving from Judge his certificate of American citizenship. Deutsch: erhält von Richter Phillip Forman seine Bescheinigung über die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Português: recebendo do juiz seu certificado de cidadão americano. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - MARCH 19:  Members of the ...

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – MARCH 19: Members of the press look at documents on display as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem launches the all-new, expanded Albert Einstein Archives on March 19, 2012 in Jerusalem, Israel. The project which was started in early 2011 and was a joint venture with the University’s partner organisation Californian based Einstein Papers Project, is now ready for its launch which will include a new website with a catalog which will be updated in real time. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)


Bible (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

BIO 120 Lab Spinal Cord 040

BIO 120 Lab Spinal Cord 040 (Photo credit: djneight)

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - MARCH 19:  Original docume...

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – MARCH 19: Original documents are seen on display as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem launches the all-new, expanded Albert Einstein Archives on March 19, 2012 in Jerusalem, Israel. The project which was started in early 2011 and was a joint venture with the University’s partner organisation Californian based Einstein Papers Project, is now ready for its launch which will include a new website with a catalog which will be updated in real time. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

English: Albert Einstein Français : portrait d...

English: Albert Einstein Français : portrait d’Albert Einstein (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Evolution of Consciousness in the Alien ET UFO Community

Primary tabs


TJ Morris's picture
By TJ Morris – 6 min 47 sec ago
Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community - Now What?

We are in special times when the veil is the thinnest and this means something to all of us in the communication of cosmology. We are now sharing the smallest and the most expanded as largest thoughts we can muster and placing new words as our work in this world. We in the Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community are accepting most crop circles as ET Energy and part of our evolution.

We will be expanding to whole brain thinking and sharing our eternal energy as our immortal essences that will ascend as into vertical instead of only linear thinking of which we have been guilty of in the past due to our three dimensional way of thinking and seeing.

We now know that there is much in the visual spectrum and sound spectrum that is maybe now seen or heard.

We may even begin to accept that intuition is as Albert Einstein explained coming from somewhere which he knew not! Albert Einstein was a great thinker and he actually was nudged into sharing the future.

We had alien ET Hybrids to assist him and actually assist him in his meditational thoughts while thinking on things. This will all come out in due time. We are going to learn about our alien ET Hybrid beings who are just as humanoid as the rest of us born on earth. They just come into being with their futures filled with memories of their past lives and how to access their memories of a higher level of being.
Some call this a meditational place in space we can learn to track in our fMRI machines in the medical field of study of the mind inside the brain which encases our neuro system with our spinal chord. We are the alien ET inside the physical form which allows us all to look exactly the same when one sees the brain attached to the nervous system inside the spinal chord. This is who we are as Alien ET actually. A Skull and Spine which is part of the body left behind when we ascend.

We may lose our limbs during life however the last part of us to go in our brain. Our nervous system can even quit working and sending us signals but we cannot live without our brain or can we? Are we also our hearts?

Research in the past lives of our world say we can live without our hearts as long as we have a replacement of some type to pump our blood. We also need oxygen to our brain so how much of all this physical apparatus do we really need to survive? Does our brains keep working? This is something that science hopes to prove that we are more than the total sum of our parts while exercising our freewill to freeze our brains in the future.

Cryogenics for the rich is already taking place for those who can afford to freeze their brains for future discoveries in medical science. Where does that leave the rest of us?

We are going to learn how to ascend as immortals!

To the World who has recently been introduced to our Alien ET UFO Community we have ET all around us at all times. This is now common knowledge which we call spirit. Our ancestors knew the truth. We have to teach our young ones that birth-life-death is part of the body-mind-spirit, emotional-mental-physical-spiritual acceptance of our entire humanoid sentient intelligent being society

We are they who are approaching the future with those who are our truth seekers in spacetime. We have come upon a time set forth by our forefathers as our ancestors who many of us regard our creators and our alien ancestors as Alien Astronauts. We will be defining more of our findings of fact in the past as our original history.

In order to confirm what many of us already know we are planning to meet each other in the future.

Thank you for the interest in what we are presently working together to share in the future of 2012!

We will be sharing the various thoughts which have occurred to us while we share our intentions on this planet. The Intentions are being made known around the world in writing, in photos, and videos in the world wide web of the Internet. We share the Web which is embracing our entire planet overhead in signals. Sound waves and particles are where most of us realize that we exist as immortals.

We are they who are encased inside our own vessels which we use to make use of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well- being while we realize we are all immortal energy essence that we share as synergy.

We have reached the 90% of humanoids that believe in heaven on earth or heaven of the cosmos above our planet. Some believe in something where our spirits will be guided back to our souls. Some believe we are all born with a soul connection which is our inner spirit that returns to where the original soul is located.

Those of us in the Alien ET UFO Community are working on our soul purpose while we say we are spiritual and not religious. There is even a place to register one’s own choice as spiritual and not religious on the internet on most websites and browsers connected to the Internet.

Religions and Science are intertwined in the academic world but not in the spiritual work of the past. This has changed now and we welcome the past as simply history that was recorded. We plan on now changing how the history for our children who have a natural born gift to accept computers and how they work is rewarded.

We are welcoming all the new spirits coming to earth and if one cares to examine history even in the languages of the old archives, codices, codex’s, books, and famous religious scriptures such as the Bible and Koran both of the old Adamic faiths one will see a correlation to the ancient Sumerian scripts which also date back to the stories that were orally shared of those who from the heavens came.

We now share that those who from the heavens came were our ancestors who allowed for this level of growth as a community and society of spirits to be involved in various locations on one planet to eventually grow and expand to find one another. This has been done before throughout time.

When we reach the Seven (7) billion mark we usually are allowed to progress to the next level in communication and cosmology with our computers used in space or the cosmos.
We will now learn about various dimensions in space and what we now call spacetime as something that will need a further breakdown with dark matter and light matter of the ancient past that comes to earth in what we now call light-years. There is still much to know and as we go forward in the future we shall learn of the ancients who are traveling in space to protect those who are young spirits.

