Alien ET UFO Community 2012

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 16:  Recording artist ...

NEW YORK, NY – NOVEMBER 16: Recording artist Neil Sedaka performs Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University’s Celebrate Einstein dinner at The Plaza Hotel on November 16, 2011 in New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (Photo credit: MusMs)

English: Eurasia (orthographic projection)

English: Eurasia (orthographic projection) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map of Lemuria according to William S...

English: Map of Lemuria according to William Scott-Elliott (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map from newspaper clipping. Portuguê...

English: Map from newspaper clipping. Português: Mapa de um jornal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Churchward's map showing how he thoug...

English: Churchward’s map showing how he thought Mu refugees spread out after the cataclysm through South America, along the shores of Atlantis and into Africa. Português: Linhas migratórias dos refugiados de Mu, após o cataclisma, através do mar amazônio, para Atlântida e África. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"Lemuria" in Tamil nationalist mysti...

“Lemuria” in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cover of "The Lost Continent of Mu"

Cover of The Lost Continent of Mu

English: colonel James Churchward photo. Portu...

English: colonel James Churchward photo. Português: Foto do coronel James Churchward. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Map from "The Lost Continent of ...

English: Map from “The Lost Continent of Mu”, 1927. By james Churchward. Português: Imagem do Livro “O Continente perdido de Mu”, 1927. De autoria de James Churchward. Continente perdido de Mu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Ch...

English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Churchward. Português: O Continente Perdido de Mu, por James Churchward. Alguém alterou a imagem original. Onde está escrito Lemuria deveria estar escrito Mu, pois são “continentes” distintos. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

ALIEN ET RADIO CALL IN GUEST CALL (347) 945-7207! Thank you TJ Morris ET


Evol Anthroposophy

Evolution of Consciousness in the Alien ET UFO Community

Rudolph Steiner on or about the year 1908 had a similar interest in society and we find more and more people ascribing to a higher standard in social philosophies that deal with our ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society of etymology and anthropology with the shared internet experiences online.

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By TJ Morris – 6 min 47 sec ago
Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community - Now What?

We are in special times when the veil is the thinnest and this means something to all of us in the communication of cosmology. We are now sharing the smallest and the most expanded as largest thoughts we can muster and placing new words as our work in this world. We in the Alien ET Hybrid UFO Community are accepting most crop circles as ET Energy and part of our evolution.

We will be expanding to whole brain thinking and sharing our eternal energy as our immortal essences that will ascend as into vertical instead of only linear thinking of which we have been guilty of in the past due to our three dimensional way of thinking and seeing.

We now know that there is much in the visual spectrum and sound spectrum that is maybe now seen or heard.

We may even begin to accept that intuition is as Albert Einstein explained coming from somewhere which he knew not! Albert Einstein was a great thinker and he actually was nudged into sharing the future.

We had alien ET Hybrids to assist him and actually assist him in his meditational thoughts while thinking on things. This will all come out in due time. We are going to learn about our alien ET Hybrid beings who are just as humanoid as the rest of us born on earth. They just come into being with their futures filled with memories of their past lives and how to access their memories of a higher level of being.
Some call this a meditational place in space we can learn to track in our fMRI machines in the medical field of study of the mind inside the brain which encases our neuro system with our spinal chord. We are the alien ET inside the physical form which allows us all to look exactly the same when one sees the brain attached to the nervous system inside the spinal chord. This is who we are as Alien ET actually. A Skull and Spine which is part of the body left behind when we ascend.

We may lose our limbs during life however the last part of us to go in our brain. Our nervous system can even quit working and sending us signals but we cannot live without our brain or can we? Are we also our hearts?

Research in the past lives of our world say we can live without our hearts as long as we have a replacement of some type to pump our blood. We also need oxygen to our brain so how much of all this physical apparatus do we really need to survive? Does our brains keep working? This is something that science hopes to prove that we are more than the total sum of our parts while exercising our freewill to freeze our brains in the future.

Cryogenics for the rich is already taking place for those who can afford to freeze their brains for future discoveries in medical science. Where does that leave the rest of us?

We are going to learn how to ascend as immortals!

To the World who has recently been introduced to our Alien ET UFO Community we have ET all around us at all times. This is now common knowledge which we call spirit. Our ancestors knew the truth. We have to teach our young ones that birth-life-death is part of the body-mind-spirit, emotional-mental-physical-spiritual acceptance of our entire humanoid sentient intelligent being society

We are they who are approaching the future with those who are our truth seekers in spacetime. We have come upon a time set forth by our forefathers as our ancestors who many of us regard our creators and our alien ancestors as Alien Astronauts. We will be defining more of our findings of fact in the past as our original history.

