Alien ET Persuasion vs. Angel Spirit Faith in Omniverse
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

I believe in ancient astronauts as our ancient ancestors did. I also believe alien civilizations exist. I have found a way to be at peace inside my soul.

I enjoyed the last century with the old time religion but then I found I liked the Old Path of the Wiccan and Mother Goddess better and more agreeable.

I was raised an American Christian in the United States of America. Maybe the alien ET persuasion is actually the angel spirit faith that my ancestors believed in. It could be that Jesus was from above being that he said he was not from this world was but from one above. I believe a different way than most of my Christian friends here in Western Kentucky, which just happens to be a part of the country called the Bible belt.

Is it possible to be spiritual and not religious? I believe we can have a spiritual life without conforming to a particular religion. I believe that this is where we are all headed on planet earth in the new Ascension Age.

I have had ET experiences and UFO sightings. I have memories of beings that are my family in space. Does this make me delusional, as some would have me think and believe? I want to believe in the spirit and Nature’s God as the energy that flows in and out of all of us like the breath of life.

We are leaving behind the old ways of the church and state with empires and will be entering a new era of mediation and unity of our spirits.

What this will mean in the future depends on all of us on the planet. We are all human beings and we are Homo sapiens who believe we come from those above. Regardless of how we prefer to worship, we will need to go by the universal rights of all people in this world and not by our religions, which divide us.

Comfort of the spirit is important for us all. Some of us may not realize how important being comfortable inside our own body-mind-spirit we become. We have a saying here in the hills of Kentucky that seems like it always applies to those who are close to death. Most of the middle-aged folks will say that a person who is on their deathbed will find the Lord. Some I have seen die alone and the assured me that in their lifetime there was no God and that the Bible was a fairy tale of men to keep order in the past by those in charge.

Grandpa John Crystal Morris died at 108 years 11 months in October 2008.

He never was ill nor had a headache his whole life, which he devoted to God. He found peace in his spirit by becoming a preacher of the word of God. He believed in the Bible and actually was writing articles for the weekly church page in the local newspaper when he died. He believed and asks me to carry on with the spirit, which he believed I had. I told him I would and yet I never told him about my extraterrestrial experiences.

I feel my ET experiences were peaceful and gratifying to me. They were for me to learn about life and how to become a writer to assist others in their time of need.

I do not know how not to be a Christian because that is how I always described myself to others when asked. I never met the man Jesus in person but I do believe he was real at a time when he was needed on earth. I do not believe he is like the Santa Clause archetype. I believe that he was a metaphysician.

Some people have become weary of me because I am a spiritual being and write with the words of one who seems to be talking many world religions.

I have studied and practiced some Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and become a Tantrica in Tantra Yoga. I have learned about the men of the masons and learned how those who founded the United States of America believed in Nature’s God and did not want religion to become a part of our new world. There was a time when science and enlightenment were more for people of reason and brought forth-critical thinking for one’s own self.

There is a time on earth when we are brought into our casing as our human vessel. We call this birth or those who are awaiting our arrival are greeting us as a newborn baby fresh from our biological mother’s womb.

It is very hard to separate the spiritual energy from the physical body. A mother feels her child inside of her and we know we can trace the growth process of humanoid life forms almost from the time of inception. We have tests that we can use at home we call pregnancy tests which are strips that allow one to know at the time a woman suspects her menstrual period is late.

How can we ignore that our spiritual being has nothing to do with our own personal energy that we relate too inside our own neurological system and brain? There has to be energy as spirit, which we train to have our thoughts and memories, that we relate too whether we are awake or sleeping.

When we are sleeping, we are dreaming.

I am going to share some of my own personal thoughts and use my own experiences to share my story.

I honestly do not recall memories of being in my mother’s womb/

However, I do have memories prior to that. My stories will not make sense to most of my readers because I have shared so much of my past already.

I have been doing much of what we call soul searching.

I am at a time in this lifetime when I am in the middle of my grown children who are all now considered middle aged with children of their own and seeing my husband and mother both in ill health.

It is a time of reflex ion and on many nights of grieving for my mother and husband’s pain.

We all have a part of us inside that we in America have learned to share as our good and bad sides.

What I have learned about those who are extraterrestrials is not very harmful or pleasant.

I have memories that are from past life memories.

Some of my memories I received when I died and left my physical body.

I fall into the parapsychology areas of study due to my near death and out of body experiences in life.

I have decided to share that I am researching the parts of me that are all within me as one sentient intelligent being and am considered humanoid.

However, I am wondering how to proceed with proving what I know to be me versus the other parts of me that are memories of my past lives.

There seems to be some correlation and a permanent energy that allows all of the memories to be on a time line.

This is why I believe that people like me are considered time travelers because we have to have some facsimile of a time line in order to have memories of our past, which is long before we are born in this lifetime.

Those who are into the spiritual realms and believe in spirits and possible ghosts may have an easier time of understanding people with memories of past lives.

One might ask what does this have to do with aliens and extraterrestrials or angels and spirits. One might think that I am prone toward fantasy and fiction and this is not the case. I have a very hard time writing anything in fantasy and my imagination is lacking in that department.

I know because my husband and mother are writers and I see at what east they can find the words to write fiction when I can only seem to base all my writing on memories and experiences.

What has been nagging at me inside lately is the fact that I know that I must find a way to explain to others that which I am feeling about time as it approaches.

There are many who want to understand more about their

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own spiritual insight into what shall happen to them when the date of December 21, 2012 arrives.

It is my understanding in the world in which we live that we are all preparing for a major shift in the world that we realize may occur due to the planet aligning with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and our sun.

This will happen and we will survive or most of us will on this planet.

There are some of us who have had alien extraterrestrial experiences that feel that there is a time approaching much like that of the character Richard Dreyfuss player in the Close Encounters written and directed by Steven Spielberg.

We all seem to be sharing our thoughts with others who have various ideas of what might occur about this time on earth. We are wondering about the writers who offered us the “Left Behind” books and if we were all made to feel Christian faith believers have it right by believing in a savior for all of us who are here on earth. Most of us are choosing to go with the charismatic feelings and artful attitudes of our family and friends who attend church regularly. There is a revival of spiritual energy among those who want to believe in the being we call the son of God named Jesus.

How can we not talk about that subject as it relates to Jesus leaving earth and ascending up as in a cloud?

In addition, he said unto them, “Ye are from beneath, I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.” St. John 8 verse 23

There is so much written that can be interpreted to relate to aliens and extraterrestrials.

So many people will not listen when we speak of religions and quote from the Bible.
However, I have to admit that it is the words of the ancient ancestors in these stories of old that bring peace and I have seen many worried and troubled human beings who have sought peace and healing with these words that were created and recorded.

What if we are still to create and record words for others who will follow us?

The Bible is the most loved and purchased book in the world. It has out sold and out lasted all other books on this planet in all languages.

There has to be something that still binds us all together and that could be what is in the words, which are sacred to some and can be shared with so many on earth.

The angels are real according to the scriptures and there are angels who are said to comfort us here on earth and in heaven.

I pray and I do not consider myself religious because I feel that I am a spiritual being. I prefer to have one on one time with my creators whom I consider both a Heavenly Mother and Father. I choose to treat them both equal. There have been many times when I prayed to my father and my prayers were not answered. I would then pray to my Heavenly Mother and she would answer my prayers. Not this has happened on many occasions over the years.

As a child, I only prayer to my father in heaven. I was not told of a mother in heaven although now it seems only natural to have both. I cannot understand why we on earth were not told to pray to our mother in heaven.

I was a protestant and Catholics from what I am told will pray to Mother Mary and other saints. I have sisters who went to Catholic schools two out of three, and the other one is now a Catholic and married a Catholic for life.

Families usually will all attend the same faith but as my family got older and had their own children all my brothers, sisters did their own thing spiritually, and this included choosing their own faith for their children.

I have those who know that I believe in the words of the Bible and that I believe in angels and God. It is just that I do not believe I am religious because I practice no one religion. I call myself a Christian but I do not attend a formal gathering anymore. I did last year for a short time before my husband became ill.

When I was in Houston, I preferred the Unity Church that was shaped like a pyramid. This is not the Universalist but a church called Unity. I was comfortable there with those who attended church. I was a Latter Day Saint or what people call Mormons. I have studied all the world religions and I just do not feel as close to God going to church as I do praying in private.

I am sure there are others who feel the same as I do.

There will be some who will wonder how I can be a paranormal writer, consider myself a spiritual person, and not go to church with others in a formal setting as a church or temple.

This is something that I have struggled with all my adult life. I went with others while in the military. I go occasionally with my husband to his sister’s family and friends church called New Hope nondenominational but it is an old country type that is a Christian church with an alter where one can kneel and a pulpit up front.

I want to share my stories of my past lives and my memories with my other family in space but it seems so personal and so hard to find the words to share when I feel that I will not be understood or believed. My truth is sacred to me and will simply be another paranormal story to others.

I tried to tell one of my readers that I was not religious but was spiritual and I did not want to feel harsh towards him for warning others of my stories. I did not feel that I was religious and that I only shared what I believed to be closer to the New Age Ascension beliefs of being spiritual and using Jesus as a role model or archetype as we do so many other prophets and masters who came with information. It is just that we share many angels and avatar Agashan ascended masters with the thoughts of others who have come before as reincarnates.

It is hard to explain the way that so many of us feel about those who came before as writers and scribes. They shared their lives in their words and now it is up to us to share our lives and our words.

I may be misunderstood but I have honestly had experiences both on this planet and off in this physical reality and in other realities we call other dimensions and in other worlds.

I have learned about the five rings of the Omniverse with the five levels in space, which also coincide, with the five sizes of the God Particle, which will ebb, and flow through all that we know to be matter and antimatter.

It is time we all know more about the future, which deals not only in this universe, but also in the multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and Omniverse. We will probably come up with the other universes as the polyverse and this is okay for we are still learning about all that lies outside of this universe.

This universe is oval shaped, as is the larger exosphere or xenosphere. There are branes that are levels or sheets of energy that stand up and down like sheets hanging on a line in the breeze here on earth. The branes attract these various universes that float on waves in and out of what we presently call antimatter. This is all around all the universes, which all accumulate inside an area that mirrors itself like what we would call an infinity sign or an eight laying on its side. This figure 8 is the two ovals of the outside of the Omniverse. There is an equal and opposite of each or mirror or parallel universe on each side. It is like having a math problem and we have to have something on each side of the equation bar. I am trying to share that which I know exists outside of our own universe. I have seen these maps of the universes the way we may think of star maps.
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Jay (Global) said: 

To be spiritual is to be in truth, all religion is man made for therefore not true, Jesus was and still is a great being of truth, he worked in truth for God when on the planet, today he still works for God. I am bringing truths of this great man into a group called The Truths of the World you Live in, found under Groups on the main page, all questions call be asked and discussed, I invite you to take a look.
Mon,21 Feb 2011,12:40:23 GMT



Because of a Humanoid of the World Called Earth, I am a humanoid considered one of the females of the sentient intelligent being species of the world the inhabitants of the planet call earth. Some regard it as Gaia.

There are many ways to exist on earth and most humanoids are creatures that prefer social settings in families first, friends of community second, social settings in towns and cities, third, and many realize they are part of a larger geographic setting of which is called their region, county, area of their country. Each of us belongs to a country or geographic location as our point of origin.

We are told we share in a comparison of whom we are based on our point of origin when born. There are main continents on the planet earth being that the world has land mass. We choose to live on land although a few locations have some people who choose to live in boats on water.

We are land creatures. We share the world with various types of plants, animals, and minerals. In this time on earth, we use time to compare out light and daytime to that of the dark and nighttime. We divide what we call a day into a 24-hour period. We have from sunrise to sundown as what we call day and the time of the moon from sundown to sun up the night in the dark. That is the basic idea except in some places such as Alaska where they may have 12-hour days and nights or longer variations. Therefore, we on earth divide our daily work and rest periods into what we believe our natural bodies tell us we require.

We as humanoids have a common comparison for our decision-making based on our general ideas and our conclusions based on our own critical thinking. We have decided somewhere and sometime along the way that we all need about 8 hours of sleep and/or rest in order to allow our bodies to heal and replenish the body-mind-spirit of which we are made up. We eat based on our needs for nourishment and have found out that we need water and food to survive. We will search for water and food during the day and will use the dark and night to rest and sleep.

We have also learned to share in our ideas as spiritual beings. We are called Homo Sapiens and Homo Religiosus because men and women of this world have recognized a need to worship gods It is said we humans created religions about the same time we created works of art. We learned early on that there is beauty and terror both in this world.  Things that we find wonderful and things we find terrifying.

This was part of learning how to be in fear of some animals and natural cataclysms that can end our life on earth. We learned that life can be easy or hard, can be full of wonderful bliss, agony, and suffering. We learned how we are vulnerable to the elements and can become prey to some animals on earth. We learned we can be harmed and live through poisonous snakebites or terrible rock slides or severe accidents of our body, our minds, and our spirits. Sometimes, certain parts of life can challenge all three parts of us in body-mind-spirit. We learned to develop prayer, meditation, and ceremonies of celebration and festivity to allow us to be thankful for our good times on earth. Then we learned to have faith in the wonders of life and mysteries in this world and how we excel on this planet as human beings. Some of us chose to write our thoughts down with letters along with the art in pictures.

We are told that the sky people are those above whom many of us decided to worship as Gods and Goddesses because they came and taught some how to live a better life and to grow things and what animals we would want to eat on this planet to sustain our lives. Our world has grown based on our ancient ancestor’s belief systems and faith described in legends, books, ceremonies, and traditions.

We celebrate various celebrations such as our birthdays, marriage to another being, the new harvest of food, and even the change in climates that mark the seasons where some of us live. We celebrate new birth of beings with birthdays and welcome them into our families and societies. We learned to share our family’s good times in communities and we gathered in what we called places of worship in nature and soon learned to gather and protect ourselves from the elements in times of rain and cold winter climates. We made houses for our selves and for worship to share.

The world began religions in various locations on continents around this planet. The most common world religions and ethical systems of beliefs, ceremonies, practices, and worship in center are of one or more Gods. Religions have brought people together and torn them apart.

There are now thousands of manmade religions on earth affecting how people live, what we wear, and how we behave. Here as a humanoid on earth, I live in the United States of America, which is part of the North American Continent. We are mainly Christians who believe in a God and a son of God.

The Christian faith is broken down into Protestants and Catholics, Jews and Gentiles. South America or Latin America is also almost all Christian as is Europe, Africa, and Australia. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2 billion followers. Christianity teaches the belief in only one God. Christians believe that a man named Jesus was the son of God and entered this world to save humanity from sin. Christians believe that are to follow the example of Jesus for salvation.

There are also Muslims of the Islam faith, which is an Adamic religion like Christians and Jews, which all three stem from the belief in Adam and an Angel named Gabriel. Abraham was the father of these faiths. The major Christian Sects are Eastern Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic Christian, and Protestant Christians are broken down further into Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Church of God, Presbyterian, Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Episcopal, Lutheran, Baha’I Faith, and African Methodist Episcopal (AME). There are other smaller religions of Christian belief.

There are others such as Hindu, Buddhist, and smaller number of other religions.

Buddhism as influenced Asian religions, societies, and culture for over 2,500 years.

Today most Buddhists live in Sri Lanka, East and Southeast Asia, and Japan. They believe in Dharma. The major sects are Theravada, Mahayans, and Mantrayana. Buddha is said to have set the wheel of Dharma in motion. Buddha taught that the key to happiness was detachment from all possessions and desires. There is a middle way of the eight-fold path a life between earthly desires and extreme forms of self-denial.

Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest surviving religions and is the major religion of India. Other followers are in Indonesia, parts of Africa, Europe, and some in Western Hemisphere. Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs that developed over thousands of years. Hindus worship several Gods and Goddesses, which represent various forms of Brahman the most divine spirit in the Hindu religion. Stresses enlightenment comes once a being separates themselves from freedom of desires. Followers will worship, attain knowledge, and live a lifetime of virtuous acts. The sound of “Om” and “AUM” is a sacred syllable of Hindus and is often used in prayers. The major Hindu sects are Shaktism, Reform Hinduism, Vaishnavites, and Shaivites. The three main Gods are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Vishnu is the preserver of the universe while Shiva is the destroyer.

Islam is the religion based on the teachings of a prophet Mohammad. Followers believe that God revealed teachings to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Muslims are concentrated in Southwest to central Asia and parts of Africa. Some migrated to other parts of the world. Shi’a Muslims believe that their leaders should be Muhammad’s descendants. Islam teaches only one God called Allah in Arabic language. They perform prayers daily and have the Five Pillars of Islam. These include faith, prayer, almsgiving (Charity) fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca. A crescent moon is a symbol of Islam with a star. The five points of the star may represent the five pillars of Islam. At least once in their lifetime, Muslims if physically and financially able go on hajj or pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. They face the house of Ka’aba or the house of worship that Muslims face in prayer and pray five times a day on their knees. The Muslims have a scholar class called ulama of religious teachers. The Qur’an is the sacred book of Muslims grouped in 114 versus or 114 chapters.

Judaism has more than 14 million Jews. Judaism was the first religion to teach the existence of only one God. The basic laws come from the teachings of the Torah the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Judaism teaches a person to serve God by studying the Torah and living its teachings. Orthodox Jews obey the Torah without question. Conservative and Reform Jews interpret the Torah to make its teachings relevant to today’s world. The Star of David is the universal symbol of Judaism. The symbol refers to King David who ruled the Kingdom of Israel from about 1000-962 B.C. The major Jewish Sects are Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative. The men are not to leave their head uncovered therefore they wear a skullcap or yarmulke or kippah.

Confucianism has no clergy and no gods to worship. Confucianism is not a religion in the traditional sense but is an ethical system that provides direction for personal behavior and philosophy guides of actions and beliefs of millions of Chinese people and other of the East. Thus, many review this as a religion. Confucianism is a way of life based on teachings of a Chinese scholar named Confucius. Confucianism has greatly influenced people’s spiritual beliefs. The Ying and Yang symbol represents both opposite forces in the world while working together. It symbolizes opposites both forces and social order and harmony that Confucianism stresses in daily life. Confucius believed that society should be organized around five (5) basic relationships between the following: ruler-subject, father-son, husband-wife, older brother-younger brother, friend-friend. Golden rule of Confucius “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.” The teachings or Analects of Confucius was brought to or collected by his students around 400 B.C.

Social order and harmony brings respect and good government based on strong family relationships. Respect for parents and elders is important to well ordered society. Education is important to the welfare of the individual society.

The Ascension Center is about Spiritual Intellectual Critical Thinking for ones self and incorporating all ancient ancestors beliefs as in synthesizing all the basic principles of what we have learned from the roles religions have played in the people’s every day lives.

We use comparisons and contrasting from both the left and right sides or conservatives and progressive thinkers to the middle for mediation. Ascension Center is about mediation for the good of all. We believe in the thinking and believing of the traditions of rituals and celebrations by cultures to remember our ancient ancestors at festival times. We believe that each person has free will and universal rights on earth to obtain their own opinions to gain in social relationships with others in the humanoid sentient intelligent being species on earth and in other worlds.

We believe in ancient astronauts and that alien civilizations exist. We believe in alternative assessments that interact with our history and every day living. We believe we are all alien extraterrestrials on this planet. In other words, we are all creations of DNA mixes from those above we all refer to as aliens and extraterrestrials. We believe we are made up of what is considered star people or those from the heavens came. We do not judge and incorporate many of the do unto others, as we want others to do unto us philosophy. We use mediation and believe in sharing our thoughts as readers, writers, composers, and enjoy the arts as much as being educated in the sciences.

 We believe both science and theosophy are important to our future reasoning and critical thinking. We believe in writing about history of our past, present, and future ways of our ancestors and our peoples love and life today. We share skills and believe ourselves to be aware of skill builders in art, culture, education, science, technology, folk history, history, math, and engineering. We study, research, and include personal, professional, and social economics in our global tectonic economics for the future of planet earth and all humanoids that will sustain life on earth in the future.

We believe in sustainability and the raising of conscious awareness for all beings on earth and in space. We believe we are all humanoids of the sentient intelligent being species. We believe we are here on this planet to shift and uplift our own spiritual bliss for the good of all humankind. We believe in the awareness of our own personal education and social education as synergy for the future expansion of the Omniverse. We believe in the universe, multiverses, metaverses, xenoverses, and omniverse.

We believe in Supreme Beings who have always been and are aware of those who visit earth from time to time and have always visited this planet. We believe that some of us have the opportunity to experience life on earth in levels to accommodate the future of other worlds to be created and terra formed. We believe we will someday have our spirits the spark of our creators in the beginning return to our beginning, which is called a soul. Our souls are where we experience the beginning as home.

We believe we as energy are immortal as are our souls.

We believe the Ascension Center is the center of enlightenment for all spirits that desire to return home to their souls. This Ascension Center is the palace of our place of peace for each of us in the internal of our body-mind-soul vessels, as well as, the signification of our external presence of our higher connection to our spiritual souls with a connection to our creators.

Therefore, we recognize those above with those below in the Ascension Center. This is our connection to the source and the power of the force we consider our higher God/Goddess Power.

Some call this force the God particle as energy that flows in and out of all things in this universe.


Gaia Hypothesis-Theory-Principle

The Gaia hypothesis, Gaia theory or Gaia principle is an ecological hypothesis or theory proposing that the biosphere and the physical components of he Earth (atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) are closely integrated to form a complex interacting system that maintains the climatic and biogeochemical conditions on Earth in a preferred homeorhesis.

 Originally proposed by James Lovelock as the earth feedback hypothesis, it was named the Gaia Hypothesis after the Greek primordial goddess of the Earth, at the suggestion of William Golding, Nobel prizewinner in literature and friend and neighbor of Lovelock.  The hypothesis is frequently described as viewing the Earth as a single organism. TThe independent research scientist James Lovelock first scientifically formulated him Gaia hypothesis in the 1960s, because of his work for NASA on methods of detecting life on Mars.

He initially published the Gaia Hypothesis in journal articles in the early 1970s followed by a popularizing 1979 book Gaia: A new look at life on Earth. The hypothesis was initially, according to Lovelock, a way to explain the fact that combinations of chemicals including oxygen and methane persist in stable concentrations in the atmosphere of the Earth. Lovelock suggested detecting such combinations in other planets’ atmospheres as a relatively reliable and cheap way to detect life, which many biologists opposed at the time and since.

Later, other relationships such as sea creatures producing sulfur and iodine in approximately the same quantities as required by land creatures emerged and helped bolster the theory.

Different processes contribute to the overall equilibrium; Lovelock formulated the hypothesis that these processes tend to work together, later naming this self-regulating system after the Greek goddess Gaia, using a suggestion from the novelist William Golding, who was living in the same village as Lovelock at the time (Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, UK).

The Gaia Hypothesis has since been supported by a number of scientific experiments and provided a number of useful predictions, and hence is properly referred to as the Gaia theory. Since 1971 microbiologist, Dr. Lynn Margulis has been Lovelocks most important collaborator in developing Gaian concepts. Until 1975, the hypothesis was almost totally ignored.

An article in the New Scientist of February 15, 1975, and a popular book length version of the hypothesis, published in 1979 as The Quest for Gaia, began to attract scientific and critical attention. Many mainstream biologists then attacked it. Championed by certain environmentalists and climate scientists, it was vociferously rejected by many others, both within scientific circles and outside them.

One of the criteria of the empirical definition of life is its ability to replicate and pass on their genetic information to succeeding generations. Consequently, an argument against the idea that Gaia is a “living” organism is the fact that the planet is unable to reproduce. Lovelock, however, defines life as a self-preserving, self-similar system of feedback loops like Humberto Maturana’s autopoiesis; as a self-similar system, life could be a cell as well as an organ embedded into a larger organism as well as an individual in a larger inter-dependent social context.

The biggest context of interacting inter-dependent living entities is the Earth. The problematic empirical definition is getting “fuzzy on the edges”: Why are highly specialized bacteria like E. coli that are unable to thrive outside their habitat considered “life”, while mitochondria, which have evolved independently from the rest of the cell, are not? Maturana and Lovelock changed this with the autopesis deductive definition, which to them explains the phenomenon of life better. Some aspects of the empirical definition, however, no longer apply.

Reproduction becomes optional: bee swarms reproduce, while the biosphere has no need to. Lovelock himself states in the original Gaia book that even that is not true; given the possibilities, the biosphere may multiply in the future by colonizing other planets, as humankind may be the primer by which Gaia will reproduce. Humanity’s exploration of space, its interest in colonizing and even terraforming other planets, lends some plausibility to the idea that Gaia might in effect be able to reproduce.

The astronomer Carl Sagan also remarked that from a cosmic viewpoint, the space probes since 1959 have the character of a planet preparing to go to seed.  This might warrant interpretation as a rhetorical point, however, as it equivocates two differing meanings of “reproduction” otherwise.

James Lovelock defined Gaia as a complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system that seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet.

His initial hypothesis was that the biomass modifies the conditions on the planet to make conditions on the planet more hospitable – the Gaia Hypothesis properly defined this “hospitality” as a full homeostasis See Climate change feedback. Lovelock’s initial hypothesis, accused of being teleological by his critics, was that the atmosphere is kept in homeostasis by and for the biosphere.

Lovelock suggested that life on Earth provides a cybernetic, homeostatic feedback system operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad stabilization of global temperature and chemical composition. With his initial hypothesis, Lovelock claimed the existence of a global control system of surface temperature, atmosphere composition and ocean salinity.

His arguments were: The global surface temperature of the Earth has remained constant, despite an increase in the energy provided by the Sun. Atmospheric composition remains constant, even though it should be unstable. Ocean salinity is constant. Since life started on Earth, the energy provided by the Sun has increased by 25% to 30%; however, the surface temperature of the planet has remained remarkably constant when measured on a global scale.

Furthermore, he argued, the atmospheric composition of the Earth is currently constant. The Earth’s atmosphere currently consists of 79% nitrogen, 20.7% oxygen and 0.03% carbon dioxide. Oxygen is the second most reactive element after fluorine, and should combine with gases and minerals of the Earth’s atmosphere and crust.

Traces of methane (at an amount of 100,000 tons produced per annum) should not exist, as methane is combustible in an oxygen atmosphere. This composition should be unstable, and its stability can only have been maintained with removal or production by living organisms. Ocean salinity has been constant at about 3.4% for a very long time.

Salinity stability is important as most cells require a rather constant salinity and do not generally tolerate values above 5%. Ocean salinity constancy was a long-standing mystery, because river salts should have raised the ocean salinity much higher than observed. Recently it was suggested that salinity might also be strongly influenced by seawater circulation through hot basaltic rocks, and emerging as hot water vents on ocean spreading ridges.

However, the composition of seawater is far from equilibrium, and it is difficult to explain this fact without the influence of organic processes. The only significant natural source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is volcanic activity, while the only significant removal is through the precipitation of carbonate rocks.  In water, CO2 is dissolved as a “carbonic acid”, which may be combined with dissolved calcium to form solid calcium carbonate (limestone).

The bacteria and plant roots in soils, where they improve gaseous circulation, or in coral reefs influence both precipitation and solution, where calcium carbonate is deposited as a solid on the sea floor. Calcium carbonate can also be washed from continents to the sea where it is used by living organisms to manufacture carbonaceous tests and shells.

Once dead, the living organisms’ shells fall to the bottom of the oceans where they generate deposits of chalk and limestone. Parts of the organisms with carbonaceous shells are the coccolithophores (algae), which also have a role in the formation of clouds. When they die, they release dimethyl sulfide gas (DMS), (CH3)2S, which is converted by atmospheric processes to sulfate particles on which water vapor condenses to make clouds. Lovelock sees this as one of the complex processes that maintain conditions suitable for life.

The volcanoes produce CO2 in the atmosphere, CO2 participates in rock weathering as carbonic acid, itself accelerated by temperature and soil life, the dissolved CO2 is then used by the algae and released on the ocean floor. CO2 excess can be compensated by an increase of coccolithophoride life, increasing the amount of CO2 locked in the ocean floor. Coccolithophorides increase the cloud cover, hence control the surface temperature, help cool the whole planet and favor precipitations necessary for terrestrial plants.

For Lovelock and other Gaia scientists like Stephan Harding, coccolithophorides are one stage in a regulatory feedback loop. Lately the atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased and there is some evidence that concentrations of ocean algal blooms are also increasing. James Lovelock defined Gaia as a complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system, which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet. His initial hypothesis was that the biomass modifies the conditions on the planet to make conditions on the planet more hospitable – the Gaia Hypothesis properly defined this “hospitality” as a full homeostasis(see Climate change feedback).

Lovelock’s initial hypothesis, accused of being teleological by his critics, was that the atmosphere is kept in homeostasis by and for the biosphere. Lovelock suggested that life on Earth provides a cybernetic, homeostatic feedback system operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad stabilization of global temperature and chemical composition. With his initial hypothesis, Lovelock claimed the existence of a global control system of surface temperature, atmosphere composition and ocean salinity.

His arguments were: The global surface temperature of the Earth has remained constant, despite an increase in the energy provided by the Sun. Atmospheric composition remains constant, even though it should be unstable. Ocean salinity is constant.

Humanoid Basic Rights of Life


The basic rights and freedoms, to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.


The Universal Declaration begins with a preamble consisting of seven paragraphs followed by a statement “proclaiming” the Declaration. Each paragraph of the preamble sets out a reason for the adoption of the Declaration.

The first paragraph asserts that the recognition of human dignity of all people is the foundation of justice and peace in the world.

The second paragraph observes that disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind and that the four freedoms: freedom of speech, belief, freedom from want, and freedom from fear – which is “proclaimed as the highest aspiration” of the people.

The third paragraph states that so that people are not compelled to rebellion against tyranny, human rights should be protected by rule of law.

 The fourth paragraph relates human rights to the development of friendly relations between nations.

The fifth paragraph links the Declaration back to the United Nations Charter, which reaffirms faith in fundamental human rights and dignity and worth of the human person.

The sixth paragraph notes that all members of the United Nations have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The seventh paragraph observes that “a common understanding” of rights and freedoms is of “the greatest importance” for the full realization of that pledge.

These paragraphs are followed by the “proclamation” of the Declaration as a “common standard of achievement” for “all peoples and all nations”, so that “all individuals” and “all organs of society” should by teaching and education, promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.

The following reproduces the articles of the Declaration, which set out the specific human rights that are recognized in the Declaration.

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of goodwill.

Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made based on the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it is independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11 Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence because of any act or omission, which did not constitute a penal offence, under national, or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14 Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15 Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16 Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17 Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections, which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23 Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26 Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all based on merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27 Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29 Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Human Rights Day

The adoption of the Universal Declaration is a significant international commemoration marked each year on 10 December and is known as Human Rights Day or International Human Rights Day.

Individuals, community and religious groups, human rights organizations, parliaments, governments and the United Nations, observe the commemoration.

Decadal commemorations are often accompanied by campaigns to promote awareness of the Declaration and human rights. 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the Declaration and is being accompanied by year long activities around the theme “Dignity and justice for all of us”. Significance

In the preamble governments commit themselves and their peoples to progressive measures to secure the universal and effective recognition and observance of the human rights set out in the Declaration.

Eleanor Roosevelt supported the adoption the UDHR as a declaration, rather than as a treaty, because she believed that it would have the same kind of influence on global society as the United States Declaration of Independence had within the United States.

In this, she proved to be correct. Even though not formally legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or influenced most national constitutions since 1948. It also serves as the foundation for a growing number of international treaties and national laws, international, regional, national and sub-national institutions protecting, and promoting human rights.

Legal Effect

While not a treaty itself, the Declaration was explicitly adopted for the purpose of defining the meaning of the words “fundamental freedoms” and “human rights” appearing in the United Nations Charter, which is binding on all member states. For this reason, the Universal Declaration is a fundamental constitutive document of the United Nations. Many international lawyers, in addition, believe that the Declaration forms part of customary international law and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of its articles.  The 1968 United Nations International Conference on Human Rights advised that it “constitutes an obligation for the members of the international community” to all persons.

The declaration has served as the foundation for two binding UN human rights covenants, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the principles of the Declaration are elaborated in international treaties such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention Against Torture and many more.

The Declaration continues to be widely cited by governments, academics, advocates, constitutional courts, and individual human beings who appeal to its principles for the protection of their recognized human rights.

12.21.2012 Begins Ascension Age.

We the Ascension Beings recognize the beginning on earth as the day set forth by those above with our ancient ancestors. December 21, 2012 is the present date that we use in time on all earth calendars as the new Ascension Age. The beginning of the Ascension Age and way of believing of our ancient alien ancestors.  



Because of a Humanoid of the World Called Earth, I am a humanoid considered one of the females of the sentient intelligent being species of the world the inhabitants of the planet call earth. Some regard it as Gaia.

There are many ways to exist on earth and most humanoids are creatures that prefer social settings in families first, friends of community second, social settings in towns and cities, third, and many realize they are part of a larger geographic setting of which is called their region, county, area of their country. Each of us belongs to a country or geographic location as our point of origin.

We are told we share in a comparison of whom we are based on our point of origin when born. There are main continents on the planet earth being that the world has land mass. We choose to live on land although a few locations have some people who choose to live in boats on water.

We are land creatures. We share the world with various types of plants, animals, and minerals. In this time on earth, we use time to compare out light and daytime to that of the dark and nighttime. We divide what we call a day into a 24-hour period. We have from sunrise to sundown as what we call day and the time of the moon from sundown to sun up the night in the dark. That is the basic idea except in some places such as Alaska where they may have 12-hour days and nights or longer variations. Therefore, we on earth divide our daily work and rest periods into what we believe our natural bodies tell us we require.

We as humanoids have a common comparison for our decision-making based on our general ideas and our conclusions based on our own critical thinking. We have decided somewhere and sometime along the way that we all need about 8 hours of sleep and/or rest in order to allow our bodies to heal and replenish the body-mind-spirit of which we are made up. We eat based on our needs for nourishment and have found out that we need water and food to survive. We will search for water and food during the day and will use the dark and night to rest and sleep.

We have also learned to share in our ideas as spiritual beings. We are called Homo Sapiens and Homo Religiosus because men and women of this world have recognized a need to worship gods It is said we humans created religions about the same time we created works of art. We learned early on that there is beauty and terror both in this world.  Things that we find wonderful and things we find terrifying.

This was part of learning how to be in fear of some animals and natural cataclysms that can end our life on earth. We learned that life can be easy or hard, can be full of wonderful bliss, agony, and suffering. We learned how we are vulnerable to the elements and can become prey to some animals on earth. We learned we can be harmed and live through poisonous snakebites or terrible rock slides or severe accidents of our body, our minds, and our spirits. Sometimes, certain parts of life can challenge all three parts of us in body-mind-spirit. We learned to develop prayer, meditation, and ceremonies of celebration and festivity to allow us to be thankful for our good times on earth. Then we learned to have faith in the wonders of life and mysteries in this world and how we excel on this planet as human beings. Some of us chose to write our thoughts down with letters along with the art in pictures.

We are told that the sky people are those above whom many of us decided to worship as Gods and Goddesses because they came and taught some how to live a better life and to grow things and what animals we would want to eat on this planet to sustain our lives. Our world has grown based on our ancient ancestor’s belief systems and faith described in legends, books, ceremonies, and traditions.

We celebrate various celebrations such as our birthdays, marriage to another being, the new harvest of food, and even the change in climates that mark the seasons where some of us live. We celebrate new birth of beings with birthdays and welcome them into our families and societies. We learned to share our family’s good times in communities and we gathered in what we called places of worship in nature and soon learned to gather and protect ourselves from the elements in times of rain and cold winter climates. We made houses for our selves and for worship to share.