Many are newly created and are only serving their first lives out here on this planet while some of the ancients have visited as avatars to serve as guides. We all have a Spiritual Guide and a Guardian Angel.

There are two at all times whom we can converse with who will watch over our eternal progression while in the form we call humanoids. This is something that we will now learn to discover inside our brains as whole brains instead of using left and right brain thinking only.

There are some new Robotoids coming in the future that will allow us to know more, do more, have more, but mainly have time to discover what else we can create in our minds that will also need to be maintained once created for the future of humankind in space.
We have needs of food, water, clothing, and shelter, and then a need to provide health, and prosperity for self and others.
We are going to learn to take care of the complete humanoid sentient intelligent being society so we can progress to the next levels in space and learn to travel while in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual form we call humanity as a collective and social gathering on this planet.
The Alien ET UFO Community has various topics of communication. The main concern is how to continue to share the awakened awareness of our future potentiality as humanoid sentient intelligent beings.

We have shared that there are many people on earth who care considered “Alien ET Hybrids” and consider themselves such. It is time to awaken those who know what they should be concentrating on in this lifetime with their own life purpose as a mission of energy as essence on earth.

We all have a soul purpose and it is up to each of us to discover our purpose for being here in this time in this place we call a planet. The Ascension Age is simply a way to describe this time when we are raising our awareness of our soul’s purpose for being on this planet while observing our ancient past while advancing our present into the future.

We will learn about the branes in space, the dimensions in space and all around us on this planet.

We are learning of the various realms, and levels where all these dimensions may be accessed when we become immortal once again as in out of body while traveling together in space. Time to learn to be more open to those around us who use their abilities to raise consciousness of who we are as thoughts.

Thoughts have energy and essence to become material and perform actions in this world we now call the Alien ET UFO Community and the Space Project of Humanity.

We will ascend in one form or another!

Enhanced by Zemanta

2012 Alien ET UFO Ascension Masters Share Avatar of Past Lives

The Ascension

The Ascension (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

BY: TJ Morris ET

Ascension Center Education and ACE Folklife Society work together in an alliance to awaken higher consciousness counseling among Lightworkers and Truthseekers.
We the Avatar Ascension Masters give among our Lightworkers and Truthseekers that which is just and equal knowing that we all have a master in the cosmos as our own SOURCE CONNECTION some call God in heaven.

We are accepting that those who from the heavens came are contacting some who are called the Alien ET Hybrids and sharing sustainable solutions as we continue to pray and ask for assistance and meditate and ask for peace and answers.

While in prayer ask God to open the door of utterance to us all to speak the mysteries Christ for the sake of our bonds to the higher beings in other realms and dimensions of the cosmos some call kingdoms in heaven.

I pray that I may make manifest in the law of abundance and the law of attraction that I may also share in love and light the right to speak and have taken on the audio media in the social network we call the web as the Internet Online in Cyberspace.

I am now hosting the Alien ET UFO Community Blog Talk Radio Show every night except Monday night which is family home evening night for all those who believe in the ET Christ Consciousness.

Therefore, I am announcing that we as the Alien ET UFO Community are providing the Consciousness Counseling of the Avatar Ascension Masters of the ET Ascension Center Enlightenment via education.

We share so that we may have peace on earth and walk in wisdom toward those who are without, redeeming the time on earth as it is in heaven or cosmos.

We share in our open prayers that we may always seek guidance from our higher spirit connection as the Christ Consciousness of which we learned from the example of our great teachers of our ancient ancestors.

We pray always that our speech craft will always be with grace, seasoned with a grain of salt that we may all know how to answer each and every sentient intelligent being of our species when asked for assistance.

We all pray that we are becoming beloved faithful ministers who are on the path of our beloved Ancient Ancestors.

We all know many who has risen with Christ and seek those things above where the original Christ sits on the right hand of God in the highest realms which has always been.

Let us all set our sights on things above in the cosmos of all the elder avatars who we know as the Supreme Beings who created us in their own image for the greater good of humankind.

Ascension Centered Education is also known as Higher Consciousness Counseling also known and accepted in this day and time modeled after and in the spirit of Christ Consciousness.

The founder of the original and first Ascension Center created for humankind on earth was predestined and channeled by way of the messenger of Christ who the one is known on earth as TJ the daughter of light and now an Avatar Ascension Master.

TJ teaches love and light for all and sustainability of planet and species.
TJ is sharing the faith, hope, charity and the greatest is love for all things in keeping peace of our ancient alien ancestors on earth as it is in heaven also known as the cosmos.

TJ has a ministry of faith in humanity providing leadership and support in the Ascension Community of Practicing Skills (ACOPS)  and who ask for members to become known as the Ascension Beings who now walk the earth in body-mind-spirit sharing the birth-life-death experiences.

The Stargate to the Cosmos Conference is for all those who desire to become awakened and aware that we are all sharing this planet and are concerned about our own sustainability as we go forth into the future we co-create together.

This is what our ancestors who care to share their guidance and counseling desire for us all in order for us all to seek our soul purpose.

We are sent here to earth in order to learn to survive and to become productive citizens in our spiritual community though it now seems super natural in nature to take on the whole of our similar interests in the paranormal community.

We share the ACE FOLKLIFE HISTORICAL SOCIETY way of understanding history in the global community as the critical mass consciousness in the web also known as the global brain of God as the Theory of Everything.

The Stargate to the Cosmos Conference and Symposium will include many Consciousness Counselors with many concerns who want to share guidance as the leaders of the future in the Ascension Age.

We will be asking those who know of their soul purpose and have done their spiritual work understanding their past lives and have learned their prior lessons before returning here to earth.