In order to confirm what many of us already know we are planning to meet each other in the future.

Thank you for the interest in what we are presently working together to share in the future of 2012!

We will be sharing the various thoughts which have occurred to us while we share our intentions on this planet. The Intentions are being made known around the world in writing, in photos, and videos in the world wide web of the Internet. We share the Web which is embracing our entire planet overhead in signals. Sound waves and particles are where most of us realize that we exist as immortals.

We are they who are encased inside our own vessels which we use to make use of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well- being while we realize we are all immortal energy essence that we share as synergy.

We have reached the 90% of humanoids that believe in heaven on earth or heaven of the cosmos above our planet. Some believe in something where our spirits will be guided back to our souls. Some believe we are all born with a soul connection which is our inner spirit that returns to where the original soul is located.

Those of us in the Alien ET UFO Community are working on our soul purpose while we say we are spiritual and not religious. There is even a place to register one’s own choice as spiritual and not religious on the internet on most websites and browsers connected to the Internet.

Religions and Science are intertwined in the academic world but not in the spiritual work of the past. This has changed now and we welcome the past as simply history that was recorded. We plan on now changing how the history for our children who have a natural born gift to accept computers and how they work is rewarded.

We are welcoming all the new spirits coming to earth and if one cares to examine history even in the languages of the old archives, codices, codex’s, books, and famous religious scriptures such as the Bible and Koran both of the old Adamic faiths one will see a correlation to the ancient Sumerian scripts which also date back to the stories that were orally shared of those who from the heavens came.

We now share that those who from the heavens came were our ancestors who allowed for this level of growth as a community and society of spirits to be involved in various locations on one planet to eventually grow and expand to find one another. This has been done before throughout time.

When we reach the Seven (7) billion mark we usually are allowed to progress to the next level in communication and cosmology with our computers used in space or the cosmos.
We will now learn about various dimensions in space and what we now call spacetime as something that will need a further breakdown with dark matter and light matter of the ancient past that comes to earth in what we now call light-years. There is still much to know and as we go forward in the future we shall learn of the ancients who are traveling in space to protect those who are young spirits.

Many are newly created and are only serving their first lives out here on this planet while some of the ancients have visited as avatars to serve as guides. We all have a Spiritual Guide and a Guardian Angel.

There are two at all times whom we can converse with who will watch over our eternal progression while in the form we call humanoids. This is something that we will now learn to discover inside our brains as whole brains instead of using left and right brain thinking only.

There are some new Robotoids coming in the future that will allow us to know more, do more, have more, but mainly have time to discover what else we can create in our minds that will also need to be maintained once created for the future of humankind in space.
We have needs of food, water, clothing, and shelter, and then a need to provide health, and prosperity for self and others.
We are going to learn to take care of the complete humanoid sentient intelligent being society so we can progress to the next levels in space and learn to travel while in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual form we call humanity as a collective and social gathering on this planet.
The Alien ET UFO Community has various topics of communication. The main concern is how to continue to share the awakened awareness of our future potentiality as humanoid sentient intelligent beings.

We have shared that there are many people on earth who care considered “Alien ET Hybrids” and consider themselves such. It is time to awaken those who know what they should be concentrating on in this lifetime with their own life purpose as a mission of energy as essence on earth.

We all have a soul purpose and it is up to each of us to discover our purpose for being here in this time in this place we call a planet. The Ascension Age is simply a way to describe this time when we are raising our awareness of our soul’s purpose for being on this planet while observing our ancient past while advancing our present into the future.

We will learn about the branes in space, the dimensions in space and all around us on this planet.

We are learning of the various realms, and levels where all these dimensions may be accessed when we become immortal once again as in out of body while traveling together in space. Time to learn to be more open to those around us who use their abilities to raise consciousness of who we are as thoughts.

Thoughts have energy and essence to become material and perform actions in this world we now call the Alien ET UFO Community and the Space Project of Humanity.

We will ascend in one form or another!

Cover of "Avatar (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Co...

Cover via Amazon

The Taking of Planet 5

The Taking of Planet 5 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Illustration of the planet Polyphemus...

English: Illustration of the planet Polyphemus from the film Avatar, based on a photograph of the planet Jupiter. Français : Illustration de la planète Polyphème du film “Avatar”, basée sur une photographie de la planète Jupiter. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


omega (Photo credit: davedehetre)


STARGATE TO THE COSMOS ~ the quest of the future.