The world began religions in various locations on continents around this planet. The most common world religions and ethical systems of beliefs, ceremonies, practices, and worship in center are of one or more Gods. Religions have brought people together and torn them apart.

There are now thousands of manmade religions on earth affecting how people live, what we wear, and how we behave. Here as a humanoid on earth, I live in the United States of America, which is part of the North American Continent. We are mainly Christians who believe in a God and a son of God.

The Christian faith is broken down into Protestants and Catholics, Jews and Gentiles. South America or Latin America is also almost all Christian as is Europe, Africa, and Australia. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2 billion followers. Christianity teaches the belief in only one God. Christians believe that a man named Jesus was the son of God and entered this world to save humanity from sin. Christians believe that are to follow the example of Jesus for salvation.

There are also Muslims of the Islam faith, which is an Adamic religion like Christians and Jews, which all three stem from the belief in Adam and an Angel named Gabriel. Abraham was the father of these faiths. The major Christian Sects are Eastern Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic Christian, and Protestant Christians are broken down further into Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Church of God, Presbyterian, Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Episcopal, Lutheran, Baha’I Faith, and African Methodist Episcopal (AME). There are other smaller religions of Christian belief.

There are others such as Hindu, Buddhist, and smaller number of other religions.

Buddhism as influenced Asian religions, societies, and culture for over 2,500 years.

Today most Buddhists live in Sri Lanka, East and Southeast Asia, and Japan. They believe in Dharma. The major sects are Theravada, Mahayans, and Mantrayana. Buddha is said to have set the wheel of Dharma in motion. Buddha taught that the key to happiness was detachment from all possessions and desires. There is a middle way of the eight-fold path a life between earthly desires and extreme forms of self-denial.

Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest surviving religions and is the major religion of India. Other followers are in Indonesia, parts of Africa, Europe, and some in Western Hemisphere. Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs that developed over thousands of years. Hindus worship several Gods and Goddesses, which represent various forms of Brahman the most divine spirit in the Hindu religion. Stresses enlightenment comes once a being separates themselves from freedom of desires. Followers will worship, attain knowledge, and live a lifetime of virtuous acts. The sound of “Om” and “AUM” is a sacred syllable of Hindus and is often used in prayers. The major Hindu sects are Shaktism, Reform Hinduism, Vaishnavites, and Shaivites. The three main Gods are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Vishnu is the preserver of the universe while Shiva is the destroyer.

Islam is the religion based on the teachings of a prophet Mohammad. Followers believe that God revealed teachings to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Muslims are concentrated in Southwest to central Asia and parts of Africa. Some migrated to other parts of the world. Shi’a Muslims believe that their leaders should be Muhammad’s descendants. Islam teaches only one God called Allah in Arabic language. They perform prayers daily and have the Five Pillars of Islam. These include faith, prayer, almsgiving (Charity) fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca. A crescent moon is a symbol of Islam with a star. The five points of the star may represent the five pillars of Islam. At least once in their lifetime, Muslims if physically and financially able go on hajj or pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. They face the house of Ka’aba or the house of worship that Muslims face in prayer and pray five times a day on their knees. The Muslims have a scholar class called ulama of religious teachers. The Qur’an is the sacred book of Muslims grouped in 114 versus or 114 chapters.

Judaism has more than 14 million Jews. Judaism was the first religion to teach the existence of only one God. The basic laws come from the teachings of the Torah the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Judaism teaches a person to serve God by studying the Torah and living its teachings. Orthodox Jews obey the Torah without question. Conservative and Reform Jews interpret the Torah to make its teachings relevant to today’s world. The Star of David is the universal symbol of Judaism. The symbol refers to King David who ruled the Kingdom of Israel from about 1000-962 B.C. The major Jewish Sects are Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative. The men are not to leave their head uncovered therefore they wear a skullcap or yarmulke or kippah.

Confucianism has no clergy and no gods to worship. Confucianism is not a religion in the traditional sense but is an ethical system that provides direction for personal behavior and philosophy guides of actions and beliefs of millions of Chinese people and other of the East. Thus, many review this as a religion. Confucianism is a way of life based on teachings of a Chinese scholar named Confucius. Confucianism has greatly influenced people’s spiritual beliefs. The Ying and Yang symbol represents both opposite forces in the world while working together. It symbolizes opposites both forces and social order and harmony that Confucianism stresses in daily life. Confucius believed that society should be organized around five (5) basic relationships between the following: ruler-subject, father-son, husband-wife, older brother-younger brother, friend-friend. Golden rule of Confucius “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.” The teachings or Analects of Confucius was brought to or collected by his students around 400 B.C.

Social order and harmony brings respect and good government based on strong family relationships. Respect for parents and elders is important to well ordered society. Education is important to the welfare of the individual society.

The Ascension Center is about Spiritual Intellectual Critical Thinking for ones self and incorporating all ancient ancestors beliefs as in synthesizing all the basic principles of what we have learned from the roles religions have played in the people’s every day lives.

We use comparisons and contrasting from both the left and right sides or conservatives and progressive thinkers to the middle for mediation. Ascension Center is about mediation for the good of all. We believe in the thinking and believing of the traditions of rituals and celebrations by cultures to remember our ancient ancestors at festival times. We believe that each person has free will and universal rights on earth to obtain their own opinions to gain in social relationships with others in the humanoid sentient intelligent being species on earth and in other worlds.

We believe in ancient astronauts and that alien civilizations exist. We believe in alternative assessments that interact with our history and every day living. We believe we are all alien extraterrestrials on this planet. In other words, we are all creations of DNA mixes from those above we all refer to as aliens and extraterrestrials. We believe we are made up of what is considered star people or those from the heavens came. We do not judge and incorporate many of the do unto others, as we want others to do unto us philosophy. We use mediation and believe in sharing our thoughts as readers, writers, composers, and enjoy the arts as much as being educated in the sciences.

 We believe both science and theosophy are important to our future reasoning and critical thinking. We believe in writing about history of our past, present, and future ways of our ancestors and our peoples love and life today. We share skills and believe ourselves to be aware of skill builders in art, culture, education, science, technology, folk history, history, math, and engineering. We study, research, and include personal, professional, and social economics in our global tectonic economics for the future of planet earth and all humanoids that will sustain life on earth in the future.

We believe in sustainability and the raising of conscious awareness for all beings on earth and in space. We believe we are all humanoids of the sentient intelligent being species. We believe we are here on this planet to shift and uplift our own spiritual bliss for the good of all humankind. We believe in the awareness of our own personal education and social education as synergy for the future expansion of the Omniverse. We believe in the universe, multiverses, metaverses, xenoverses, and omniverse.

We believe in Supreme Beings who have always been and are aware of those who visit earth from time to time and have always visited this planet. We believe that some of us have the opportunity to experience life on earth in levels to accommodate the future of other worlds to be created and terra formed. We believe we will someday have our spirits the spark of our creators in the beginning return to our beginning, which is called a soul. Our souls are where we experience the beginning as home.

We believe we as energy are immortal as are our souls.

We believe the Ascension Center is the center of enlightenment for all spirits that desire to return home to their souls. This Ascension Center is the palace of our place of peace for each of us in the internal of our body-mind-soul vessels, as well as, the signification of our external presence of our higher connection to our spiritual souls with a connection to our creators.

Therefore, we recognize those above with those below in the Ascension Center. This is our connection to the source and the power of the force we consider our higher God/Goddess Power.

Some call this force the God particle as energy that flows in and out of all things in this universe.


Gaia Hypothesis-Theory-Principle

The Gaia hypothesis, Gaia theory or Gaia principle is an ecological hypothesis or theory proposing that the biosphere and the physical components of he Earth (atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) are closely integrated to form a complex interacting system that maintains the climatic and biogeochemical conditions on Earth in a preferred homeorhesis.

 Originally proposed by James Lovelock as the earth feedback hypothesis, it was named the Gaia Hypothesis after the Greek primordial goddess of the Earth, at the suggestion of William Golding, Nobel prizewinner in literature and friend and neighbor of Lovelock.  The hypothesis is frequently described as viewing the Earth as a single organism. TThe independent research scientist James Lovelock first scientifically formulated him Gaia hypothesis in the 1960s, because of his work for NASA on methods of detecting life on Mars.

He initially published the Gaia Hypothesis in journal articles in the early 1970s followed by a popularizing 1979 book Gaia: A new look at life on Earth. The hypothesis was initially, according to Lovelock, a way to explain the fact that combinations of chemicals including oxygen and methane persist in stable concentrations in the atmosphere of the Earth. Lovelock suggested detecting such combinations in other planets’ atmospheres as a relatively reliable and cheap way to detect life, which many biologists opposed at the time and since.

Later, other relationships such as sea creatures producing sulfur and iodine in approximately the same quantities as required by land creatures emerged and helped bolster the theory.

Different processes contribute to the overall equilibrium; Lovelock formulated the hypothesis that these processes tend to work together, later naming this self-regulating system after the Greek goddess Gaia, using a suggestion from the novelist William Golding, who was living in the same village as Lovelock at the time (Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, UK).

The Gaia Hypothesis has since been supported by a number of scientific experiments and provided a number of useful predictions, and hence is properly referred to as the Gaia theory. Since 1971 microbiologist, Dr. Lynn Margulis has been Lovelocks most important collaborator in developing Gaian concepts. Until 1975, the hypothesis was almost totally ignored.

An article in the New Scientist of February 15, 1975, and a popular book length version of the hypothesis, published in 1979 as The Quest for Gaia, began to attract scientific and critical attention. Many mainstream biologists then attacked it. Championed by certain environmentalists and climate scientists, it was vociferously rejected by many others, both within scientific circles and outside them.

One of the criteria of the empirical definition of life is its ability to replicate and pass on their genetic information to succeeding generations. Consequently, an argument against the idea that Gaia is a “living” organism is the fact that the planet is unable to reproduce. Lovelock, however, defines life as a self-preserving, self-similar system of feedback loops like Humberto Maturana’s autopoiesis; as a self-similar system, life could be a cell as well as an organ embedded into a larger organism as well as an individual in a larger inter-dependent social context.

The biggest context of interacting inter-dependent living entities is the Earth. The problematic empirical definition is getting “fuzzy on the edges”: Why are highly specialized bacteria like E. coli that are unable to thrive outside their habitat considered “life”, while mitochondria, which have evolved independently from the rest of the cell, are not? Maturana and Lovelock changed this with the autopesis deductive definition, which to them explains the phenomenon of life better. Some aspects of the empirical definition, however, no longer apply.

Reproduction becomes optional: bee swarms reproduce, while the biosphere has no need to. Lovelock himself states in the original Gaia book that even that is not true; given the possibilities, the biosphere may multiply in the future by colonizing other planets, as humankind may be the primer by which Gaia will reproduce. Humanity’s exploration of space, its interest in colonizing and even terraforming other planets, lends some plausibility to the idea that Gaia might in effect be able to reproduce.

The astronomer Carl Sagan also remarked that from a cosmic viewpoint, the space probes since 1959 have the character of a planet preparing to go to seed.  This might warrant interpretation as a rhetorical point, however, as it equivocates two differing meanings of “reproduction” otherwise.

James Lovelock defined Gaia as a complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system that seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet.

His initial hypothesis was that the biomass modifies the conditions on the planet to make conditions on the planet more hospitable – the Gaia Hypothesis properly defined this “hospitality” as a full homeostasis See Climate change feedback. Lovelock’s initial hypothesis, accused of being teleological by his critics, was that the atmosphere is kept in homeostasis by and for the biosphere.

Lovelock suggested that life on Earth provides a cybernetic, homeostatic feedback system operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad stabilization of global temperature and chemical composition. With his initial hypothesis, Lovelock claimed the existence of a global control system of surface temperature, atmosphere composition and ocean salinity.

His arguments were: The global surface temperature of the Earth has remained constant, despite an increase in the energy provided by the Sun. Atmospheric composition remains constant, even though it should be unstable. Ocean salinity is constant. Since life started on Earth, the energy provided by the Sun has increased by 25% to 30%; however, the surface temperature of the planet has remained remarkably constant when measured on a global scale.

Furthermore, he argued, the atmospheric composition of the Earth is currently constant. The Earth’s atmosphere currently consists of 79% nitrogen, 20.7% oxygen and 0.03% carbon dioxide. Oxygen is the second most reactive element after fluorine, and should combine with gases and minerals of the Earth’s atmosphere and crust.

Traces of methane (at an amount of 100,000 tons produced per annum) should not exist, as methane is combustible in an oxygen atmosphere. This composition should be unstable, and its stability can only have been maintained with removal or production by living organisms. Ocean salinity has been constant at about 3.4% for a very long time.

Salinity stability is important as most cells require a rather constant salinity and do not generally tolerate values above 5%. Ocean salinity constancy was a long-standing mystery, because river salts should have raised the ocean salinity much higher than observed. Recently it was suggested that salinity might also be strongly influenced by seawater circulation through hot basaltic rocks, and emerging as hot water vents on ocean spreading ridges.

However, the composition of seawater is far from equilibrium, and it is difficult to explain this fact without the influence of organic processes. The only significant natural source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is volcanic activity, while the only significant removal is through the precipitation of carbonate rocks.  In water, CO2 is dissolved as a “carbonic acid”, which may be combined with dissolved calcium to form solid calcium carbonate (limestone).

The bacteria and plant roots in soils, where they improve gaseous circulation, or in coral reefs influence both precipitation and solution, where calcium carbonate is deposited as a solid on the sea floor. Calcium carbonate can also be washed from continents to the sea where it is used by living organisms to manufacture carbonaceous tests and shells.

Once dead, the living organisms’ shells fall to the bottom of the oceans where they generate deposits of chalk and limestone. Parts of the organisms with carbonaceous shells are the coccolithophores (algae), which also have a role in the formation of clouds. When they die, they release dimethyl sulfide gas (DMS), (CH3)2S, which is converted by atmospheric processes to sulfate particles on which water vapor condenses to make clouds. Lovelock sees this as one of the complex processes that maintain conditions suitable for life.

The volcanoes produce CO2 in the atmosphere, CO2 participates in rock weathering as carbonic acid, itself accelerated by temperature and soil life, the dissolved CO2 is then used by the algae and released on the ocean floor. CO2 excess can be compensated by an increase of coccolithophoride life, increasing the amount of CO2 locked in the ocean floor. Coccolithophorides increase the cloud cover, hence control the surface temperature, help cool the whole planet and favor precipitations necessary for terrestrial plants.

For Lovelock and other Gaia scientists like Stephan Harding, coccolithophorides are one stage in a regulatory feedback loop. Lately the atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased and there is some evidence that concentrations of ocean algal blooms are also increasing. James Lovelock defined Gaia as a complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system, which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet. His initial hypothesis was that the biomass modifies the conditions on the planet to make conditions on the planet more hospitable – the Gaia Hypothesis properly defined this “hospitality” as a full homeostasis(see Climate change feedback).

Lovelock’s initial hypothesis, accused of being teleological by his critics, was that the atmosphere is kept in homeostasis by and for the biosphere. Lovelock suggested that life on Earth provides a cybernetic, homeostatic feedback system operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad stabilization of global temperature and chemical composition. With his initial hypothesis, Lovelock claimed the existence of a global control system of surface temperature, atmosphere composition and ocean salinity.

His arguments were: The global surface temperature of the Earth has remained constant, despite an increase in the energy provided by the Sun. Atmospheric composition remains constant, even though it should be unstable. Ocean salinity is constant.

Humanoid Basic Rights of Life


The basic rights and freedoms, to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.


The Universal Declaration begins with a preamble consisting of seven paragraphs followed by a statement “proclaiming” the Declaration. Each paragraph of the preamble sets out a reason for the adoption of the Declaration.

The first paragraph asserts that the recognition of human dignity of all people is the foundation of justice and peace in the world.

The second paragraph observes that disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind and that the four freedoms: freedom of speech, belief, freedom from want, and freedom from fear – which is “proclaimed as the highest aspiration” of the people.

The third paragraph states that so that people are not compelled to rebellion against tyranny, human rights should be protected by rule of law.

 The fourth paragraph relates human rights to the development of friendly relations between nations.

The fifth paragraph links the Declaration back to the United Nations Charter, which reaffirms faith in fundamental human rights and dignity and worth of the human person.

The sixth paragraph notes that all members of the United Nations have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The seventh paragraph observes that “a common understanding” of rights and freedoms is of “the greatest importance” for the full realization of that pledge.

These paragraphs are followed by the “proclamation” of the Declaration as a “common standard of achievement” for “all peoples and all nations”, so that “all individuals” and “all organs of society” should by teaching and education, promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.

The following reproduces the articles of the Declaration, which set out the specific human rights that are recognized in the Declaration.

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of goodwill.

Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made based on the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it is independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11 Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence because of any act or omission, which did not constitute a penal offence, under national, or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14 Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15 Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16 Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17 Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections, which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23 Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26 Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all based on merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27 Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29 Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Human Rights Day

The adoption of the Universal Declaration is a significant international commemoration marked each year on 10 December and is known as Human Rights Day or International Human Rights Day.

Individuals, community and religious groups, human rights organizations, parliaments, governments and the United Nations, observe the commemoration.

Decadal commemorations are often accompanied by campaigns to promote awareness of the Declaration and human rights. 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the Declaration and is being accompanied by year long activities around the theme “Dignity and justice for all of us”. Significance

In the preamble governments commit themselves and their peoples to progressive measures to secure the universal and effective recognition and observance of the human rights set out in the Declaration.

Eleanor Roosevelt supported the adoption the UDHR as a declaration, rather than as a treaty, because she believed that it would have the same kind of influence on global society as the United States Declaration of Independence had within the United States.

In this, she proved to be correct. Even though not formally legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or influenced most national constitutions since 1948. It also serves as the foundation for a growing number of international treaties and national laws, international, regional, national and sub-national institutions protecting, and promoting human rights.

Legal Effect

While not a treaty itself, the Declaration was explicitly adopted for the purpose of defining the meaning of the words “fundamental freedoms” and “human rights” appearing in the United Nations Charter, which is binding on all member states. For this reason, the Universal Declaration is a fundamental constitutive document of the United Nations. Many international lawyers, in addition, believe that the Declaration forms part of customary international law and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of its articles.  The 1968 United Nations International Conference on Human Rights advised that it “constitutes an obligation for the members of the international community” to all persons.

The declaration has served as the foundation for two binding UN human rights covenants, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the principles of the Declaration are elaborated in international treaties such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention Against Torture and many more.

The Declaration continues to be widely cited by governments, academics, advocates, constitutional courts, and individual human beings who appeal to its principles for the protection of their recognized human rights.

12.21.2012 Begins Ascension Age.

We the Ascension Beings recognize the beginning on earth as the day set forth by those above with our ancient ancestors. December 21, 2012 is the present date that we use in time on all earth calendars as the new Ascension Age. The beginning of the Ascension Age and way of believing of our ancient alien ancestors.  


By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

This is the “Great Awakening!”

 “Consider the Xenoverse – Regarding One World Government I bring you news that Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy will become one Galaxy in the future.

Prior to this time, we have dimensions and places to discover in this world and others. We can make the future possible with knowing more of the future in space.”

We have news that there will be global infrastructure of space involvement.

We must first overcome our fear of global community enlightenment among those who are not familiar with interfaith.

Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities. 2.The basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization. 2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area.


This world must learn to accept all that are members on this planet. We are all one species. We have others who are also of humanoid species in space. There are many more in our space time continuum to learn about. We will become ambassadors of goodwill toward humanity on earth and on other planets willingly.
– Baha’I Faithers – Interfaith Future of Global Community You have brought up a wonderful topic. I am glad you did! Thank you. Our future is in space. The control of the air space above earth is now more important than the control on land.

This is the final chapter of our future. We must learn to control our communication and become diplomats with esprit de corps in space. This news is not news to some but will come as a Thief in the Night to many who will not understand the rule of earth from Space. We are here to assist in the future of abundance and health for all. It is time to share the infinity squared and knowledge unknown in the Xenoverse to combine our futures.

1 6 3 3 =13 the power.

This is the “Great Awakening!”

This is the final chapter of our future. We must learn to control our communication and become diplomats with esprit de corps in space. I know how you feel regarding whether one world government would be good or bad so count me in as a researcher for what is best or for the greater good.

My main life goal as a Social Entrepreneur Ambassador of Goodwill deals with Intergovernmental Relations and Global Culture. We are all about to feel the change and the “MAIN SQUEEZE – 2011” is upon us. We are all feeling how small the world has become with the Internet.

Those who control Cyberspace control the world from SPACE! The future “EARTH GLOBAL GOVERNMENT” will be an “ALLIANCE IN SPACE!” Think about it. The security of our world deals with all the “SPACE SATELLITES” that can shoot and defend countries from space. We do not need only the “MILITARY INTEL” from the “MAIN FRONT”. The world of wars of the past military gains was from the FRONT on earth in the past.

This is no longer the case. We are now in control from the space levels! This means that we are now able to not only use “SPY SATELLITES” and “Global Positioning Systems (GPS) but we can control “NUCLEAR LASER BOMBS” from space. This is why the scramble for the “SUPER POWERS” between those of the old regime “USA-UK” vs. “ASIAN”/ There are those such as IRAN, IRAQ, North Korea that have battled for positions on earth and now in space. CHINA has the next GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITES in space and they are jockeying for position now that they have their products and services in place.

It is not like AMERICA or the NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT did not see this coming! We are now under the control of the five (5) Continent World. We are now looked at from space as all those who are controlled from above.

This is part of something much bigger than knowing the Internet from CYBERSPACE. We have come too far for all those of the old “MUSLIM ALLAH” control one earth. We must let the common folk once known as the peasants, serfs, poor, lower classes who have populated the world to know they have purpose while here. We cannot control them with only the “BEER” for “LABOR” fraud anymore.

This worked for only a short while in the 9000 B.C. time and we got some assistance with the pyramids in EGYPT! If we do not allow those who are in the educational process to become more open minded to the ways of the entire world via the INTERNET CONNECTION in CYBERSPACE, we can figure on a long “30 YEAR WAR”. This is not good.

The 30 year will wipe out our young men once again. We need them all this time to become educated scientist in math and quantum algorithms of the old Muhammad but with the new Ascension Center Enlightenment of the Future in the Omniverse in Space. We are all learning that the universe is only one on branes in space. We must utilize our young men in space and all continents.

Now, Education will take on a new energy that must be availed.

We must all fight for peace and unity and where this takes us may very well be into the new world government. The Bilderbergs was once simply people who meet to share the “THINK TANK”. They met in the place for a reason. This control does exist but not as a conspiracy theory for real. It is not being paranoid. We have many such groups that desire to control the world through corporate entities. We must look at the intelligence scholars behind the meeting.

It was always the way of those in positions of power to meet and discuss the future for all.   However, the International Banking System is only one part. The corporations and the old money regime for control is now dealing with technology in space. The future of communication technology and the future in stock markets are viral. The future of prescription drugs for the future is also viral.

For where I put my future is in education and sustainability. I am asked how to make the future better for all. People ask me “What can I do”. The names are not important but the energy is! We are all important and what we produce in energy is now more important than ever. The way we progress together in our groups for our own survival and enlightenment is important. The Baha’I Faith you mention has found a way to rely on corporations and the way to vote and become a part of the future.

Regarding One World Government – Baha’I Faithers – Interfaith Future of Global Community You have brought up a wonderful topic. I am glad you did! Thank you.  Our future is in space. The control of the air space above earth is now more important than the control on land. How to survive with all religions is a part of their approach.

I too have looked into their structure. The structure is good however, I do not believe in all that their scriptures of one man give them. He came from a material world and wanted to change all of that into the spiritual world. The faith of the Baha’I is still on the same supremacy of unto God we will return. It is a GOD faith. I believe that women are equal to men in soul and spirit.

We come from a Supreme Entity of both God and Goddess. I am just now getting into the structuring of the Baha’I with both male and female entities and how they plan to control the future when it all remains in who has the power in space.

We know that those above who control the extraterrestrial spacecraft as UFOS and USOS are watching all through our own satellite equipment in space. We have access to all so they do too!

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are more intelligent and can remain hidden as long as they so desire.

The part that we are now contending with is how much will they share of themselves with us in the future and will they finally land on the White House lawn in 2012?The future of our world lies with the date of who takes office for the Supreme Power of the world as President for 2013! There is either your SAVIOR or your ANTI-CHRIST!

Now having said that, this will decide who controls the future in space and where the SUPER POWERS will control the world.

We are all about being in communication and making sure that we all have more than the basics as food, water, clothing, shelter, transportation, and money in the bank for travel and tourism.

All of this now is connected to our future gadgets and how we will all share our abundance as health and prosperity for all! Right now, we have to create infrastructure and reshape the future with each global tectonic plate. We have to be intelligent and learn for ourselves that the past has a lot to do with the global future of Pangaea. The past created the future here on earth! We have to look at where we have been in the past and how the world will be shaped based on the Continental Divides.

This is what we call the “Great Awakening” in spirit in the relation to global interfaith of religions. All religions are about cultures in the future! It is just like a movie from Star Trek. We are going to all be able to travel on the future “STAR SHIP ENTERPRISE!” This was part of the future nine (9) controls. We all know about the control of the NINE and that all power struggles come from this NATURE PSYCHE of the HUMANOID beings. Be they on earth, in space, or traveling from one place to the other in the future makes no difference. It is apparent we have come to far to turn back now. This is our future!

We are destined for space.

 We will learn how to profit here on earth and in space. The future on the moon and the future on Mars are two points we not aim for. Therefore, it is only natural for all nation states to want to be a part of the future in space. They want to know that we shall create those on earth who will sustain life on earth while those in space control the future!

Therefore, we should not fear change but embrace is as social entrepreneurs all over the world. We shall move forward with shaping our energy as synergy to assist all on earth maintain their basics of food, water, clothing, and shelter through what we create as the next future United Nations Force and one in CYBER SPACE! We are all meeting to discuss the control of air and space communications with an agreement of some control by all countries based on their continental location. Geography now comes into play not only by the five main continents but also by the continental shifts based on the location of the Continental divides of the tectonic plates.

On earth as it is in heave so to speak means that what we can see from the images of earth declassified as our maps from satellites. We now know where we must concentrate our energies and moving people away from the earthquake and volcanic zones. We must control the areas of population control based on moving them from the ignorant places we allowed people to form cities.

We now know that we must take to the continent levels where tsunamis and Super Tsunamis will not destroy islands. We are aware that the future will depend a lot on satellite images of our fight for space for global crops versus control of those we grow in space. The future SUPER POWERS are those that will be controlled from SPACE!

Therefore, look for your ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT from the future alliance for a place in SPACE! One will always take to space while the other goes deep underground for control. This is the way we did it in the past and the same way we will keep our species from being destroyed in the future. It is always about survival of the species and this means the survival of the fittest. We now have the 7 billion mark we are approaching. Nature will take care of those who do not listen to the changes one earth.

We can now track these cataclysms from space. Those countries that do not join us with our Internet Cyberspace Information Control will lose our allegiance. Therefore, all countries must learn to share in the future of the Tectonic Plate Energies that are controlled by Earth. Those above control Earth! Those who do not believe in those above as the Extraterrestrial Controls whom we have called “THE FORCE” and “God” in the past will soon learn that we can control our satellites and predictions to some extent but,

We cannot control:” Mother Nature”.

 One might as why not in the future? – It will come when one day we shall learn but for now, we must learn to control space around each other as one space species. We learn to become at peace with each other and learn to survive being full of good nature, health, and abundance for all, then we pass on into the next level after this one and take with us as memories what we have learned here. Those who know about the higher realms that deal with energy in space have the better paths to follow in the future in space.  We will all learn about areas of space we call dimensions and other layers of abundance in the metaverse, the xenoverse, and the Omniverse.

We should all learn to maintain our own order in structuring the chaos in our own energy  In addition, learning to share the peace and order for all in the future. It is about not only control factors but also knowledge factors.  We create trust for our own spiritual selves first.

Then we learn to work together and learn sustainability for all that are in our group or species. Then we learn to terra form other planets and create beings.  We then to become as those in the Omniverse who can maintain order in the universal chaos we now call space. Space-time is another adventure we learn of where we are in relation to the point of origin for each of our own soul connections.

The soul groups may be a part of the future. For now, we must learn to keep order and to be democratic and allow for voting in our chosen leaders according to the variety of energy that will lead us into the future!

The future is in space.

The Internet Connection to the World Wide Web is one of the most important commodities next to the basics of food, water, clothing, shelter, transportation, now comes communication.  Our jobs will all revolve around the clean sustainability for all creatures on this planet! Love and Light. TJ Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris, Author/Entrepreneur consultant, trainer in mystical experiences that include Extraterrestrials, & Ancient Civilizations.  Original Story on UFO Digest World Government: Good or Bad Thing
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More Articles by AuthorTJ’s ET Paranormal Experience UFO Story For Christmas 2010ET Illuminated Hierarchy of the Omniverse as Time TravelersShaman Guides – Avatar Masters – Ascension Center Lightworkers – ET Guides – AngelsAn Alien ET Contactee Point of View of Our Past and Future OmniverseET Contact – Preparation – Alien Ships – establish protocols


World Perspective /  Share
According to a NASA scientist’s computer modeling, that’s how much an Earth day should have been shortened by the subterranean upheaval that triggered the Feb. 27 earthquake in Chile. Some basic physics explains why. Every point on the planet takes the same 24 hours or so to complete a single rotation around Earth’s north-south axis, but some points have to move faster than others to spin the full 360° by the one-day deadline. That’s because some parts of the planet are much bigger than others, at least in circumference. The Earth’s equator is 24,901 miles around. The perimeter of the Arctic Circle, by contrast, is just 9,945 miles, and if you stand five feet from the North Pole, the circumference you inscribe as the Earth rotates is a scant 31.4 feet. Yet in all of those places, it still takes 24 hours to complete a single rotation. (The fact that points along the equator move faster than others is the reason NASA and the European Space Agency put their launch pads in Florida and French Guiana, respectively; fire off your rockets in the direction the Earth spins, and you get a free 1,000 miles per hour. Earthquakes alter planetary speed in two ways. Shifting plates rearrange the distribution of the Earth’s mass, causing it to bulge imperceptibly in spots it didn’t bulge before and contract in others. That rearrangement should further shift the Earth’s inclination, or figure axis (the axis around which the Earth’s mass is balanced, which is slightly different from the north-south axis around which the Earth rotates) — in the case of the Chile earthquake, by about three inches. The law of conservation of angular momentum, however, requires that even under these exigent circumstances, the Earth’s angular momentum stays constant, which means the planet must step on the gas (or the brake) to accommodate shifting mass. The same thing happened in 2004 with the 9.1 Sumatran earthquake that triggered the tsunami. That earthquake should have shifted the Earth’s figure axis by 2.76 inches and shortened its day by 6.8 millionths of a second, according to computer models. If the physics seems a bit arcane, consider that you probably spent much of the past two weeks seeing the angular-momentum principle in action — at least if you watched the Olympics. Earthquakes change the Earth’s rotation the same way a twirling figure skater changes hers — by extending or tucking her arms in, for instance, to slow down or speed up accordingly. The only difference is that the skater does so decidedly more elegantly.

Thank you TJ.

You are very up lifting.

To answer your question, the reason I am confined to my home is that after my ex ran away with my children I became very depressed. I do not have many friends in the area I live and it is hard to make friends because my ex had such a vast reputation, every time I meet new people I hear stories about her and it hurts. It sounds silly but sometimes I feel as though the whole Gold Coast is laughing at me.
I do not have much of an income and I am still suffering from the break down of my tendons. I have just enrolled in a correspondence course on nutrition. Most of my energy now is focused on trying to get my children back and I have to appear in court a few more times to prove that my ex was lying. My children mean the world to me and without them, my motivation is limited. I know that sounds wrong to say that but it is how I feel.
As for my writing, I do want to write but I do not know what to write. I spent eight years on a fantasy novel based on the book of revelations but I deleted the whole thing.
My aim is to reveal the ultimate truth, about God, the universe, our history, the existence of ETs, the Heavens, our purpose and our ultimate fate on Earth, but how can I reveal truth when I myself am still searching. My ultimate goal was to write a great book and then make a movie of it.
The reason I deleted the book I was writing is that there was so many different interpretations of revelations and every time I learnt something new it would conflict with the story I had already written.
Although it was, still a great story it was not accurate and I wanted it to be more than just a story.
 Confidence is a huge issue for me too and I do not seem to have much left.
I believe that I will find the confidence and a sense of self worth again, ha-ha, all part of the journey I guess. I know that I will rise to a higher level. I thank you for your help and encouragement and you have no idea how much I am thanking God for your friendship.
What state do you live in? My mum and step dad live in Virginia, they moved over to the US about two years ago.
How often do you converse with ETs? I have added a photo of my girls and myself so that you can put a face to the name.

By: Graham S. Leadbeatter IV


My Dear Friend:

Here is a bit about my physical and spiritual life.

My name is Graham Sydney Leadbeatter the 4th.

I was born to this physical life an Australian (7 June 1981) and have never been outside of Australia. Mostly my nana, my mother and my sister raised me in a Christian home.
My father and mother divorced when I was only four. When I was four or five years old, I remember as though it were yesterday, I was visited by a being of light outside the window across from my room in the dark of night.
It was playing with me, it was as though we were both playing peek-a-boo with each other, but being so young I kind of thought that it was somehow my reflection, when I stopped and it didn’t I realized that it wasn’t my reflection and I got scared and it left.
This was in Richmond, close to Sydney NSW.
At age, ten we were now living in Port Macquarie.
I was as they say born again and then baptized. The pastor that baptized me spoke a word over me after I came up out of the water; he said,
“I can see God drawing you into him as an arrow is drawn into a bow. He will sharpen the head of the arrow and let loose the bowstring, sending you forth through the nations.”
About a month later, a different pastor was praying over me and spoke those exact same words, not just close, but the same.
My mother remarried to a man that had five children. He did not like me and was mean to me.
We all moved to Brisbane QLD.
At age 15, I saw a very dark spirit outside the kitchen window; it bought with it a very dark and negative feeling.
I could feel it there before I turned and saw it.
Within the same year I think, a pastor came from USA to an International Conference; again the same prophecy was spoken over me word for word about God drawing me in like an arrow.
Within the same year, I had one of those dreams that are more than dreams; I can remember it all clearly.