Those who have had contact experiences will becoming to our conference seeking information and guidance to connect to others who share wisdom, love, and light for their own tribe called humankind. We share health and prosperity for all!

All our friends of the UFO Digest are invited including all Authors, Copywriters, and Editors also known as one of the groups of the ACE FOLKLIFE CLUB.

The ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society will ask all the various Historical Societies to attend and share in this historic occasion together with all of us of the Alien ET UFO Community

Enhanced by Zemanta

Alien ET UFO Community 2012

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 16:  Recording artist ...

NEW YORK, NY – NOVEMBER 16: Recording artist Neil Sedaka performs Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University’s Celebrate Einstein dinner at The Plaza Hotel on November 16, 2011 in New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (Photo credit: MusMs)

English: Eurasia (orthographic projection)

English: Eurasia (orthographic projection) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map of Lemuria according to William S...

English: Map of Lemuria according to William Scott-Elliott (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map from newspaper clipping. Portuguê...

English: Map from newspaper clipping. Português: Mapa de um jornal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Churchward's map showing how he thoug...

English: Churchward’s map showing how he thought Mu refugees spread out after the cataclysm through South America, along the shores of Atlantis and into Africa. Português: Linhas migratórias dos refugiados de Mu, após o cataclisma, através do mar amazônio, para Atlântida e África. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"Lemuria" in Tamil nationalist mysti...

“Lemuria” in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cover of "The Lost Continent of Mu"

Cover of The Lost Continent of Mu

English: colonel James Churchward photo. Portu...

English: colonel James Churchward photo. Português: Foto do coronel James Churchward. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map from "The Lost Continent of ...

English: Map from “The Lost Continent of Mu”, 1927. By james Churchward. Português: Imagem do Livro “O Continente perdido de Mu”, 1927. De autoria de James Churchward. Continente perdido de Mu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Ch...

English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Churchward. Português: O Continente Perdido de Mu, por James Churchward. Alguém alterou a imagem original. Onde está escrito Lemuria deveria estar escrito Mu, pois são “continentes” distintos. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

ALIEN ET RADIO CALL IN GUEST CALL (347) 945-7207! Thank you TJ Morris ET


Evol Anthroposophy

Evolution of Consciousness in the Alien ET UFO Community

Rudolph Steiner on or about the year 1908 had a similar interest in society and we find more and more people ascribing to a higher standard in social philosophies that deal with our ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society of etymology and anthropology with the shared internet experiences online.

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By TJ Morris – 6 min 47 sec ago
Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community - Now What?

We are in special times when the veil is the thinnest and this means something to all of us in the communication of cosmology. We are now sharing the smallest and the most expanded as largest thoughts we can muster and placing new words as our work in this world. We in the Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community are accepting most crop circles as ET Energy and part of our evolution.

We will be expanding to whole brain thinking and sharing our eternal energy as our immortal essences that will ascend as into vertical instead of only linear thinking of which we have been guilty of in the past due to our three dimensional way of thinking and seeing.

We now know that there is much in the visual spectrum and sound spectrum that is maybe now seen or heard.

We may even begin to accept that intuition is as Albert Einstein explained coming from somewhere which he knew not! Albert Einstein was a great thinker and he actually was nudged into sharing the future.

We had alien ET Hybrids to assist him and actually assist him in his meditational thoughts while thinking on things. This will all come out in due time. We are going to learn about our alien ET Hybrid beings who are just as humanoid as the rest of us born on earth. They just come into being with their futures filled with memories of their past lives and how to access their memories of a higher level of being.
Some call this a meditational place in space we can learn to track in our fMRI machines in the medical field of study of the mind inside the brain which encases our neuro system with our spinal chord. We are the alien ET inside the physical form which allows us all to look exactly the same when one sees the brain attached to the nervous system inside the spinal chord. This is who we are as Alien ET actually. A Skull and Spine which is part of the body left behind when we ascend.

We may lose our limbs during life however the last part of us to go in our brain. Our nervous system can even quit working and sending us signals but we cannot live without our brain or can we? Are we also our hearts?

Research in the past lives of our world say we can live without our hearts as long as we have a replacement of some type to pump our blood. We also need oxygen to our brain so how much of all this physical apparatus do we really need to survive? Does our brains keep working? This is something that science hopes to prove that we are more than the total sum of our parts while exercising our freewill to freeze our brains in the future.

Cryogenics for the rich is already taking place for those who can afford to freeze their brains for future discoveries in medical science. Where does that leave the rest of us?

We are going to learn how to ascend as immortals!

To the World who has recently been introduced to our Alien ET UFO Community we have ET all around us at all times. This is now common knowledge which we call spirit. Our ancestors knew the truth. We have to teach our young ones that birth-life-death is part of the body-mind-spirit, emotional-mental-physical-spiritual acceptance of our entire humanoid sentient intelligent being society

We are they who are approaching the future with those who are our truth seekers in spacetime. We have come upon a time set forth by our forefathers as our ancestors who many of us regard our creators and our alien ancestors as Alien Astronauts. We will be defining more of our findings of fact in the past as our original history.

In order to confirm what many of us already know we are planning to meet each other in the future.

Thank you for the interest in what we are presently working together to share in the future of 2012!

We will be sharing the various thoughts which have occurred to us while we share our intentions on this planet. The Intentions are being made known around the world in writing, in photos, and videos in the world wide web of the Internet. We share the Web which is embracing our entire planet overhead in signals. Sound waves and particles are where most of us realize that we exist as immortals.

We are they who are encased inside our own vessels which we use to make use of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well- being while we realize we are all immortal energy essence that we share as synergy.

We have reached the 90% of humanoids that believe in heaven on earth or heaven of the cosmos above our planet. Some believe in something where our spirits will be guided back to our souls. Some believe we are all born with a soul connection which is our inner spirit that returns to where the original soul is located.