I will be your Host on the TJ MORRIS ET Radio. We shall discuss various ET paranormal topics including the following:


Atlantis and Lemuria were the names of the overall continent many thousands if not billions of years a part.  The scientific-rational group inhabited Atlantis long years after the Lemurians or those from U and ANKI. . Lemuria had more individuals that were more artistically and spiritually inclined as we see our own cultures divided between art and humanities, and the sciences to this day. Philosophy and History of the ancients now play a large part in our future. We rely on our scholars as educators to inform us of the latest developments and projects which are funded by those who have the funds to provide support for the needs on various researches in archaeological and anthropological digs.        


Lemuria is at present  non-existent “lost continent”  supposedly in the Indian Ocean.

Hawaii is also said to be the highest points of the mountains that were once considered the land of MU which is also considered that which others thought of as an old continent. Lemuria is the land of lemurs and other interesting animal species that have been recorded throughout ancient history.


We now are learning that much of our ancient folklore wisdom has some facts involved over time of which the verbal records were told, and the ancient Sumerian writings of the Nag Hammadi Codices share the oldest known record to exist of our ancient ancestors from the cosmos or heaven.

It originated as a scientific hypothesis trying to explain the distribution of some mammals, but was later appropriated by purveyors of woo (apparently, each major ocean needs a sunken continent). As a scientific hypothesis, it was made obsolete by plate tectonics and continental drift.

As an occult meme, it will likely continue to exist until Homo sapiens becomes extinct, though it is not as popular as Atlantis. Lemuria comes from Lemur however that was taken to mean the old continent that was all one called MU. Mu was the antediluvian home . Hydroplate theory

Hydroplate theory is a creationist hypothesis – developed in 1980 by Walter Brown (PhD Mechanical Engineering) – that the antediluvian …

5 KB (724 words) – 21:36, 24 March 2012

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1882), full text http://www. gutenberg. org/ebooks/4032 available at Project Gutenberg and elsewhere …

2 KB (201 words) – 13:49, 24 July 2011


The theory that the Osireion is some “antediluvian” or pre-historic structure is patently ridiculous. There is complete scholarly …

8 KB (1,301 words) – 23:47, 7 March 2012

Fossil sorting by the global flood

So if you read the Noah story back into this observation, the antediluvian world must have been wall-to-wall trilobites, not to mention …

12 KB (1,779 words) – 14:48, 3 June 2012

Global flood

So if you read the Noah story back into this observation, the antediluvian world must have been wall-to-wall trilobites, not to mention …

38 KB (6,324 words) – 06:10, 10 June 2012

Ramtha and two comrades-in-arms preparing to repel an Atlantean attack.

“Lemuria” in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean). Why there aren’t any lemurs in Australia, we don’t know.

Lemuria entered the woo mainstream through the writings of Helena Blavatsky in the 1880s. Since then, it has attracted writers of aliens to New Age authors in theoretical physics and pseudo-science of the paranormal in metaphysics and cosmology. It is called Lemuria because apparently lemurs lived there, and this is all being suppressed by the Vatican.

It is allegedly in with history and research of the Easter Islands and Edgar Cayce channelings as a higher consciousness receiver. Some people make Lemurian music; write poetry about Ramtha a Lemurian warrior in ancient folklore. We will be discussing our ancient ancestors and our former continents in our Global Tectonic Economics History of the ET on TJMorrisETradio on


Here is your Link to the voice of the Cosmos as ET ~ 

Ascension Age 2012 & beyond is the time to officially adopt the name of the second level, which is outside of this universe. We are awakened now to the possibility that there are others who have always been outside our macrocosm we call the omniverse. Stargate to the Cosmos of the Ascension Age.

The Ascension Age is the Golden Age ofCosmology and of Communication that We are ET as in extraterrestrials of various hybrids kind and share the body-mind-spirit having the birth-life-death experiences together as one humanoid species as bi-peddles.

Art, culture, education, science, technology, folklife, or history.

Co-creations and solutions on this planet of 12

Universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse…

There are those who have always been as the alpha males and omega females of the humanoid kind as creators. The one name that has been used in Atlantis in the past came from the world that existed prior even earlier than that of Lemuria that of which humanoids call MU.  The Alpha males and Omega females were those who our ancestors called deities as God and Goddesses. The future we will now accept is all in our minds of the past, present and present-future!

Extraterrestrial hybrid part in our own DNA encoding allows us to know that there is always a reason for Ascension Center Enlightenment as essence. Immortal thoughts and behaviors while we are here in a physical form will assist us all in the future.

There will be a time when many of us on this planet will begin to share out pathways outside of this universe and it is time we lay the groundwork for the various directions that will expand outward from this one point of origin we now call earth.