(I will continue in another email as this one is getting to be long and I do not know if it will send.)
—– Original Message —– Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 6:09 AM
Dear Graham:
You have been called to a larger good in your own self-actualization.
Yes – I shall assist you as will God. You have some internal spiritual being to do.
Help me help you.
First = Answer my questions about
In a message dated 3/28/2010 1:49:42 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Hi TJ,
I was hoping to ask your advice on something. I have been doing a lot of research/reading on NDE, and have found that no matter the religion it is love above all that matters, I was just wondering if you could give some advice on love and forgiveness.
When we have been or are continuously being hurt by someone, how we get past the hurt and love/forgive them. My ex-wife is a very cruel woman, though our 7 years of marriage I forgave her so many times of things that most would not forgive once and because I chose understanding, love, compassion and friendship it seemed easy.
Now she kidnapped my children and moved interstate. Not only that but she has put out a domestic violence order against me so that I cannot get my children back; I cannot even contact them by phone. I have not seen or heard from them for months and it is killing me.
I swear by all that is holy that what she is saying is an outright lie, we had shared custody of the children and she has done this so that she could move in with her boyfriend.
I have always been so forgiving and willing to move on but this is different now, the pain of having my children ripped away from me is too much.
How do I love her?
How do I rise above the hurt?
I used to be such a strong person but now I am confined to my house all day every day and am sinking into depression. I know that we must have trials to reach a higher and stronger level of spirituality but I just do not know how to get to that point when I try but keep being reminded of how much I have been wronged.
I cry myself to sleep almost every night asking God to reach me and draw me closer to him, just to be touched in some way or to be told that it is going to be ok.
But then I wonder if He cannot reach me because I am vibrating a level of anger towards my ex-wife.
I try to fight it I really do, and when ever I think I have forgiven her the next day its like I have to do it all over again.
Is there any advice you can give me?
Thanks TJ.
Although we do not know each other, I feel like I have an eternal friend in you.
God bless.
Please share your stories on websites at:
I also write on American Chronicle. Just go to the list of AUTHORS and look for my name under the “M” list
Theresa J. Thurmond Morris okay!
Then you can catch up on my at
In a message dated 3/6/2010 11:54:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Wow, TJ, I was not sure, if you were going to write back or not, and if so, I had no idea that your response would be. Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. I am a 28-year-old man whose life has recently fallen apart. I am a Christian and I believe the bible but I know that there is a lot more about the bible and the universe then what is taught. When I used the word alien, I did not mean it offensively. most Christians that touch the subject of extraterrestrials say that they are all of the devil, but I think that an extraterrestrial is a being from a higher dimension or not from this world, so in my view that would include angels as well. Lucifer himself was an angel so he was cut from the same cloth as holy angels. I am with you on this; I believe that there are good ETs and bad ones.
There is so much that I do not know, so many questions that I wonder if I will ever have an answer to.
I wish I knew someone like you in my life; I have always been the odd one out. I think on a completely different level to most people around me. on a much deeper level, sometimes I see things happening before they happen or I have a knowing that they will happen, but after it does I feel like I cant tell anyone because who would believe me. I feel like I am always asking myself is there something wrong with me. I want so much to learn about what is behind the curtain that hides the truth. I feel such a strong sense of destiny but have no idea what it is or how I will reach it. I have no career or area of expertise and I am not a smart man. I seek wisdom everyday, the grace to forgive and love, and a long list of things that should lead to inner peace. However, I always find myself back at despair. I am sorry to be writing this to you, I do not know what came over me, but as I read your email, you just seemed to have a really deep and beautiful spirit. Anyway thanks for writing back. Bless you
—– Original Message —–
Cc: ;
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:56 AM
Dear Graham:
I have always been in contact with spirits and have met Extraterrestrials in person in this lifetime.
I shall admit that I personally feel the energy of the one. Individual people refer to as Jesus.
This person like you or me lived once on earth.
I believe he was the one who was chosen and accepted to come to earth to show us how to return to from where we came.
I choose to believe that the world we now live in is most about ASCENSION.
Ascension is the process of being-living-and becoming.
I know that I choose to believe in the story of Jesus. This is all we have other than a knowing inside each of us.
Knowing Jesus is a personal choice. I cannot tell you what the Aliens believe as you call them. I believe that most of us in general use the word alien for those not born on earth.
I choose to use the word Alien for all those beings who are not of our morals, ethics, and born on earth resembling us as sentient intelligent beings.
I use the word aliens for those whom I am not familiar with on earth or in heaven or space.
Extraterrestrials are my word of choice. The intelligent beings that I know and have been with who have come and gone from this planet simply referring to themselves and others in stellar space and in other galaxies as intelligent beings.
Since, I you are the first ever on earth to ask me a direct question about Jesus, and I have never addressed this with my own stream of consciousness as my own memory banks, I should like to send this to one of my publishers that deals with this type of story.

Dirk Vander Ploeg has been in business over 10 years addressing the world of UFOS and the paranormal. I will say that I can only speak for myself about Jesus.

I love the wisdom that this great teacher was able to share while he was on earth. In my lifetime, I am allowed to call him my brother. In addition, I have chosen him as my Lord and Savior in this lifetime because I was born into his world.
In other words, I was born a Christian and this means that I know that I was born to live in his world with his teachings. The way he taught others to believe that were Christians was to believe in God, and Heaven. Hell was where we choose to believe Satan abides. For many who believe in these words and icons, they use them in context to mean what they have been taught, what they have read, and what their family, friends, and teachers all have learned to believe.
One thing about being an intelligent being is that we can be treated the same way that Jesus was treated according to records we have on earth such as the Bible.
I choose to be a Christian by choice. I also choose to believe that Alien Civilizations Exist by choice.

I shall share with you for the purpose that it may assist you knowing how another being thinks on earth who believes in both.

I choose to believe in the spirit that cannot be destroyed as energy called JESUS. This means that who this person or man was while he lived physically, mentally, and spiritually on earth was how I choose to live and be physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I have found no other person on earth to emulate in actions. This is my choice based on what I have read and what I deal with inside of me. I call this inside feeling my inner being. I choose to make known to others by choice in my words, deeds, and actions. This is what I refer to as my outer knowing.

How one chooses to live and exist on earth is not always up to the person based on where they are born on earth. There are many lessons for us on earth. Some of us can rise above our own level of existence. Some of us can only learn to deal with what level of existence we are born into.

I have been fortunate to have had many levels of life and living in one time. This includes levels of monetary gain, and locations on earth. I have been allowed to own things, and to be broke with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few in my car. I was able to earn a living beginning with nothing. I learned to take care of my children and myself. I learned that I am not perfect.

I have lived 58 earth years and can remember many lived on earth prior to this one. This is something that I use to allow me to know of other lifetimes on earth and in other places.
I have memories of what you might think of as Heaven. Therefore, to me, Heaven is very enough. However, until one experiences Heaven personally as in their own personal experiences, Heaven is a destination on earth. AS is what many refer to as Hades or Hell or where the Place is ruled by another whom some call Satan or the devil.

Some believe that these words are real and represent a being or spirit and some believe that these words are not real and only represent a story or a philosophy of how others may choose to live and believe.

The aliens who I know are good. They are what we think of as higher intelligent supreme beings because they have lived for many years more in space than we can calculate on earth.

In addition, they are in an empire with a group of twelve who share in the intelligent leadership for many galaxies.
This is the only way I know to adhere to the rules of which I am bound by on earth.

Most people who know me on earth have no idea who I am or how I believe. I appreciate you thinking enough of something that I have written on the Internet to email me your questions.

It takes a big person with a strong spirit to ask what you did. Some people who were born into the Christian Church as I was taught lessons in Sunday school and Church.

I traveled the earth and learned of many ways to think and believe in both the Eastern and Western Philosophies. I now embrace many as not right or wrong but just part of the way we as intelligent beings choose to believe.

There is no right or wrong beliefs in my way of thinking. Only levels of thinking and believing to get us to the place that we shall go to or come too.

I choose to believe that I will return to the place from where I came but with knowledge of earth and the people whom I shared life with on earth. This gives me great comfort in knowing that I am not alone while I am visiting earth.

I have a family on earth and a family above in space. This is where I choose to believe all my relatives whom I have had on earth pass on too when they leave earth.

I choose to believe that faith, hope, charity are real ways to think and that the greatest of all beings have an inner being that we call love. Love is the greatest of all and we are to treat others the way we desire to be treated. It is my hopes that you chose to write to me out of caring and love.

I feel that you truly wanted an answer to these questions and the energy just flowed from me very fast without corrections. So, consider this answer from me as a spirit and energy on earth that dwells in a physical, mental, and spiritual body while in a vessel on earth that you may regard as a human being.

I choose to believe that most of me is my own thoughts and conscious choices but I also believe that I have a comforter inside of me that some regard as the Holy Spirit and others believe that this is an alien, or alien hybrid part of me that I can channel by choice. I leave this up to you.

Remember that another cannot tell one what to believe or whom. We each are given our own spiritual spark or light that I prefer to call an Essence.

This essence is what some refer to as their spirit or soul. I prefer to believe it is our essence that combines all three parts as our body-mind-spirit while we are encased in a vessel or container on earth.

When our essence leaves our vessel or container, we return to our soul higher selves. This soul is made up of our essence energy that can never die. It simply can share in spirit as it visits various levels of existence in spirit. Our spirit is the energy that is also part of our essence.

I believe that it was Jesus who was one of these Aliens you have questions about. I choose to believe that we too are like Jesus and will someday through the power of Ascension Rise Again. We are all here to learn to be as Jesus or Aliens.

I believe that there are some aliens that are good and some are bad. I believe that there is a need for both so that we can learn from the way that nature has provided us ways to understand how to be as our creators.

I am going through thoughts now that allow me to investigate the 46 pairs of chromosomes or genomes that make up our lives on earth. I am presently thinking that we are made up of the best 46 aliens or extraterrestrials that existed out there in space.

I believe that there is a good and bad so to speak in all of us. I believe that we have pairs so that we can decide which way we shall become when we go to our next level of existence as intelligent beings.

This may seem hard to understand and I am just beginning to grasp the ideas from the Akashic Field myself. Learn all you can about life and those who are good and bad on earth. I choose to be more like Jesus than Satan is.

How you believe and make choices it up to you.

I believe that in the beginning of time, we were all one.

The best teachers in the world believe that we should only believe in another master if that master teaches we are all one in the beginning.

Whether you believe in a destination and procreation of the world or another is part of who we are as individuals.

There is much to know on earth and there are many paths. It is best to create your own path and leave a trail for others. This is what I presently choose to do.
I do not say that another or mine is better than yours is. Only that there are various roads that lead to the same places.

 Enjoy life and share what you can that you feel is right and good and leave the rest behind.

There is knowledge and wisdom on the road and in the hedges of life along the road or path. The hours that we spend in the journey of a lifetime are what counts for us now. The time that we are allowed on earth is short. Enjoy your time and hours each day and allow for nutrition, and sleep. Do what you can to remain alive on earth for one never knows what the future holds only that we are each in control of our own lives to some extent. This leads me to a place and word called destiny and another is fate.

There are pros and cons about fate and destiny and I am contemplating both words but have no sure answer as to how I believe and am not willing to commit to either. I do know that I have tools such as the Tree of Life, and the Tarot deck of cards that have been accurate for others and me.

Learn all you can about the mystical and magical beings and places on earth.
I hope this information is helpful. All I can do is hope that this information is helpful to you.

There is an old saying on earth that I have learned that for me works. It is this, “When the student is ready, the Master will appear!”

Love and Light along with Health and Prosperity from those above the Extraterrestrials (ETs)

In a message dated 2/28/2010 7:34:35 A.M. Central Standard Time,  writes:
Hi my name is graham, are you in contact with aliens? I saw a UFO once with my brother. I was wondering, what do aliens say about Jesus? I have seen many documentaries on people that have died (some even for 3 days) and come back to life (most through prayer) and they all swear the same thing, that Jesus is real, and that heaven and hell is real. If you are in contact with aliens, I was wondering if they know of Jesus



Dear TJ:

In the dream I was walking through a very thick forest and came to a place where many forms witchcraft were evident on the ground, I turned to my left and walked through what was like a tunnel of trees, and then I came to a huge mountain, straight up on a 90-degree angle.
I wasted no time and started to climb, halfway up I noticed that within the caves of this mountain were hundreds, maybe even thousands of evil forces trying to stop me from going on, telling me that I will never make it and that they will kill me, they were witches, witch doctors and spirits.
I placed my hand up on a tiny ledge to pull myself up and realized that I had taken hold of a skull with a snake on it, I threw it down the mountain and kept going, the higher I got the more they would yell at me, it was so hard but I finally reached the top, as I pulled myself up, there were so many evil beings at the top of the mountain that were looking at me with anticipation, as soon as I stood up straight on the top of the mountain I looked around at all the evil beings, they fled from me as though they were now terrified of me, screaming in fear as they went. That was the end of the dream.



I left school at grade at the beginning of grade 11. oh wait, I just remembered, over a year ago I started writing some things down on my laptop, it’s not much but I was thinking of writing a biography one day, it’s kind of all over the place and it jumps from time to time.
There really is not much in it at all but I will attach it anyway. I stopped writing it because there is just too much to remember and put in, some of it is in the form of a novel and some in the form of a journal. I have learnt a lot since then and some of what I wrote.
I wrote when I was very upset.
When I was 10 I was baptized, the pastor prophesied over me and said that god would draw me into him as an arrow is drawn into a bow. Then he said that he would sharpen the arrowhead and let loose the bowstring, sending me forth through the nations doing his will.
He also said that god would catch all of my tears and replace each one with joy.
I think it was about a year or so later that another pastor that had never heard this prophesies spoke over me spoke the exact same prophesy word for word. This was mystifying to me.
Then in my mid teens, I was at an international conference in a deferent state. A guest speaker from the USA came overflowing with the Holy Spirit, again the same prophesy was spoken word for word over me.
God was always talking to me in some way, when I was 19 I was living out of God’s favor.
Because I blamed him for heartache, life was miserable and I felt trapped.
One day I shook my fist to the sky and yelled at God saying,
“All that you are is a lie and the biggest lie you ever told is I will never leave you nor forsake you. Ha! What a joke.”
Three days had past and I was so guilt ridden.
I thought that God was going to do something drastic to punish me.
I went downstairs and started going through some of my boxes, no reason, I was just board. Would you believe the first thing that I pulled out was a bible?
I fell to my knees and spoke to God for the first time in three days. I held the bible close and said Lord if you really love me then please communicate with me.
I closed my eyes, flipped the bible open, and read where my thumb was.
I burst out crying when I read the words; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I was about 20 when I had the idea to write a fantasy novel based on Christianity or a bible story. The story had changed a lot before I knew that the Book of Revelations would be the foundation of the story.
All my life I always felt different to others around me.
I always felt like there was some great destiny waiting for me.
My mother always prayed that God would speak to me with dreams and visions. He has done so more times than I can tell.
When I was 21 I got married to a young woman, I met at my mum’s church.
I spent seven (7) of the most painful and hurtful years of my life with her.
I knew that as long as I was with her I could never live a Christian life.
God often spoke to me about what was going on behind my back, and then others would confirm it.
In the end, the whole town was telling me.
During my marriage I never really had much motivation to seek more out of my life, it was something I always put off. I knew that I would have to study Revelations before I could write a story about it. Every time I cried out to God for help (and I mean CRIED out for help), he would always give me some kind of sign.
Just one example, when we were blessed with our third child I would sleep out in the lounge room sometimes with her, so my wife could sleep.
One day I cried out to God and said I cannot write this story on something I do not understand.
I questioned whether my destiny was real. That night I slept in the lounge room with my daughter, she woke up for a feed at an irregular time to her pattern.
As I was feeding her, I turned on the TV.
Just as I switched it on a Christian program was offering a free booklet called “Revelations the Mystery Unveiled.” I sent away for it and now have many books on revelations.
Still, I could never focus enough on my book; I was so focused on my wife and the pain that had been caused. I could not understand why I had to go through it. I kept thinking of the prophecies and thought that God would just hit me one day and everything would be better from that day. How wrong I was.
The time came and I could no longer take it. I had been wronged in such a harsh way.
I suffered a minor heart attack at the age of 27 due to stress.
I was given a disease via an STD from my wife that triggered off in my immune system another disease; only this one was more serious, it caused a crippling disease in the tendons of both my feet.
It caused me to lose my full time job.
I lost my wife, my family, my job, my health, my home, my pride and dignity.
For months, every day and night I would cry out for death.
I went from a well paying and secure job, to being on the disability pension.
I was trapped in my bed due to the agonizing pain of trying to walk.
I had to use all of my savings just to scrape by.
I kept crying out to God but felt nothing.
Everyone kept saying hang in there. I told my mother that if one more person says that to me that I would go nuts.
I remember one night I told God that I should stop crying out to him because my cries are ignored.
At that moment, I felt something touch my shoulder, and I knew it was he.
Immediately I burst out crying.
I waited for him to say something to me. He said hang in there. I said back to him,
“I have waited and waited and cried and cried out to you and when you finally come to me you say the one thing I don’t want to hear.”
He said,
“My beloved child, in all of eternity, I have never left your side. Every season of tears I have held you and carried you and provided for you.”
I replied,
“Then why didn’t I feel you? Why didn’t you speak to me?”
He said,
“I always speak to you Graham, but your heart was deaf to my words. Where is your faith? How many times must I remind you, how many more signs will you need before you will trust me? Your sorrow is not yet over.”
I cried and told god that I could not handle anymore.
He then as he had before, reminded me and compared me to Joseph; he showed me a vision like Joseph’s dream of the stars.
He said I would shine like a bright star among the 12 tribes; I used to think he compared me because of my dreams and visions, I now know there is much more to it.
I tried so hard to draw near to God but the Devil would use my wife and my situation to bring me down.
One evening it started raining, I knelt down on my knees and prayed to God,
“Please let me feel your presence as I pray Lord.” A light thunder started to roll in and I could feel his presence, I prayed that God would draw me close to him and that it would be not just another Christian phase in my life. Every time I asked him not to let the thunder leave because it made me feel his presence, the thunder would roll in repeatedly.
Then I had no choice but to move back in to the house with my wife. I could not afford to keep up rent and a mortgage, and every dollar I got went to my wife.
God’s words rang in my head; your sorrow is not yet over. How right he was. More and more physical and emotional pain was to follow. One moment I have a life others would kill for, beautiful kids, extremely attractive wife, great job, and yet, at, the next moment I am a sad reflection of that man listening to his wife having sex with other men in the next room, I felt like I was trapped in a prison.
It got to the point that I did not care how much it hurt to walk, whenever she had them over I would take a bag of books and go and sit in my car for hours until she had finished with them.
I would drive down to a creek I called my happy place and meditate on God. He began teaching me and opening up my eyes everyday.
My whole life I always knew that my destiny would involve abundant wealth.
In addition, that with my abundant wealth I was to do great things.
Whilst meditating on God he would often tell me that I would be among his great.
One night down at the creek, God showed me a vision of great containers over flowing with grain.
He said to me “Your storehouse is not big enough. Your silos are full and over flowing. You have prayed for abundance what will you do with it.”
Three days later God spoke to my heart and reminded me again of Joseph. It suddenly became clear, the silos, Joseph went through great trials and suffering, he was then made richer than any man was in the world bar one was, and God saved many through Joseph, the silos were full of grain.
In the times to shortly come this world will see great famine, worse than Egypt, all that is to happen will be worse than history’s records.
I suddenly started to be concerned whenever I thought of splashing out in great wealth. I said to God what if I blow it and squander my abundance. Then the lord showed me that it is okay to enjoy abundance. He said he wants me to experience different landscapes he has created, to know the exotic animals, and to appreciate them all.
He wants me to have fun and enjoy life and to know that I am blessed. As long as I glorify him in all that, I do and not deter from his will and my destiny.
He then went on to say that, I need not be concerned, he said that one could not squander that which cannot run dry and wither away. He then showed me an everlasting field of wheat. The source of the grain, the source of my wealth, is abundance himself.



Early Feb. 2009,
I was lying in bed crying.
I said to God,
“Lord I know that you love me, and I know you have done so much for me. However, I just do not feel the love. I know it but don’t feel it.”
I sobbed and pleaded with god to help me feel the love. I told him that I just needed to feel like I was loved, I needed to feel it. He said to me “Son, do you know how many stars to a galaxy?”
I said,
“No Lord, but you do.”
“Do you know how many galaxies I have created?”
I said,
“No Lord, but you do.”
He then said,
“Every star in every galaxy I know by name. And do you know how many hairs grow on your head?”
I said,
“No Lord, but you do.”
“And do you know that number that never stays the same, how many people that live on the earth?”
I said,
“No Lord, but you do.”
“And do you know the precise time that a rose will break open from a bud?”
I said,
No Lord but you do.
He then said,
“Graham, at the same time that I was talking with every star that I know by name, at the same time that I made every hair on your head grow just that fraction, at the same time that I was comforting a widow on the other side of the world who was weeping over the death of her only child to drowning, at the same time that I gently called out the delicate petals of a rose bud, at the same time that I do all things, I was reaching out for you….and I still am.”
I went to sleep that night thinking to myself, if that is not love, then love dose not exist.
I asked God what is it really to be a Christian, what is the actual key be being a Christian. I did not know why at the time.
However, I started thinking about Solomon, when God told him, ask of me anything.
I began wondering what I would ask for if god offered me that opportunity. The lord knowing what I was thinking said to me,
“So, what would you ask of me?”
Then the lord showed me an old pray list I used to pray every morning and every night and fasted on it. I prayed that God would give me and help me live with forgiveness, faith like a mustard seed, wisdom, honor, strength, courage, compassion, love and understanding.
Then God asked me again,
“What would ask of me?”
I said to God,
“I can’t ask for world peace because your word and your plan are already set in stone, so I can’t ask against your will. I won’t ask for riches because I already have your promise with abundance, and it can only buy what can not feed my spirit.”
Therefore, I thought of the list, I said to God,
“What one thing on this list stands out more and is more important than the rest. They all seem important.”
Then God showed me when Jesus stood up for those whom would disgust many so called Christians and said,
“Let he who is among you cast the first stone.”
Then God showed me how he lived and when he hung on a cross and beaten bleeding and broken he looked down on those who made light of his suffering and said,
“Father forgive them they know not what they do.”
Then again, God asked me,
“What would you ask of me?”
It suddenly became so clear; I said,
“Lord, I would ask for the heart of Christ.”
I felt him smile and touch me, he said,
“That is the key to being a good and faithful servant.”
I did not feel at that moment that God had given me the heart of Christ, but I knew that he was going to teach me, and I knew it was not going to be easy.



March 10th 2009

I almost gave up on God completely today.
I honestly started to question whether or not he was real, or if I was in the right faith or belief.
It just feels like my prayers continue to go unanswered, my faith is in vain.
I go through the utmost agony day after day night after night.
I feel like I have tried everything, I even did what I believed he was telling me to do even though it killed me inside.
I thought that if obeyed him at such hard thing that he would bless me or at least ease my suffering just a bit, or even just to tell me he is still there.
However, it has reached a point where I question whether he was, or if he was real.
I found out today that she already has posed naked in many dirty adult magazines.
She flaunts herself and her body shamelessly with no regards. She is the mother of my children and this is what they grow to see. Even if they never see the pictures, they will still know her character that is something she cannot hide. She was my wife for seven years and now look at her. Her true colors have certainly shown through, and God continues to do nothing.
However, if he is real and really talks to me than he expects me to get back with her.
I am crippled because of a disease she gave me.
Seven months, I have been in agony, unable to walk.
Confined like a prisoner and broke as a vagabond.
I have listened to her in the next room having sex with other men and making a joke of it.
She has never cared or given any thought to how much she hurts me.
If there is one thing I know about her, it is that she takes pleasure in the emotional anguish of others. She has stripped me of everything that ever made me feel special. She has stamped out every good thing I ever saw in her.
All I ever wanted all my life was a marriage and family with so much depth to it. However, you cannot have something deep with someone so shallow.
Yet God wants me to take her back when she does not even want me or love me. I tried loving her and forgiving her and it just made her screw around even more.
It is just so hard for me to believe that a God so loving could think so little of me to want that for me.
For the first time in my whole life, I questioned if it was all real, and meant it. Therefore, I said,
“Who ever you are, if you are real God, and then please show me. I do not know what to believe anymore, I have always felt like I knew you because I was raised to. Now for the first time I really question are you real? When ever I think you are speaking to me, how am I to know it is really you and not just me thinking to myself? How am I to know that I am not just fooling myself? I have prayed and believed all my life for something that I never got, instead I got the opposite. I know that there is something out there, but I feel like I don’t know you, if you are really real, than please show me.”
By now the tears of sincerity where streaming down my cheeks. I hardly knew what to say.
What if God is real? I keep speaking like this to him, and disrespecting him, he will just persecute me more. However, if he was real, he already knows what I am feeling and thinking, so I continued.
“All the times I felt like you loved me, how do I know that it was real and not my imagination and a mass of coincidences? If you are there than I want to know you, I need to know that you love me, I need to feel it, and I need to know. I need to know that you are always with me, but I do not want to imagine it I want to know. So much is taught about your love but I feel like I have to force myself to believe it, I do not want to force myself to believe it I want to know it and to feel it. I see you more as I see a harsh God that is angry and punishes me all the time, all my life. Every time I cried out for you, every time I cried out for you to just let me know in some way that you loved me, I had to force myself to feel it. However, I do not know if I really ever did. I pray and I pray and I pray, I believe and have faith, no matter how hard I try, no matter what lengths I go to, to better myself for you, nothing ever works, and nothing ever changes, it only ever gets worse.”
To be honest I do not know how I feel after saying all that.
Do I go now and for the first time thinking of my life without God in it and give not a second thought to living for my own pleasure?
I do not know.
Do I wait and see if God does something in my life first just in case and if so how long do I wait?
Have I not waited long enough for some good in my life? I really do not know what to do. I think I will just take it as it comes and go off what I feel.

(TJ, I know that this whole paragraph seems silly but there was a lot more to it that would take a long time to add in. I felt as though God was telling me to try to save the marriage. I had many reasons to believe that at the time. Who knows, perhaps he was testing me. All that is written here barely begins to scratch the surface and after reading it again after all this time, I know that it does seem silly)

MAY 17, 2009

God has been teaching me a lot about jumping to someone’s defense, because it is what he would do.
Every time I prayed for God’s vengeance against those who had done me wrong, he would jump to their defense, and often when I would converse with god he would defend them even when I was not thinking of them, when I realized this I said,
“But Lord, who will defend me?”
He said,
“Say the word and I will send my Holy Angels to defend you. However, they will not attack in reverence to unforgiveness. Can you not let go of your anger and desire to see them suffer? Can you not leave it behind and trust that I am a just God? Alternatively, do you feel the need to know they will suffer?”
I remember one day as I hobbled down the hallway, an overwhelming presence of evil, seeping into my mind and speaking into my thoughts. It said, “You know that I can give you in an hour that entire God has promised in your life and not delivered. If you simply choose to follow me, I will make of you greatness.”
To that, I replied aloud,
“Better to be a humbled servant in the kingdom of heaven, than a prince of power in the service of darkness.”

Prophecies, Dreams, Visions and Revelations
About Ten Years Old.
Spoken at baptism;
I see God drawing you into him as an arrow is drawn into a bow. He will sharpen the arrowhead. He lets loose the bowstring and shoots you out into the nations spreading his word.
Same prophecy spoken over me word for word another two times in my life.
Early teens; about 14
I looked in the spirit and was shown a large great tree. The tree was full of fruit. The tree was God, we all come from God. However, there were many fruit, good ripe fruit, and fruit going bad and dropping from the tree, fruit that looked good on the outside but rotten to the core inside. People were coming and being feed of the fruit of the tree. Some became very ill. Others became strong and well nourished. I was informed by the holy spirit later the fruit is our spiritual beings, that our bitter or rotten fruit can spiritually weaken and cause sickness of spirit to another who is not yet aware of there spiritual being, what good fruit is given makes a spirit strong and well nourished.
Mid teens:
One night I queried my sisters as to whether or not I would be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. I was scared and wondered whether my heart just did not make the cut in Gods eyes.
Therefore, my sister Rachel and my stepsister Kristen both laid hands on me and prayed for reassurance. As I surrendered to God in prayer, a divine presence came over me. I began to see as though I was part of a vision.
I was lead by a figure of pure light, such a remarkable presence of love, peace and acceptance came with it, like a spirit in the form of a man having form with 2 legs 2 arms a body an a head like the form of a man cloaked in a shining white hooded robe, shining so bright that no definition not even a wrinkle in his robe could be seen.
He led me to a small fraction of the vast kingdom of heaven, where not a shadow is found. He took me to a high place and sat with me as he moved his arm from left to right pointing and showing me, asking me what I see.
I saw a valley surrounded by mountains the likes of witch are not seen on earth. The grass was a perfect green and not one out of its place. The sky was not blue, but white, like a white sun shone from every angle. In the valley was a grand palace, vacant. I was confused. Why is he showing me this I thought? Then he told me that this was the place he was preparing for me.
He then led me by hand to a large tree full of fruit. He asked me if I recognized the tree, at first I did not, but then I suddenly remembered, I said, “Yes. It is the tree from my vision.”
He told me to eat of the tree, so I did, although my flesh could not taste it, it was as though my spirit could and I felt strengthened. He then asked me was it good fruit, I replied with a satisfying smile, it was.
He then walked with me and spoke to me of my stepsister Kristen, I said, “What of her?”
He replied,
“She would have young eyes upon her the hearts of the young will look to her for guidance.”
Then he took me to what was like a barrel or some kind of holding vessel about waist height. It was full of many of the same thing, I do not know what they were, but they were something like a book, a leaflet, or a CD case, what ever it was it had Rachel’s picture on it, with a smile that brought out the sun.
I waited on the figure to say something, but he said not a word, but I left knowing that what ever they were they brought a sense of Gods love, peace, joy and grace.
When the vision had past, I opened my eyes and told them what I had seen and heard, Kristen’s first response was, you do not know this but that same word has been given to me before. Years went by when it seemed those were words that perhaps I was mistaken to say; perhaps it was all in head. Then low and behold, God moves his hand she is now a loved primary school teacher.


I remember that, I said in my heart once,
“Lord, I do not want to see in the spirit- That it frightens me.” Therefore, as he does, he reminded me that I was not given a spirit of fear but of POWER and love and of sound mind.
I was awakening in the dead of the night with hunger, like most growing teens, so I walked to the kitchen for a snack. No sooner did I put the peach to my mouth and bite into it did I feel the most eerie feeling I had ever had.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, my body chilled in the heat of a summer’s night, and I knew that something was behind me, watching me.
I took a deep breath and slowly turned around.
Sure enough. I look out the large kitchen window not even a meter away and standing there was a black figure, blacker than black. The night sky and all out doors was lit up due to a fuller moon that night. As soon as I saw it, I knew with everything inside me that this was no common spirit. What ever this was it was high ranking, and was waiting for me to see it.
I froze for a brief moment then fear was gone from me and I sent it away in the name of Christ Jesus. In addition, it vanished.
I had a strong feeling it was the spirit of death. It wore a black long cloak, hooded.
However, he was not as Hollywood would make him out. He was not the look of a skeleton, the closest I can describe his face was like Darth Vader from Star Wars. His arm was stretched out and holding a black sickle, but I saw no hand or arm coming out from his sleeve.
I told my mother and stepfather the next day, but I did not tell them who I thought it to be.
After praying about it, they told me they believed it to be the spirit of death. Death had claimed previous occupants of the house, my mother and stepfather prayed the blood over the house and this spirit was waiting for me to let it in with my fear.
I was walking through a dark and scary forest. On the forest floor before me were marks of witchcraft. I walked on past it through what was like a tunnel of trees until I came to a large mountain. As I climbed, the mountain there was evil of all sorts in the holes and little caves. Where I had to climb, it was more like a straight vertical cliff face.
I remember about halfway up, reaching up to put my hand in a crevasse to pull myself up I realized that my hand had grasped a hideous skull.
The skull had a poisonous snake on it; it attacked me and tried to stop me.
I grabbed it out and trough it to the ground. Voices were telling me to let go and give up.
Little creatures in the caves around me were conspiring against me. However, I pressed on.
When I got to the top, every witch and witch doctor and every creature and evil thing scattered and ran in fear when they saw me. It amazes me that until this day I can still remember every moment of that dream as though I had just woken up from it.
I still remember feeling like giving up was just not an option, like something inside of me was giving me the strength to go on, but it was hard, even in a dream I am still surprised that me of all people didn’t give up.
It was something that I regret to say was normal for me. If I felt it was to hard, if I, felt I could not make it, giving up is just what I did.
It was how I dealt with things, or not dealt with things. However, of every sequence in that dream, one thing still stands out more than I can say. I will never forget the fear in their eyes before they scattered and ran. It was a fear I had never seen before.
About 17 years old
Things were not going to well for me, at school the pressure of grade eleven (11) was weighing me down.
I am dyslectic, meaning I have dyslexia and am diagnosed with this Dis-Ease. This has caused me to have severe learning difficulties.
However, back then, I did not realize it.
I always just assumed I was just plain stupid and dumb.
Someone used to always tell me that I was just lazy and put me down.
For years, I could not understand no matter how much effort I put in, my learning difficulties remained the same.
If you know of anyone who has learning difficulties and you want them to do better, do not ever put them down. If you understand anything about psychology than you should know, it will only make things worse. Apart from school, my home life was a complete train wreck. Do not get me wrong, I love my stepfather, as he is not the same man he used to be and we have both buried the hatchet. We have a great relationship now. However, when I was growing up… well, I will not go into detail but let us just say we were not close. Anyway, as the pressure got too much, I left school and boarded a train for Sydney to stay with my father for a while.
As I sat there in my seat, I felt content to know that I had two seats to myself, no one to bother or so I thought.
As I put my feet up on the seat next to me, a Ticket Collector came by and examined my ticket.
You should have seen the look on my face when the woman told me I was traveling on the wrong day.
“The date on this ticket is for tomorrow,” she said.
“What? I booked it for this date! It’s not my fault that someone switched up the dates!”
“All the same,” she replied,
“These seats are booked for the next stop. There is a spare seat over there next to that man. You can sit with him.”
Well, I was not impressed. I grabbed my bag and sat next to him.
It was an older man with a rather large frame. Not exactly, the seat space that I had where I was sitting before.
I had about another fourteen hours to go. A long trip for a teenager to say the least.
As of course as any teenager not getting his own way I sat with my arms folded and began to bitterly hate the situation.
I blamed God of course.
Then all of a sudden, God spoke to my heart, as clear as ever.
“Speak to him.”
“What? No,” I thought. Then again.
“Speak to him about me.”
Something inside me started to want to a little bit. Then I very stubbornly said in my heart,
At that moment the man introduced himself, his name was Neville.
“So, where are you headed?” he asked.
Not wanting to say much I simply replied,
“Oh I’m just going to visit my Dad in Sydney.”
“No your not,” he said confidently.
I looked at him puzzled but did not want to carry on the conversation, so he did.
“You’re running away.”
“No I’m not,” I replied.
Again, confidently he said,
“Yes you are. You’re running away from problems at school and at home.”
“How did you know that?” I demanded.
To that he simply replied,
“Faith in God.”
I spun around to face him as quickly as a shock went through my whole being.
“God was telling me to talk to you!”
He smiled and laughed to himself as though it did not surprise him in the slightest. He was such a kind and gentle man, but most importantly, he was so wise and opened to the spirit of God. He was not smug about. He did not have an in your face. He had that I know everything and you know nothing kind of attitude. However, he knew so much. He knew so much not only about God, but also about my family, my destiny, and me. Things that no one could possibly know things I had never told anyone before.
He even knew about my dream! The one where I was climbing the mountain.
I told him nothing about it but he knew, he described it all. Then went on to casually say, “Oh, and you’ve seen the spirit of death too haven’t you.”
I nodded in amazement as I asked myself am I sure that it was the spirit of death that I saw. Then he said,
“Doesn’t look like what Hollywood would have you think hey?” The image immediately came straight back into my mind as though I had just seen it as I nodded again in agreement. Then he added,
“Looks a lot more like Darth Vader from Star Wars.” I was so exited.
“Yes. Yes. That’s exactly what I saw!” I learned a lot from him in that experience. He gave me his card and before he got off the train, the last thing he said to me was that one day I would call on him with an important question.
In a message dated 3/28/2010 10:43:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
My dear friend. here is a bit about my physical and spiritual life.
My name is Graham Sydney Leadbeatter the 4th.
I was born to this physical life an Australian (7 June 1981) and have never been outside of Australia. Mostly my nana, my mother and my sister raised me in a Christian home. My father and mother divorced when I was only four. When I was four or 5 years old, I remember as though it were yesterday, I was visited by a being of light outside the window across from my room in the dark of night. It was playing with me, it was as though we were both playing peek-a-boo with each other, but being so young I kind of thought that it was somehow my reflection, when I stopped and it didn’t I realized that it wasn’t my reflection and I got scared and it left. This was in Richmond, close to Sydney NSW.
At age, ten (now living in Port Macquarie) I was as they say born again and then baptized. The pastor that baptized me spoke a word over me after I came up out of the water; he said, “I can see God drawing you into him as an arrow is drawn into a bow. He will sharpen the head of the arrow and let loose the bowstring, sending you forth through the nations.”
About a month later, a different pastor was praying over me and spoke those exact same words, not just close, exactly the same. My mother remarried to a man that had five children (he did not like me and was pretty mean) we all moved to Brisbane QLD. At age 15, I saw a very dark spirit outside the kitchen window, it bought with it a very dark and negative feeling, I could feel it there before I turned and saw it. Within the same year (I think) a pastor came from USA to an international conference; again the same prophecy was spoken over me word for word about God drawing me in like an arrow. Within the same year, I had one of those dreams that are more than dreams; I can remember it all clearly. I will continue in another email as this one is getting to be long and I do not know if it will send.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 6:09 AM
Dear Graham:
You have been called to a larger good in your own self-actualization.
Yes – I shall assist you as will God. You have some internal spiritual being to do.
Help me help you.
First = Answer my questions about