Those of us in the Alien ET UFO Community are working on our soul purpose while we say we are spiritual and not religious. There is even a place to register one’s own choice as spiritual and not religious on the internet on most websites and browsers connected to the Internet.

Religions and Science are intertwined in the academic world but not in the spiritual work of the past. This has changed now and we welcome the past as simply history that was recorded. We plan on now changing how the history for our children who have a natural born gift to accept computers and how they work is rewarded.

We are welcoming all the new spirits coming to earth and if one cares to examine history even in the languages of the old archives, codices, codex’s, books, and famous religious scriptures such as the Bible and Koran both of the old Adamic faiths one will see a correlation to the ancient Sumerian scripts which also date back to the stories that were orally shared of those who from the heavens came.

We now share that those who from the heavens came were our ancestors who allowed for this level of growth as a community and society of spirits to be involved in various locations on one planet to eventually grow and expand to find one another. This has been done before throughout time.

When we reach the Seven (7) billion mark we usually are allowed to progress to the next level in communication and cosmology with our computers used in space or the cosmos.
We will now learn about various dimensions in space and what we now call spacetime as something that will need a further breakdown with dark matter and light matter of the ancient past that comes to earth in what we now call light-years. There is still much to know and as we go forward in the future we shall learn of the ancients who are traveling in space to protect those who are young spirits.

Many are newly created and are only serving their first lives out here on this planet while some of the ancients have visited as avatars to serve as guides. We all have a Spiritual Guide and a Guardian Angel.

There are two at all times whom we can converse with who will watch over our eternal progression while in the form we call humanoids. This is something that we will now learn to discover inside our brains as whole brains instead of using left and right brain thinking only.

There are some new Robotoids coming in the future that will allow us to know more, do more, have more, but mainly have time to discover what else we can create in our minds that will also need to be maintained once created for the future of humankind in space.
We have needs of food, water, clothing, and shelter, and then a need to provide health, and prosperity for self and others.
We are going to learn to take care of the complete humanoid sentient intelligent being society so we can progress to the next levels in space and learn to travel while in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual form we call humanity as a collective and social gathering on this planet.
The Alien ET UFO Community has various topics of communication. The main concern is how to continue to share the awakened awareness of our future potentiality as humanoid sentient intelligent beings.

We have shared that there are many people on earth who care considered “Alien ET Hybrids” and consider themselves such. It is time to awaken those who know what they should be concentrating on in this lifetime with their own life purpose as a mission of energy as essence on earth.

We all have a soul purpose and it is up to each of us to discover our purpose for being here in this time in this place we call a planet. The Ascension Age is simply a way to describe this time when we are raising our awareness of our soul’s purpose for being on this planet while observing our ancient past while advancing our present into the future.

We will learn about the branes in space, the dimensions in space and all around us on this planet.

We are learning of the various realms, and levels where all these dimensions may be accessed when we become immortal once again as in out of body while traveling together in space. Time to learn to be more open to those around us who use their abilities to raise consciousness of who we are as thoughts.

Thoughts have energy and essence to become material and perform actions in this world we now call the Alien ET UFO Community and the Space Project of Humanity.

We will ascend in one form or another!


Cover of "Avatar (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Co...

Cover via Amazon

The Taking of Planet 5

The Taking of Planet 5 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Illustration of the planet Polyphemus...

English: Illustration of the planet Polyphemus from the film Avatar, based on a photograph of the planet Jupiter. Français : Illustration de la planète Polyphème du film “Avatar”, basée sur une photographie de la planète Jupiter. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


omega (Photo credit: davedehetre)


STARGATE TO THE COSMOS ~ the quest of the future.

I will be your Host on the TJ MORRIS ET Radio. We shall discuss various ET paranormal topics including the following:


Atlantis and Lemuria were the names of the overall continent many thousands if not billions of years a part.  The scientific-rational group inhabited Atlantis long years after the Lemurians or those from U and ANKI. . Lemuria had more individuals that were more artistically and spiritually inclined as we see our own cultures divided between art and humanities, and the sciences to this day. Philosophy and History of the ancients now play a large part in our future. We rely on our scholars as educators to inform us of the latest developments and projects which are funded by those who have the funds to provide support for the needs on various researches in archaeological and anthropological digs.        


Lemuria is at present  non-existent “lost continent”  supposedly in the Indian Ocean.

Hawaii is also said to be the highest points of the mountains that were once considered the land of MU which is also considered that which others thought of as an old continent. Lemuria is the land of lemurs and other interesting animal species that have been recorded throughout ancient history.


We now are learning that much of our ancient folklore wisdom has some facts involved over time of which the verbal records were told, and the ancient Sumerian writings of the Nag Hammadi Codices share the oldest known record to exist of our ancient ancestors from the cosmos or heaven.

It originated as a scientific hypothesis trying to explain the distribution of some mammals, but was later appropriated by purveyors of woo (apparently, each major ocean needs a sunken continent). As a scientific hypothesis, it was made obsolete by plate tectonics and continental drift.

As an occult meme, it will likely continue to exist until Homo sapiens becomes extinct, though it is not as popular as Atlantis. Lemuria comes from Lemur however that was taken to mean the old continent that was all one called MU. Mu was the antediluvian home . Hydroplate theory

Hydroplate theory is a creationist hypothesis – developed in 1980 by Walter Brown (PhD Mechanical Engineering) – that the antediluvian …

5 KB (724 words) – 21:36, 24 March 2012

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1882), full text http://www. gutenberg. org/ebooks/4032 available at Project Gutenberg and elsewhere …

2 KB (201 words) – 13:49, 24 July 2011


The theory that the Osireion is some “antediluvian” or pre-historic structure is patently ridiculous. There is complete scholarly …

8 KB (1,301 words) – 23:47, 7 March 2012

Fossil sorting by the global flood

So if you read the Noah story back into this observation, the antediluvian world must have been wall-to-wall trilobites, not to mention …

12 KB (1,779 words) – 14:48, 3 June 2012

Global flood

So if you read the Noah story back into this observation, the antediluvian world must have been wall-to-wall trilobites, not to mention …

38 KB (6,324 words) – 06:10, 10 June 2012

Ramtha and two comrades-in-arms preparing to repel an Atlantean attack.