There are few whom I can open up to with a straight stream of consciousness and I must say that there are only a few. It has never been a normal pattern for me to open up and write to another direct. I believe that it was Dirk who had the good intentions for the good of this planet that allowed for others such as you and me to meet in a level of surreal virtual reality. This may be all that many of us will be allowed to share in this lifetime on this planet. This should be understood by all our planets churches of the continuous flow of energy in the future.

We each are a shard of the larger picture that our human physical sentient intelligent being species refers to as the Omniverse from whatever spiritual school of disciplines or manmade religions that may be familiar with in their upbringing. We shall all still be kindred spirits regardless of what religious culture or location we were born into on this planet and encouraging others to open up to the various world religions and their likes and dislikes as differences will be the best way to ask all who share this space in this place to realize that there are as many ways to believe, think, and become, in a world as there are separate units, vessels, containers of information in our created world.

We are correct in believing and knowing that life of the immortals is of a spiritual romantic nature of which the world of love abounds. It is the love of our humankind that has kept us alive, well, and coming to this planet repeatedly throughout time. This is a learning plane of life and abundance and those who come are to find their way through this life of transition.

We are all in a transitional phase and at the eve of the portal that will be offered to all who come here that we presently call life after death in this lifetime on earth. There are words that will become cemented in time that will attach to our energy, as it will be known in cyberspace that will be called the immortal web of our humanoid species in this place we call earth. Those of us who travel with the Time Lords will be remembered only as the Ascended Masters in time.

We who have come from the future to share the past will remedy that which has been taken to heart as the prior truth and yet was disguised and mislead many souls down pathways that could have been avoided. It is with great blessings that we are afforded our guides, sages, seers, teachers, and are allowed to be students of learning of the ancient mystery schools and ancient paths, which can guide us back to the power in our spiritual magick that allows us to become as the immortals, who created the entire omniverse.

We can then begin sharing how one can obtain the portals in time to go from one into the other as immortals once passing from the only awareness that many now allow themselves in time.

There will be those who shall assist us in adapting to the seven areas of this macrocosm awareness, which will, exists among our ancient ancestors and will return now as it was written.

LUCID DREAM STATE – The Other Dimension

We of the old traditions, who enjoy the wisdom of the ancient past, and who celebrate the present, will learn to prepare the future generations to come to earth with the written words as the power in knowledge used and not only the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. We can learn while we dream in the other dimension some call the 13th dimension and time here is the 12th reality or dimension.

We who are the scribes of the future share in the blessings and energies that are inspired by all the great ones of the immortals. It is with great fortitude and the breath of life that we are allowed to be here and to know of each other’s whereabouts on this planet. I have been allowed to see outside the Omniverse while visiting in the future by way of Sirius and Andromeda in what we now call lucid dreams. I am wondering if you also learn from lucid dreams. I wonder how many of our colleagues are taught in their dream state with a direct connection to their own creators.

The future must begin sharing that all beings be prepared to share in taking on the world class of all those who are poverty-stricken. This means that to remain as spiritual powers of the enigma of souls we will have to become recognized as part of the ancient powers that were to be heralded into the new information age as the Ascension Age 2012 & beyond.

Please join us who are the Lightworkers and Truthseekers.  We shall fulfill the prophecies of the ancients with the seven rings of awareness of the space with the future in the various levels and ages. The ancients share that which we shall govern in our future. Please assist me in sharing the various levels as those of ancient Atlantis as the universe, multiverse (polyverse), metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse…

NOTE ON STARGATE TO THE COSMOS SYMPOSIUM ON OCT 29 thru NOV 4th for 7 DAYS. We shall be posting the information on the new website called AscensionCenter.NET,, and

Cultural References

We offer valuable information and opportunities for unique experiences at reasonable fee to cover expenses of hosting. If you are interested in any event and have 2nd thoughts about attending due to financial distress, please contact the event organizer for barter arrangements. We believe energy exchange brings abundance and we encourage giving as much as receiving. Our core intention is to offer win-win opportunities for everyone in the community while we transform human consciousness

JOINImageTJ ON ImageETRADIO on and on her BlogImage on UFO Digest.comImage

Eugene Wesley “Gene” Roddenberry (August 19, 1921 – October 24, 1991) was an American television screenwriter, producer and futurist, best known for creating the American science fiction series Star Trek. Born in El Paso, Texas, Roddenberry grew up in Los Angeles, California where his father worked as a police officer. Roddenberry flew 89 combat missions in theUnited States Army Air Forces during World War II, and worked as a commercial pilot after the war. He later followed in his father’s footsteps, joining the Los Angeles Police Department to provide for his family, but began focusing on writing scripts for television.