In a message dated 3/28/2010 1:49:42 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Hi TJ, I was hoping to ask your advice on something. I have been doing a lot of research/reading on NDE, and have found that no matter the religion it is love above all that matters, I was just wondering if you could give some advice on love and forgiveness. When we have been or are continuously being hurt by someone, how we get past the hurt and love/forgive them. My ex wife is a very cruel woman, though our 7 years of marriage I forgave her so many times of things that most would not forgive once and because I chose understanding, love, compassion and friendship it seemed easy. Now she kidnapped my children and moved interstate. Not only that but she has put out a domestic violence order against me so that I cannot get my children back; I cannot even contact them by phone. I have not seen or heard from them for months and it is killing me. I swear by all that is holy that what she is saying is an outright lie, we had shared custody of the children and she has done this so that she could move in with her boyfriend. I have always been so forgiving and willing to move on but this is different now, the pain of having my children ripped away from me is too much. How do I love her? How do I rise above the hurt? I used to be such a strong person but now I am confined to my house all day every day and am sinking into depression. I know that we must have trials to reach a higher and stronger level of spirituality but I just do not know how to get to that point when I try but keep being reminded of how much I have been wronged. I cry myself to sleep almost every night asking God to reach me and draw me closer to him, just to be touched in some way or to be told that it is going to be ok. but then I wonder if He can not reach me because I am vibrating a level of anger towards my ex, I try to fight it I really do, and when ever I think I have forgiven her the next day its like I have to do it all over again. is there any advice you can give me? Thanks TJ although we do not know each other I feel like i have an eternal friend in you. God bless. Graham
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:47 AM
Please visit my websites at
I also write on American Chronicle. Just go to the list of AUTHORS and look for my name under the “M” list
Theresa J. Thurmond Morris okay!
Then you can catch up on my at

In a message dated 3/6/2010 11:54:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Wow, TJ, I was not sure, if you were going to write back or not, and if so, I had no idea that your response would be. Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. I am a 28-year-old man whose life has recently fallen apart. I am a Christian and I believe the bible but I know that there is a lot more about the bible and the universe then what is taught. When I used the word alien, I did not mean it offensively. most Christians that touch the subject of extraterrestrials say that they are all of the devil, but I think that an extraterrestrial is a being from a higher dimension or not from this world, so in my view that would include angels as well. Lucifer himself was an angel so he was cut from the same cloth as holy angels. I am with you on this; I believe that there are good ETs and bad ones.
There is so much that I do not know, so many questions that I wonder if I will ever have an answer to.
I wish I knew someone like you in my life; I have always been the odd one out. I think on a completely different level to most people around me. on a much deeper level, sometimes I see things happening before they happen or I have a knowing that they will happen, but after it does I feel like I cant tell anyone because who would believe me. I feel like I am always asking myself is there something wrong with me. I want so much to learn about what is behind the curtain that hides the truth. I feel such a strong sense of destiny but have no idea what it is or how I will reach it. I have no career or area of expertise and I am not a smart man. I seek wisdom everyday, the grace to forgive and love, and a long list of things that should lead to inner peace. However, I always find myself back at despair. I am sorry to be writing this to you, I do not know what came over me, but as I read your email, you just seemed to have a really deep and beautiful spirit. Anyway thanks for writing back. Bless you
—– Original Message —–
Cc: ;
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:56 AM
Dear Graham:
I have always been in contact with spirits and have met Extraterrestrials in person in this lifetime.
I shall admit that I personally feel the energy of the one individual people refer to as Jesus.
This was a person like you or me who lived once on earth.
I believe he was the one who was chosen and accepted to come to earth to show us how to return to from where we came.
I choose to believe that the world we now live in is most about ASCENSION.
Ascension is the process of being-living-and becoming.
I know that I choose to believe in the story of Jesus. This is all we have other than a knowing inside each of us.
Knowing Jesus is a personal choice. I cannot tell you what the Aliens believe as you call them. I believe that most of us in general use the word alien for those not born on earth.
I choose to use the word Alien for all those beings who are not of our morals, ethics, and born on earth resembling us as sentient intelligent beings.
I use the word aliens for those whom I am not familiar with on earth or in heaven or space.
Extraterrestrials are my word of choice. The intelligent beings that I know and have been with who have come and gone from this planet simply referring to themselves and others in stellar space and in other galaxies as intelligent beings.
Since, I you are the first ever on earth to ask me a direct question about Jesus, and I have never addressed this with my own stream of consciousness as my own memory banks, I should like to send this to one of my publishers that deals with this type of story.
Dirk Vander Ploeg has been in business over 10 years addressing the world of UFOS and the paranormal. I will say that I can only speak for myself about Jesus.
I love the wisdom that this great teacher was able to share while he was on earth. In my lifetime, I am allowed to call him my brother. In addition, I have chosen him as my Lord and Savior in this lifetime because I was born into his world.
In other words, I was born a Christian and this means that I know that I was born to live in his world with his teachings. The way he taught others to believe that were Christians was to believe in God, and Heaven. Hell was where we choose to believe Satan abides. For many who believe in these words and icons, they use them in context to mean what they have been taught, what they have read, and what their family, friends, and teachers all have learned to believe.
One thing about being an intelligent being is that we can be treated the same way that Jesus was treated according to records we have on earth such as the Bible.
I choose to be a Christian by choice. I also choose to believe that Alien Civilizations Exist by choice.
I shall share with you for the purpose that it may assist you knowing how another being thinks on earth who believes in both.
I choose to believe in the spirit that cannot be destroyed as energy called JESUS. This means that who this person or man was while he lived physically, mentally, and spiritually on earth was how I choose to live and be physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I have found no other person on earth to emulate in actions. This is my choice based on what I have read and what I deal with inside of me. I call this inside feeling my inner being. I choose to make known to others by choice in my words, deeds, and actions. This is what I refer to as my outer knowing.
How one chooses to live and exist on earth is not always up to the person based on where they are born on earth. There are many lessons for us on earth. Some of us can rise above our own level of existence. Some of us can only learn to deal with what level of existence we are born into.
I have been fortunate to have had many levels of life and living in one time. This includes levels of monetary gain, and locations on earth. I have been allowed to own things, and to also be broke with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few in my car. I was able to earn a living beginning with nothing. I learned to take care of my children and myself. I learned that I am not perfect.
I have lived 58 earth years and can remember many lived on earth prior to this one. This is something that I use to allow me to know of other lifetimes on earth and in other places.
I have memories of what you might think of as Heaven. Therefore, to me, Heaven is very enough. However, until one experiences Heaven personally as in their own personal experiences, Heaven is a destination on earth. AS is what many refer to as Hades or Hell or where the Place is ruled by another whom some call Satan or the devil.
Some believe that these words are real and represent a being or spirit and some believe that these words are not real and only represent a story or a philosophy of how others may choose to live and believe.
The aliens who I know are good. They are what we think of as higher intelligent supreme beings because they have lived for many years more in space than we can calculate on earth.
In addition, they are in an empire with a group of twelve who share in the intelligent leadership for many galaxies.
This is the only way I know to adhere to the rules of which I am bound by on earth. Most people who know me on earth have no idea who I am or how I believe. I appreciate you thinking enough of something that I have written on the Internet to email me your questions.
It takes a big person with a strong spirit to ask what you did. Some people who were born into the Christian Church as I was taught lessons in Sunday school and Church.
I traveled the earth and learned of many ways to think and believe in both the Eastern and Western Philosophies. I now embrace many as not right or wrong but just part of the way we as intelligent beings choose to believe.
There is no right or wrong beliefs in my way of thinking. Only levels of thinking and believing to get us to the place that we shall go to or come too.
I choose to believe that I will return to the place from where I came but with knowledge of earth and the people whom I shared life with on earth. This gives me great comfort in knowing that I am not alone while I am visiting earth.
I have a family on earth and a family above in space. This is where I choose to believe all my relatives whom I have had on earth pass on too when they leave earth.
I choose to believe that faith, hope, charity are real ways to think and that the greatest of all beings have an inner being that we call love. Love is the greatest of all and we are to treat others the way we desire to be treated. It is my hopes that you chose to write to me out of caring and love.
I feel that you truly wanted an answer to these questions and the energy just flowed from me very fast without corrections. So, consider this answer from me as a spirit and energy on earth that dwells in a physical, mental, and spiritual body while in a vessel on earth that you may regard as a human being.
I choose to believe that most of me is my own thoughts and conscious choices but I also believe that I have a comforter inside of me that some regard as the Holy Spirit and others believe that this is an alien, or alien hybrid part of me that I can channel by choice. I leave this up to you.
Remember that another cannot tell one what to believe or whom. We each are given our own spiritual spark or light that I prefer to call an Essence.
This essence is what some refer to as their spirit or soul. I prefer to believe it is our essence that combines all three parts as our body-mind-spirit while we are encased in a vessel or container on earth.
When our essence leaves our vessel or container, we return to our soul higher selves. This soul is made up of our essence energy that can never die. It simply can share in spirit as it visits various levels of existence in spirit. Our spirit is the energy that is also part of our essence.
I believe that it was Jesus who was one of these Aliens you have questions about. I choose to believe that we too are like Jesus and will someday through the power of Ascension Rise Again. We are all here to learn to be as Jesus or Aliens.
I believe that there are some aliens that are good and some are bad. I believe that there is a need for both so that we can learn from the way that nature has provided us ways to understand how to be as our creators.
I am going through thoughts now that allow me to investigate the 46 pairs of chromosomes or genomes that make up our lives on earth. I am presently thinking that we are made up of the best 46 aliens or extraterrestrials that existed out there in space. I believe that there is a good and bad so to speak in all of us. I believe that we have pairs so that we can decide which way we shall become when we go to our next level of existence as intelligent beings.
This may seem hard to understand and I am just beginning to grasp the ideas from the Akashic Field myself. Learn all you can about life and those who are good and bad on earth. I choose to be more like Jesus than Satan is.
How you believe and make choices it up to you.
I believe that in the beginning of time, we were all one. The best teachers in the world believe that we should only believe in another master if that master teaches we are all one in the beginning. Whether you believe in a destination and procreation of the world or another is part of who we are as individuals.
There is much to know on earth and there are many paths. It is best to create your own path and leave a trail for others. This is what I presently choose to do.
I do not say that another or mine is better than yours is. Only that there are various roads that lead to the same places. Enjoy life and share what you can that you feel is right and good and leave the rest behind.
There is knowledge and wisdom on the road and also in the hedges of life along the road or path. The hours that we spend in the journey of a lifetime are what counts for us now. The time that we are allowed on earth is short. Enjoy your time and hours each day and allow for nutrition, and sleep. Do what you can to remain alive on earth for one never knows what the future holds only that we are each in control of our own lives to some extent. This leads me to a place and word called destiny and another is fate.
There are pros and cons about fate and destiny and I am contemplating both words but have no sure answer as to how I believe and am not willing to commit to either. I do know that I have tools such as the Tree of Life, and the Tarot deck of cards that have been accurate for others and me.
Learn all you can about the mystical and magical beings and places on earth.
I hope this information is helpful. All I can do is hope that this information is helpful to you. There is an old saying on earth that I have learned that for me works. It is this, “When the student is ready, the Master will appear!”
Love and Light along with Health and Prosperity from those above the Extraterrestrials (ETs)
In a message dated 2/28/2010 7:34:35 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Hi my name is graham, are you in contact with aliens? I saw a UFO once with my brother. I was wondering, what do aliens say about Jesus? I have seen many documentaries on people that have died (some even for 3 days) and come back to life (most through prayer) and they all swear the same thing, that Jesus is real, and that heaven and hell is real. If you are in contact with aliens, i was wondering if they know of Jesus

—– Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:50 AM
It is obvious to me that you are here for a purpose as we ALL!
However, you did not tell me why you are confined to your home?
NOW – Give me time today to read your attachments.
I know right now that I was inspired or prompted if you will allow telling you that “YOU ARE CALLED BY GOD TO BECOME ONE OF HIS WITNESSES AS A WRITER!”
YES – This is why you are going through changes as we all are and are looking to share your life!
I believe you should allow me to assist you with your first BOOK! NO COST TO YOU!
We shall create you a book to share with others in AUSTRALIA!
We shall begin with what you sent!
I shall EDIT IT FOR YOU and WE SHALL WORK ON PROBABLY ABOUT 40-50 K words. Then we shall create your NOVEL second at 80-100,000 words.
Tom and I write everyday!
If you would like to create some readers in the world, I shall edit your stories for my websites!
For now, I believe your energy is best spent in assisting HUMANKIND WHILE ON EARTH! This is a HIGHER CALLING FOR YOU THAN YOUR FAMILY!
They are all happy now but I was divorced when they were small. Long Story.
I thought I would not live afterwards – going through the mourning is hard.
When we are out of balance with our “Higher Power” which is about self-awareness and our inner being and our outer knowing, we sometimes decide to feel like sick dogs or act as if we are seeking arousal. Arousal is a wonderful thing and part of our being but we must have our mouths exercise what our conscious mind and inner being really wants and desires. Sometimes, we mix those feelings up with other beings on earth. We tend to think what we are craving is arousal that may not be a video game.
We are created with seed. Seed is an important part of our life and living. We are here to learn, and explore and to bring fellowship to others and ourselves.
We have some psychoanalytic theories, humanistic theories, trait theories, social cognitive theories, and of course nature-nurture and personality theories, we could discuss about ourselves. We must take care of the basic needs that are food, clothing, shelter, and in these times transportation which gives us our freedom to come and go from one place to another. We should all teach our “Heirs” how to discover this part of “Being” while on this planet we call earth or Gaia as home.
Motivation and critical needs has a lot to do with finding out about whom we are, why we are here, and what will happen to us when we leave this earth.
There was once a teacher who came to earth that taught us and there were many writers who wrote down their translated opinions of why this teacher came to earth. I was born a Christian who is a believer in this person and teacher of life on earth. He was said to be the one with the most of “GOD” in him while he walked the earth. One can choose to believe or not about this person. We are all supposed to use his example as our own while here on earth. This was preordained in all our teachings in America.
The United States was founded upon the God of Nature and all can read about this in our past historical documents. I shall not quote the Bible, Declaration of Independence or Constitution.
Please know that I am American and I believe in Fidelity in a Marriage. However, we all are born short of the Glory of our Higher Power. Therefore, we are always striving to achieve this goal. We all must have a goal.
We all desire achievement and motivation with expectations. This is in our DNA. We cannot deny our stimulation and arousal levels.
When we are hungry or thirsty, we become ill at ease. It is a natural response to become ill at ease or DIS-eased. We must find food and water to survive.
Once our basic desires are met such as food, clothing, shelter, and other creature comforts, we will then begin to look for a mate to become two for we can accomplish far more as two than as one. One can make a thousand while two can make ten-thousand or more. This is a generality for making a point to the readers that we seek out another mate.
We all have physiological needs, safety and security needs, belonging and love needs which makes us affiliate with others to be accepted, esteem needs to gain confidence and recognition, and we need to realize our own fullest potential selves as in spiritual being. This assists our growth and expansion process while we are in body-mind-spirit on earth. We are all about Whole-Life-Living, which I teach as Ascension Awareness.
This was what I was called to do as a minister of faith and awareness of the future. The future calls to mind what our expectations of our higher power will be for us as we attend to our work and achievement motivation skills that we call “HOPE!”
We should always be striving to climb and alert ourselves to awareness of our desires to create a better future for tomorrow for all ourselves, our loved ones, and all ourselves!
This is why we are all here to learn and to fellowship. This is social networking. This is the way of tomorrow for the whole entire world of sentient intelligent beings.

This topic has recently come to mind based on the Sandra Bullock and Jesse James reports of marriage problems in the media.
Personally, I believe in fidelity in a marriage, which requires honor and trust. However, I also believe in forgiveness because we all make mistakes. No one is perfect in this world at this time. Not yet anyway. This is why we are here to become better intelligent beings in a body-mind-spirit. It is our essence and our inner being that will affect our outer knowing as a person.
There are high roads and low roads in life and sometimes we have rocks in the roads that we must overcome or kick out of the way.
I have had my share in this lifetime. I am no saint and have had a lot of growing up to do as a wife and parent as we all have through life.
This does not make me an authority but I do have a point of view and an opinion based on my own personal experiences and how I see life unfolding in my world.
My world is made up of many people of all cultures and ethnicities. We are all here for a purpose and the main reason is for fellowship and wisdom.
We are to learn about what is required for our own spiritual survival in space.
Once we leave this planet, that is our home in space then we ascend to another level of existence in another place in another time. We still go alone in many ways but in other ways, we may be able to ascend together as a soul group of spirits.
This is something that we should think about in our future of the 21st Century. We learned many ways about spirit in our past 20th Century. We learned from our history that has been left for us by our ancestors in books, and in pictures, drawings, pictographs, and through our studies of humankind on earth.
There may be customs that allow us to bond as one male and female for procreation purposes. There is no natural law that we follow for bonding for life over procreation. This legal license we call a marriage license is only as important as we make it. The paper it is written on can be destroyed.
However, we have learned about moral and ethical lessons that we use in the holy bond of matrimony in the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior of Earth as Christians. I was born into the Christian Church and know of no other social and cultural way to be other than following my own teachings that I learn from my own personal experiences on earth.
The fidelity clause in our created marriages is up to each of us as an individual. The marriage certificate is a license granted by the individual state in the United States to become man and wife and recognized by the laws of said state. Now, some of the laws are changing to become partners without recognizing the need to be male and female only. Things change in life and so do we.
How we allow ourselves to emotionally respond to lessons in life as the rocks in our roads on our spiritual paths is what makes us a better person.
What we teach out children in the future will depend on how we decide to conduct ourselves morally and ethically in life. Ethics assist us in sharing fellowship in life with a better way of thinking and reacting to a civilized world in which we are to share.
Sharing life on earth has expanded from only family, community, state, and nation, to the five main continents and smaller locations on earth.
We now call all places that have intelligent beings a part of the Global Community.
We will begin to notice that we are all faced with moral and ethical obligations for all people on earth to sustain a global community.
Social and moral issues will gradually become a way of life for the entire global community. We will adopt a united alliance and way to conduct ourselves with diplomatic protocol and procedures.
Others will always look upon the people who receive the most attention in media such as movie stars, television stars, dignitaries, our elected officials, Nobel Prize Winners, Athletes, Olympic Team Members, and various other talented musicians, singers, and artists in the world.
We expect more from the people who we love and admire as our leaders, mentors, idols, as we become fans of people whom we have learned about as those setting an example in media.
As long as we can achieve notoriety for those who deserve it by accomplishing certain acts of kindness to assist humankind in general then we should offer awards, ceremonies, and pomp and circumstance, Esprit de Corps is good for motivation for the entire world.
With regard to fidelity whether it is in a marriage of stars or of the common folk should be between two people a moral agreement more than a legal one. Nevertheless, we will always wish the best to two people who decide to take on life together as a team and not to only go through life alone as one.
Two is always better than one and three or more is even better. This is why we have the fellowship of churches on earth. Churches are not bad or good they are simply a group of people deciding to have certain ways to believe as in a creed for moral and ethical ways to behave and believe while on earth. Far too long, have we acted as judges of our churches and found fault with one another.
It is time on earth to forgive each other’s trespasses and to become better spiritual intellectuals. We should ask only our creator and maker to forgive us our sins on earth as we forgive those who trespass against us as individuals.
We should all desire, hope, and wish that Sandra Bullock and Jesse James would remain close as friends no matter what their outcome in their legal marriage due to infidelity or any other reason.
Some of us like Hillary Clinton and former President of the United States William (Bill) Clinton can move past the rocks in the road and forge a new alliance. It is my hope and desire that this will become a way for all to move past our shortcomings in life and to be forgiving of each other.
We can hope that our mistakes and heartaches caused to self and others teaches us to be better people and to grown in our journey in life.
We are all here to serve self, others, and the Supreme Beings who have sent us here to learn to become better spiritual intellectuals among our own intelligent being species. TJ
In a message dated 3/29/2010 12:57:59 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Ok continuing on…
In the dream I was walking through a very thick forest and came to a place where many forms witchcraft were evident on the ground, I turned to my left and walked through what was like a tunnel of trees, and then I came to a huge mountain, straight up on a 90 deg angle. I waited no time and started to climb, halfway up I noticed that within the caves of this mountain were hundreds (maybe even thousands) of evil forces trying to stop me from going on, telling me that I will never make it and that they will kill me, they were witches, witch doctors and spirits. I placed my hand up on a tiny ledge to pull myself up and realized that I had taken hold of a skull with a snake on it, I threw it down the mountain and kept going, the higher I got the more they would yell at me, it was so hard but I finally reached the top, as I pulled myself up, there were so many evil beings at the top of the mountain that were looking at me with anticipation, as soon as I stood up straight on the top of the mountain I looked around at all the evil beings, they fled from me as though they were now terrified of me, screaming in fear as they went. That was the end of the dream.
I left school at grade at the beginning of grade 11. oh wait, I just remembered, over a year ago I started writing some things down on my laptop, it’s not much but I was thinking of writing a biography one day, it’s kind of all over the place and it jumps from time to time. There really is not much in it at all but I will attach it anyway. I stopped writing it because there is just too much to remember and put in, some of it is in the form of a novel and some in the form of a journal. I have learnt a lot since then and some of what I wrote I wrote when I was very upset.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 6:09 AM
Dear Graham:
You have been called to a larger good in your own self-actualization.
Yes – I shall assist you as will God. You have some internal spiritual being to do.
Help me help you.
First = Answer my questions about

In a message dated 3/28/2010 1:49:42 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Hi TJ, I was hoping to ask your advice on something. I have been doing a lot of research/reading on NDE, and have found that no matter the religion it is love above all that matters, I was just wondering if you could give some advice on love and forgiveness. When we have been or are continuously being hurt by someone, how we get past the hurt and love/forgive them. My ex wife is a very cruel woman, though our 7 years of marriage I forgave her so many times of things that most would not forgive once and because I chose understanding, love, compassion and friendship it seemed easy. Now she kidnapped my children and moved interstate. Not only that but she has put out a domestic violence order against me so that I cannot get my children back; I cannot even contact them by phone. I have not seen or heard from them for months and it is killing me. I swear by all that is holy that what she is saying is an outright lie, we had shared custody of the children and she has done this so that she could move in with her boyfriend. I have always been so forgiving and willing to move on but this is different now, the pain of having my children ripped away from me is too much. How do I love her? How do I rise above the hurt? I used to be such a strong person but now I am confined to my house all day every day and am sinking into depression. I know that we must have trials to reach a higher and stronger level of spirituality but I just do not know how to get to that point when I try but keep being reminded of how much I have been wronged. I cry myself to sleep almost every night asking God to reach me and draw me closer to him, just to be touched in some way or to be told that it is going to be ok. but then I wonder if He can not reach me because I am vibrating a level of anger towards my ex, I try to fight it I really do, and when ever I think I have forgiven her the next day its like I have to do it all over again. is there any advice you can give me? Thanks TJ although we do not know each other I feel like I have an eternal friend in you. God bless. Graham
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:47 AM
I also write on American Chronicle. Just go to the list of AUTHORS and look for my name under the “M” list
Theresa J. Thurmond Morris okay!
Then you can catch up on my at

In a message dated 3/6/2010 11:54:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Wow, TJ, I was not sure, if you were going to write back or not, and if so, I had no idea that your response would be. Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. I am a 28-year-old man whose life has recently fallen apart. I am a Christian and I believe the bible but I know that there is a lot more about the bible and the universe then what is taught. When I used the word alien, I did not mean it offensively. most Christians that touch the subject of extraterrestrials say that they are all of the devil, but I think that an extraterrestrial is a being from a higher dimension or not from this world, so in my view that would include angels as well. Lucifer himself was an angel so he was cut from the same cloth as holy angels. I am with you on this; I believe that there are good ETs and bad ones.
There is so much that I do not know, so many questions that I wonder if I will ever have an answer to.
I wish I knew someone like you in my life; I have always been the odd one out. I think on a completely different level to most people around me. on a much deeper level, sometimes I see things happening before they happen or I have a knowing that they will happen, but after it does I feel like I cant tell anyone because who would believe me. I feel like I am always asking myself is there something wrong with me. I want so much to learn about what is behind the curtain that hides the truth. I feel such a strong sense of destiny but have no idea what it is or how I will reach it. I have no career or area of expertise and I am not a smart man. I seek wisdom everyday, the grace to forgive and love, and a long list of things that should lead to inner peace. However, I always find myself back at despair. I am sorry to be writing this to you, I do not know what came over me, but as I read your email, you just seemed to have a really deep and beautiful spirit. Anyway thanks for writing back. Bless you
—– Original Message —–
Cc: ;
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:56 AM
Dear Graham:
I have always been in contact with spirits and have met Extraterrestrials in person in this lifetime.
I shall admit that I personally feel the energy of the one individual people refer to as Jesus.
This was a person like you or me who lived once on earth.
I believe he was the one who was chosen and accepted to come to earth to show us how to return to from where we came.
I choose to believe that the world we now live in is most about ASCENSION.
Ascension is the process of being-living-and becoming.
I know that I choose to believe in the story of Jesus. This is all we have other than a knowing inside each of us.
Knowing Jesus is a personal choice. I cannot tell you what the Aliens believe as you call them. I believe that most of us in general use the word alien for those not born on earth.
I choose to use the word Alien for all those beings who are not of our morals, ethics, and born on earth resembling us as sentient intelligent beings.
I use the word aliens for those whom I am not familiar with on earth or in heaven or space.
Extraterrestrial is my word of choice. The intelligent beings whom I know and have been with who have come and gone from this planet simply referring to themselves and others in stellar space and in other galaxies as intelligent beings.
Since, I you are the first ever on earth to ask me a direct question about Jesus, and I have never addressed this with my own stream of consciousness as my own memory banks, I should like to send this to one of my publishers that deals with this type of story.
Dirk Vander Ploeg has been in business over 10 years addressing the world of UFOS and the paranormal. I will say that I can only speak for myself about Jesus.
I love the wisdom that this great teacher was able to share while he was on earth. In my lifetime, I am allowed to call him my brother. In addition, I have chosen him as my Lord and Savior in this lifetime because I was born into his world.
In other words, I was born a Christian and this means that I know that I was born to live in his world with his teachings. The way he taught others to believe that were Christians was to believe in God, and Heaven. Hell was where we choose to believe Satan abides. For many who believe in these words and icons, they use them in context to mean what they have been taught, what they have read, and what their family, friends, and teachers all have learned to believe.
One thing about being an intelligent being is that we can be treated the same way that Jesus was treated according to records we have on earth such as the Bible.
I choose to be a Christian by choice. I also choose to believe that Alien Civilizations Exist by choice.
I shall share with you for the purpose that it may assist you knowing how another being thinks on earth who believes in both.
I choose to believe in the spirit that cannot be destroyed as energy called JESUS. This means that who this person or man was while he lived physically, mentally, and spiritually on earth was how I choose to live and be physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I have found no other person on earth to emulate in actions. This is my choice based on what I have read and what I deal with inside of me. I call this inside feeling my inner being. I choose to make known to others by choice in my words, deeds, and actions. This is what I refer to as my outer knowing.
How one chooses to live and exist on earth is not always up to the person based on where they are born on earth. There are many lessons for us on earth. Some of us can rise above our own level of existence. Some of us can only learn to deal with what level of existence we are born into.
I have been fortunate to have had many levels of life and living in one time. This includes levels of monetary gain, and locations on earth. I have been allowed to own things, and to also be broke with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few in my car. I was able to earn a living beginning with nothing. I learned to take care of my children and myself. I learned that I am not perfect.
I have lived 58 earth years and can remember many lived on earth prior to this one. This is something that I use to allow me to know of other lifetimes on earth and in other places.
I have memories of what you might think of as Heaven. Therefore, to me, Heaven is very enough. However, until one experiences Heaven personally as in their own personal experiences, Heaven is a destination on earth. AS is what many refer to as Hades or Hell or where the Place is ruled by another whom some call Satan or the devil.
Some believe that these words are real and represent a being or spirit and some believe that these words are not real and only represent a story or a philosophy of how others may choose to live and believe.
The aliens who I know are good. They are what we think of as higher intelligent supreme beings because they have lived for many years more in space than we can calculate on earth.
In addition, they are in an empire with a group of twelve who share in the intelligent leadership for many galaxies.
This is the only way I know to adhere to the rules of which I am bound by on earth. Most people who know me on earth have no idea who I am or how I believe. I appreciate you thinking enough of something that I have written on the Internet to email me your questions.
It takes a big person with a strong spirit to ask what you did. Some people who were born into the Christian Church as I was taught lessons in Sunday school and Church.
I traveled the earth and learned of many ways to think and believe in both the Eastern and Western Philosophies. I now embrace many as not right or wrong but just part of the way we as intelligent beings choose to believe.
There is no right or wrong beliefs in my way of thinking. Only levels of thinking and believing to get us to the place that we shall go to or come too.
I choose to believe that I will return to the place from where I came but with knowledge of earth and the people whom I shared life with on earth. This gives me great comfort in knowing that I am not alone while I am visiting earth.
I have a family on earth and a family above in space. This is where I choose to believe all my relatives whom I have had on earth pass on too when they leave earth.
I choose to believe that faith, hope, charity are real ways to think and that the greatest of all beings have an inner being that we call love. Love is the greatest of all and we are to treat others the way we desire to be treated. It is my hopes that you chose to write to me out of caring and love.
I feel that you truly wanted an answer to these questions and the energy just flowed from me very fast without corrections. So, consider this answer from me as a spirit and energy on earth that dwells in a physical, mental, and spiritual body while in a vessel on earth that you may regard as a human being.
I choose to believe that most of me is my own thoughts and conscious choices but I also believe that I have a comforter inside of me that some regard as the Holy Spirit and others believe that this is an alien, or alien hybrid part of me that I can channel by choice. I leave this up to you.
Remember that another cannot tell one what to believe or whom. We each are given our own spiritual spark or light that I prefer to call an Essence.
This essence is what some refer to as their spirit or soul. I prefer to believe it is our essence that combines all three parts as our body-mind-spirit while we are encased in a vessel or container on earth.
When our essence leaves our vessel or container, we return to our soul higher selves. This soul is made up of our essence energy that can never die. It simply can share in spirit as it visits various levels of existence in spirit. Our spirit is the energy that is also part of our essence.
I believe that it was Jesus who was one of these Aliens you have questions about. I choose to believe that we too are like Jesus and will someday through the power of Ascension Rise Again. We are all here to learn to be as Jesus or Aliens.
I believe that there are some aliens that are good and some are bad. I believe that there is a need for both so that we can learn from the way that nature has provided us ways to understand how to be as our creators.
I am going through thoughts now that allow me to investigate the 46 pairs of chromosomes or genomes that make up our lives on earth. I am presently thinking that we are made up of the best 46 aliens or extraterrestrials that existed out there in space. I believe that there is a good and bad so to speak in all of us. I believe that we have pairs so that we can decide which way we shall become when we go to our next level of existence as intelligent beings.
This may seem hard to understand and I am just beginning to grasp the ideas from the Akashic Field myself. Learn all you can about life and those who are good and bad on earth. I choose to be more like Jesus than Satan.
How you believe and make choices it up to you.
I believe that in the beginning of time, we were all one. The best teachers in the world believe that we should only believe in another master if that master teaches we are all one in the beginning. Whether you believe in a destination and procreation of the world or another is part of who we are as individuals.
There is much to know on earth and there are many paths. It is best to create your own path and leave a trail for others. This is what I presently choose to do.
I do not say that mine or another is better than yours. Only that there are various roads that lead to the same places. Enjoy life and share what you can that you feel is right and good and leave the rest behind.
There is knowledge and wisdom on the road and in the hedges of life along the road or path. The hours that we spend in the journey of a lifetime are what counts for us now. The time that we are allowed on earth is short. Enjoy your time and hours each day and allow for nutrition, and sleep. Do what you can to remain alive on earth for one never knows what the future holds only that we are each in control of our own lives to some extent. This leads me to a place and word called destiny and another is fate.
There are pros and cons about fate and destiny and I am contemplating both words but have no sure answer as to how I believe and am not willing to commit to either. I do know that I have tools such as the Tree of Life, and the Tarot deck of cards that have been accurate for me and others.
Learn all you can about the mystical and magical beings and places on earth.
I hope this information is helpful. All I can do is hope that this information is helpful to you. There is an old saying on earth that I have learned that for me works. It is this, “When the student is ready, the Master will appear!”
Love and Light along with Health and Prosperity from those above the Extraterrestrials (ETs)
In a message dated 2/28/2010 7:34:35 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
hi my name is graham, are you in contact with aliens? I saw a UFO once with my brother. I was wondering, what do aliens say about Jesus? I have seen many documentaries on people that have died (some even for 3 days) and come back to life (most through prayer) and they all swear the same thing, that Jesus is real, and that heaven and hell is real. If you are in contact with aliens I was wondering if they know of Jesus




The Aquarian Light Practitioners commonly known as the Light Workers of the White Light Brotherhood of Ascended Masters is compromised of the Avatar Oracles Spirits who are guided by the Alien Allied Counsel.

The Super Supreme Allied Counsel is made of those who serve the Greatest Master of the entire Creator. The creator of the Metaverse who has set his divine energy into all that has been and all that will be. As the creator referred to “Let Us create humankind in our own image as male and Female Souls.” This was in the beginning after the creators “Word” and the “Word” were without form.
Therefore the Metaverse is that of the Angel Metatron who answers to the Most High Supreme Beings and when asked about the “ALL?” The ALL if THE IAM has always been. The Names of the PAST ARAMAIC, HEBREW, and GREEK, as well as, the LATIN Translations of speech on earth were used in the past. The 72 translators in the past “AGE” of “DAY” was later referred to as the “70” or the prophets of the past, which all religious faiths were created as in what “WORDS” in “WRITING” were taken. Therefore in the beginning was the “WORD” and the “WORD” was without form.