“Lemuria” in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean). Why there aren’t any lemurs in Australia, we don’t know.

Lemuria entered the woo mainstream through the writings of Helena Blavatsky in the 1880s. Since then, it has attracted writers of aliens to New Age authors in theoretical physics and pseudo-science of the paranormal in metaphysics and cosmology. It is called Lemuria because apparently lemurs lived there, and this is all being suppressed by the Vatican.

It is allegedly in with history and research of the Easter Islands and Edgar Cayce channelings as a higher consciousness receiver. Some people make Lemurian music; write poetry about Ramtha a Lemurian warrior in ancient folklore. We will be discussing our ancient ancestors and our former continents in our Global Tectonic Economics History of the ET on TJMorrisETradio on blogtalkradio.com/TJMorrisETradio


Here is your Link to the voice of the Cosmos as ET ~ 

Ascension Age 2012 & beyond is the time to officially adopt the name of the second level, which is outside of this universe. We are awakened now to the possibility that there are others who have always been outside our macrocosm we call the omniverse. Stargate to the Cosmos of the Ascension Age.

The Ascension Age is the Golden Age ofCosmology and of Communication that We are ET as in extraterrestrials of various hybrids kind and share the body-mind-spirit having the birth-life-death experiences together as one humanoid species as bi-peddles.

Art, culture, education, science, technology, folklife, or history.

Co-creations and solutions on this planet of 12

Universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse…

There are those who have always been as the alpha males and omega females of the humanoid kind as creators. The one name that has been used in Atlantis in the past came from the world that existed prior even earlier than that of Lemuria that of which humanoids call MU.  The Alpha males and Omega females were those who our ancestors called deities as God and Goddesses. The future we will now accept is all in our minds of the past, present and present-future!

Extraterrestrial hybrid part in our own DNA encoding allows us to know that there is always a reason for Ascension Center Enlightenment as essence. Immortal thoughts and behaviors while we are here in a physical form will assist us all in the future.

There will be a time when many of us on this planet will begin to share out pathways outside of this universe and it is time we lay the groundwork for the various directions that will expand outward from this one point of origin we now call earth.

There are few whom I can open up to with a straight stream of consciousness and I must say that there are only a few. It has never been a normal pattern for me to open up and write to another direct. I believe that it was Dirk who had the good intentions for the good of this planet that allowed for others such as you and me to meet in a level of surreal virtual reality. This may be all that many of us will be allowed to share in this lifetime on this planet. This should be understood by all our planets churches of the continuous flow of energy in the future.

We each are a shard of the larger picture that our human physical sentient intelligent being species refers to as the Omniverse from whatever spiritual school of disciplines or manmade religions that may be familiar with in their upbringing. We shall all still be kindred spirits regardless of what religious culture or location we were born into on this planet and encouraging others to open up to the various world religions and their likes and dislikes as differences will be the best way to ask all who share this space in this place to realize that there are as many ways to believe, think, and become, in a world as there are separate units, vessels, containers of information in our created world.

We are correct in believing and knowing that life of the immortals is of a spiritual romantic nature of which the world of love abounds. It is the love of our humankind that has kept us alive, well, and coming to this planet repeatedly throughout time. This is a learning plane of life and abundance and those who come are to find their way through this life of transition.

We are all in a transitional phase and at the eve of the portal that will be offered to all who come here that we presently call life after death in this lifetime on earth. There are words that will become cemented in time that will attach to our energy, as it will be known in cyberspace that will be called the immortal web of our humanoid species in this place we call earth. Those of us who travel with the Time Lords will be remembered only as the Ascended Masters in time.

We who have come from the future to share the past will remedy that which has been taken to heart as the prior truth and yet was disguised and mislead many souls down pathways that could have been avoided. It is with great blessings that we are afforded our guides, sages, seers, teachers, and are allowed to be students of learning of the ancient mystery schools and ancient paths, which can guide us back to the power in our spiritual magick that allows us to become as the immortals, who created the entire omniverse.

We can then begin sharing how one can obtain the portals in time to go from one into the other as immortals once passing from the only awareness that many now allow themselves in time.

There will be those who shall assist us in adapting to the seven areas of this macrocosm awareness, which will, exists among our ancient ancestors and will return now as it was written.

LUCID DREAM STATE – The Other Dimension

We of the old traditions, who enjoy the wisdom of the ancient past, and who celebrate the present, will learn to prepare the future generations to come to earth with the written words as the power in knowledge used and not only the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. We can learn while we dream in the other dimension some call the 13th dimension and time here is the 12th reality or dimension.

We who are the scribes of the future share in the blessings and energies that are inspired by all the great ones of the immortals. It is with great fortitude and the breath of life that we are allowed to be here and to know of each other’s whereabouts on this planet. I have been allowed to see outside the Omniverse while visiting in the future by way of Sirius and Andromeda in what we now call lucid dreams. I am wondering if you also learn from lucid dreams. I wonder how many of our colleagues are taught in their dream state with a direct connection to their own creators.

The future must begin sharing that all beings be prepared to share in taking on the world class of all those who are poverty-stricken. This means that to remain as spiritual powers of the enigma of souls we will have to become recognized as part of the ancient powers that were to be heralded into the new information age as the Ascension Age 2012 & beyond.