As a freelance writer, Roddenberry wrote scripts for Highway PatrolHave Gun–Will Travel, and other series, before creating and producing his own television program, The Lieutenant. In 1964, Roddenberry created Star Trek, and it premiered in 1966, running for three seasons before cancellation. Syndication of Star Trek led to increasing popularity, and Roddenberry continued to create, produce, and consult on Star Trek films and the television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation until his death. Roddenberry received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and he was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame and the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences‘ Hall of Fame. Years after his death, Roddenberry was one of the first humans to have his ashes “buried” in outer space.

The fictional Star Trek universe Roddenberry created has spanned over four decades, producing six television series, 715 episodes and eleven films, with a twelfth film currently in post-production and scheduled for a May 2013 release. Additionally, the popularity of the Star Trek universe and films inspired the gentle parody/homage film Galaxy Quest (1999).

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Alien ET UFO Community Omniverse Creation Story of Atlantis & MU -Ankh Key to Universe View Edit Submitted by Theresa J. Thur… on Thu, 04/26/2012 – 11:29 Ascension Center Organization is hereby established officially on Planet Earth of the Planetarians. Gaia other Earth after the original creation from MARS in the zone for the Ancient Astronaut s the Founders for the Ancestor Day to be established on ALL WORLD calendars. The Ascension ET Authority. History of the Beginning of MU and Atlantis is hereby transmitted to send to be referenced and recorded throughout time by all storyteller shaman as the messengers of the “Keeper of the Flame!” Share this among all those who are the ACE FOLKLIFE, ASCENSION CENTER, and of the ALIEN ET UFO COMMUNITY. We ask all those of the Art, Culture, Education as ACE spiritual beings to share this with all that have a need to know. We now share that the Ascension Center is about the future of all body-mind-spirits having the birth-life-death experience on the planet that was created and terra-formed by their Ancient Astronaut Ascension Masters. Atlantis & MU TJ Known as the “Keeper of the Flame” By: Theresa J Thurmond Morris ALIEN ET UFO COMMUNITY CODE KEY TO ETHEREAL ETHICS THE ANKH SYMBOL Share in the past lives on earth by those who from the heavens came about the Omniverse. The ALPHA MALES and OMEGA FEMALES The Co-Creators who have always been have created an Ascension Authority. There is a Family Creation known as a Hierarchy in the created Omniverse. These are the Supreme Beings based on the fact that they are the first created souls who became perfected over time by the essence that was created to enforce the spirit that is placed into all living things. These Super Supreme Beings are who are called the deities and the children of the first God and Goddess who have always been that first created their first Co-creation the Omniverse. The Children of these first Super-Supreme Beings are Essence in the Ethereal Realm. They are all those who are the oldest souls who were placed inside the Omniverse. Their children are then those who rebelled against their original Father and Mother in the Omniverse and their children as Angels were sent into the unknown realm created by their parents. This unknown realm is now called the Xenoverse. Those who were sent into the unknown were now treated as children and were taught to learn about the Ethereal Ethics through statistics called Trial and Error of the Essence and were given the Free Will. These Ethereal Beings would never be given a physical body-mind-spirit of their own but could be called to serve as messengers as those who would guide those in the future Metaverse. The Metaverse was then created for their children who were the Great-Grandchildren of the original God and Goddess as the “I AM” and “ALL I AM”. The “I AM” was the original words that came to be by the recognition of the “ALL I AM” as the Original Soul Mate in the Essence creating harmony and balance in the created Chaos. This was the history of the Elders passed down through lineage of the ancient ancestors. All the Great-Grandchildren were of good spirit and cherished those who were above in the highest realms outside the created Omniverse. They were guided with life wisdom. These children of the Metaverse were subservient in nature and were allowed to become the creators to the multiverses with the assistance of their parents and those who are the ANCESTORS Angelic Ethereal Essence. The Life Wisdom throught the Eons created time in space and space-time became the new place in space to become awakened and aware of the knowing. Those who became the Co-creators with the Angels of Both the Dark of the Unknown and the Light of the Known were now challenged to change Xenoverse inside the Omniverse with the knowing.. These Co-creators needed their own creations and thereby became responsible for all their own Ethereal Ethics to share the companionship of the knowing to become the wisdom and understanding of all those who came to be separated in the light and the dark realms that were separated due to the disobedience due to their own young souls essence. Growth in the knowing was needed and time in space was established for the dimensions that would become the realms as levels of knowing to be called enlightenment. The Ethereal Ethics Creators were now those who created the Ascension ET Authority of the Multiverse.The Multiverse would now be the realm of all dimensions and the place to separate the knowing of those children who came before who were disobedient children. The Ascension ET Authority would be responsible now for all that would be created in the future that could be seen as co-creations in the form of other Multiverses with the physical creations of universes. Chaos of the Above Omniverse would now become a place of balance of both the dark and the light with the “ALL KNOWING” and the “ALL SEEING”. Those who were ethereal essence were inspired by their ancestors and their ancient elders who were the founding Fathers and Mothers of all the various universes which would now become the home of all their own children who would now due to the Ethereal Ethics that they learned