As the ANGELS of the MOST HIGH are present one can savor the sweet smell of incense such as frankincense, myrrh, musk, and the odors our Angels spirits from upon high that will descend unto humankind and ascend. That which is taken from earth will return to earth and that which is of the most high will ascend to the most high in space.

Angels Gabriel and Raphael are the two who are of the Most High who are sent to watch over those Angels who may desire to create indifference among those who are of the MOST HIGH and those who are of the lower of the one angel called SATAN and of the DEMONS that will return to the lower of earth and the other planets that are not in the Supreme Alliance of the MASTER and LORD of who were refer to as the LORD AND KING of the UNIVERSE and his father the METAVERSE. The MOTHER OF ALL TIME AND CREATIONS along with the FATHER was two original MALE AND FEMALE SOULS.

All those whom we will read about upon earth as our ancestors are of those that were told about in some of the stories that were kept in the Dead Sea Scrolls and of the Septuagint and Codexes of the Prophets Stories and Songs of Praise. There are a plethora of stories that were recorded and told to those who were upon the earth in the past after creation and the story of the giants and the flood upon earth of the first creations.

All spirits who are created are set into the books of the souls and names are listed in the Books of Life upon the earth and other planets in the universe. We now regard the homes of planets in what humankind has referred to as galaxies in stellar space that are all parts of the many universes defined in the Metaverse of who are shared upon the face of the earth among those who desire to share the peace and sovereignty of the angels of Metatron and the Creator God and God Mother of whom humankind was designed and created for to share in the exploration, research, strength, and fellowship.

The explorations of the natural order of all universes are expanding. This is the order of the future for all universes who will expand outward toward other metaverses and in the future will come the even larger expanding xenoverses of which expansion shall explore in the all forever eternity of existence for the exaltation of the creators who shall share the mysteries of the expansion of all that exist in the eternal youth of our spirits as we share with our souls throughout time from the first souls created as they are shared with their heirs upon earth. The heirs will continually share in the creations first souls and clans as some of the ancestors referred to as tribes.
The various tribes are gathered in various locations throughout the universes for the expansion of the “ALL” in fellowship, exploration, and research for the ever-eternal health and prosperity of all intelligent beings.

It is the world of Ascension that has been taught to believe in and have faith in and where there is, hope of others above will bring peace to all as we know and share in the world of words called “Health and Prosperity!”


Visit and
We may want to begin paying attention to more of what we feel and not just think. It is time we recognize our sixth sense as feeling. The other five (5) are see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
DECEMBER 21, 2012 T. 11:11 is closer than we realize in the Age of Revelation and the precession time of the declared Ascension Age.
The Super Natural, Paranormal, are now part of the new SOCIAL PARANORMAL NETWORK!
THE MEDIA ONLINE PRESS aka Social Media News Guide.
The etymology of the Hebrew word?
(Nephilim) means, “Fallen ones.” Abraham proposes that they were called fallen ones because men’s hearts would fail at the sight of them. Some suggest that they were giants and when they fell, the ground shook, causing others to fall too.
Jean Leclerc and Peter of Aquila among others suggest that it is derived from the warlike nature of the Nephilim, comparing the usage of Naphal in Job 1:15
“And the Sabeans fell upon them” where Naphal means, “to take in battle”.
Alternatively, Shadal understands nephilim as deriving from the Hebrew word.
 Pele, which means wondrous. Another possibility is that the term is a generic term for “giants” in general, which is consistent with the Septuagint and Vulgate translations of the word. Some expositors believe it may refer more to the ferocity and strength of the people who are referred to, rather than their physical height, though in the Book of Numbers intentional stress on height is apparent, whether metaphorical or actual (see below on Anakim).
Origin and identity
Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4 mentions Nephilim:
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.—
They are mentioned again in Numbers chapter 13, verses 32–33, in a description of the inhabitants of Hebron:
So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size. There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.—
There are four common views to understanding the identity of the Nephilim.
They were the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women.
They were the offspring of descendants of Seth with those of Cain.
Webster’s 1913 Dictionary defines the word simply as “Giant.” Thus, any especially tall, powerful, large, or mighty man would be described in ancient times as Nephilim. Nephilim may simply mean “giant,” champion, or strong man.
They are not historical figures and are ancient imagery with questionable meaning.
Fallen angels
The Targum Jonathan states that the Nephilim were given this name because they were descended from fallen angels.
The New American Bible commentary draws a parallel to the Epistle of Jude and the statements set forth in Genesis, suggesting that the Epistle refers implicitly to the paternity of Nephilim as heavenly beings that came to earth and had sexual intercourse with women. The footnotes of the Jerusalem Bible suggest that the Biblical author intended the Nephilim to be an “anecdote of a superhuman race”.
 Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different times—in antediluvian times “and afterward.” If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, it is possible that the “giants of Canaan” in Book of Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural parents.
In Aramaic culture, the term Nephila specifically referred to the constellation of Orion, and thus Nephilim to Orion’s semi-divine descendants (cf.Anakim from Anak);
The implication being that this also is the origin of the Biblical Nephilim.
Some Christian commentators have argued against this view, Citing Jesus’ statement that angels do not marry.
Others believe that Jesus was only referring to angels in heaven.
Descendants of Seth and Cain
Many Jewish commentaries and translations describe the Nephilim as being from the offspring of “sons of nobles” rather than from “sons of God” or “sons of angels”.
This is also the rendering suggested in the Targum Onkelos.
Likewise, a long-held view among some Christians is that the sons of God did not birth the Nephilim spoken of in the text, but the formerly righteous descendants of Seth who rebelled, while the daughters of men were the unrighteous descendants of Cain, and the Nephilim the offspring of their union.
This view dates to at least the 3rd century AD, with references in Sextus Julius Africanus, as well as throughout the Clementine literature.
 Holders of this view have looked for support in Jesus’ statement that “in the days before the flood they (humans) were marrying and giving in marriage”
ALYSIANS. = An embattled genocidal race who embezzle. Alysians are malevolent and are more aggressive than the humanoids that we are part of as sentient intelligent being species, who explore, search, and do not destroy. We are a benevolent species. They Alysians or Elysians are not a part of the Milky Way Galaxy of Allied Federation of Galaxies in this Universe. WE are part of the Allied Federation of Universal Galaxies of this universe of the Metaverse.
In our history on earth that dates back to Atlantis and Lemuria, we were taught to be a benevolent species. We were aware of our spirits and our souls after death, which came to mean Elysians or Alysians.
Through time we confused the meaning of those who are the Extra terrestrials who are our allies with those and benevolent with those of our enemies.
ALYSIANS are the MALEVOLENT and ELYSIAMS are the BENEVOLENT. Sad but true. The NAMES we intertwined throughout the ages and as the veil fail upon our kind on earth. We now have Avatar Oracles to assist in restoring our history the way it should be. We are the Social Paranormal Avatar Elysiams. The word Elysian is still in our humanoid vocabulary today meaning a humble abode or any place of exquisite happiness.
The term Elysian was an adjective for Elysian Nephilim also known as Angels and Extra Terrestrials and Gods and Goddesses from the heavens or what we now refer to as stellar space.
ELYSIAMS. = The benevolent extraterrestrials that are also known as Gods and goddesses, angels, and guides of that visit earth from the heavens or stellar space in
A spiritual mind takes on a near death experience. Body Near death experience and extra terrestrial experiences are real to me because I have experienced both on more than one occasion. I am not alone in these experiences and it took time for me to live up to my obligations to share my truth about both because of the abnormally. These were considered extraordinary experiences on earth during the twentieth century of which I was born. I have been on earth since Dec. 26, 1951 in this lifetime. I have much to share and will somehow get a “round tuit”. Maybe not in this lifetime. In this lifetime, I have been many people and had many professions. I survived life on earth once again. This time though, I am asked to stand up and be counted. I have to tell the truth and own my past life experiences to assist others find their way on their journey.

There are many experiences that are my truth that I can share with others but many will not believe me. They will believe that I am making these stories up for monetary gain. I can assure you that I have not made one dollar or pound of currency on earth for my words, articles, stories, or for this syndication on the Internet. I write out of obligation.

This is my real spiritual experience story recorded prior to 2012. I believe in spiritual awareness and that our mind expansion is due to our chosen truths that we accept as memories. I also believe that the only part of life we take with us when we leave is carried in our spiritual mind as energy plasma back to our immortal souls. I am going to explain why I believe this. Some may believe me and some may not.

Universe expansion requires more energy than we understand. There are global changes affecting our future conscious awareness. There is our opportunity to evolve our species and save our kind. Some of us will make the grade and others will simply change into another form of life.

I was not sure whether to begin this story as “You ain’t gonna believe this but this is my truth” or “One upon a time there was a little angel who was sent to earth to gain her wings”. Would you accept this; “There was an extra terrestrial who was sent to earth to share energy.”

I guess it depends on the reader. We have inside us all various levels of existence. In psychology, some call this our adult and child. We all have many levels of beings inside us. Regardless of what or how we believe, there is some truth in all of us. This is mine.

I once died and came back to earth. I saw energy that was outside of my physical body. When I looked around me, I realized that I was flying through space and time seemed to be passing me into another existence. I heard some voices that were not mine. I was out of body and looked down. I saw that I was spirit and not in my physical body. My body had been left behind on a stretcher in an operating room. I could see a faint outline of energy that I assumed was my spiritual energy plasma or spiritual body. When I looked down and saw my feet, I knew I was flying or soaring to another dimension or place.

While I was in this space and time or space-time, I could hear sounds and I was seeing sparks or stars passing by on the outside of this clear tunnel I was in. All the time I was flying or ascending into space, I was gathering information and awareness. I could not tell where the information was created only that I was assimilating information at a very fast rate of speed. This was very odd to me and I knew I was not on earth any longer. It was one of those “We aren’t in Kansas anymore Toto moments!”

However, I was alive or I felt alive. I never felt better and more alive as I was then. I could breathe and I was comfortable and soaring. I was traveling in space and yet I could tell I was on a trip to another destination. I then realized I was actually leaving earth and I had to try to stop the process. I was realizing I was not ready to leave earth.

Then I heard in my conscious awareness voices. There were others like me at the place where I was ascending too. I was going at the speed of light or so it seemed and it felt like I was on an escalator or at least traveling up in that direction. Not like the one, an elevator goes straight up but at a slope like an escalator on earth. I began to think aloud. This is when I learned about real telepathy actually existing. I never doubted this before but now I knew for sure.

I realized that the beings that I had seen prior on earth were on earth and that those that had visited me on spacecraft called UFOS were real too. It seemed that there were more beings in various levels of existence than I had realized previously at one time in my life on earth. This was perplexing but I was holding my energy well in space.

I arranged with the superior beings whom I know to allow me to return to earth. Here I am. Now, I am told that I agreed to share and to be a communicator for others still on earth. For many years, I was scared to share my truth. I was not living up to my spiritual obligations to others on earth. It was too frightening. There was just no way I could fit in with others on earth if I shared my truth and my experiences. Others would never believe me. Life on earth and death experiences was not ready to know about what happens after we leave earth.

I allowed time to pass and I lived my life. It was not until 2007 that I decided to wake up and tell the truth. I was tired of being programmed in a world that was not all truth. There is more to life and now people write books about angels and near death experiences. There are two sides it seems to me. One is religious and one is scientific. Regardless of the approach that others took at writing their stories or papers, I would have to be brave and take time to write mine. Many people think I do this for profitable gain. I do not. I do it because I have an inner knowing that my story can help others. I will someday get the story written. For now, I write articles for others to read at no charge. The universe is expanding and it is time to share knowledge or remind others of what they already know just maybe cannot remember.

I was once in a lifetime in Egypt and once in Ireland long ago prior to a five thousand year mark on earth. I can remember at least eight past lives and I was never famous. I was once locked up as a princess with my family because of my father died. It was in Egypt. That is another story and I will have to use my time traveler energy.

Some of us are remembering our past. Some of us are not. There are some energy changes occurring and some will say that our spiritual awareness is rising or ascending. Some of us are expanding and growing while others are shrinking and losing energy. Global consciousness has high galactic standards. We are very eternal beings in spirit and soul.

We have had entire civilizations taken from this planet and utilized in space and on other planets. We are gathering our fleet to lay siege to our enemies. We are on a friendly trip through space but we will be taken over by others who are launching attacks on helpless planets. We are considered young and helpless at this time. This is why we are being visited by some of our ancestors who have come and gone before on earth, such as Atlantis.

We each is a part of the future conscious awareness.

Those that do not adapt and accept will become synthesized into another form of conscious energy and be dealt with harshly to learn a lesson. There is no reason we should be fighting each other. We should be working together. Some of us know how to fly and it would be in our best interest to pool our resources. There are choices to be made on earth. The demands of the origin acceptance as embracing the truth may not be an option based on faith.

Sometimes we make the right decisions and other times we make the decisions right! Our technology is coming full circle, to what was once used by the ancient ascended beings.

We can try to find the information on Atlantis and it will not be long before the ascension beings or extra terrestrials come back for their ships and the giant crystals. That is news.
There are extra terrestrial and celestial superior races with massively superior nuclear laser fire power. We knew this in the past on earth and our ancestors left clues on earth.

We are all responsible for our knowledge and awareness universally. We are another generation of those who have come before us to earth. I share what I know. How do I know? Because I have lived the truth. I have extraordinary experiences in this lifetime. I am no different from you. We are separate at this time. We are in physical bodies to experience life on earth. Please read and share in global consciousness. However, we are also connected. We are all responsible now in a global consciousness. We are the ones who survive or become extinct. There are extra terrestrials who are superior to us on earth.
We are all part of the whole of energy and matter. We can concentrate on what needs to be done and come up with agreeable solutions.

We are mentally becoming aware of our part in the vast universe of change. The universe is expanding and so are we. The energy that binds us all together as the God particles are what is weaving our energy and matter together into one magnetic realm of existence on earth. We have gravity, magnetism and the God particle. For now, we are dealing with three forces that we really do not own a good understanding of collectively. However, we know there are more than three now and that there is a fourth and fifth dimension through space-time. Another reason for our continuing to explore, learn, research, study, and innovate.

We are all part of the greater whole or total sum of energy and matter on earth. We are simply part of a universal experiment that others have participated in for millions of years.

We are all part of the one. We are all part of one intelligent being species on earth. We have not yet realized that there are many other civilizations or colonization’s of other intelligent species. There are other intelligent being species and most are superior to us on earth because of their civilization’s length of awareness, energy, and matter belonging to ancient civilizations that began prior to our civilization on earth.

These ancient civilizations will appear as alien to many of us on earth because of their physical matter even though there is bi-peddle and anthropoid. There are various types of intelligent beings. Some are simple created in a vapor like substance. Others are more like those we call the four foot grays. There are our ancestors, which only have four digits because the little finger is no longer used and evolution changed their hands. Other than that, we on earth may not be able to tell the difference in their appearance from our own as humans on earth.

We are all here for reasons that we may or may not be aware of. I cannot tell others why they are here other than the blanket answer which most of my readers are already familiar with. We are all here to explore, learn, and to experience life. We are here in sentient intelligent being form of matter to expound our awareness of senses that we can only experience while in physical form. Our mental awareness of our energy is only one part of our existence. Many people are born with the same senses. Most of those born on earth are given the basic six senses. For those of you who need reminding, they are seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and the sixth sense are feeling. Touching and feeling is not the same thing.

There have been past entities and extra terrestrials who have come to earth in physical form as human beings. We treated these beings as prophets and leaders. There is history and stories in all countries about our leaders. Some of these were spiritual leaders. Some of these were called Kings, Queens, Gods and Goddesses. Jesus was simply a man to many who lived at the same time he walked the earth. To others he was a leader and a prophet. Jesus was a chosen leader of the extra terrestrials that some refer to as God or Yahweh. I choose to believe this although I never met the man but feel I know him in my spirit and soul. Others may feel they know Mohamed or Joseph Smith. I really cannot deny that other beings exist in space (heaven) any more than I can deny that others exist in the Amazon. Just because I have not met any natives of the rain forest does not mean they do not exist. There have been other prophets and we must discern our own truth and awareness.

There have been wars and rumors of wars since the beginning or recorded time on earth. This is part of the way we live on earth. There are Gods and extra terrestrial ways of living on earth that have been used to create these wars. There have been more wars fought over religion and beliefs than any other reason. There have been wars fought for land rights by people of geographic areas on earth. Most of the past civilizations and empires were about growth and change. When we think about the energy and matter that is given to all of us on earth, it boils down to exploring and expanding our own energy and matter to include more.

We must now realize that while we are here in physical form that energy matters. We all matter. All matter matters. This is now part of the grand scheme of things and the solution to our problems. We must all realize that more is better as long as we are all participating in the growth and expansion process. We must learn to take care of each other as we come to this planet until we return once again to our ascension beings immortal realm.

Those who exist now on earth have many levels of existing and thinking. We must realize that the old ways of thinking do not serve us any longer. Those who will pass from this earth in the next decade will be utilized in other realms of existence. There importance on earth has expired. This is what we realize at the time of death. We realize that their energy can no longer survive in the vessel or physical body that was created for the energy we call spirit to exist so the spirit returns back to the soul. The soul is the actual energy mass that never expires and is immortal.

There are many ways to think and feel about our energy inside our physical bodies. There are many ways to realize our levels of consciousness. We have levels we now refer to as beta, alpha, theta, delta, and gamma. These levels do not necessarily relate to each other and are not necessarily conscious and aware of each other.

There are many parts of a soul. There are many levels of understanding based on past reincarnations of matter in this work and world and in others. This is not the only portal of life for existence in the physical and mental forms. Our spirits or separates are all created as what encases memory and what continues as knowledge. Our brain houses our mental capacity to retain the knowledge that we call memories which will leave with the energy we call electrical spirit. For many on earth, they have not had any reason to believe in the future of energy. Many people on earth do not realize that life goes on and is immortal. This is what the new global consciousness is offering to all human beings who are alive at this time.

Many ascension beings that are alive and well on planet earth have returned by choice. This was their calling and election made sure in another time and place that many beings call heaven or space.

How we begin to open, our awareness and our minds to other possibilities that have not been openly discussed before as real energy and matter other than in a spiritual and religious atmosphere is what would bring about change. We are to openly discuss and create new names, new knowledge, and new matter for all that we are discovering together. We are creating and innovating truth in all things for all things as energy in matter.

We are about the change in global consciousness. We each must do our part. There are probably better words and connections in sentences to explain this knowledge. I am not the best person to share truth as I understand it but I do have a message and as a communicator, I have agreed to share what I know regardless of the consequences that it may bring to my physical existence while here on earth. I made this choice. I chose to come to earth. I chose to live, die, and return.

This was my agreement and contribution to global consciousness including being here now. Being aware of my past lives and my past dealing with extra terrestrials is simply one of the gifts I was given with the veil lifted. Sometimes, ones treasures are another’s trash. These I have come to accept as so many beings have before me. We are all part of the global consciousness. We are all energy in matter. We all matter.

Too many thoughts in the head because one to get confused. This is because we are separate. We have the ability to reach the Akashic Field and the Unified Field of Origin.
Global Consciousness is part of being whole. Do what can be done to explore, learn, create, and experience being part of this team of sentient intelligent beings on earth. Congratulations on the continuance of your lifetime on earth with others. This includes me! Global Consciousness is now being revealed to others not just the Avatars and Ascension Beings. There is a gnosis revelation.

Others are coming. Something wonderful is happening! Extra terrestrials exist. The UFOS are simply other than earth origin spacecraft. The one’s who are not opening their minds to the truth of this will simply be passed over when the time comes to ascend. Knowledge is a terrible thing to waste. Those who are separate and do not agree with the critical masses when time comes to leave earth will experience another lifetime on earth that may or not be superior and beneficial.

Some will simply stay to experience brain cells. We have a lot to work through and change. My people are here on this planet along with others. We are beginning to share in the strong minded to wake up those who are to ascend and be welcomed back. Those who do not awaken will be left behind. This is what has spread origin to this world. There is knowledge that will be forthcoming to assist some slow sleepwalkers who are programmed.

The world has many spiritual people who are not necessarily in one religion or another. There are no religions on earth, which are right. Religions were manmade. The truth is out there for others to explore and use. This is part of the global consciousness now being revealed to others and not just to the chosen Ascension Beings. Some may be called of various faiths depending on from where they originated. We in global awareness will realize that rallying and supporting religions on earth is not the answer to salvation. There is a way to become aware of the truth. The truth will set us free. Trying to think of appropriate last words before leaving earth. We should thank our past leaders who knew the truth. They saved our lives.

Now it is time to be responsible for our own consciousness, spirits, and future of our souls. Who ever is tainted about the worlds beyond and all other life forms may not survive. It will not be that easy to accept what is not known. Many are programmed on earth due to free reign and will. It is too late for those who want to simply remain alive for the sake of existence. We must accept our global consciousness with knowledge of the truth about the global future. Nevertheless, it will make a difference to those who are ready to know the truth and feel the change on earth. The truth will set us free. Mind expansion is part of our life experience. Life has always been about Ascension being-living-becoming. MYSTERY OF 2012 ENLIGHTENMENT REVEALED BY TJ – AVATAR ORACLE
Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

Dear Reader:

I have read your email and will use it. I sent you a quick note back, which is below your original. However, I have taken the liberty to address your questions to use on my websites. In addition, I feel that there are many of us asking the same questions that you are. It amazes me that you say you are only fourteen (14) years old.

This is inspiring to me as I am sure it will be to others to see that there are wonderful essences coming to earth and finding their spiritual path back to enlightenment much quicker than those in the past.

The world is truly shifting and uplifting as in the world use of the word Ascension.

The raising of awareness for everyone on earth.

As we raise our individual energy and education, this will assist in the overall critical mass consciousness of us all.

Our world is a part of us and we are a part of the world. It works as one microcosm in the macrocosm we call the metaverse.

Dear TJ:

Hey TJ, if that is what I may call you let me know if you want me to call you something different. I have read some more articles over the past few days. I mostly read about enlightenment and 2012 first I would like to ask on enlightenment again.

Q. 1. What happens if you achieve as you said inner wisdom?

A. 1. It is my understanding that we are always searching for wisdom, which is an eternal state of essence. However, I can break down the achievements of life as rungs on a ladder if you will allow. Meaning, to visualize one’s energy being or essence. The Inner Being that we in the Metaphysical World refer to as entering through the Third Eye in the middle of our forehead is the window to our inner spirit.

We enter our own world that is created from our own spiritual essence experiences. The inner being is truly, who we are as energy essence that we refer to as spirit.

Spirit is the essence of our breath of life that cannot be seen in the way that we as humans think. We can feel ourselves if we truly think about doing so. The essence energy is what travels through our vessel, container, and body-mind-spirit.

The inner wisdom that we refer to on this planet is learning to achieve one’s highest level of energy essence while maintaining one’s own level of being while in a body-mind-spirit. This is a physical vessel or container, which houses our inner being.

What happens is that we are constantly achieving more sentient thoughts that become knowledge and awareness of various experiences in various forms of matter and anti-matter. We learn from our physical, mental, and spiritual existences while in a form.

Q. 2. What are some characteristics?

A. 2. Some of the characteristics of one who is working on obtaining inner wisdom is a knowing. We strive an inner peace for that can be revealed on the outside. Our characteristics that are on the inside are manifested on the outside of our being. We use our physical and mental bodies as the container for our spirit. Our spirit is the part of us that cannot die. However, it can leave our physical and mental containers of vessels.

The characteristics are portrayed through experience and exploration on earth as one’s life evolves. We evolve as essences that will be recorded in our spirits that will one day become like the fire of the Phoenix Bird, fly, and soar back to our soul. Our soul has the characteristics of all our lives experiences in all places and of all times. We have spiritual characteristics that are like what in physics is referred to as the string theory.

We have various spiritual essence particulates from each life on earth. When we return to earth to replenish and to educate our souls, we are allowed to bring these traits or characteristics with us. Some of these are displayed in our genome patterns of our DNA.

Q. 3. Do you feel the same or different?

A. 3. I believe you are referring to all of us when you say “you.” One can be defined as all the spiritual particulates that one has lived before which is considered knowledge and wisdom of lifetimes and existences lived prior. In other words, we come to earth with certain mystical qualities and gifts that some of us are able to retain depending on our level of existence as a created spiritual being. Our souls come from another place and are kept in another place. The Supreme Beings are they that are of the beginning. We have the feelings that we display of being human in this lifetime from the time we are born.

Some of us are considered Avatars. We are they that have memories intact of our past lives on earth. We are allowed certain privileges that also require more responsibility.

In the respect of living on earth with searching for inner wisdom in this lifetime, one begins to gain gifts and privileges that one had not achieved before if one desires to exert the energy to obtain the difference. These one feels as the same or different depending on if one has acquired the wisdom in a prior life or is just absorbing and recording the date in this lifetime.

Q. 4. Also on matters of 2012, will an apocalypse happen?

A.4. The apocalypse is a state of mind. The 2012 date is a benchmark for all of our essences that are upon earth who are present at this time that humankind has made for all of us. We are to understand the many meanings of humankind and all of those in the history of this world. Our ancestors have left us information to use. This is to assist those who come after to achieve their own greatness as individuals. Some will decide to leave this planet. Some will decide to stay. The individual is not allowed to know when one will past over.

This is part of the veil of wisdom that is one of the set rules for coming to earth. No individual essence is allowed to come to earth knowing the consequences of one’s own journey. What would be the point or the fun in knowing everything?

The word Apocalypse is a word meaning revelation. There are other meanings but each individual will receive an apocalypse in their own time. One can receive revelations.

The December 21, 2012, Time 11:11 as the sun is centered with the earth and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy of this Universe among many in the Metaverse.

This is a time placement on earth and a benchmark in the galaxy. This only pertains to our knowledge of who we have been before and that we will be again. We are going to each have an experience based on our level of essence energy achieved on earth. This will be an individual awakening or awareness.

The world is experiencing constant change, as are we. We are all growing and expanding outwards. We are in a constant growth pattern. So is our world we call the illusions of our own lives in time on earth.

Q. 5. Is this why we must take to the stars on new planets?

A. 5. This is one reason we must take to the stars on new planets. I believe you mean take to the stars in search of new planets as a new home. If you are referring to the possible end of the world due to being knocked off course by an asteroid then yes. This has happened before. This is also part of our journey on planets in space. We were once living on the planet now called Mars. The Mars planet was our home. We had the level of intelligence to create spaceships that could take us out in space to maneuver our species away from the danger of the planet Mars. Some of us were “TAKEN” and that is all I can share at this time about that. However, I can tell you that many of us on earth today are aware of our past for a reason and we are called Avatars. I am one of those who have been allowed to have memories of past lives and have returned to have the veil of secrecy or of shadows lifted from my mind over time. This is also part of searching for our soul selves and back on the path that brought us here to this planet, we call earth.

Q. 6. You said that if 1% of our population answered to you the aliens would reveal there existence to us but if our planet is going to be destroyed is that all that will survive?

A.6. This is a great question and you are right. It was revealed to me personally that I would need 1% of our total population on earth to believe the way I do. This is a goal of mine personally. I was allowed to speak to Supreme Beings at a level of my existence. During this precious sacred time, some secrets of life were revealed. This is like seeking the Holy Grail of life. We all have metaphoric levels of our spirits that return to our essence that flies home in space to our souls. This is easier to fathom than one might imagine. The more we live on earth and achieve our personal goals in life the more we are allowed to remember. This gives some of us on earth the change to share as seers. This is a calling and election made sure for some of us. There is an old term on earth that some people like to use as writers. It is called or referred to as, “An Angel obtaining their Wings.” The Supreme Beings are those who we refer to as God and or God and Goddess in a higher realm of existence. There is always an achievable level of essence for us all. We achieve to exist. Those who are much older and wiser created the essence that is in us that we obtained in the beginning. They actually have worlds, galaxies, and universes that they are able to create together from their level of wisdom and enlightenment. Some may call this level of energy and enlightenment, science and technology as we use the words today on earth. This is why it is so important that we refer to enlightenment on earth as science and technology working in unison with our spiritual wisdom and philosophy. Some of the ways in which we think and believe on earth are practiced in what humankind refers to as cultural traditions and religions of the world.

Q. 7. 1%? I have been getting worried over the subject lately.

A. 7. One% – I have always been worried about this amount too but one thing I have been taught in past lives is that it does us no good to worry or fret. We are taught that we will be taken care of no matter what. The birds and flowers are taking care of, we are a much higher level of existence as life, and intelligent species go. We can only ask to obtain knowledge and wisdom but with this gift of life comes responsibility of knowing and awareness. This is where the term, “Older than dirt, or wisdom beyond one´s own years.” This is what you have my son on this planet now in this lifetime. To be so young and to have found me and asked these questions allows me to know that you are truly an advanced soul.

Comment 1: So then, this is what I was wondering about lately.

I know you have said you are waiting for more information from the aliens and I am as eager to here what they say as you. In the end, I have come to accept the fact that aliens exist and that they are monitoring us.

C.A. (Me too! TJ)

C.2. Just today, I swear I saw a UFO it was an aircraft flying at late dusk with no lights on it.

C. A 2. (I am happy for you. It is like opening the mind and the scatomas of the mind are always there to block our inner sight. This is why we are allowed to know of certain practices we use in Yoga and Meditations on this planet. The practices we learn in our Whole Life Living Fundamentals are what allow us to open one´s own mind to the entire world of life and the living around us all. Much exists in a world that most never sees in one lifetime. Think about all that exists and all that has been written in books for us to find. Many people have come to earth and left some of their findings and knowledge for us to discover in books. Books will always be important and I hope you divine your fair share.)

C.3.More on the matter of enlightenment I have tried to say this to the people I know on earth. Only my mother would even open the conversation of it.

I said that you can explain things with your articles but they are not open to listen to anything.

C.A.3. (I totally understand your energy on these comments. I am one who also was a seeker of knowledge at an early age. I dare say when I was fourteen that this was one of the best years of my life. I was through my childhood past and I spent much time at the library reading books of others who had come to earth before me. I too would share my findings and thoughts with my mother but she was not a believer as I am. This can cause a young being frustration. I well know. This is part of our growth process for our inner being so do not stop growing and sharing. We all get this calling. We all have a gift and a talent but not everyone discovers them early. Some people take a whole lifetime to discover what they came her to obtain as their purpose in this life. Be glad that you are well on your own spiritual journey and assist those who ask for it. To those who you desire to assist and help, ask for the knowledge, wisdom, and guidance from your higher powers, God, Goddess, and/or Supreme Beings to assist you to have the inner strength to carry on and to assist those you can and the power to carry on in life when one has to have the wisdom to know the difference of those you cannot assist in this lifetime. This is one of the hardest callings on the “Tree of Life” and the “Tree of Knowledge” which becomes our human divine wisdom.) google_protectAndRun(“ads_core.google_render_ad”, google_handleError, google_render_ad);

Q. 8. What will happen to us all as a whole?

A. 8. What happens to us all as a whole is part of our process of becoming. We are all part of each other as far as the “Whole” goes to which I believe you are referring to as “Life among the Living.” Life on earth is only part of our entire process of becoming. Our Inner Being and our Outer Knowing becomes more of the “Whole”. We become one with our own Essence that is the main part of what we call our “LIFE FORCE”. We are to obtain “WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE” as the “AWARENESS” of the “WHOLE” as “ONE”. This is the complicated part of being “ONE” with the “WHOLE”. We each have a chance to obtain great hood. This part of our lives is to enforce and to “FORGE” our well-being as an energy and essence. We can become “ONE” with the “ALL” and what in religion they refer to as “GOD” and the “GREAT I AM”. Have you heard the term of a great philosopher that once lived that is this, “I THINK, THERFORE I AM.”

In some respects, this is true. As long as one can think then one must be. However, the others like us that are a part of the one on this planet have decided once we are “BRAIN DEAD” that we must not be able to “THINK THEREFORE WE ARE NOT”. This is what in medical terms now decides whether to plug or unplug the energy or electrical currents that instill the breathing apparatus for us when we are in certain states of being. When our life force is weak and we are, on “LIFE SUPPORT” there are times when we must be assisted on earth. This is what is usually done in the “MEDICAL HOSPITALS.” This can be caused by physical of mental trauma. Humankind is just now beginning to add that there can be spiritual trauma as well that is separate from the human mind and body. The spirit becomes the essence of energy that many in the medical fields call “LIFE”. This is how they have come upon the terms of “LIFE AND DEATH” situations.

Q. 9. If an apocalypse happens but only those who are willing to learn will survive how many will live?

A. 9. As I explained to you before the apocalypse is an individual happening. However, I believe what you mean here and I have to “READ” you and your spiritual and intellectual meaning as I arrive at your words here since I do not physically know you in person.

The correct answer is “EVERYONE”. The reason being is that there is always energy in our essence and energy can never die! However, I believe you mean who of those will stay on earth and who will go. This is something that is debated in all generations on earth. Our ancestors have debated this way of thinking and being while on earth. Some of our ancestors were willing to “WALK INTO FIRE” to prove their belief systems in another world and another leader of their religious beliefs. Some of those who were considered religious leaders on earth were willing to put others of our kind to death on earth for “Believing Differently.”

There have been manmade religions of many and various types on earth. We are all sharing our thoughts and energy but to debate is healthy. To ridicule and find fault in each other is not healthy for our energy and does quite the opposite. The point about remaining on earth is to have time to gather the spiritual awareness while one has a vessel to do so as in a container. We utilize our body-mind-spirit containers or vessels to share in the process of obtaining knowledge that our energy as essence can use to relate to all there is in this universe in the Metaverse, which is expanding. It is our job to expand with it. Otherwise, life is pointless if we do not desire to achieve expansion.

C. 4.I worry for us. Our intelligence is matched with ignorance and blood lust and this is why we are not as powerful as we could be. One reason why the 20th century was so successful was America where differences are set aside and look where we got; we managed to build our own technology to go to the moon. Imagine if our history was always built together. I am not angry and still want teach people but no one believes me.

In the end, I still will seek an inner wisdom.

Well then, I look forward to your reply and opinions.

C.A. 4 (I value your energy, essence, opinions, and views. We all assist each other in obtaining that 1% of our species on our spiritual intellectual journey on earth.)

Comment – P.S. Something strange when I read your articles my eyes start to hurt which leads to migraine headaches. This could be from sinus congestion with allergies but it only happens when I read your articles. Not on T.V. or other internet sights just articles.


Many people are feeling these symptoms of Dis-Ease these days. One must learn about their own individual vessel and what Genome and DNA is ours to utilize while we are here. The medical conditions that you describe are common while we are growing and learning on earth. There are many of us that are considered Alien Hybrids while we are here on earth. We all on earth at this time have 46 pairs of Chromosomes that are matched up for a health existence for us while we are here in essence energy.

When these are obstructed for whatever reason usually due to the physical and mental environments we live in, we will experience a resistance. This resistance is part of being in a human container of vessel. Some of us have learned what can be used in medicinal and health remedies. Some are homeopathic and some are not. This is something I can only share my comments and opinions about and not advise you physically how to take care of your own container and vessel.

We are each individuals based on our experiences that we bring to earth. You may notice that some of you as the outer knowing of your container is based on the same information that one or both of your genetic earth parents have. However, some of the life patterns we have are created in this lifetime.