Please join us who are the Lightworkers and Truthseekers.  We shall fulfill the prophecies of the ancients with the seven rings of awareness of the space with the future in the various levels and ages. The ancients share that which we shall govern in our future. Please assist me in sharing the various levels as those of ancient Atlantis as the universe, multiverse (polyverse), metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse…

NOTE ON STARGATE TO THE COSMOS SYMPOSIUM ON OCT 29 thru NOV 4th for 7 DAYS. We shall be posting the information on the new website called AscensionCenter.NET, AscensionCenter.org, and StargatetotheCosmos.com

Cultural References

We offer valuable information and opportunities for unique experiences at reasonable fee to cover expenses of hosting. If you are interested in any event and have 2nd thoughts about attending due to financial distress, please contact the event organizer for barter arrangements. We believe energy exchange brings abundance and we encourage giving as much as receiving. Our core intention is to offer win-win opportunities for everyone in the community while we transform human consciousness

JOINImageTJ ON ImageETRADIO on Imageblogtalkradio.com/ImageTJMorrisETradImageio and on her BlogImage on UFO Digest.comImage

Eugene Wesley “Gene” Roddenberry (August 19, 1921 – October 24, 1991) was an American television screenwriter, producer and futurist, best known for creating the American science fiction series Star Trek. Born in El Paso, Texas, Roddenberry grew up in Los Angeles, California where his father worked as a police officer. Roddenberry flew 89 combat missions in theUnited States Army Air Forces during World War II, and worked as a commercial pilot after the war. He later followed in his father’s footsteps, joining the Los Angeles Police Department to provide for his family, but began focusing on writing scripts for television.

As a freelance writer, Roddenberry wrote scripts for Highway PatrolHave Gun–Will Travel, and other series, before creating and producing his own television program, The Lieutenant. In 1964, Roddenberry created Star Trek, and it premiered in 1966, running for three seasons before cancellation. Syndication of Star Trek led to increasing popularity, and Roddenberry continued to create, produce, and consult on Star Trek films and the television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation until his death. Roddenberry received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and he was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame and the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences‘ Hall of Fame. Years after his death, Roddenberry was one of the first humans to have his ashes “buried” in outer space.

The fictional Star Trek universe Roddenberry created has spanned over four decades, producing six television series, 715 episodes and eleven films, with a twelfth film currently in post-production and scheduled for a May 2013 release. Additionally, the popularity of the Star Trek universe and films inspired the gentle parody/homage film Galaxy Quest (1999).

Enhanced by Zemanta

Looking for the T in Theresa and the J in Janette for Thurmond- Morris 2012 Sage, Seer, Shaman, Oracle?

We are now regrouping into those who are with the TJ Morris Organization. Poverty, malnutrition, climate change and water scarcity: these are some of the big challenges facing the world and our business today. We are addressing these and other sustainability issues. We continue to innovate and enhance the nutritional quality of our foods initiatives to support healthy lifestyles. We’re constantly learning more about the links between food and well-being, helping us create foods that make a positive contribution to health. We will be happy to share yours in the future. We are creating a location for all those who have shared their desires to support our groups in the past five (5) years.
We do share that which we find makes life not only better but easier in the world of the matrix web we call the Internet Online Experience.


American Chronicle | Alien ET Contactee TJ Shares the Death of her Parents prior to 2012


American Chronicle | Alien ET Contactee TJ Shares the Death of her Parents prior to 2012

FIND TJ FROM NOW ON AT TJMORRRIS.org at http://tjmorris.org


Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris was born December 26, 1951 at NOON, a CAPRICORN with AQUARIUS RISING!

Now, learn of the Alien Extraterrestrial Hybrids Beginnings in the Book SERIES called “TAKEN UP”!

“Movies are what bring us all closer together!” TJTM

and HTTP://facebook.com/THERESAMORRIS

also TJThurmondMorris


BLUEHOST.COM was chosen based on the location in LDS COUNTRY – UTAH!


TJ is an Ambassador of Goodwill for American Culture International Relations as ACIR

Jan Morris – TJ Morris tm ACIR sm – Timely Manor Books – Morris Publishing USA

By: Debra Flora


Cyrellys Geibhendach
Robert Rosales

Logos vary depending on the project. Logos are the designers creators with priced at drawing or photo for  articles,books,magazines, news, media online and for educations and research.
TJ Thurmond Morris.  TJ Morris tm ACIR sm, Timely Manor tm, Ascension Center sm, Morris Publishing & Morris Productions USA.

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris TJ Morris tm ACIR sm

Theresa (Tara) Thurmond (Founder) Ascension Center 1974

Theresa Janette Thurmond Logo TJ Morris tm ACIR sm “Keeper of the Flame”

Thomas R & Theresa J Morris
Morris Manor Book Publishing

Jan Morris, Journalist – Investigative Reporter 2006

Jan Morris Travel Writer

TJ Morris tm ACIR sm 

TJ Morris tm ACIR sm

ACE JOURNAL was founded by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, TJ Morris ACIR.

TJ shares her logo with her book publishers and husband Tom Morris.

The Ascension Center Logo is used for publications of the spiritual genre while the TJ Morris Pyramid, Ball, heart, and hands is also used on TJ’s personal books.

We are authors, writers, journalists, and those interested in all genres of life.

We specialize in the metaphysical, supernatural, paranormal genres.

However, we also publish Self Help Books.

We have several in our family of friends who enjoy writing stories and novels.

We also have westerns, and romance.

There are many of our scientist’s friends who like to write essays and books on their discoveries.


We only produce quality books. Our covers, interior designs, and printing are professional quality and equal to or better than competing books on the market.

Everyone working with ACE Books, including our designers, editors, printers, marketing team, and office staff knows that creating and selling quality books is of the highest importance to you.

Service to Our Clients
One of the characteristics of our relationships with clients is our personal, friendly service.

You will almost always speak to a person on the phone.

Our job, as we see it, is to make you and your business look good and to provide the resources to make your book project the way you want it.

Our main goal is to meet your needs.