through divine wisdom. The ALL KNOWING EYE was established and the Ethereal Ethics would now always be remembered in the symbol as the Key to the Kingdoms of all those places in spaces of the Ethereal Supreme Beings to be recorded throughout time. This is where the children learned to listen to the divine wisdom of their elders. These Children became the “Keepers of the Flame” as the Keepers of the Kingdoms of the Ancient Ones of the Ethereal Ethics to be placed in physical form as the symbol of the ones who would ruler and govern to keep balance in the hierarchy of the family of the Ethereal Essence of the Original Souls Creations. The Ankh was the Key to all the Realms including the Essence of the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical of the new children of all the realms as levels in the dimensions of both space and time. New Laws could now be established to create the rules to be learned from the ancient elders who chose to teach with the rules of their ancestors and to include all senses in all realms of the ethereal. The elder’s children of the Multiverse would now begin sharing how to create universes and all those spirits of the essence who was those who would inherit the golden spiritual twin essence of the original created soul. These children would be the creators of the new sea of souls in each created universe and the first for their children was called Mu. Atlantis was created by the … » Add new comment More Articles by Author ET UFO Community Preservation Alien Vampire Empire Wars Earth’s Destiny Beyond 2012 Global Contrast For 2012 Exopolitics Of The Future Alien ET Recap on Mu, Pangaea and Atlantis – Life Memories & History See All Articles About Theresa J. Thurmond Morris Bio Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris is an Author/Creator/Entrepreneur (ACE). TJ specializes in paranormal/super natural phenomenon and sustainability. TJ is the founder of the first Ascension Center based on sustainability and whole life living. TJ Shares the body-mind-spirit having the birth-life-death experience and is about the future as a visionary for sustaining life in the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. TJ is now a spiritual adviser with ACE Folklife and Ascension Center Organization at TJ was a professional consultant and expert witness on legal investigations and has prior military and government service in the USA 1980-1993. Professionally she uses her initials TJ, ACE, and ACIR.US. TJ has written several paranormal books including Ascension Age 2012 & Beyond, Alien UFO Story by TJ, Avatar Oracle Xeno Guide, Roswell Connection, Roswell UFO Encounters, UFOS & Extraterrestrials, Uplifting the Soul, Alphaverse and Omegaverse, Spirit Guide, ACE Folklife Guide, and all books are in print available on Barnes & Noble, and TJ shares her life with her husband Thomas R. Morris also an author. TJ Morris is an Ambassador of Goodwill with American Culture International Relations and ACIR. TJ Morris is her trademark ™ ACIR her servicemark (sm) TJ studied arson, fraud, subrogation, forensics, history, psychology and worked as a Legal Investigator for attorneys and a Private Investigator until she was actively recruited by the U.S. Navy and as a General Service investigator Contractor. TJ is now semi-retired and uses a the title of writer as far as her Uncle Sam is concerned. TJ has a small woman owned business with websites and shares in editing her friends books as a book doctor. TJ is sharing her life as an event planner for sharing the awareness of communication, sustainability, earth and space science, whole life living, and spiritual higher consciousness awakening. TJ has a title of Life Agashan and Avatar Ascension Master. TJ is the Ascension ET Authority and began the Alien ET UFO Community. TJ shares promoting books for her friends and publishers books such as mysteries, paranormal, military intrigue, and now her own series about ufos and alien civilizations exist. TJ is an advocate for the future Ascension Age. Professional History in corporate international marketing, manufacturing,legal investigations, newspaper columnist, and magazine publisher. TJ lives in Kentucky USA with husband Tom. TJ has been an organizer, speaker, spiritual consultant, producer/song writer with BMI and publisher. TJ spends much of her time assisting others as a consultant in business and with building websites. TJ’s websites to share with others around the world news and common interests with her friends of Facebook are,,,,,,, TheresaMorris.Net and many others. Theresa J Morris and TJ Thurmond Morris are both names to search for under her book names as author. TJ has been interested in the Alien ET UFO Community all her life with a strong research history in cosmology,metaphysics, ontology, and is founder of the ACE Folklife Historical Society, Ascension, and, in order to assist others adjust to the new awakening and awareness of the Ascension Age as the golden age of Cosmology. TJ is also a natural born leader as a Capricorn with Aquarius rising and promotes health and prosperity and whole life expos, seminars, and her friends and their business interests. TJ attracts others who desire to share similar interests in social networks and is a social entrepreneur. TJ writes her interests including her near death experiences and ET contact friends and their businesses. TJ loves people, places, things, and having a near death experience learned the power of meditation, prayer, astral travel, remote viewing, and other interest in ESP and parapsychology. For all those who believe as she does in Ascension Vertical Lifestyles for body-mind-spirit, TJ has been a Life Coach to those who request her services as a mentor. TJ is a known administrator of the Ascension Center Hawaii and as a creator entrepreneur planner organizer she founded the original Ascension Center Organization and Psychic Network in Hawaii 1990-1993 which was advertised in the Honolulu newspaper and registered in Hawaii. TJ was known as Tara then by her spiritual friends and has worked in seminars psychic fairs, People Synergistically Involved and other motivational seminars and expos in the USA. TJ now works with people who are planning their future preparation and space exploration beyond 2012. TJ is now working on the TAKEN UP 2012 Series of stories to be published as books and owns the copyrights to the stories to be read as chapters on UFO Role Contributor