We can create Dis-Ease in many ways. Part of being “WHOLE” is learning to live with the knowledge and wisdom that we can heal ourselves. “Physician Heal Thy Self/” was taught to us long ago among some beings that spent time on earth before there were medicines that we now use on earth. Most of what we now understand to be human conditions are based on our own offensive and defensive systems to our life force on earth while here.

We can develop many allergies to things that we do not approve of in this life. Some of our medical conditions can be sustained from prior memories of our past lives on earth. I suggest you take notice of your experience and purchase a small pot to cleanse your sinuses. One was once displayed on the Oprah T.V. Show and can be purchased at Wal Mart in the pharmacy area. Just suggestions mind you. I have one myself but do not use it, as I should. I too experience sinusitis. It is typical of Star People and Light Workers who have come to earth. We have set up some physical resistance to things that we cannot control in our atmosphere.

Q. 10. In addition, what is your life on a daily basis if I may ask?

A. 10. In addition, you may ask about my daily life. Because I have chosen to return to earth and assist others as an Avatar Oracle, my life is spent in the same world and period that others on earth are experiencing. I share the 24 hours a day period but I live in the Central time zone on earth. I have the ability and gifts of creation and abundance to share the world in any location I so desire. However, after traveling the world for many years, I still chose to return to the southern central region of America where I can experience the four seasons with other spiritual intellectuals and others who need my whereabouts known while on earth. My family that I was born into lives in Texas.

My children live in Florida and one is in Alabama and Arizona. The location of my family is by choice due to their jobs or belief systems they obtained in this lifetime.

I chose to move to a very spiritual place of many churches. There are new ones forming here all the time. The people here that formed this area were called Baptists. I am not a religious person but I am a very spiritual person. I prefer to live here because it is a dry county where no liquor is sold and there are no pornography bookstores or adult entertainment locations. This is a family and retired people´s community.

Regarding on a “Daily Basis” I sleep on regular intervals, about 8 to 9 hours a day. The other 15 or 16 hours are spent doing normal duties to maintain existence and to share and enhance to total “WHOLE”. I maintain a small home where I have a husband and two dogs.

My hours that are spent in conscious beta are spent mostly sharing information on the Internet. I share what I am inspired to share after a sleep time. Each day I have two meals one regular breakfast to start the day. I eat healthy snacks like fruit and nuts and may have a soup or salad for lunch. Then evening between five and 6 P.M. My husband and I enjoy a meal together cooked at home. We may occasionally go out for dinner. We occasionally will go to a movie at a theater in one of the larger cities about 35 miles away from our small rural town to get away.

I use to travel a lot around the world when I was a young age as an adult after my children were grown. I became a truck driver and saw the Untied States after living in and working in Hawaii for 7 years. I spent 1995 through 2002 on the road, which is another 7 years. I tend to do things in 7´s. My husband does things in 13´s/ His job in the military and then driving a truck for 13 years.

I spent 2002 through 2009 another seven years preparing for the years ahead as a writer and author. I now spend my days assisting my husband with his book story editing and then I publish them in books.

I have my own company on the Internet where I am responsible for maintaining commercial websites of which I supply knowledge and education. In my space, I have an office in my home with walls of books and a computer and couch and chair. I have two desks and lamps and am comfortable with my certificates of achievement hanging on my wall. I created a small life in a small home once I had traveled the world and offered my experience as an Entrepreneur. I accomplished all my goals in business. I am now prepared to assist others in life as a guide and seer.

My daily life is spent revealing knowledge and awareness to those who design a way to find me as you did. This is my hobby and gives me a newfound pleasure.

As far as the world is concerned. I have built a new life as an author of books. I also am a book doctor and assist others with sharing their books with the public. This makes me happy. I came upon the job by one person who came to me seeking my assistance. This was an author in a small town nearby who had seen my writing articles for the local weekly newspaper. He asked me to assist him in the larger town nearby with editing his books. He had an agent in New York who had begun not to accept his books due to the length. Therefore, I had to learn to take his stories and share with the creator what he could do to make the story shorter. This offered me a change and a chance to serve others. Then I was able to do the same thing for my husband and his sister. This became a need and a condition of others who knew me here where I live.

I deal with some people who want to write books but am not sure how to begin. I assist them in sharing their thoughts and putting them in final form so that I can publish them.

I also write articles and am a syndicated columnist on the Internet. I have people who read my articles and use my opinions, views, and advice around the world. I check my listings on my computer weekly and watch how many countries around the world are reading my websites. I have had many through the years and have allowed others to take them over after I built them up with a name and game them worth in the Internet Global Community. This also gives me pleasure to see my works grow and expand on the Internet. This is a small way I can contribute my energy and essence to assist others. TJ

I shall contact you later

I am just waking up and have to solve some issues from my dreams. They give me information in my dreams and I have to work on global issues when I wake up.

Right now, I am working on making sure that NASA is part of our future budget with the Constellation program in the USA.

The U.S. Senators met last night a special meeting that relates to what I have written about the future in space with the International Space Station.

I must research what our

Contacts want to express to them about our future.

I know that I shall assist you also, but your training must involve researching all my stories first.

Therefore, I shall write you later.

You write me back with more questions as you absorb the truth okay!

GOOD JOB! You will be okay. We will make sure you are taken care of. TJ

PARANORMAL ET UFO contact on communication, creation, and crop circles are tools of our awareness. Taboo are the darker fringes of society that deal with spirits yet, most cultures, religions, and traditions have these areas. Halloween and witches create fear of the unknown or do they? Are cultural traditions activating taboos or innovative science?

We can focus on existence for our family, culture, world, and ourselves. We are here to learn and explore life on earth. Trust and fear are as opposite as cause and effect.

As our basic growth, requirements are met, i.e. food, clothing, shelter, contact, we can search for deeper meaning in knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual Intellectuals and Science are no longer at odds. Trust in science and fear of the unknown are two sides of the same coin. The secrets that were kept for the prophets and visionaries are being found. This is a time of revealing and the generation gaps are closing globally. Science need not be in fear of religion but should embrace it for the cultures, societies, and traditions created on earth. We learn from our adaptability and mistakes. Anthropology and Archeology are needed.

Anyone human will fight for survival. Communication is sometimes not an option when we are alone. Male and female are up for the task of existing on earth. Living is usually preferred over death. It is time to complete the full circle of understanding once again.

Therefore, priorities were sorted for us before we came to earth. First was the right to life. The second was the will to survive. The third is choice to live and find one’s back to the creators. Evidence comes in time to each living spiritual soul. Some receive guidance and wisdom and some must work for knowledge. Part of the spiritual growth in life is considered suffering among some religions. Those thoughts are manmade. We are spirits.

There is so much to understand about truth of life on earth. Being human and grasping what is beyond human understanding is always a part of our reality. There are many who are here to guide us while here on earth. We must search and research for there is more to life always than is being revealed. We all must look for what we cannot see or feel with out six senses. If there are those who live in large concrete cities, take the time to visit the woods, and watch butterflies and birds.

As an extraterrestrial unidentified flying object contactee, I recently had another death and returning experience where physical and mental bodies are concerned on earth. Some call this NDE and others OBE. Regardless, I had to learn about being alien hybrid. I think and have learned to become aware of the five parts of being an intelligent beings and part of the creation.

Now, I am better about what others call the future, I am a visionary.

The God particle has both dark and light matter. We avoid the black holes but use the wormholes for travel in space. Patience is a virtue of the Gods and Goddesses of creation.

The meaning of science and religion are only tools the same as all other subjects in the academic world of education.

Discovery through creation of all matter is grouped into various forms as part of life and death. Some spirits have not found their way to the light because they are lost. They choose to hover around what is known on earth after physical death has occurred. Energy inside all of us never ceases to exist.

Assistance for all both military and civilian of earth’s total population of the present 6.5 billion and rising is required. We shall assist by offering our energy without interfering with the younger total population of earth. We will deal with those who offer their services based on their military training and their communication training. We will ask librarians to be directors of online information for those wanting to search the Internet. We have decided to use some basic earth ways of creating, thinking, and doing.

People on earth who are considered my contacts and my readers and peers are those who are already in tune to being ascension beings. These include those who desire to work in the future Ascension Center Space Port. A spaceport as the Ascension Center is the controversy it would cause among the government and media. This would stir energy and create a need for explanation before it was time.

Military and civilian alike are tuning into our ET UFO Goodwill Ambassadors. Those who are accustomed to working in the program of the mind only know one way to think and this is called linear. We are here to assist. We are aware of the Large Hadron Collider and are going to continue assisting and observing. We choose to not interfere and are simply observing and at times communicating.

Those born after the earth year 1947 were incorporated into a new program for contact. For those who have followed their lifetime energy and focus on flying saucers and nuclear power, these beings will be more perplexed as to why they did not see the whole picture as it progressed. Some believe they are channeling information but they have their own mental filters. This is not the only way that our ET UFO friends think.

Organize thoughts communicate and write while on earth. Our creators have worked for thousands of years to train beings. This does not exclude the intellectual and spiritual portions of the sentient intelligent beings.  The higher intelligent beings can explain later.

Nevertheless, for and to those colleagues of mine thank you for working with the human minds.

To those who are just now joining me in my communication of ET UFO information on the many levels that are required on earth and to those who have created their own following of people who desire to know and understand the future, be patient.

While desiring to assist in the overall goodwill awareness on earth of the extraterrestrials, and unidentified flying objects, which are simply spacecraft, we are also asserting ideas of creation with those of crop circles to infuse a form of creation and connection among all beings on earth.

Symbols have been a way to relate in pictographs. Contacts were chosen to spread the word. There are others more intelligent, come, and go in ET UFO flying saucers or spacecrafts. This has been used in the past for awareness and awakening the human spirit.

Thought time in the past, many oral traditions were forgotten until there were crop circle symbols sent after the “hunters and gatherers” were divided under Abraham. The human species should have developed further than we recently are observing on earth at present.

Because we choose physical or mental force, we simply check in with our chosen beings. We from time to time give a small nudge of influence in a positive direction. We allow freewill to superimpose our suggestions. We offer suggestions during the sleep portion of life on earth. There are parallel worlds and other dimensions to be explored. We sometimes travel through wormholes and are gone in what is termed time on earth. We always leave our guides and guards as a fleet for communication and protection.

This is sometimes played out in the dream portion of ones thought process while on earth. This can be found in symbols and in words used in prior history of earths tribes on earth. At present there are many whom human beings on earth of many faiths and religions create. Some of these have been misguided through time on earth.

Now is a time of revealing and the purpose is to shed as much light on this topic of communication and awareness as can be performed in one life time on earth. This time, we will hope that the man and woman we have chosen will learn to exist with the understanding that the military defense of the planet is required as well as the civilian communication of awareness is required in order to survive the future together as one.

This should be obvious with the two chosen sides of the brain one male and one female. All humans are created the same with 2 sides of existence 1 part man and 1 part woman in symbols this is displayed as 50% male and 50% female creation matter We are all paranormal and transgender or asexual in chemical energy, space, and mind. We experience much as cause and affect, and activity on earth while alive. The five levels are alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta in the human existence.

We have so much to explore and to capture in our own personal memories to take with us when we lave earth at some point as spirits. Personal experiences will be reviewed after leaving earth.

Concentrate on healing the separations of all beings on earth while creating a future in space. There is knowledge in the future in the form of wormhole travel to other galaxies. Remember we have guides and guardians above who have allowed us our freedom of will and freedom to choose in our own minds. Nothing or no one can take away our freedom of our mental body from our mind.

Even when in bondage in prison, there is no reason to panic or live in fear. Conquer the mind that is part of the mental body housed in the physical body while on earth. Enlightenment comes from within the spirit of compassion and wisdom.

We are alive on earth to learn from our experiences and to gather our experiences to create memories to use in our next lives back either on earth or in space.

Do the right thing and discover your part while here on earth. There have been evil beings who were misguided souls while here on earth. They will return for the lessons not learned in this lifetime. Many things are seemingly mystical, and magical. There is a reason for this practice of the human mind.

Other worlds will vary the lessons not learned on earth. However, for many, they will simply return to earth by the creators. We all manifest light and dark or some call this good and evil.

Regardless, there is a dichotomy and we must all do out part to create the best in compassion and wisdom while here on earth. We are here to be a part of the best and the creation for the future of all human intelligent beings who visit this planet. Those who do not participate in the creation and manifestation process for good will is dealt with in a way that most will not want to endure after leaving earth. This requires change after watching our life played our before our eyes while on earth. Then there is a consensus taken by higher intelligent beings. PARANORMAL ET UFO contact may involve out of body experiences.

Life on earth may be about remembering. Lifting the veil on past lives is part of many religions. I have memories I cannot explain and I believe that I was asked to share with others who are searching in science and in spirit. There are many paths and way to live.

I learned in my many past lives that when I as a student am ready that the master will appear. This lifetime, I was given a blessing of “GOD” or the “God Particle” as those in particle physics may say. I am one who believes that science and spirit are one in creation.

My out of body experience had to do with life and death issues. This last near death experience (NDE) or out of body experience (OBE) was not during surgery. This was a spiritual experience, which was a life changing experience with guides to and from space visiting an extra biological entity (EBE) or commonly called in plural meaning more than one as extra terrestrials (ETs). I learned from certain spiritual beings that still believe in religions that they prefer to call these beings angels and God.

Is science truth or fiction? What we once thought was truth in science is now fiction? Some cultures believe in faith and religions of one kind or another. There may be truth in both religions and science. Truth today may be fiction in the future.

We can focus on existence for our family, culture, world, and ourselves. We are here to learn and explore life on earth. Trust and fear are as opposite as cause and effect.

Some believe in past lives. Some people can remember past lives. I have memories that I cannot explain any other way with names in me like Tara and Sothis. Does it matter if we can remember or as some say the veil is lifted on this lifetime?

As our basic growth, requirements are met, i.e. food, clothing, shelter, contact, we can search for deeper meaning in knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual Intellectuals and Science are no longer at odds. Trust in science and fear of the unknown are two sides of the same coin. The secrets that were kept for the prophets and visionaries are being found. This is a time of revealing and the generation gaps are closing globally. Science need not be in fear of religion but should embrace it for the cultures, societies, and traditions created on earth. We learn from our adaptability and mistakes. Anthropology and Archeology are needed.

Anyone human will fight for survival. Communication is sometimes not an option when we are alone. Male and female are up for the task of existing on earth. Living is usually preferred over death. It is time to complete the full circle of understanding once again.

Therefore, priorities were sorted for us before we came to earth. First was the right to life. The second was the will to survive. The third is choice to live and find one’s back to the creators. Evidence comes in time to each living spiritual soul. Some receive guidance and wisdom and some must work for knowledge. Part of the spiritual growth in life is considered suffering among some religions. Those thoughts are manmade. We are spirits.

There is so much to understand about truth of life on earth. Being human and grasping what is beyond human understanding is always a part of our reality. There are many who are here to guide us while here on earth. We must search and research for there is more to life always than is being revealed. We all must look for what we cannot see or feel with out six senses. If there are those who live in large concrete cities, take the time to visit the woods, and watch butterflies and birds.

As an extraterrestrial unidentified flying object contactee, I recently had another death and returning experience where physical and mental bodies are concerned on earth. Some call this NDE and others OBE. Regardless, I had to learn about being alien hybrid. I think and have learned to become aware of the five parts of being an intelligent beings and part of the creation.

Now, I am better about what others call the future, I am a visionary.

The God particle has both dark and light matter. We avoid the black holes but use the wormholes for travel in space. Patience is a virtue of the Gods and Goddesses of creation.

The meaning of science and religion are only tools the same as all other subjects in the academic world of education.

Discovery through creation of all matter is grouped into various forms as part of life and death. Some spirits have not found their way to the light because they are lost. They choose to hover around what is known on earth after physical death has occurred. Energy inside all of us never ceases to exist.

Assistance for all both military and civilian of earth´s total population of the present 6.5 billion and rising is required. We shall assist by offering our energy without interfering with the younger total population of earth. We will deal with those who offer their services based on their military training and their communication training. We will ask librarians to be directors of online information for those wanting to search the Internet. We have decided to use some basic earth ways of creating, thinking, and doing.

People on earth who are considered my contacts and my readers and peers are those who are already in tune to being ascension beings. These include those who desire to work in the future Ascension Center Space Port. A spaceport as the Ascension Center is the controversy it would cause among the government and media. This would stir energy and create a need for explanation before it was time.

Military and civilian alike are tuning into our ET UFO Goodwill Ambassadors. Those who are accustomed to working in the program of the mind only know one way to think and this is called linear. We are here to assist. We are aware of the Large Hadron Collider and are going to continue assisting and observing. We choose to not interfere and are simply observing and at times communicating.

Those born after the earth year 1947 were incorporated into a new program for contact. For those who have followed their lifetime energy and focus on flying saucers and nuclear power, these beings will be more perplexed as to why they did not see the whole picture as it progressed. Some believe they are channeling information but they have their own mental filters. This is not the only way that our ET UFO friends think.

Organize thoughts communicate and write while on earth. Our creators have worked for thousands of years to train beings. This does not exclude the intellectual and spiritual portions of the sentient intelligent beings. The higher intelligent beings can explain later.

Nevertheless, for and to those colleagues of mine thank you for working with the human mind. Those of you who are excelling as spiritual intellectuals will be rewarded. We all have gifts and blessings provided in our DNA by our creators.

To those who are just now joining me in my communication of ET UFO information on the many levels that are required on earth and to those who have created their own following of people who desire to know and understand the future, be patient.

While desiring to assist in the overall goodwill awareness on earth of the extraterrestrials, and unidentified flying objects, which are simply spacecraft, we are also asserting ideas of creation with those of crop circles to infuse a form of creation and connection among all beings on earth.

Symbols have been a way to relate in pictographs. Contacts were chosen to spread the word. There are others more intelligent, come, and go in ET UFO flying saucers or spacecrafts. This has been used in the past for awareness and awakening the human spirit.

Thought time in the past, many oral traditions were forgotten until there were crop circle symbols sent after the “hunters and gatherers” were divided under Abraham. The human species should have developed further than we recently are observing on earth at present.

Because we choose physical or mental force, we simply check in with our chosen beings. We from time to time give a small nudge of influence in a positive direction. We allow freewill to superimpose our suggestions. We offer suggestions during the sleep portion of life on earth. There are parallel worlds and other dimensions to be explored. We sometimes travel through wormholes and are gone in what is termed time on earth. We always leave our guides and guards as a fleet for communication and protection.

This is sometimes played out in the dream portion of ones thought process while on earth. This can be found in symbols and in words used in prior history of earths tribes on earth.

Humans have two distinct sides of the brain one male and one female. There are other parts of course but most can see the two parts and the motor development loss or gain in stroke victims.

All humans are created the same with 2 sides of existence 1 part man and 1 part woman in symbols this is displayed as 50% male and 50% female creation matter We are all paranormal and transgender or asexual in chemical energy, space, and mind. We experience much as cause and affect, and activity on earth while alive. The five levels are alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta in the human existence.

We have so much to explore and to capture in our own personal memories to take with us when we lave earth at some point as spirits. Personal experiences will be reviewed after leaving earth.

Concentrate on healing the separations of all beings on earth while creating a future in space. There is knowledge in the future in the form of wormhole travel to other galaxies. Remember we have guides and guardians above who have allowed us our freedom of will and freedom to choose in our own minds. Nothing or no one can take away our freedom of our mental body from our mind.

Even when in bondage in prison, there is no reason to panic or live in fear. Conquer the mind that is part of the mental body housed in the physical body while on earth. Enlightenment comes from within the spirit of compassion and wisdom. We are alive on earth to learn from our experiences and to gather our experiences to create memories to use in our next lives back either on earth or in space.

The future is important and visionaries and futurists will lead the way. Paranormal ET UFO contact is important and past lives being part of intelligent beings may be simply raising the veil of our human existence. There are parallel universes and other dimensions to explore. One has to open the spiritual mental body to explore a path without fear.

There are students and teachers along every path of enlightenment whether in science or spirit. To me they are both one and the same. All parts of the human experience are spiritual and scientific. Join me on the quest for spiritual compassion and wisdom.


As many have noted, religion cannot be reduced to a mere concatenation of religious beliefs.  Sharing a lengthy content text with permission from my website with colleague’s permission thought the Ace Folklife Society.

Archaeology and Folklife are presented through Western Kentucky University courses for those interested in a degree in either or both. We are mainly writers with a common goal as researchers who write for scientific and educational purposes.

Every religion consists of rites, rituals, prayers, social institutions, holidays, etc., that serve a wide variety of purposes, explicit or otherwise

However, religious belief—that is, the acceptance of specific religious propositions as being true—is generally, what renders these enterprises relevant, or even comprehensible. While there may be many Catholics, for instance, who value the ritual of the Mass without actually believing the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the primacy of the Mass within the Church still hinges on the fact that many Catholics do accept it as a metaphysical truth—a fact that can be directly attributed to specific, doctrinal claims that are still put forward by the Church.

There is, of course, a distinction to be made between mere profession of such beliefs and actual belief

Distinction that, while important, only makes sense in a world in which some people actually believe what they say they believe. There seems little reason to doubt that a significant percentage of human beings, likely a majority, falls into this latter category with respect one or another religious creed. A true confession of an ET UFO Contact is about extra terrestrial contact.

ET UFO contact does not require a human to be perfect.  If perfect sentient intelligent beings were the only ones chosen on earth, I would be left out. To err is to be human. We must forgive ourselves and others for mistakes while here on earth.

There were five alien spacecraft left to monitor earth in 1947. UFOs are extra terrestrial spacecraft. There have been many UFOs and visitations throughout the world. Our governments know this and have many specimens of many types of intelligent beings. I am taught that we all work together for the good of all.

How do I know this one might ask? I was chosen as an ET UFO contact. I agreed to be a translator. Those that I know who are supreme are very advanced and do not speak English. They use universal translators. Some are computerized as artificial life forms and some are like me. I appear human and do my best to download information. I apologize in advance because my mistakes are not in my information received but in my typing. I think and type faster than my mind and fingers comprehend. Like Data on Star Trek.

Since 1947, there has been physical contact in our lifetime. I was not born until the day after Christmas 1951. Since the time I was born, I have been visited and monitored.

The spacecraft were to be left on earth around the world on the five largest continents for monitoring purposes. We have always been monitored and we always will.

I am an extra terrestrial contact and considered a human hybrid to some. If, I choose to care only about what people think of me I would never have shared my thoughts and findings in writing. I make mistakes in writing.

Why do my articles have typographical errors though my spell and grammar check is always s on and used? Each time I make a typo or misspell a word, the computer shows me by putting a red line under the word. When I add my article on American Chronicle, it too shows red lines. I fix my mistakes but somehow, when they leave my computer, there are mistakes made as the information ions travel in cyberspace on the Internet. Sometimes the words are changed when at the end of a sentence. I compare it to Quantum Physics.

We are just now learning about the sixteen separate quarks in particles of atoms. I know we use neutrons, protons, and electrons, and that we break these down. I know that I am to assist physicists to the next level of information on earth but I prefer to speak in algorithms and math is hard for me to understand since I did not learn this as a human in school. I make mistakes but sometimes I am disappointed with the results as seen on other websites and bogs. I will learn from my mistakes.

I am a futurist and am programmed to assist in the creation of the world’s first Ascension Center Spaceport. This will require understanding and cooperation by many people not just me. It has a similar construction to the Bird’s Nest in China. It will take until 2012 to construct if we begin now. If we wait, it may take until 2020. I am not sure I will be here 2037 and due to my aging while human I may lost my ability to work.

I have a mission as a communicator and have two sides, a male and female while in a woman’s physical body. We all do, it is just that I was chosen for a particular reason, it has not been fully revealed to me, and others may not appreciate my contributions until I am dead and gone.  We hear so many sentient human beings on earth who say they are alien hybrids.

Alien Hybrids claim to be different and know they are simply passing through time on earth as humans.
They know and understand the ascension process and take leaving earth for granted as part of the process of change.  They instinctively know and understand that their bodies are only temporary.  Study the neurological system of the physical body and mind including the autonomic nervous system and prepare your mind to study the future of earth and your responses.  Knowing things that others may not is not an easy road to take on earth.

I believe being here on earth is to prefect our spiritual souls and to learn how to be productive and participate in the reactionary process.  Thus far, I cannot think of any other reason for existence as a human being sent to earth I believe the energy we create as memories is what we take with us when we leave this earth because this is my extraordinary experience. This ability is what allowed me to remember my past and where I cam from before earth.  I believe that the choices I made while in my Astral body when I left my physical body on earth is what allowed me to remember and believe as I do. I believe that others are like me while on earth.

I died once and had a near death experience. Both were traumatic to my physical and mental bodies, but they were an enlightening experience for my own spiritual soul’s progression. I learned from these extraordinary experiences. I am not alone in these experiences. There are many of us.

However, what does make me somewhat extraordinary is my real physical contact with extra terrestrials and my knowledge or real physical extra terrestrial spacecraft or UFOs. If one desires to contact extra terrestrials, there is a way to achieve this goal. I desired to be hearing with knowledge of extra terrestrials. I have seen aliens, Ets, and UFOS also known as spacecraft. I know that we are to create a spaceport for extra terrestrial spacecraft.

The extra terrestrials taught me to be aware of the signs and words taught to me.  The Ascension Center Spaceport was designed before I even understood the name or the logo design.  This keeps China, Russian, USA, Japan, and all other countries from claiming the name as separate. This name is chosen by the Supreme Allied Council and has been voted on by others in the universe. I am simply a messenger.

I have been fortunate to have very super intelligent beings to interact with me on many levels. I have learned that being spiritual and intellectual are only two parts of the same whole of being a human sentient intelligent being. I have learned that desiring perfection thought curiosity and exploration is part of the human DNA programming.

I have learned that being allowed to share life with others on earth is a blessing. I have learned that knowing extra terrestrial supreme beings in mental, spiritual, and physical form is a Godsend or like conversing with the God particle in space. I have learned that anyone can find their way back home with the proper guidance and direction and that not all human beings have to experience a near death experience or dying to know what I know.

Now days, we call people with knowledge of extra terrestrials delusional or needing psychological drugs to keep them from using certain parts of their minds and brains. I have been taught that to share what I know to be the truth may defy what other being on earth believe in and that science and religion may desire to destroy my words because they could change or contradict what has been taught to human beings in the past.

UFOs or extra terrestrial spacecraft have been treated as non-existent.  What I truly believe is that the extra terrestrials that I have met and been guided by and those beings who create the extraterrestrial spacecraft are simply those who have always guided the believers and the most faithful on earth. I believe that these higher supreme intelligent beings have always come and gone from earth and will continue to come and go at their own will.  I believe we cannot control these extraterrestrials and that they choose whom they choose based on their belief system, lifestyle, and DNA.

There is a woman who claims she is a pilot of the Roswell down crash UFO. There were two and one imploded from the inside. This was piloted by two intelligent beings we have termed the grays. This extraterrestrial spacecraft was a newer model, which had just come off the assembly line, and this was its first flight out. The mission of this spacecraft was to pick up the two grays that were leaving a model of spacecraft on earth to monitor earth.

The plan was to leave one spacecraft intact to be found and taken into the mountain for safekeeping.  The two gray intelligent beings that were piloting this spacecraft set the spacecraft we call GUS down. They exited the spacecraft out of the back door, which the lower part creates a ramp. The top and bottom open and close and when closed one cannot see the seal. There is much to learn in reverse engineering but I do not know if DOD and the pentagon will allow certain Engineers I would use such as Tom Sergeant.

I would also require Tom Morris. I have my reasons for desiring people I can trust.  The small transport monitoring spacecrafts on earth are sending back information to the main ship that monitors earth and stays hidden. We have a fleet of ships on the outside of this galaxy. The military have adopted our terms of Navy on earth and I am glad I received Navy training on earth. Some use army technical terms. However, this is based on Navy terms that are used in army terms for the convenience of some human beings on earth who have also had an agent inject them with extra DNA at birth. This cannot be detected but can be used on the spacecraft. The people who try to reverse engineer and make the spacecraft fly cannot because they do not have the DNA.

The two grays boarded the newer vessel to return to the main ship from which they came.
When they boarded and the one spacecraft took off it malfunctioned. This caused the spacecraft to come back down and the four grays knew they were not going to make it off earth.

The two pilots tried to land the spacecraft. As they began the decent, it imploded and threw two of the grays clear of the crash. One was hurt internally and one had a broken leg and communicated telepathically trying to ask for help for the three of them later when army troops arrived. One gray was kept alive for a while, one died from internal injuries, and the two grays who were piloting the spacecraft were killed on impact.

Why do I bother to communicate, share, and write my truth and beliefs? Because I believe that, this is my mission as a communication commander in another realm of my existence. I have chosen a leadership role in another life and in another existence. I have chosen to be here now on earth and to make known my presence so that others will find their way back to their origin.

This article is dedicated to an Engineer with high hopes for my writing, our work and the future of our world, Thomas B. Sergeant, CSTRS/ALMDS Test Director, ARINC Engineering Services, LLC. I want to assist USA, DOD, PRTs, and Foreign Affairs in PR.

Can Tom assist us in reverse engineering by taking my words and understanding and changing them into engineering terms for the good of humankind? Stay tuned into the Matrix of life with TJ and find out.

Our lab published the first neuroimaging study of belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and another group has looked specifically at religious conviction [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly. Here we show that while religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes—and, hence, appear quite distinct as modes of thought—the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent.

Results We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For each trial either a religious statement (e.g., “Jesus Christ really performed the miracles attributed to him in the Bible”) or a nonreligious statement (e.g., “Alexander the Great was a very famous military leader”) appeared, and participants pressed a button to indicate whether the statement was true or false. Our stimuli were designed to produce roughly equal numbers of believed and disbelieved trials in each category.

Behavioral data

Response time data were submitted to a repeated-measures ANOVA with belief (true, false) and statement content (religious, nonreligious) as within-subject variables, and group (nonbeliever, Christian) as a between-subject variable. Response times were significantly longer for false (3.95 s) compared to true (3.70 s) responses (F (1,28) = 33.4, p<.001), and also significantly longer for religious (3.99 s) compared with nonreligious (3.66 s) stimuli (F (1,28) = 18, p<.001). The two-way interaction between belief and content type did not reach significance, but there was a three-way interaction between belief, content type, and group (F (1,28) = 6.06, p<.05). While both groups were quicker to respond “true” than “false” on both categories of stimuli, the effect of truth was especially pronounced for nonbelievers when responding to religious statements (see Supplementary Information: Table S1 and Figure S1).

Belief compared with disbelief

For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief was associated with greater blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC, see Fig. 1, Table 1), an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. We also saw greater signal in the left superior frontal gyrus and in both lateral occipital cortices for this contrast.
Figure 1. Belief minus disbelief (Both Categories; Both Groups).
Greater signal for belief compared with disbelief appeared in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, lateral occipital cortex, and superior frontal gyrus. The bottom panel shows percent signal change from baseline in each of the clusters (vmpc = ventromedial prefrontal cortex; log = lateral occipital gyrus; sfg = superior frontal gyrus). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
Table 1. Belief minus disbelief.

The differences in VMPFC signal were due to a greater relative decrease in activation from baseline for the disbelief condition. Our finding of greater signal in VMPFC for belief compared to disbelief was significant in both Christians and nonbelievers for both religious and nonreligious stimuli, supporting a role for this brain region in the acceptance of truth-claims across content domains. A direct comparison of belief minus disbelief in Christians and nonbelievers did not show any significant group differences for nonreligious stimuli.

For religious stimuli, there were additional regions of the brain that did differ by group, however these results seem best explained by a common reaction in both groups to statements that violate religious doctrines (discussed further below).

The opposite contrast, disbelief minus belief, yielded increased signal in the superior frontal sulcus and the precentral gyrus. The engagement of these areas is not readily explained based on prior work (see Table 2).
Table 2. Disbelief minus belief.
Religious compared with Nonreligious statements


While religious faith remains one of the most significant features of human life, little is known about its relationship to ordinary belief at the level of the brain. Nor is it known whether religious believers and nonbelievers differ in how they evaluate statements of fact. Our lab previously has used functional neuroimaging to study belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and others have looked specifically at religious belief [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief (judgments of “true” vs judgments of “false”) was associated with greater signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. A comparison of both stimulus categories suggests that religious thinking is more associated with brain regions that govern emotion, self-representation, and cognitive conflict, while thinking about ordinary facts is more reliant upon memory retrieval networks.


While religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes, the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent. Our study compares religious thinking with ordinary cognition and, as such, constitutes a step toward developing a neuropsychology of religion. However, these findings may also further our understanding of how the brain accepts statements of all kinds to be valid descriptions of the world.

Citation: Harris S, Kaplan JT, Curiel A, Bookheimer SY, Iacoboni M, et al. (2009) The Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007272
Editor: Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, United States of America
Received: June 3, 2009; Accepted: September 7, 2009; Published: October 1, 2009


Copyright: © 2009 Harris et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: For generous support the authors wish to thank the Brain Mapping Medical Research Organization, Brain Mapping Support Foundation, Pierson-Lovelace Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation,

William M. and Linda R. Dietel Philanthropic Fund at the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Tamkin Foundation, Jennifer Jones-Simon Foundation, Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation, Robson Family and Northstar Fund. The project described was supported in part by Grant Numbers RR12169, RR13642 and RR00865 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by a grant from The Reason Project; its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCR, NIH, or those of any other funding source. Sam Harris (joint first author) is the Co-founder and CEO of The Reason Project

( The Reason Project is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit foundation whose mission includes conducting original scientific research related to human values, cognition, and reasoning. This affiliation does not alter the authors’ adherence to all PLoS ONE policies on the sharing of data for the purpose of academic, non-commercial research. For this study, The Reason Project provided partial funding for MRI scanner use, subject recruitment, and psychological testing. The other sources of funding had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

* E-mail:
# These authors contributed equally to this work.
Introduction Since the 19th century, it has been widely assumed that the spread of industrialized society would spell the end of religion. Marx [12], Freud [13], [14], and Weber [15]—along with innumerable anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and psychologists influenced by their work—expected religious belief to wither in the light of modernity.

It has not come to pass. Religion remains one of the most prominent features of human life in the 21st century. While most developed societies have grown predominantly secular [16], with the curious exception of the United States, orthodox religion is in full bloom throughout the developing world. Indeed, humanity seems to becoming proportionally more religious, as the combination of material advancement and secularism is strongly correlated with decreased fertility [17]. When one considers the rise of Islamism throughout the Muslim world, the spread of Pentecostalism throughout Africa, and the anomalous piety of the United States, it becomes clear that religion will have geopolitical consequences well into the 21st century.

Given the importance of religion in human life, surprisingly little is known about its basis in the brain. Several lines of evidence, including the fact that a variety of clinical conditions related to dopaminergic dysfunction, suggest the relevance of the brain’s ventromedial dopaminergic systems to religious experience, belief and behavior—mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and temporal-lobe epilepsy—are regularly associated with hyperreligiosity [18]. The serotonergic system has also been implicated, as drugs known to modulate it—like LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“ecstasy”)—seem especially potent drivers of religious/spiritual experience. In addition, 5-HT1A receptor densities have been inversely correlated with high scores on the “spiritual acceptance” subscale of the Temperament and Character Inventory [19].

There have been a number of neuroimaging and EEG studies done on religious practice and experience—primarily focusing on meditation [20], [21], [22], [23], [24] and prayer [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30]. The purpose of these studies has been to evoke spiritual/contemplative experiences in religious subjects and to compare these states of mind to a control condition. However, none of these studies were designed to isolate the variable of belief itself, or to determine whether religious belief differs from ordinary belief at the level of the brain.