Control of the project remains in your hands.

Service to People

We want to create books that help people and that make the world a better place.

We create novels that entertain and self-help books for improvement.

We even do textbooks that educate.

We team with you to create books that bring knowledge to the world and enlightenment to individuals.

We believe in the free press and the individual’s right to speak out.

But, at the same time, there are certain types of books we do not work on.

We do not produce books that are considered pornographic or that advocate violence or hate. Integrity, quality, and service are the foundation of our principles.

We invite you to find out about us on our websites and from our friends on Facebook, book authors and writers.


Alien ET Persuasion vs. Angel Spirit Faith in Omniverse
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

I believe in ancient astronauts as our ancient ancestors did. I also believe alien civilizations exist. I have found a way to be at peace inside my soul.

I enjoyed the last century with the old time religion but then I found I liked the Old Path of the Wiccan and Mother Goddess better and more agreeable.

I was raised an American Christian in the United States of America. Maybe the alien ET persuasion is actually the angel spirit faith that my ancestors believed in. It could be that Jesus was from above being that he said he was not from this world was but from one above. I believe a different way than most of my Christian friends here in Western Kentucky, which just happens to be a part of the country called the Bible belt.

Is it possible to be spiritual and not religious? I believe we can have a spiritual life without conforming to a particular religion. I believe that this is where we are all headed on planet earth in the new Ascension Age.

I have had ET experiences and UFO sightings. I have memories of beings that are my family in space. Does this make me delusional, as some would have me think and believe? I want to believe in the spirit and Nature’s God as the energy that flows in and out of all of us like the breath of life.

We are leaving behind the old ways of the church and state with empires and will be entering a new era of mediation and unity of our spirits.

What this will mean in the future depends on all of us on the planet. We are all human beings and we are Homo sapiens who believe we come from those above. Regardless of how we prefer to worship, we will need to go by the universal rights of all people in this world and not by our religions, which divide us.

Comfort of the spirit is important for us all. Some of us may not realize how important being comfortable inside our own body-mind-spirit we become. We have a saying here in the hills of Kentucky that seems like it always applies to those who are close to death. Most of the middle-aged folks will say that a person who is on their deathbed will find the Lord. Some I have seen die alone and the assured me that in their lifetime there was no God and that the Bible was a fairy tale of men to keep order in the past by those in charge.

Grandpa John Crystal Morris died at 108 years 11 months in October 2008.

He never was ill nor had a headache his whole life, which he devoted to God. He found peace in his spirit by becoming a preacher of the word of God. He believed in the Bible and actually was writing articles for the weekly church page in the local newspaper when he died. He believed and asks me to carry on with the spirit, which he believed I had. I told him I would and yet I never told him about my extraterrestrial experiences.

I feel my ET experiences were peaceful and gratifying to me. They were for me to learn about life and how to become a writer to assist others in their time of need.

I do not know how not to be a Christian because that is how I always described myself to others when asked. I never met the man Jesus in person but I do believe he was real at a time when he was needed on earth. I do not believe he is like the Santa Clause archetype. I believe that he was a metaphysician.

Some people have become weary of me because I am a spiritual being and write with the words of one who seems to be talking many world religions.

I have studied and practiced some Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and become a Tantrica in Tantra Yoga. I have learned about the men of the masons and learned how those who founded the United States of America believed in Nature’s God and did not want religion to become a part of our new world. There was a time when science and enlightenment were more for people of reason and brought forth-critical thinking for one’s own self.

There is a time on earth when we are brought into our casing as our human vessel. We call this birth or those who are awaiting our arrival are greeting us as a newborn baby fresh from our biological mother’s womb.

It is very hard to separate the spiritual energy from the physical body. A mother feels her child inside of her and we know we can trace the growth process of humanoid life forms almost from the time of inception. We have tests that we can use at home we call pregnancy tests which are strips that allow one to know at the time a woman suspects her menstrual period is late.

How can we ignore that our spiritual being has nothing to do with our own personal energy that we relate too inside our own neurological system and brain? There has to be energy as spirit, which we train to have our thoughts and memories, that we relate too whether we are awake or sleeping.

When we are sleeping, we are dreaming.

I am going to share some of my own personal thoughts and use my own experiences to share my story.

I honestly do not recall memories of being in my mother’s womb/

However, I do have memories prior to that. My stories will not make sense to most of my readers because I have shared so much of my past already.

I have been doing much of what we call soul searching.

I am at a time in this lifetime when I am in the middle of my grown children who are all now considered middle aged with children of their own and seeing my husband and mother both in ill health.

It is a time of reflex ion and on many nights of grieving for my mother and husband’s pain.

We all have a part of us inside that we in America have learned to share as our good and bad sides.

What I have learned about those who are extraterrestrials is not very harmful or pleasant.

I have memories that are from past life memories.

Some of my memories I received when I died and left my physical body.

I fall into the parapsychology areas of study due to my near death and out of body experiences in life.

I have decided to share that I am researching the parts of me that are all within me as one sentient intelligent being and am considered humanoid.

However, I am wondering how to proceed with proving what I know to be me versus the other parts of me that are memories of my past lives.

There seems to be some correlation and a permanent energy that allows all of the memories to be on a time line.

This is why I believe that people like me are considered time travelers because we have to have some facsimile of a time line in order to have memories of our past, which is long before we are born in this lifetime.

Those who are into the spiritual realms and believe in spirits and possible ghosts may have an easier time of understanding people with memories of past lives.

One might ask what does this have to do with aliens and extraterrestrials or angels and spirits. One might think that I am prone toward fantasy and fiction and this is not the case. I have a very hard time writing anything in fantasy and my imagination is lacking in that department.

I know because my husband and mother are writers and I see at what east they can find the words to write fiction when I can only seem to base all my writing on memories and experiences.