MR. LASH. He shares his views and for some this is what they need to understand much of how we can relate to each other during this time of transition.

Some will want to join me on that of the ASCENSION !

We have joined forces with those of the SPIRIT!

Therefore those who are looking for some spiritual guidance and understanding in rather general language may be able to relate to our SOCIAL NETWORKS and EMAGAZINES.







TJ share her organization for those who want the plain vanilla wrapping on the basics in life.

Love and Light

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris
aka TJ



What if the extraterrestrials are planning explanations for our civilization coming forth in 2012?

 Are we ready?

Alien ET UFO Paranormal Social and Spiritual implications are being shared with some of the top names that influence others in this world through the television and internet.

We are all here on earth to experience life in various levels and layers. We are sharing our many layers or dimensions of life and how we think about our world now in passing and on our paths.

 We can choose our destiny. We can define our wills. We can make our own choices in our minds. We are the controllers of our own future separate and together.

I have shared in the past names of people I have enjoyed following on earth such as  Erich von Daniken, Zechariah Sitchen, Gene Roddenberry, Steven Hawking, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Michio Kaku, Wayne Dyer, Zig Zigler, Napoleon Hill, and Deepak Chopra and even J.K. Rowling. There are many more but these people will recognize. The women are too numerous to mention but Eleanor Roosevelt must be the first woman other than my mother and Grandmother. My great-grandmother was a school teacher and ruled the roost so to speak when I was growing up.

My interest in the humanoid species as a whole stems part from my past memories of life as a reincarnated soul. That will be hard for many to believe. I am not sure I do. The reason being I am only human with alien ET UFO paranormal contactee memories while I was alive and dead. This makes me more curious than most about life and what it all means to be alive and a part of this world.

I am also a know spiritual advisor that last century people called a psychic life coach or Guide. Now, I choose to write my thoughts to reach more people with my advice of better living for those who desire to maintain spiritual whole life living while here on earth.

We are now in the process of sharing how thoughts about how the past was in relation to our sky people visitors.

We are going to go through various levels of changing opinions or what we accept in our overall understanding of who we are and where we come from.

There are many who want to believe that we all came from the ooze of the 4.5 billion years and counting that it took to form creations from the forming of earth.

There are others like us in the alien ET UFO Paranormal Scientific Spiritual Community who believe we did not simple evolve out of the oceans but were brought here by others in the Omniverse.

The old argument of the 20th century was based on Evolutionists versus Creationists.

I believe we come from space and therefore am considered a creationist although I do understand some things evolve and change as the entire Omniverse is still expanding.

We will have to learn what we mean by various words in the future. This is why it is so important that we become open minded and all learn, to communicate, and educate ourselves. We must all promote awareness to others for their own learning process. We are all here to grow and to share our experiences. There is a method to the seeming madness on this planet.

I am still learning about earth and the inhabitants myself. What makes me extraordinary is my past experiences in life and how I filter the energy that makes up my memories. I know that I shall leave this planet in the future and will take my recorded memories with me. We are all the authors of our own souls memories. My mother has this last week reminded me that we are all the authors of our own life stories. My mother is now 78 years old and has found out she has cancer and has been very ill due to chemotherapy. It is a tough time for her. My husband’s father died before Christmas 2010. We are facing the loss of our biological creators on earth and we know this is hard to face emotionally.

We must all learn to face hardships in life and the loss of our loved ones. This is part of our life on earth and part of the educational part we shall take with us when we expire, pass one, die here in this level of life.

I now believe it is up to all who can face death, dying, and misery, on earth to assist others who will also face what we if given a choice would not want to deal with in this life.