As many have noted, religion cannot be reduced to a mere concatenation of religious beliefs. Every religion consists of rites, rituals, prayers, social institutions, holidays, etc., that serve a wide variety of purposes, explicit or otherwise [31], [32]. However, religious belief—that is, the acceptance of specific religious propositions as being true—is generally, what renders these enterprises relevant, or even comprehensible. While there may be many Catholics, for instance, who value the ritual of the Mass without actually believing the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the primacy of the Mass within the Church still hinges on the fact that many Catholics do accept it as a metaphysical truth—a fact that can be directly attributed to specific, doctrinal claims that are still put forward by the Church. There is, of course, a distinction to be made between mere profession of such beliefs and actual belief [33]—a distinction that, while important, only makes sense in a world in which some people actually believe what they say they believe. There seems little reason to doubt that a significant percentage of human beings, likely a majority, falls into this latter category with respect one or another religious creed.
Our lab published the first neuroimaging study of belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and another group has looked specifically at religious conviction [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly. Here we show that while religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes—and, hence, appear quite distinct as modes of thought—the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent.

Results We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For each trial either a religious statement (e.g., “Jesus Christ really performed the miracles attributed to him in the Bible”) or a nonreligious statement (e.g., “Alexander the Great was a very famous military leader”) appeared, and participants pressed a button to indicate whether the statement was true or false. Our stimuli were designed to produce roughly equal numbers of believed and disbelieved trials in each category.

Behavioral data

Response time data were submitted to a repeated-measures ANOVA with belief (true, false) and statement content (religious, nonreligious) as within-subject variables, and group (nonbeliever, Christian) as a between-subject variable. Response times were significantly longer for false (3.95 s) compared to true (3.70 s) responses (F (1, 28) = 33.4, p<.001), and significantly longer for religious (3.99 s) compared with nonreligious (3.66 s) stimuli (F (1,28) = 18, p<.001). The two-way interaction between belief and content type did not reach significance, but there was a three-way interaction between belief, content type, and group (F (1,28) = 6.06, p<.05). While both groups were quicker to respond “true” than “false” on both categories of stimuli, the effect of truth was especially pronounced for nonbelievers when responding to religious statements (see Supplementary Information: Table S1 and Figure S1).

Belief compared with disbelief
For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief was associated with greater blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC, see Fig. 1, Table 1), an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. We also saw greater signal in the left superior frontal gyrus and in both lateral occipital cortices for this contrast.

Figure 1. Belief minus disbelief (Both Categories; Both Groups).
Greater signal for belief compared with disbelief appeared in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, lateral occipital cortex, and superior frontal gyrus. The bottom panel shows percent signal change from baseline in each of the clusters (vmpc = ventromedial prefrontal cortex; log = lateral occipital gyrus; sfg = superior frontal gyrus). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

The differences in VMPFC signal were due to a greater relative decrease in activation from baseline for the disbelief condition. Our finding of greater signal in VMPFC for belief compared to disbelief was significant in both Christians and nonbelievers for both religious and nonreligious stimuli, supporting a role for this brain region in the acceptance of truth-claims across content domains. A direct comparison of belief minus disbelief in Christians and nonbelievers did not show any significant group differences for nonreligious stimuli. For religious stimuli, there were additional regions of the brain that did differ by group, however these results seem best explained by a common reaction in both groups to statements that violate religious doctrines (discussed further below).

The opposite contrast, disbelief minus belief, yielded increased signal in the superior frontal sulcus and the precentral gyrus. The engagement of these areas is not readily explained based on prior work (see Table 2).

Table 2. Disbelief minus belief.

Religious compared with Nonreligious statements
While the contrast of belief minus disbelief yielded similar activation patterns for both stimulus categories, a comparison of all religious trials to all nonreligious trials produced a wide range of signal differences throughout the brain. The contrast of religious stimuli minus nonreligious stimuli (see Fig. 2A, Table 3.) revealed greater signal in many regions, including the anterior insula and the ventral striatum. The anterior insula has been regularly linked to pain perception [34] and even to the perception of pain in others [35]. This region is also widely believed to mediate negatively valenced feelings like disgust [36], [37].

The ventral striatum is also regularly associated with emotional processing, especially with reward [38] and appears to play a role in cognitive planning [39]. We also found greater signal for religious stimuli in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The ACC is often taken to be a reporter of response conflict [40], and activity in this region has been negatively correlated with religious conviction [41].
Figure 2. Religious versus nonreligious statements.

(A) The MRI signal was greater when subjects evaluated religious statements compared with nonreligious statements in areas throughout the brain, including the precuneus, anterior cingulate, insula, and ventral striatum. (B) Increased signal was found for nonreligious statements compared with religious statements in several left hemisphere regions including the parahippocampal gyrus, retrosplenial cortex, temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus and hippocampus.

Another key region that appears to be preferentially engaged by religious thinking is the posterior medial cortex. This area is part of the previously described resting state network that shows greater activity during both rest and self-referential tasks [3].

The opposite contrast, nonreligious minus religious statements, produced greater signal in left hemisphere networks, including the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, temporal pole, and retrosplenial cortex (see Fig. 2B, Table 4). It is well known that the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus are involved in memory retrieval [42]. The anterior temporal lobe is also engaged by semantic memory tasks [43], and the retrosplenial cortex displays especially strong, reciprocal connectivity with structures in the medial temporal lobe [44].

Table 4. Nonreligious minus Religious statements.
Finally, among our religious stimuli, the subset of statements that ran counter to Christian doctrine yielded greater signal for both groups in several brain regions, including the ventral striatum, paracingulate cortex, middle frontal gyrus, the frontal poles, and inferior parietal cortex (see Fig 3, Table 5). These regions showed greater signal both when Christians rejected stimuli contrary to their doctrine (e.g. “The Biblical god is a myth”) and when nonbelievers affirmed the truth of those same statements. In other words, these brain areas responded preferentially to “blasphemous” statements in both subject groups. This contrast is the result of a double subtraction on religious trials:

(Nonbeliever True-Nonbeliever False)-(Christian True-Christian False) = NT-NF-CT+CF = NT+CF-NF-CT = (NT+CF)-(NF + CT). The opposite contrast: (NF-NT)-(CF-CT) produced a null result.
Figure 3. Reponses to blasphemy in both groups.
There were significant differences between blasphemous and non-blasphemous statements in both groups. These are regions that show greater signal both when Christians reject stimuli contrary to their doctrine (e.g. “The Biblical god is a myth”) and when nonbelievers affirm their belief in those same statements (pc = paracingulate gyrus; mf = middle frontal gyrus; vs = ventral striatum; ip = inferior parietal lobe



Nearly a century of opinion polling attests that 70–85 percent of Americans profess not merely a belief in a generic God, but a belief in highly specific, religious propositions: that the Bible is the word of God (whether literal or “inspired”), that Jesus Christ will physically return to earth at some point in the future, that Satan exists and leads people to sin, that prayers actually get answered, etc. The failure to subject such beliefs to rational criticism may be one reason for their survival. However, as Boyer [31], [45] points out, the failure of reality testing cannot explain the specific character of religious beliefs. According to Boyer, religious beliefs and concepts must arise from mental categories and cognitive propensities that predate religion—and these underlying structures might determine the stereotypical form that religious beliefs and practices take. These categories relate to things like intentional agents, animacy, social exchange, moral intuitions, natural hazards, and ways of understanding human misfortune. On Boyer’s account, people do not accept implausible religious doctrines because they have relaxed their standards of rationality; they relax their standards of rationality because certain doctrines fit their “inference machinery” in such a way as to seem credible.

And what most religious propositions may lack in plausibility they make up for in the degree to which they are memorable, emotionally salient, and socially consequential; all of these properties are a product of our underlying cognitive architecture, and most of this architecture is not consciously accessible. Boyer argues, therefore, that explicit theologies and consciously held beliefs are not a reliable indicator of the contents or causes of a person’s religious outlook.

Boyer may be correct in saying that we have cognitive templates for religious ideas that run deeper than culture (in the same way that we appear to have deep, abstract concepts like “animal” and “tool”). We may, in fact, be what Bloom [46] has called “common sense dualists”—that is, we may be constitutionally inclined to see mind as distinct from body and, therefore, will tend to sense the existence of disembodied minds at work in the world. This could lead us to presume ongoing relationships with dead friends and relatives, to anticipate our own survival of death, and to generally conceive of people as having immaterial souls.

A variety of experiments suggest that children are predisposed to assume both design and intention behind natural events—leaving many psychologists and anthropologists to believe that children, left entirely to their own devices, would invent some conception of God [47]. The psychologist Margaret Evans has found that children between the ages of eight and ten, whatever their upbringing, are consistently more inclined to give a Creationist account of the natural world than their parents are [48].
Because our minds have evolved to detect patterns in the world, we may tend to detect patterns that are not actually there—ranging from faces in the clouds to a divine hand in the workings of Nature. Hood [49] posits an additional cognitive schema that he calls “supersense”—a tendency to infer hidden forces in the world, working for good or for ill. On his account, supersense generates beliefs in the supernatural (religious and otherwise) all on its own, and such beliefs are thereafter modulated, rather than instilled, by culture. Hood likens our susceptibility to religious ideas to our propensity to develop phobias for evolutionarily relevant threats (like snakes and spiders) rather than for things that are far more likely to kill us (like automobiles and electrical sockets). Barrett [50] makes the same case, likening religion to language acquisition: we come into this world cognitively prepared for language; our culture and upbringing merely dictate which languages we will be exposed to.
And yet, however predisposed the human mind may be to harboring religious beliefs, it remains a fact that each new generation receives a religious worldview, at least in part, in the form of linguistic propositions—far more so in some societies than in others. Whatever the evolutionary underpinnings of religion, it seems unlikely that there is a genetic explanation for the why the French, Swedes, and Japanese tend not to believe in the God of Abraham while Americans, Saudis, and Somalis do. The importance of religious doctrines that purport to be true, and their subsequent acceptance as true by great numbers of human beings, seems indisputable.

Recent attempts to study the neural correlates of religious belief have either suffered from a lack of a nonreligious control condition [2] or were not designed to isolate the variable of belief at all [41]. To investigate the neural correlates of belief for both religious and nonreligious modes of thought, we asked Christians and nonbelievers to evaluate statements of both types while in the MRI scanner.

The data reported above present statistical tests of the reliability of signal changes occurring throughout the brain as a function of the stimuli and their associated behavioral responses. However, these data are of greater value when interpreted against related results in the neuroscientific literature. Such a discussion necessarily entails “reverse inference” of a sort often considered problematic in the field of neuroimaging [51]. One cannot reliably infer the presence of a mental state based on brain data alone, unless the brain regions in question are known to be truly selective for a single state of mind. As the brain is an evolved organ, with higher order states emerging from lower order mechanisms, very few of its regions is so selective as to fully justify inferences of this kind.

Nevertheless, our results appear to make at least provisional sense of the emotional tone of belief. In addition, whatever larger role our regions of interest play in human cognition and behavior, they appear to respond similarly to putative statements of fact, irrespective of content, in the brains of both religious believers and nonbelievers.

The contrast, belief minus disbelief, revealed greater BOLD signal in the VMPFC (see Fig. 1, Table 1). The medial prefrontal cortex is known to have a high level of resting state activity and to show reduced activity compared to baseline for a wide variety of cognitive tasks [52]. BOLD signal in this region has often been associated with self-representation, particularly for verbal stimuli [3]: for instance, one sees smaller decreases in activity from baseline when subjects make judgments about themselves than when they make judgments about others [53]. This region has also been implicated in reward-related processing [54]. The smaller decrease in activity for belief compared to disbelief could reflect the greater self-relevance and/or reward value of true statements.
Our study was designed to produce high concordance on nonreligious stimuli (e.g., “Eagles really exist”) and high discordance on religious stimuli (e.g., “Angels really exist”).

The fact that we found essentially the same signal maps for belief minus disbelief in both groups, on both categories of content, argues strongly for the content-independence of belief and disbelief as cognitive processes. Despite the fact that religious believers and nonbelievers accepted and rejected diametrically opposite statements in half of our experimental trials, the same neural systems were engaged in both groups throughout.

 This would seem to rule out the possibility that these results could be explained by any property of the stimuli apart from their being deemed “true” or “false” by the subjects in our study. The involvement of the VMPFC for belief is consistent with our earlier findings [1].

In our earlier study of belief, we found anterior insula signal to be associated with the contrast disbelief minus belief.

Kapogiannis et al. [2] also found signal in the insula to be correlated with the rejection of religious statements deemed false. The significance of the anterior insula for negative affect/appraisal has been discussed above. Because Kapogiannis et al. did not include a nonreligious control condition in their experiment, they interpreted the insula’s recruitment as a sign that violations of religious doctrine might provoke “aversion, guilt, or fear of loss” in people of faith.

Reducing the statistical thresholding in our present study did nominate the insula as a region of interest for disbelief, in both groups and on both categories of stimuli. However, these areas of signal did not survive our cluster thresholding.

Our previous study of belief, in which we explicitly modeled uncertainty, revealed greater signal in the ACC and adjacent regions of the superior frontal gyrus in the uncertainty condition. Given that our signal maps in the contrast religious minus nonreligious elicited this same pattern, we speculate that both groups experienced greater cognitive conflict and uncertainty while evaluating religious statements.

In support of this conjecture, we also note that our religious stimuli, while semantically and grammatically well matched to our nonreligious stimuli, incurred longer response times for both groups. This contrast also showed bilateral signal in the striatum and the anterior insulae. It is perhaps not surprising that the evaluation of religious statements would more fully engage regions of the brain responsive to emotional salience, both positive and negative.

The contrast religious minus nonreligious also showed increased signal in the medial parietal regions regularly associated with self-referential tasks. We note that a possible difference between responding to our religious and nonreligious stimuli is that, for both groups, a person’s answers could serve to affirm his or her identity: i.e. for every religious trial, Christians were explicitly affirming their religious worldview, while nonbelievers were explicitly denying the truth-claims of religion.

The opposite contrast, nonreligious minus religious, showed increased signal in left hemisphere memory networks. Thus, judgments about the nonreligious stimuli presented in our study seemed more dependent upon those brain systems involved in accessing stored knowledge.
Finally, several regions showed greater signal in both groups in response to “blasphemous” statements (i.e. those that ran counter to Christian doctrine).

The ventral striatum signal in this contrast suggests that decisions about these stimuli may have been more rewarding for both groups: Nonbelievers may take special pleasure in making assertions that explicitly negate religious doctrine, while Christians may enjoy rejecting such statements as false.

There is, of course, no reason to expect that any regions of the human brain be dedicated solely to belief and disbelief. Nevertheless, our work suggests that these opposing states of cognition can be discriminated by functional neuroimaging and are intimately tied to networks involved in self-representation and reward. Despite vast differences in the underlying processing responsible for religious and nonreligious modes of thought, the distinction between believing and disbelieving a proposition appears to transcend content.

These results may have many areas of application—ranging from the neuropsychology of religion, to the use of “belief-detection” as a surrogate for “lie-detection,” to understanding how the practice of science itself, and truth-claims generally, emerge from the biology of the human brain.
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris writes about people, places, and things pertaining to “Alien Civilizations Exist!” She is a believer and supporter of the future and the accepts that other solar systems and ascended beings exist! She believes that we are not alone in this universe and that we are being visited by other beings more sophisticated than ourselves. She would be glad to speak on the subject and why she believes so strongly. You can read her articles and books. Visit her websites:, Email Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris.

Alien Civilizations Exist!
A True Alien and UFO Story
by Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris
Posted: 23:48 August 9, 2007

When I was a young girl before I started school, somewhere between three and five, I was taken (by extraterrestrials) on a ride (on an UFO) and brought back and left alone.
I have strong memories of this incident. At the time I apparently had been gone for some time for I saw my grandmother and Aunt and Uncle looking for me. I was the first daughter and my mother had my sister in our home.
She sent for my grandmother who did not drive who called my Aunt and Uncle and they came to look for me. I watched them search for me and knew I had to come back down because they were worried and looking for me. I was put down in the empty field on the corner.
I understood that I was needed, loved, and wanted in two places. I wanted to stay with the beings I was with and yet, it was explained to me that for a while I was to be with my family on earth. I accepted my destiny as I was a small child and knew I had no choice.
I had knowledge that I now realize is only normal for a certain percentage of the earth’s population. The feeling of wanting to go home was common for many people on earth and I was accustomed to hearing this from the people I would meet along my growth process on earth.
I did what normal children do and began school. I was fine until I contracted a debilitating disease, yet no one ever really could find out from where I contracted the disease. It was “Hepatitis A” – a contagious liver disease. I became very ill and had a complete blood transfusion and it was believed that I was going to die.

Only a few near relatives visited me and I recovered after a fight for my life and a long recovery process. I have memories of visiting, in my mind, these alien beings that explained to me that I was very ill but that I would recover. It was not my time to leave earth. I recovered and had a strong desire to visit White Sands, New Mexico.

My grandmother and Aunt and Uncle had decided to take me on my trip since my Uncle lived in Mexico and worked at Los Alamos and we could visit White Sands and the Carlsbad Caverns. On that trip, I went with my two cousins into the White Sand dunes and we played and talked about the beings and the spacecraft of the aliens. Alien Civilizations Exist!

A True Alien and UFO Story
by Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris

We saw one come over and land and we were allowed to go inside and visit. We were not with the adults and they were on the other side of the Sand Dunes and they never found out. The three of us talked among the adults and ourselves overheard us later and my cousins were reprimanded for mentioning the aliens and referring to what was termed UFOs.
My grandmother got upset and whispered to me to never mention that word again. I asked why and was told that it was a bad word. My cousins said, “Dad is not allowed to talk about where he works and the aliens and UFOs. Uncle explained to all of us in the car that this was a secret project and that he was never to speak of it with anyone and was really upset with his two children for mentioning this.
The two cousins were a boy, about my age of eight, and his older sister who was about thirteen. We went to Carlsbad Caverns and an Indian Reservation and visited my other cousins living on an Indian reservation.
We drove back home to Monroe and we never spoke of our trip again.
I wasn’t even allowed photos to keep of my own. I always believed in other beings but now learned it was taboo to speak of. I did not understand since we were allowed to look and point at Sputnik as it came flying overhead. But, nevertheless, I never spoke of them again until I was married and my husband worked at NASA. He called me up to come get him one night and allowed me to listen to the audiotapes made by the astronaut’s. I had to have a security clearance filled out in the past so he felt it was OK to listen. I heard the astronauts speaking of a bogey and I asked what that was and I listened to the conversation and after a few minutes my husband told me they had seen a UFO and he was instructed to delete these words from the tapes.
He is dead now, but I thought someone should know, so I will put this letter in a journal.
I again realized that people were not to know the truth about UFOs or bogeys. Steve was emotionally torn for days and weeks about whether he should report this or record this, but he spoke with several of his friends about it and they all told him if he did that he would lose his job and no one would believe him and he would be discredited and thought of as crazy and would never work again in the space industry. We forgot about it and went on taking care of our four daughters as if nothing had happened.
Giving birth to our fourth daughter, I nearly died having placenta previa and experienced out of body experiences. I came and went in and out of my body. This caused me to believe in astral travel even though I didn’t know what it was.

#My mother was traumatized by the experience and so I spoke with my husband’s grandmother who came to help take care of my children and me. She told me to write it all down and that someday I should write a book, but it was 1974 and people wouldn’t believe me, but someday they would.
My four daughters all had a funny ability to sing songs at the same time, burn out new light bulbs, and had odd sightings of UFOs. We spoke about them, as it was a normal part of our lives. As my children became adults with children of their own and jobs, they chose not to ever speak of this to their children because it was so unbelievable still to other people.

Began searching for my soul mate, the one I called the Commander, on earth who could fly these UFOs the same as I had been taught.
I found him and married him. Tom had worked underground at a military facility after being on temporary ordered from Fort Hood to Fort Bliss. I shared some of my memories with Tom when we were dating.
I scared him and we did not marry for five years because of my casual references to the military, aliens and UFOs. We married in 2000 and bought a home in Kentucky.
We have sightings and share some of the same memories of aliens and UFOs. We call the small 30x30s (the size of the round UFOs are 30 feet by 30 feet) the galaxy universal shuttles or GUS for short.
We know of many alien beings and both of us has worked for the military and drove over the roads in the U.S. holding Commercial Driver’s Licenses.
As truck drivers we learned that many other truck drivers have regular sightings and spoke of you. We did not learn of Stanton Friedman until 2006. I called Stan March 22, 2006 and he was at a conference. He sent me two books signed and dated so this is how I know the date. Stan is a believer but has never seen UFOs.
We have but Tom, who is still very hesitant to speak of his experiences. I on the other hand, feel it is our duty to share what we know but only with those who are true believers. Tom and I live and share our beliefs with each other but our families don’t want to hear about our beliefs and ask us not to speak of UFOs, so we don’t.
There are many people who may want to know the truth and there are those who believe and want to know that we are not alone in this universe and that alien civilizations do exist!
There is much to know and share about aliens and UFOs but only for those who have advanced enough in our primary human brains to use all or both halves of our brains. The sixth sense or intuition, feelings, premonitions come from the right side of our brain and are as important as our left or logical side of our brain.
I believe that our race has to advance enough to accept that aliens exist and that UFOs are a common mode of travel in the universe. The alloy used for the UFOs is not of this earth and is much stronger. Nuclear power is in the space trash and is scooped up and used as fuel by the UFOs.

Mars was once inhabited by a race of beings similar to human beings and someday we will find proof that Mars was once where earth was and was populated with beings such as us. There are beings that are humanoid that now watch over us hoping we advance but also knowing we are primitive enough to still fight for the survival of our race.
The galaxy closest to us is inhabited with these being who have taken the greys as allies to fight what could be a war to save both our galaxies if a certain race of beings similar to “Klingons” ever finds us through worm hole travel. The beings are similar to “Vulcans” but don’t have pointed ears. They have only four fingers and these only have four digits.
There is much we know but you realize that in any good story one should always leave the audience wanting more! I hope you do! These experiences are dedicated to all truck drivers. We’ve been there!
Other Articles about Alien Abduction:
 Proof in the Stars? Astronomy Holds the Key to Alien Abduction
 Mass Abduction of Abductee Support Group
 “Alien” “Abductions
 One in five Americans believe in alien abductions
 With knowledge of Iraq, terrorism and ET abductions, John Mack …

Human Experiences    
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

“The most beautiful thing one can experience is the mysterious. It is truly the basis of all arts and sciences.” Albert Einstein

Reincarnation has more than one definition but the one I am choosing to use in this book is this; Reincarnation is the ability to ascend by way of spirit and soul reborn into another existence. This book I am writing may permit one to believe but not compel one to believe or disbelieve.
Reincarnation is not confinement but rather enlightenment of the soul.
One thing I have learned in this lifetime is that one cannot force time or energy into the space we exist. Reincarnation is about creativity and choices. Reincarnation is about conscience, competence, character. We have as a part of our soul and spirit a driving force called free will. Our will can be influenced by outside forces but, it is ultimately our own freewill that guides us through our decision making while we exist on earth. For instance, all my worldly possessions can be taken from me and I can be put in prison for actions against me. My physical and mental person can be questioned and accused of wrongdoings, whether true of false but put it confinement against my will never the less. All I am left with is my mental, physical and spiritual body in a cell of restriction. I might be forced to believe in a certain religion in order to live and not die in this world. I can be physically and mentally beaten to a point of submission where all I have left are my thoughts and memories. I can have a stroke and lose a portion of my physical body and brain. I still have my self inside a mental and physical body and I speak of myself as being human.  Some people even have their thoughts taken from them. Brainwashed into believing in another way of thinking than the culture in which they were born. When even our memories and thoughts are taken away, I believe we have spirit in our soul that keeps us alive. Why some people are declared clinically brain dead when others are not? Why do some families have the right to decide when their loved ones will die in a controlled environment whether with hospice at home or in the hospital or rest home? Some of these questions are simply answered by it is the custom or culture in which they live. There is a place in Tibet where the monks put their fellow dead monk’s bodies out for the vultures to eat what is left of their physical bodies. Who is to say this is wrong other than it does not agree with the ways of most people and cultures in the world. This book is to not say what is right or wrong or written to pass judgment on any way of life or culture. I was born a white Anglo-Saxon protestant female in this lifetime.  I don’t believe that my way of life or culture is the only one or the only right way to live on earth. How does a white red blooded American born to the southern name of Thurmond ever decides to believe in reincarnation? That is question!

I speak from experience having left my body on many occasions. But, this book is not about out-of-body experiences only but about why I believe in reincarnation which is our human experiences. Unlike some religions that believe that we begin as something less such as an animal. I have many memories some more interesting than others. One not so memorable but maybe important to others somehow is a memory of being in a field of wheat in open country which I believe was what is now called Oklahoma and I could see deep paths where buffalo had roamed and I felt great happiness and remorse at that time in my life. I cannot tell if I was dead or alive but from where my mind’s eye was at that time in that lifetime, I was laying in a field of tall wheat it was a sunny day and I could see that the wind was blowing and I was neither hot nor cold. I felt as if I had been an Indian woman and that my life was either expired or about to expire. That feeling I have had many times and the memories that don’t seem to fit into this life of reality are what made me wonder about reincarnation and also my near death experiences. I have been in an intensive care unit in the hospital and heard the buzzer sound of an alarm when my own heart flat lined and I heard my mother scream and yell for doctors and anyone to help. I have laid in a coma for days needing blood and heard people talking about me when I could not answer. There are many such episodes in this lifetime and I feel that these life experiences are what are driving my spirit to share them on paper in words for others to find with hopes that there are some explanations of life in my experiences.

I consider my spirit the energy that never dies and my soul the place the energy dwells or resides. The professionals in philosophy, religion and science can debate this and have for as long as humans have been able to think and question is there a God or higher creative power.

When I die, I know that I still have my soul and spirit when nothing else is left in this world to cling too. Not my body or my mind. I believe all that I have lived through in this lifetime and others is what permits me to write this book. Whether others believe it to be true or not is not up to me. All that is up to me is what I know to be my own life experiences which have become my truth to have and to hold when there is nothing else left.  

Why am I here? A question that has to do with my ego on one level but I truly want to know the answer so I search and research. Education levels and accomplishments are a major concern in life but who is to say a wise man will enter heaver quicker than a foolish one, or a poor man will inherit more in the end than a rich one? What are authorities saying or speculating about this topic? I decided to research this topic and this book is the goal I set for my findings. I hope you can use this book on your path in life as a manual to compare your own life’s experiences in a journal until you are ready to write a book own. Your own life’s experiences recorded in written form for other human have to find and compare their own life’s existence. I do not make any promises such as finding a perfect and peaceful new world, however, it is my hope that anyone who reads this books finds health and prosperity easier in this lifetime after acquiring and reading this book.

If you find this book helpful please tell your friends and book clubs about it so they may decide for themselves if this is a helpful life tool. I know that writing a book seems totally egotistical but I also believe that there are others who are not quite ready to write their own book who may enjoy reading this and citing certain incidences that they may be wondering about in their lifetime on their path to eternal progression or ascension. I will say that I have enjoyed my time on earth and experienced its ups and downs here in the United States of America. I hope that this helps all who can relate to a life upward as an ascension being.

“Never stop seeking that which you think is unobtainable! Life is more than we can imagine in one life time.” Theresa Morris

The Author

I was meant to write in this lifetime. I have written articles for newspapers and magazines for years. I have had websites for many years and have held information and psychic seminars. I have participated in whole life expositions. I have believed in psychic and paranormal phenomena when it was not fashionable to do so. I have been a psychic in Hawaii and began the first Ascension Center. I began my first book in 1959 after having my first near death experience. I was asked to write about my second near death in 1974 after having placenta previa while having my fourth daughter. Then while working as an investigator for attorneys I met many people who were professionals in Houston, Texas. This is when my personal life took a turn and I was introduced to a very interesting mysterious bookstore called The Aquarian Age Bookstore near Rice University. I was asked to write a book of my experiences as an Investigator in 1985 after these two ladies who were the owners of this bookstore took me to my first MUFON meeting at NASA, in Clear Lake, Texas near Houston.

I soon found myself on my first International investigation in South Africa in 1985. I returned and was actively recruited into the U.S. federal government after taking a series of tests. Thus began my life working for the government as a civil employee and I learned about the U.S. Navy after doing boot camp in Orlando, Florida. It is now closed down. I spent some time in Denver, Colorado and Great Lakes, Illinois before being transferred to Honolulu, Hawaii. I was first given a free ticket to Washington, D.C. where I was given another series of tests.
I joined the U.S. Navy in 1985 as a reservist and worked as a civilian in personnel and information security. I had begun to write again in 1987. While I was working for the government I was moonlighting as a psychic in Honolulu at some seminars and psychic fairs. I decided to take the PSI World Seminars classes and completed the basic, the Women’s Leadership Seminar, PSI 7 at the ranch where Thomas Wilhite and his wife formed the non profit organization for people synergistically involved or PSI. The final graduation of PSI was held in Long Beach California at the Hilton Hotel where we had several days of instruction and heard from authors who had written successful books. The mastermind groups included seven people and we all decided that someday we would write a book about our life experiences. This is my attempt at completing that goal I decided on back in 1993.There was a total of five seminars and graduates could always go back and attend free for the rest of their lives. A pretty good deal if you like being in a positive group of people all gathered for self improvement in an environment of music and instructors or life coaches. After graduating from my life improvement courses I had met two good friends named Dr. Laura Sturgis and Cynthia Chu. They both introduced me to the vibrasound table. This was an uplifting experience to say the least. Cynthia Chu has since named this table as her transport table. After deep spiritual and physical cleansing techniques learned with the Hawaiians I was inspired to write this:























In 2005, I committed many of my life experiences to a two part story with music in the background to a CD. I named it Atlantis Oracle and Delphi Oracle. The above legend was not put on the CD.

I have been a daughter, sister, granddaughter, wife, mother, friend, associate, and professionally, an entrepreneur, dance and baton instructor, choreographer, salesperson, administrative assistant, Legal Investigator, Private Investigator, military personnel, active, inactive and general service. I have been a professional over the road truck driver with a commercial driver’s license and traveled all over the United States and many other countries. I was a President/CEO of a corporation and Investigative Reporter. I have been a professional psychic and a spiritual counselor. I have started profit and non-profit corporations in the United States. I have been a singer, dancer, songwriter, producer, and member of associations and volunteered for community projects for many years. My hobbies change but for now they are surfing the Internet on topics in quantum physics and stellar travels and discoveries, playing a card game called Texas Holdem, and riding my motorcycle. I love animals and people but live in a cedar cabin in the woods with my dogs and husband. I support the belief that alien civilizations exist and that we are visited by other beings here on earth. I believe that I have had other lifetimes in other galaxies but can only include those lives that are at the forefront of my lifetimes here on earth in this present physical and mental body.

Since I am American, I will be using English and it is my hope and desire that this book be published in many languages throughout the world. So, now I have told you why I chose to write these books and that the book is the result of my choice to set a goal to write a book in this lifetime.

Maybe I can help the world with a little more perspective on this topic of reincarnation or at least about them. I hope that something I say in this book strikes a chord in others so that they may find what they are looking for on their journey in life on earth whether it pertains to certain topics of discussion in religion, spirituality, philosophy, science, psychology, sociology, culture, or history, I feel this book will be of some use to anyone and everyone that wants to find their purpose in life and why they are here on earth serving time as a human being.

Do Memories Count?

Maybe the memories I have are not mine or maybe they are. This is part of my journey to find out. I know who I am based on my birth certificate and my memories of my life with my birth parents here on earth. But, I also have other memories that don’t fit into this lifetime and also have had experiences that simply don’t make sense in the world in which I am told to exist. The lifetime experiences and memories are all that I have to give. So I ask you, do memories count? What if this is all we can take with us when we leave this plane of existence? I will try to remain as earthly in my descriptions as possible. I never was one to like the airy fairy way of speaking that some psychics become accustomed too for the entertainment value. I never cared for drama queens so had trouble getting along with women until I grew somewhat into my thirties and associated with more women as adults rather than teenagers. But, I am getting ahead of the story. Let me start from the beginning of this lifetime and in this body. I will try not to lose you in the twists and turns I call my life experiences.

One of My Earth Lives
This One I am physically experiencing Now

Let me start at the beginning of this lifetime and this will include all the other memories in other lifetimes and how I came to have these memories of being several people in one body in this lifetime on earth. I think. Sometimes what I think and what I feel are two different things entirely. Women will relate to this more than men but read on. You know, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. By the way, the woman I met at the Aquarian Age Bookstore was that author’s mother. His name happened to be Gray. What a coincidence! Well, you will get what I mean when I get to my extra terrestrial (ET) experiences.

In this lifetime, I was born Theresa Janette Thurmond, on December 26, 1951 to a Theresa Mae Bolton and a Nathaniel Burton Thurmond in Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. I weighed 10 pounds and 3 ounces and was 19 inches long. I wasn’t really longer than most babies but I was heavier. Mother went into labor on Christmas day and they were hoping for a Christmas baby and my name would have been Holly or Wilhelmina but that’s another story that only my mother tells well. I don’t have memories of any name as a child except Jan. Jan short for Janette. Mother’s name was Theresa so I guess they decided to call me Jan. I just heard today from my mother of seventy-five years old that she was named by her father who gave her the name Theresa which was the name of one of his old girlfriends. That was something I had not committed to memory though I faintly remember me asking the question once of my grandmother Sara Esther Bolton and she telling me the same story but with some disgust in her voice. I was the apple of my grandmother’s eye. I don’t know why I was so close to my grandmother but I always was her favorite of my mother’s seven children. I was the oldest and actually my father wanted a boy. I to this day feel that I should have been a boy. I guess that is one of the reasons I decided to write about reincarnation. There are several twists and curious oddities in my story and I hope that my life is not a total disappointment to my four daughters or their children. I now have twelve grandchildren and all four of my daughters are beautiful and still alive. I have lost one brother to aids and one to alcoholism in this lifetime which was very painful to say the lease being that they are both younger than me. My husband gives me some comfort and after being married legally five times but had one annulment I have had several names and now outlived two of the five husbands. But, that is not the most interesting parts of my lifetime. I am not trying to impress anyone as you can see or read. So far there is nothing impressive about my choices in life. Maybe the choices I didn’t want to make are not very impressive either. But, I do have memories of how I wanted my life to be and I always said I would never get married and I would never have children. I am not sure why those feelings were so strong in me but apparently I had my reasons to believe this was as a child. I was very determined when I told people this as a child. I was a girl and a rather pretty child. I wanted to be a boy and therefore considered myself a tomboy and good in sports. My mother kept my in laced panties and socks to match my dresses in the 1950’s. We just went to see the movie that was released today called “Hairspray” with John Travolta. Mother had seen the original movie in 1988 with my brother David, now deceased and my sister, Leticia who we called Tish. Some how this was important to her and we had to go see it therefore, being that my mother still influences my life, we went to see “Hairspray.” Movies may be a form of escapism but they have been a part of my life since I was born. If you think about the time I was born the day after Christmas in 1951, you will probably see that this was the time of the baby boomers and a time that parents wanted the best for their children.