What has been nagging at me inside lately is the fact that I know that I must find a way to explain to others that which I am feeling about time as it approaches.

There are many who want to understand more about their

TJ Morris tm ACIR sm

own spiritual insight into what shall happen to them when the date of December 21, 2012 arrives.

It is my understanding in the world in which we live that we are all preparing for a major shift in the world that we realize may occur due to the planet aligning with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and our sun.

This will happen and we will survive or most of us will on this planet.

There are some of us who have had alien extraterrestrial experiences that feel that there is a time approaching much like that of the character Richard Dreyfuss player in the Close Encounters written and directed by Steven Spielberg.

We all seem to be sharing our thoughts with others who have various ideas of what might occur about this time on earth. We are wondering about the writers who offered us the “Left Behind” books and if we were all made to feel Christian faith believers have it right by believing in a savior for all of us who are here on earth. Most of us are choosing to go with the charismatic feelings and artful attitudes of our family and friends who attend church regularly. There is a revival of spiritual energy among those who want to believe in the being we call the son of God named Jesus.

How can we not talk about that subject as it relates to Jesus leaving earth and ascending up as in a cloud?

In addition, he said unto them, “Ye are from beneath, I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.” St. John 8 verse 23

There is so much written that can be interpreted to relate to aliens and extraterrestrials.

So many people will not listen when we speak of religions and quote from the Bible.
However, I have to admit that it is the words of the ancient ancestors in these stories of old that bring peace and I have seen many worried and troubled human beings who have sought peace and healing with these words that were created and recorded.

What if we are still to create and record words for others who will follow us?

The Bible is the most loved and purchased book in the world. It has out sold and out lasted all other books on this planet in all languages.

There has to be something that still binds us all together and that could be what is in the words, which are sacred to some and can be shared with so many on earth.

The angels are real according to the scriptures and there are angels who are said to comfort us here on earth and in heaven.

I pray and I do not consider myself religious because I feel that I am a spiritual being. I prefer to have one on one time with my creators whom I consider both a Heavenly Mother and Father. I choose to treat them both equal. There have been many times when I prayed to my father and my prayers were not answered. I would then pray to my Heavenly Mother and she would answer my prayers. Not this has happened on many occasions over the years.

As a child, I only prayer to my father in heaven. I was not told of a mother in heaven although now it seems only natural to have both. I cannot understand why we on earth were not told to pray to our mother in heaven.

I was a protestant and Catholics from what I am told will pray to Mother Mary and other saints. I have sisters who went to Catholic schools two out of three, and the other one is now a Catholic and married a Catholic for life.

Families usually will all attend the same faith but as my family got older and had their own children all my brothers, sisters did their own thing spiritually, and this included choosing their own faith for their children.

I have those who know that I believe in the words of the Bible and that I believe in angels and God. It is just that I do not believe I am religious because I practice no one religion. I call myself a Christian but I do not attend a formal gathering anymore. I did last year for a short time before my husband became ill.

When I was in Houston, I preferred the Unity Church that was shaped like a pyramid. This is not the Universalist but a church called Unity. I was comfortable there with those who attended church. I was a Latter Day Saint or what people call Mormons. I have studied all the world religions and I just do not feel as close to God going to church as I do praying in private.

I am sure there are others who feel the same as I do.

There will be some who will wonder how I can be a paranormal writer, consider myself a spiritual person, and not go to church with others in a formal setting as a church or temple.

This is something that I have struggled with all my adult life. I went with others while in the military. I go occasionally with my husband to his sister’s family and friends church called New Hope nondenominational but it is an old country type that is a Christian church with an alter where one can kneel and a pulpit up front.

I want to share my stories of my past lives and my memories with my other family in space but it seems so personal and so hard to find the words to share when I feel that I will not be understood or believed. My truth is sacred to me and will simply be another paranormal story to others.

I tried to tell one of my readers that I was not religious but was spiritual and I did not want to feel harsh towards him for warning others of my stories. I did not feel that I was religious and that I only shared what I believed to be closer to the New Age Ascension beliefs of being spiritual and using Jesus as a role model or archetype as we do so many other prophets and masters who came with information. It is just that we share many angels and avatar Agashan ascended masters with the thoughts of others who have come before as reincarnates.

It is hard to explain the way that so many of us feel about those who came before as writers and scribes. They shared their lives in their words and now it is up to us to share our lives and our words.

I may be misunderstood but I have honestly had experiences both on this planet and off in this physical reality and in other realities we call other dimensions and in other worlds.

I have learned about the five rings of the Omniverse with the five levels in space, which also coincide, with the five sizes of the God Particle, which will ebb, and flow through all that we know to be matter and antimatter.

It is time we all know more about the future, which deals not only in this universe, but also in the multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and Omniverse. We will probably come up with the other universes as the polyverse and this is okay for we are still learning about all that lies outside of this universe.

This universe is oval shaped, as is the larger exosphere or xenosphere. There are branes that are levels or sheets of energy that stand up and down like sheets hanging on a line in the breeze here on earth. The branes attract these various universes that float on waves in and out of what we presently call antimatter. This is all around all the universes, which all accumulate inside an area that mirrors itself like what we would call an infinity sign or an eight laying on its side. This figure 8 is the two ovals of the outside of the Omniverse. There is an equal and opposite of each or mirror or parallel universe on each side. It is like having a math problem and we have to have something on each side of the equation bar. I am trying to share that which I know exists outside of our own universe. I have seen these maps of the universes the way we may think of star maps.
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Jay (Global) said: 

To be spiritual is to be in truth, all religion is man made for therefore not true, Jesus was and still is a great being of truth, he worked in truth for God when on the planet, today he still works for God. I am bringing truths of this great man into a group called The Truths of the World you Live in, found under Groups on the main page, all questions call be asked and discussed, I invite you to take a look.
Mon,21 Feb 2011,12:40:23 GMT