My grandmother Sara Esther was a pretty lady but had been divorced at a time when it was not well accepted to raise children alone. I called her Sistie which she didn’t seem to mind. I was told that my little girlfriend had a big sister and she called her sister and since I hung around with my grandmother a lot I decided to call her sister which came our Sistie. Sistie, Sara Esther Richman married David Eric Bolton and they had my mother Theresa Mae Bolton and later a boy, my uncle named Harold Eric Bolton. They were born in Clarks, Louisiana. Times were tough during this time as it was during the depression.


Afterlife, brain, death, memory, mind, spirit, extra terrestrials and unidentified flying objects all have something in common with all of us.  There are sentient intelligent beings accepting changes on earth.

I personally believe that science and the humanities can be bridged together in my lifetime using the brain, mind, physical body, and the spiritual soul body. I personally have done things and experienced life in many ways while in this physical and mental body. I strongly suggest that others exist like me on earth. I also strongly suggest that there are many people who have experienced themselves outside of their own physical and mental bodies.

This is a form of existence for many human beings on earth. There are doctors and scientist who are aware of people who say they have had near death experiences (NDE), out of body experiences (OBE), and ET UFO experiences. (ET UFO Exp). Some prefer to call these contacts, some abductions, and some experiences. Regardless of the words chosen or accepted while in discussion, these situations are real. The differences that have occurred are based on the individuals and yet we know there are now similarities.

 I will use me as a female human writer as an example. Some beings including myself refer to people like me as a human hybrid.  I have had experiences while in these physical and mental bodies on earth.

 I am human and yet I have memories of being more than human. I wondered where these memories came from and the physical experiences I have had on earth make me explore and research more about life on earth in general. I am presently doing my own exploration and research and hoping to increase others in my quest for knowledge about being a sentient human intelligent being while sharing information of others not of earth.

I am human but I believe in life after death and ET UFOS. This is my birthright as an American. I am not so sure that everyone on this planet is allowed to believe anything they want too while living on earth.

I know that there are many women such as myself on earth and their existence may depend on how they interact with their owl family, society, community, culture, and traditions. These may also include religious beliefs based on the tribe’s ancestors. Afterlife, brain, cognition, death and ET UFOs may never enter the conversations among many people on this planet.

How in the world can we all exist on one planet with so many variations on who we are, where we are, where we will go when we die, why we are here, and what we are?

I have some ideas that I would like to share and hope that others will find that I can stimulate their brain functions. I am asked to continue writing because I come up with information and thoughts that are stimulating to the general populace who find my articles intriguing.  I want to thank my readers for support.

People ask me all the time to write more and to share more of my own experiences. I am always writing articles free on the Internet. This way, the information gets out to the populace in a faster rate of speed than waiting on me to complete a book. Although, I do plan on completing several books because I personally would like to read them.  If this sounds funny or egotistical, one will have to continue following my own personal story to understand what it is like being me as an alien hybrid on earth.

I have physically been checked out this month in fact and found that nothing is wrong with me. That is encouraging in many ways. There are many mental disorders that I could see myself accepting as part of me and allowing myself to become very ill. However, that is not a functional situation while here on earth.

Most of what we do is unconscious. There are many levels of our existence while in human form. I choose to believe that our physical body and our mental body are only tools of our spiritual body and soul body. There are people on earth that separate the mental and emotional bodies. I realize that our emotions are responsible for many of our feelings while in the physical and mental bodies because we are human.

Now, in 2008, we have neural scientists, and neurologists who can assist us with our understanding of the energy we use as chemical that create our thoughts in neurons in our brain. There are many parts of the brain and there are many pathways. We are making new ones all the time. Just as we recreate our physical bodies, we recreate our mental bodies.  Our afterlife is a continuation of our soul memory.  I can see that this article is going to have to be in a series of articles because the information is too important to skip.


Order in chaos seems to be the goal of many in my paranormal and ET UFO communities.

We all have those whom we correspond with on a regular basis and most of my people are all into the science and metaphysical realms of interest. These include the Neuro psychosocial issues of today.

 Sharing ideas, thoughts, theories, and hypothesis is what we do and right now, we are all using at least two mediums, UFO Digest and American Chronicle.

Presently, I am interested in Neuro cognitive psychology and the paranormal of human beings, which includes me.

I am going to try to answer as many questions as I can for others who are interested in my research.

Steve Hammons has related information to me on his Indian ancestors. For those interested, I too have Indian blood as O positive. This is a common type among American Indians. I have had past life experiences with memories of a life as a woman who was killed. I have a very strong memory of being a woman who was considered a Shaman and Medicine Woman with certain interests in assisting others of many tribes.

There are memories of being short, overweight, rather dumpy but very loving and caring. I had large bones and shared my knowledge with a group of many Indians who were peacekeepers.

One of the memories is during a great meeting with Tecumseh and his brother and other leaders. They had all met and allowed me to come into a tent to share my visions. I had done so when I created an alarm among the tribes with my visions.

I went out to sit along the banks of a lake nearby and I could see the large fire inside the tents over to my right. They were all around the main area and not too far from the lake.
I do not know the location in America but I do know this was a memory in America.

I was sitting with a blanket around me because the weather felt like fall and there was a cool breeze in the air.

Somehow, unbeknownst to me I am allowed to see the vision only from behind my own back. I see it like a memory of mine in the body but I have passed this lifetime.

I see that someone approaches me from behind and uses a knife to end my life. I am then thrown into the lake. This memory is one that I am not fond of but it gives me an insight into a past life when I feel I did contribute to the tribes that were lead by Tecumseh.

I am going to have to continue this story through several articles but I will syndicate them freely for those interested in following them on my websites.

The Deity Debates in the ET UFO Community

There are various beings on earth in the ET UFO Community that have chosen to write for UFO Digest as paranormal writers. Some have taken up the process of describing their main topics of interest working with the old religions on earth that include God, Mohammed, Jesus Christ and Buddha.

What is all of these religious deities or spiritual leaders lived and walked the earth at one time and were the teachers of their time on earth? We have stories that reflect that someone called God did walk on earth with certain men.

There is also the debate on whether the deities that visited earth who in the ancient of days called God did offer some type of leadership with gadgets that were as clouds by day and fire by night. This we can see in the old testament of the Bible and other places.

The one debate of many that has come to the attention of many ET UFO and paranormal writers is that of “Jesus Christ” as a being. Once on earth there was a debate as to whether to accept Christ as a man or a God. Being the son of God born on earth as a mere human was a hard fact to accept.

The fact that this person called “Jesus”, “The Messiah”, “Jehovah“, “Emanuel” and other names by the Jewish people may or may not be accepted at this time by all people. According to those whom I am aware of on earth not all do.  What happened to those who did not accept him as their savior at the time he was here on earth? What happened to those who did?

The fact is, we do not know and no one has proven the difference in those who believe in the man named Jesus versus the ones who believe in the Jesus as the son of God. We can only speculate through history based on stories that were written not during the time Jesus was on earth but afterwards. There were parchments, books, and stories handed down orally that may have grown into legends and of mythic proportions through time.

The fact remains that wars have been fought over this being in the past history of earth. This we can apparently prove again based only on history told in parchments, books, stories handed down orally and in writing that have grown into legends and myths through time.
The people of earth have separated themselves into categories based not only on culture, history, and geographic regions but on religious belief systems.

The main areas of religions have been broken down into Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Pagans, and various others. We cannot keep fighting wars over religions. Although profitable to those in charge of governments and the contractors that provide the warring machines, and products such as guns and ammunition, we have outgrown that level and have now entered into the weapons of mass destruction era with laser technology but more importantly nuclear weapon technology.

There are more intelligent being species that exist in our universe that have a stake in our welfare than many in the past suspected.

We may in the past have called those above celestials, angels, demons, aliens, and even Gods. But, that time has passed.

We now need to realize that these aliens or extraterrestrials that have always come and gone from this planet are real and have done what they could to assist but not appear directly to us as a whole population or species on earth.

There are some who were touched by their presence and later became better people on earth for it. They realized that there was more to life on earth and did what they could to spread this truth.

There are reasons why they choose to allow us to educate ourselves.

We may not have all the correct answers but there has been time on earth for us to evolve into better thinkers and less such a physically hostile race of beings.

The ET UFO Community should now be looking at sharing all the information that is available from those who have been contactees. Sharing the information and comparing all the notes since they are obviously important to our survival as a species on earth.

The news that some of us have been contacted is now new. The only part of the ET UFO Community story that is new is that we are all more interested in researching, analyzing, and comparing notes of those of us who have been contacted by extraterrestrials.

Many of the beings on earth have seen spacecraft in earth’s atmosphere not of earth origin. This is what the extraterrestrials use to come and go from this planet we call earth.

This planet may be as much theirs as ours if not more so belonging to a higher more intelligent being species than those of us who appear to be younger than they are in mental understanding of the universe.

The future of our ET UFO COMMUNITY may be about sharing what some of us who are contactees know to be the truth.

Those of us who share on earth simply want to learn of what will come of us on earth as we accept the truth that alien civilizations exist.
ACE FOLKLIFE STORIES OF LILITH – History known throughout time on earth that writers keep copying from one another the stories of their ancestors.

The Lilith Myth

Presented here is a chapter discussing Lilith, taken from Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai (New York:  Doubleday, 1964), pp 65-69.  Graves and Patai have collected traditional Hebrew myths that amplify (and sometimes radically alter) stories found in the Book of Genesis.  This chapter, titled “Adam’s Helpmeets”, deals in part with the Lilith myth.  Each section of the chapter excerpted here recounts a “story” collected from non-biblical sources, frequently the Talmud — sources are footnoted.  The footnotes are followed by notes of author commentary.  Hebrew Myths is recently back in print in a new hardcover edition — Buy the Book.  (A much more extensive discussion of Lilith is found in the The Hebrew Goddess, also by Raphael Patai.  The Hebrew Goddess is in print and is listed next….)

The best detailed discussion and historical evaluation of the Lilith myth will be found in
The Hebrew Goddess, by Raphael Patai (Wayne State University Press, 3rd edition, 1978).   Patai presents an in-depth evaluation of the important but oft ignored role played by the feminine in Hebrew myth and religion, following the story of the Hebrew goddess from antiquity through its manifestations in Kabbalah and in the developing myth of Lilith.  We highly recommend this work to those interested in the story of Lilith. Those interested in the Lilith myth might also find interesting an essay discussing Gnostic creation mythology and the important role played by the feminine in the unique Gnostic reading of the Book of Genesis:  The Genesis Factor: Gnostic Creation Mythology.

Chapter 10: Adam’s Helpmeets
(Excerpt from The Hebrew Myths by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai (New York:  Doubleday, 1964), pp 65-69.)
(a) Having decided to give Adam a helpmeet lest he should be alone of his kind, God put him into a deep sleep, removed one of his ribs, formed it into a woman, and closed up the wound, Adam awoke and said: ‘This being shall be named “Woman”, because she has been taken out o f man. A man and a woman shall be one flesh.’ The title he gave her was Eve, ‘the Mother of All Living”. [1]
 (b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2]  but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: ‘Every creature but I has a proper mate, and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]
 (c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam’s union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain’s sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon’s judgment seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem’. [4]
 (d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. ‘Why must I lie beneath you?’ she asked. ‘I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.’ Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
Adam complained to God: ‘I have been deserted by my helpmeet’ God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim children part human part demon animal at the rate of more than one hundred a day. ‘Return to Adam without delay,’ the angels said, `or we will drown you!’ Lilith asked: “How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?
“It will be death to refuse!“ they answered.
“How can I die?” Lilith asked again, “when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day.
“None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.” To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own.
(e) Some say that Lilith ruled the then known civilization as Queen in Zmargad, and again as Queen of Sheba; and was also known as the Demoness Queen who destroyed Job’s sons.

 Yet she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam, since they had parted long before the Fall. Lilith and Naamah not only strangleg new born  infants at birth when left alone in their cribs but would also seduce dreaming men, any one of whom were caught sleeping alone, may become their victim.

(f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman’s anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain.
 (g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam’s side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewelry, before waking him. Adam was entranced.
(h) Some say that God created Eve not from Adam’s rib, but from a tail ending in a sting which had been part of his body. God cut this off, and the stump-now a useless coccyx-is still carried by Adam’s descendants.
 (i) Others say that God’s original thought had been to create two human beings, male and female; but instead He designed a single one with a male face looking forward, and a female face looking back. Again He changed His mind, removed Adam’s backward-looking face, and built a woman’s body for it.
 (j) Still others hold that Adam was originally created as androgynous with both male and female bodies joined back to back. Since this posture made locomotion difficult, and conversation awkward, God divided the androgyne and gave each half a new rear. These separate beings He placed in Eden, forbidding them to couple.

Notes on sources:
1. Genesis II. 18-25; III. 20.
2. Genesis I. 26-28.
3. Gen. Rab. 17.4; B. Yebamot 632.
4. Yalqut Reubeni ad. Gen. II. 21; IV. 8.
5. Alpha Beta diBen Sira, 47; Gaster, MGWJ, 29 (1880), 553 ff.
6. Num. Rab. 16.25.
7. Targum ad job 1. 15.
8. B. Shabbat 151b; Ginzberg, LJ, V. 147-48.
9. Gen. Rab. 158, 163-64; Mid. Abkir 133, 135; Abot diR. Nathan 24; B. Sanhedrin 39a.
10. Gen. II. 21-22; Gen. Rab. 161.
11. Gen. Rab. 134; B. Erubin 18a.
12. B. Erubin 18a.
13. Gen. Rab. 55; Lev. Rab. 14.1: Abot diR. Nathan 1.8; B. Berakhot 61a; B. Erubin 18a; Tanhuma Tazri’a 1; Yalchut Gen. 20; Tanh. Buber iii.33; Mid. Tehillim 139, 529.

Comments on the Myth:
 1. The tradition that man’s first sexual intercourse was with animals, not women, may be due to the widely spread practice of bestiality among herdsmen of the Middle East, which is still condoned by custom, although figuring three times in the Pentateuch as a capital crime. In the Akkadian Gilgamesh Epic, Enkidu is said to have lived with gazelles and jostled other wild beasts at the watering place, until civilized by Aruru’s priestess. Having enjoyed her embraces for six days and seven nights, he wished to rejoin the wild beasts but, to his surprise, they fled from him. Enkidu then knew that he had gained understanding, and the priestess said: ‘Thou art wise, Enkidu, like unto a god.
 2. Primeval man was held by the Babylonians to have been androgynous. Thus the Gilgamesh Epic gives Enkidu androgynous features:
“The hair of his head like a woman’s, with locks that sprout like those of Nisaba, the Grain-goddess.”

The Hebrew tradition evidently derives from Greek sources, because both terms used in a Tannaitic Midrash to describe the bisexual Adam are Greek: Androgynos, ‘man-woman’, and Diprosopon, ‘twofaced’.

Philo of Alexandria, the Hellenistic philosopher and commentator on the Bible, contemporary with Jesus, held that man was at first bisexual; so did the Gnostics. This belief is clearly borrowed from Plato. Yet the myth of two bodies placed back to back may well have been founded on observation of Siamese twins, which are sometimes joined in this awkward manner. The two-faced Adam appears to be a fancy derived from coins or statues of Janus, the Roman New Year god.
 3. Divergences between the Creation myths of Genesis r and n, which allow Lilith to be presumed as Adam’s first mate, result from a careless weaving together of an early Judaean and a late priestly tradition. The older version contains the rib incident. Lilith typifies the Anath-worshipping Canaanite women, who were permitted pre-nuptial promiscuity. Time after time the prophets denounced Israelite women for following Canaanite practices.

At first, apparently, with the priests’ approval-since their habit of dedicating to God the fees thus earned is expressly forbidden in Deuteronomy XXIII. I8. Lilith’s flight to the Red Sea recalls the ancient Hebrew view that water attracts demons. ‘Tortured and rebellious demons’ also found safe harbor or harbourage in the age in Egypt. Thus Asmodeus, who had strangled Sarah’s first six husbands, fled ‘to the uttermost parts of Egypt’ (Tobit viii. 3), when Tobias burned the heart and liver of a fish on their wedding night.
 4. Lilith’s bargain with the angels has its ritual counterpart in an apotropaic rite once performed in many Jewish communities. To protect the newborn child against Lilith-and especially a male, until he could be permanently safeguarded by circumcision-a ring was drawn with natron, or charcoal, on the wall of the birthroom, and inside it were written the words: ‘Adam and Eve. Out, Lilith!’ Also the names Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof (meanings uncertain) were inscribed on the door. If Lilith nevertheless succeeded in approaching the child and fondling him, he would laugh in his sleep. To avert danger, it was held wise to strike the sleeping child’s lips with one finger-whereupon Lilith would vanish.
 5. ‘Lilith’ is usually derived from the Babylonian-Assyrian word lilitu, ,a female demon, or wind-spirit’-one of a triad mentioned in Babylonian spells. But she appears earlier as ‘Lillake’ on a 2000 B.G. Sumerian tablet from Ur containing the tale of Gilgamesh and the Willow Tree. There she is a demoness dwelling in the trunk of a willow-tree tended by the Goddess Inanna (Anath) on the banks of the Euphrates. Popular Hebrew etymology seems to have derived ‘Lilith’ from layil, ‘night’; and she therefore often appears as a hairy night-monster, as she also does in Arabian folklore.

Solomon suspected the Queen of Sheba of being Lilith, because she had hairy legs.

His judgment on the two harlots is recorded in I Kings III. 16 ff. According to Isaiah xxxiv. I4-I5, Lilith dwells among the desolate ruins in the Edomite Desert where satyrs (se’ir), reems, pelicans, owls, jackals, ostriches, arrow-snakes and kites keep her company.
 6. Lilith’s children are called lilim. In the Targum Yerushalmi, the priestly blessing of Numbers vi. 26 becomes: ‘The Lord bless thee in all thy doings, and preserve thee from the Lilim!’ The fourth-century A.D. commentator Hieronymus identified Lilith with the Greek Lamia, a Libyan queen deserted by Zeus, whom his wife Hera robbed of her children. She took revenge by robbing other women of theirs.

Known as Lilims


7. The Lamiae,  or children demons of Lamia who were demons like Lilith’s half demon half human were also known as those who seduced sleeping men, sucked their blood and ate their flesh, as Lilith and her fellow-demonesses did, were also known as Empusae, ‘forcers-in’; or Mormolyceia, ‘frightening wolves’; and described as ‘Children of Hecate’. A Hellenistic relief shows a naked Lamia straddling a traveller asleep on his back.

It is characteristic of civilizations where women are treated as chattels that they must adopt the recumbent posture during intercourse, which Lilith refused.

That Greek witches who worshipped Hecate favored the superior posture, we know from Apuleius; and it occurs in early Sumerian representations of the sexual act, though not in the Hittite.

Malinowski writes that Melanesian girls ridicule what they call `the missionary position’, which demands that they should lie passive and recumbent.
 8. Naamah, ‘pleasant’, is explained as meaning that ‘the demoness sang pleasant songs to idols’. Zmargad suggest smaragdos, the semi-precious aquamarine; and may therefore be her submarine dwelling. A demon named Smaragos occurs in the Homeric Epigrams.
 9. Eve’s creation by God from Adam’s rib-a myth establishing male supremacy and disguising Eve’s divinity-lacks parallels in Mediterranean or early Middle-Eastern myth. The story perhaps derives iconotropically from an ancient relief, or painting, which showed the naked Goddess Anath poised in the air, watching her lover Mot murder his twin Aliyan; Mot (mistaken by the mythographer for Yahweh) was driving a curved dagger under Aliyan’s fifth rib, not removing a sixth one. The familiar story is helped by a hidden pun on tsela, the Hebrew for ‘rib’: Eve, though designed to be Adam’s helpmeet, proved to be a tsela, a ‘stumbling’, or ‘misfortune’. Eve’s formation from Adam’s tail is an even more damaging myth; perhaps suggested by the birth of a child with a vestigial tail instead of a coccyx-a not infrequent occurrence.
 10. The story of Lilith’s escape to the East and of Adam’s subsequent marriage to Eve may, however, record an early historical incident: nomad herdsmen, admitted into Lilith’s Canaanite queendom as guests (see 16. 1), suddenly seize power and, when the royal household thereupon flees, occupy a second queendom which owes allegiance to the Hittite Goddess Heba.
The meaning of ‘Eve’ is disputed.

Hawwah is explained in Genesis III. 20 as ‘mother of all living’; but this may well be a Hebraicized form of the divine name Heba, Hebat, Khebat or Khiba.

This goddess, wife of the Hittite Storm-god, is shown riding a lion in a rock-sculpture at Hattusaswhich equates her with Anath-and appears as a form of Ishtar in Hurrian texts.

She was worshipped at Jerusalem (see 27. 6). Her Greek name was Hebe, Heracles’s goddess-wife.
— Hebrew Myths by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai (New York:  Doubleday, 1964), pp 65-69. Click here to Buy the Book

According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was banished from the Garden of Eden when she refused to make herself subservient to Adam (specifically, she refused to get into the missionary position with him during sex). When she was cast out, she was made into a demon figure, and Adam was given a second wife, Eve, who was fashioned from his rib to ensure her obedience to her man. The following is an excerpt from a Jewish folktale that describes some of the evils attributed to Lilith:

“The wife brought the mirror and all of the fine furnishings in the cellar to her own home and proudly displayed it. She hung the mirror in the room of their daughter, who was a dark-haired coquette. The girl glanced at herself in the mirror all the time, and in this way she was drawn into Lilith’s web…. For that mirror had hung in the den of demons, and a daughter of Lilith had made her home there. And when the mirror was taken from the haunted house, the demoness came with it.

For every mirror is a gateway to the Other World and leads directly to Lilith’s cave.

That is the cave Lilith went to when she abandoned Adam and the Garden of Eden for all time, the cave where she sported with her demon lovers.

From these unions multitudes of demons were born, who flocked from that cave and infiltrated the world.

When the demon children want to return, they simply enter the nearest mirror.

This is why the worlds made have portals into other times as mirrors into other worlds.

That is why it is said that Lilith makes her home in every mirror…

“Now the daughter of Lilith who made her home in that mirror watched every movement of the girl who posed before it.

She bided her time and one day she slipped out of the mirror and took possession of the girl, entering through her eyes.  This is what happens to women on earth who are not aware of spirits and demons.

Lilith’s daughter ,  took control of the onlooker using the mirror.

It was actually the real first female Goddess who was the Goddess o f desire, beauty, and love enticement. But, it depends on the perception of the believers who accept the knowledge into their own window to the soul

Lilithe and Lilith’s daughter, both could begin shaping the desires causing a stirring and desire at will…. So it happened that this young girl, driven by the evil wishes of Lilith’s daughter, ran around with young men who lived in the same neighborhood.”

Thus the girls who grew into puberty and had a wondering eye was said to be struck with a curse of Lilith or one of her daughter spirits.
From “Lilith’s Cave,” Lilith’s Cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural, edited by Howard Schwartz (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988)

Other folktales describe a tale of how Lilith captured Jewish babies in the night and physically ate them.

 Lilith whether on earth or out in spirit above the world was said to lure in young women with her mind.

Lilith could influence anyone with her powers.

This power was used throughout time on earth and is spoken of in myth and folkore the most of how she led young girls and young husbands astray.

The Witches who new the folklore, myths and legends that were passed down from mother to daughter knew of the spells and the 3 sided amulet triangle jewelry with the 3 names that could protect one from the powers of Lilith.

Lilith was demonized by early Jewish culture as a symbol of promiscuity and disobedience for this reason. It was easy to blame Lilith and her powers over both men and women.

Many modern Jewish feminists see Lilith as a positive figure, a model of woman as equal to man in the creation story.

For further reference, please check out the pages listed below, or read the introduction to the collection of stories in Lilith’s Cave (see above).

Other Sources on Lilith:
The Lilith Myth
Looking for Lilith
The Lilith Page
Looking for Lilith*

The feminist critique of conventional values has not overlooked the Jewish tradition. Whether or not one acknowledges the validity of all the charges that have been leveled against the treatment of women in Jewish law and theology, it is hardly possible to ignore these issues.
As one who is normally sympathetic with feminist aspirations, I have often been disappointed with the scholarly standards of the debate, especially when it has been directed towards the classical texts of Judaism. In the course of polemical ideological exchanges, I find too frequently that sweeping generalizations are being supported by flimsy or questionable evidence, with a disturbing disregard for factual accuracy and historical context.
As an example of this sort of scholarly sloppiness, I wish to discuss an intriguing Hebrew legend that has found its way into dozens of recent works about Jewish attitudes towards women.

The legend in question was inspired by the Bible’s dual accounts of the creation of the first woman, which led its author to the conclusion that Adam had a first wife before his marriage to Eve. Adam’s original mate was the demonic Lilith who had been fashioned, just like her male counterpart, from the dust of the earth. Lilith insisted from the outset on equal treatment, a fact which caused constant friction between the couple.

Eventually the frustrated Lilith used her magical powers to fly away from her spouse.

Lilith known on earth is actually created in physical form from the spirit of the Lilith Goddess who could fly and was the Mother of all Females in Heaven Married to God, Yawweh, or Zeus the God of the Highest and oldest Order in the Celestial Realm of the Metaverse.

At Adam’s urging, God dispatched three angels to negotiate the earth creation of the female spirit and woman physical body to return.

When these angels made threats against Lilith’s demonic descendants, she countered that she would prey eternally upon newborn human babies, who could be saved only by invoking the protection of the three angels. In the end Lilith stood her ground and never returned to her husband.

The story implies that when Eve was afterwards fashioned out of Adam’s rib (symbolic of her subjection to him), this was to serve as an antidote to Lilith’s short-lived attempt at egalitarianism.

Here, declare the feminists matronizingly, we have a clear statement of the Rabbinic Attitude Towards Women!

There is only one slight problem with this theory: The story of Lilith is not actually found in any authentic Rabbinic tradition. Although it is repeatedly cited as a “Rabbinic legend” or a “midrash,” it is not recorded in any ancient Jewish text!

The tale of Lilith originates in a medieval work called “the Alphabet of Ben-Sira,” a work whose relationship to the conventional streams of Judaism is, to say the least, problematic.

The unknown author of this work has filled it with many elements that seem designed to upset the sensibilities of traditional Jews.

In particular, the heroes of the Bible and Talmud are frequently portrayed in the most perverse colors. Thus, the book’s protagonist, Ben-Sira, is said to have issued from an incestuous union between the prophet Jeremiah and his daughter. Joshua is described as a buffoon too fat to ride a horse. King David comes across as a heartless and spiteful figure who secretly delights in the death of his son Absalom, while putting on a disingenuous public display of grief. The book is consistently sounding the praises of hypocritical and insincere behaviour.  So shocking and abhorrent are some of the contents of “the Alphabet of Ben-Sira” that modern scholars have been at a loss to explain why anyone would have written such a book. Some see it as an impious digest of risqué folk-tales. Others have suggested that it was a polemical broadside aimed at Christians, Karaites, or some other opposing movement. I personally would not rule out the possibility that it was actually an anti-Jewish satire–though, to be sure, it did come to be accepted by the Jewish mystics of medieval Germany; and amulets to fend off the vengeful Lilith became an essential protection for newborn infants in many Jewish communities.

Eventually the tale of Lilith was included in a popular English-language compendium of Rabbinic legend, and some uncritical readers–unable or unwilling to check after the editor’s sources–cited it as a representative Rabbinic statement on the topic. As tends to happen in such instances, subsequent authors kept copying from one another until the original error turned into an unchallenged historical fact.

Certainly there are volumes of real texts and traditions that could benefit from a searching and critical feminist analysis, and it is a shame to focus so much intellectual energy on a dubious and uncharacteristic legend of this sort.

First publication: Jewish Free Press Feb. 6 1995.
J. Dan, The Hebrew Story in the Middle Ages, Jerusalem, 1974.
J. D. Eisenstadt, ed., Ozar Midrashim, Israel, n.d.


This topic has recently come to mind based on the Sandra Bullock and Jesse James reports of marriage problems in the media.

Personally, I believe in fidelity in a marriage, which requires honor and trust. However, I also believe in forgiveness because we all make mistakes. No one is perfect in this world at this time. Not yet anyway. This is why we are here to become better intelligent beings in a body-mind-spirit. It is our essence and our inner being that will affect our outer knowing as a person.

There are high roads and low roads in life and sometimes we have rocks in the roads that we must overcome or kick out of the way.

I have had my share in this lifetime. I am no saint and have had a lot of growing up to do as a wife and parent as we all have through life.

This does not make me an authority but I do have a point of view and an opinion based on my own personal experiences and how I see life unfolding in my world.

My world is made up of many people of all cultures and ethnicities. We are all here for a purpose and the main reason is for fellowship and wisdom.

We are to learn about what is required for our own spiritual survival in space. I have learned that there is a higher state of being than the one that was taught to me in the 20th Century past of all the churches I attended. Many of my Christian friends now realize there is being spiritual and being religious and they are not the same. People who understand the higher purpose do not believe that simply going to a certain church and believing in one way is the answer.

The believers in Christ 1 will find various themes and categories not to mention many separate religions. Nevertheless, they all say they are Christians. This includes the Catholics, Latter Day Saints, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians, just to mention some.

While we are here, on earth we can say whatever and claim whatever but we come alone and we die alone as far as the essence and spirit are concerned.
We should always remember that we alone are responsible for our own living. We cannot blame another for our shortcomings only share in the presence of life that we create for ourselves together as one. One in the meaning of all things are created equal as in the all of spiritual life. We all have a purpose and a meaning being what we were sent here to “BE”.

It is time to share in the spirit of all and that is the part of us that listen to the still small voice inside of us that gives us our inner being we call a conscious and a conscience. We all have a conscious understanding that there is something inside us that drives us that we call our own inner conscience. Sometimes we listen and sometimes we do not. When we do not listen to that inner conscience, we tend to make mistakes. That inner conscience is our creator and comforter that is part of us like an inner guidance system. I dare say that Jesse James is wishing he had listened to his inner conscience in the past and he may have not caused problems in his present marriage with Sandra Bullock.

Sandra Bullock is one of America’s Sweethearts. We have few precious gems in Hollywood and on the Silver Screen that we enjoy for entertainment and to escape the reality that we call daily life on earth. Jesse James is living up to his Great-grandfathers cousin whom he was named after and his fame will now become infamous as the “Bad Boy”. It is said that “Opposite Attract” and that is exactly what I thought when I heard of Sandra and Jesse.
I find that I have the same relationship in my own marriage if I can be so bold and vain as to compare my marriage with Sandra Bullock’s. Though I have been married only ten years to her five I was still attracted to the “Bad Boy” image that our parents always told us to stay away from in high school.

We are all human. We also all have a spirit. We all have a mind. We all have a body. The fact that we are on earth means that we are all sharing our own body-mind-spirit containers for our essence vessel. That is the spiritual term for the “All” that we are. We shall return to our soul kept elsewhere with our essence of spiritual lives on earth and elsewhere intact. That is our memories and conscious thoughts encased in our pure essence.

We should all be sharing in the spiritual intellectual knowledge that we will share our good and bad thoughts when we leave this earth. This is data also known as wisdom that we are allowed to create and own when we leave earth. Whether it is good or bad thoughts we desire to take with us, the way we conduct our lives and thoughts on earth is all we take with us when we leave this realm of existence. Think on these things for we are realizing that we are all going to be awakened to this fact in our future.

December 21, 2012 T. 11:11 is the space-time date set forth in the future that was in the past of all our ancestors to make sure that in align ourselves with the universal spirit that is only one among many in the metaverse.

Think of our world as only one tiny bubble in a galaxy that we can see as a plastic bottle of water. The bottle of water is only one among many that is in a large case of bottles called the universe. The universe then has to be expanding as the bottles of galaxies are increased. The universes are all the places that are fit into the term Metaverse. Whether the Metaverse keeps expanding is part of what all the Supreme Beings that are much wiser than we plan on finding out. We are always saying that spirit has always been.

Exactly what and where the spirit is leading us with our own essence to contribute to the future is how we must learn to think and “BE”. This is deep but so is the one concern we have about infidelity. Do we separate or do we join together as “one in holy matrimony.” If we decide to join then what happens to one happens to the other. We cannot separate the spirit.

Once we leave this planet, that is our home in space then we ascend to another level of existence in another place in another time. We still go alone in many ways but in other ways, we may be able to ascend together as a soul group of spirits.

This is something that we should think about in our future of the 21st Century. We learned many ways about spirit in our past 20th Century. We learned from our history that has been left for us by our ancestors in books, and in pictures, drawings, pictographs, and through our studies of humankind on earth.

There may be customs that allow us to bond as one male and female for procreation purposes. There is no natural law that we follow for bonding for life over procreation. This legal license we call a marriage license is only as important as we make it. The paper it is written on can be destroyed.

However, we have learned about moral and ethical lessons that we use in the holy bond of matrimony in the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior of Earth as Christians. I was born into the Christian Church and know of no other social and cultural way to be other than following my own teachings that I learn from my own personal experiences on earth.

The fidelity clause in our created marriages is up to each of us as an individual.  The marriage certificate is a license granted by the individual state in the United States to become man and wife and recognized by the laws of said state. Now, some of the laws are changing to become partners without recognizing the need to be male and female only. Things change in life and so do we.

How we allow ourselves to emotionally respond to lessons in life as the rocks in our roads on our spiritual paths is what makes us a better person.

What we teach out children in the future will depend on how we decide to conduct ourselves morally and ethically in life. Ethics assist us in sharing fellowship in life with a better way of thinking and reacting to a civilized world in which we are to share.

Sharing life on earth has expanded from only family, community, state, and nation, to the five main continents and smaller locations on earth.

We now call all places that have intelligent beings a part of the Global Community.

We will begin to notice that we are all faced with moral and ethical obligations for all people on earth to sustain a global community.

Social and moral issues will gradually become a way of life for the entire global community. We will adopt a united alliance and way to conduct ourselves with diplomatic protocol and procedures.

Others will always look upon the people who receive the most attention in media such as movie stars, television stars, dignitaries, our elected officials, Nobel Prize Winners, Athletes, Olympic Team Members, and various other talented musicians, singers, and artists in the world.

We expect more from the people who we love and admire as our leaders, mentors, idols, as we become fans of people whom we have learned about as those setting an example in media.

As long as we can achieve notoriety for those who deserve it by accomplishing certain acts of kindness to assist humankind in general then we should offer awards, ceremonies, and pomp and circumstance, Esprit de Corps is good for motivation for the entire world.

With regard to fidelity whether it is in a marriage of stars or of the common folk should be between two people a moral agreement more than a legal one. Nevertheless, we will always wish the best to two people who decide to take on life together as a team and not to only go through life alone as one.

Two is always better than one and three or more is even better. This is why we have the fellowship of churches on earth. Churches are not bad or good they are simply a group of people deciding to have certain ways to believe as in a creed for moral and ethical ways to behave and believe while on earth. Far too long, have we acted as judges of our churches and found fault with one another.

It is time on earth to forgive each other’s trespasses and to become better spiritual intellectuals. We should ask only our creator and maker to forgive us our sins on earth as we forgive those who trespass against us as individuals.

We should all desire, hope, and wish that Sandra Bullock and Jesse James would remain close as friends no matter what their outcome in their legal marriage due to infidelity or any other reason.

Some of us like Hillary Clinton and former President of the United States William (Bill) Clinton can move past the rocks in the road and forge a new alliance. It is my hope and desire that this will become a way for all to move past our shortcomings in life and to be forgiving of each other.

We can hope that our mistakes and heartaches caused to self and others teaches us to be better people and to grown in our journey in life.

We are all here to serve self, others, and the Supreme Beings who have sent us here to learn to become better spiritual intellectuals among our own intelligent being species. TJ