Death, dying, misery, and pain are all part of life on earth. We must learn about all four areas while we learn their opposites  of life, living, happiness, and health. Health and prosperity for all is a goal for us to achieve while here on earth.

We can ask our leaders in the elite classes and elected officials as our leaders to share in their awareness of life. We can ask them to not hoard but share their abundance so as to teach those how best to make this world a better place for all and not just some.

We have various levels and stages in life. Those who work with me now in this world are about sharing energy in words and light.

We are about becoming better communicators.

It is our job to combine our energy in all the various ways we have segregated our thoughts into the support and endorsements of the levels of understanding as creationists.

Ancient Alien Theorists Can Prevent Misery. 2011 Trend Watching Report in Sustainability. We can all share our energy as synergy in sustainability on this planet while looking forward to our future in space.

For those who are in the working class on earth who are just becoming aware of the future including alien ET UFOs we will discuss the one on one basics in our regular weekly articles, This is more about the overall analysis in our present psyche.

Misery loves company and we must do our part to come up with the remedies for misery. One has to be concerned for our global community regarding sustainability.

We must do our part to preserve our planet and our required need for food, clean air, and energy consumption. In addition, we need to all learn to recycle and to clean up our communities. Some city planners are now working with the local government to share in the leadership to get more old time hard work into the action and follow through and not just the paper work.

The past was about pushing paper and creating more brainpower to come up with teams as task force to come up with solutions. 2011 is about putting those teams to work in the field.

We are now doing more on computers and will learn to become a paperless society. In addition, we are going to need more programs to keep from sharing bad energy and bad products such as cocaine, meth, and harmful agents to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We are all here for a purpose and we come in similar humanoid unit containers or vessels,

It is time we all support those in our local communities in awareness programs about what is expected of families and those who desire to bring children into this world. It is not only a village but also an entire global community project.

For now in the alien ET UFO Paranormal Community, we are learning to share our energy through synergy by sharing our interests in the social networking communities online.

We may not yet feel comfortable in our work environment we created in our glass towers where we still pass paperwork and enter data on our computers.  We will need delicate cooperation in this area not only with our governments but also with our civilian corporations.

Many corporations look to the future for their own sustainability.

The humanoid global population will sustain the corporations. The corporations can maintain the global population by supplying jobs and careers for the human population.

We will all need to learn to work together. The “Too Big to Fail” energy is now a part of our global awareness. We now see that our corporations with monopolies in certain areas of commerce are not good. We have learned where our glass ceilings can be broken in many ways.

If we are to continue to support this world with a monetary credit system based on the value of bimetals and energy sources, then we must all work to understand the sensitive inner workings of how all our continents, nation states, and smaller territories on the land of this planet work.

We must all share in learning how much of one thing is enough based on a population of 7 billion. This is the new and present figure for maintaining this planet while we all work to put our humanoid sentient intelligent being species in space.

We are now aware that we are in the millennium that will take us to the future of exploring terra forming in space. We are now working on space stations in order to learn how to maintain more than satellites in our orbit. In the future, there will be intelligent scientists and astronauts with careers for maintaining space communities including the agriculture of growing food in space.

We are going to need more people working on the more pressing issues in this world to sustain a better way of life for the entire human race.

We as one humanoid sentient intelligent being species must now realize that education is important but so is follow through for making sure all our  people are plugged into the action part of being human.

It is no longer just about thinking and managing the areas of the world that have not come up to our standards but playing a major role in straightening out the areas of the world with our training.

We do not only want to feed the entire world but show the entire world how to maintain and sustain.

We are now about the shift and uplift from the “Be, Do, Have” principal of sustainability. We must now educate ourselves as to how we are to make sure that people in their respective small families and communities can maintain their sustenance while living in a clean environment.

We need to supply food, water, clothing, and shelter to the poorer areas of the world so we can make sure they can have enough energy to support their community action program for making their world a better and cleaner place to live.

Join our present connection to the Omniverse. I am one who has already died, and came back from the other side. This means that I know there is another side unlike most of the population of earth.

There are plenty of UFO sightings around the world now and this is on the increase. People are just naturally looking up at the sky now. In addition, we have more people talking about this once taboo subject. People are sharing their UFO sightings and the energy is catching on so that other people are also looking for unidentified flying objects above. We now how UFO videos that can be seen on Utube on the Internet.

We have media that has been sharing more of what was once forbidden to speak of in the print media such as newspapers and magazines. We have more radio shows and television documentaries talking about aliens, UFOs, and our ancient history.

We are beginning to understand that our past was written without the whole story or gathering of complete facts available on earth.

We now have more graduates from college with interest in assisting us all know more about our past and our future. We have those who were inspired by the Indiana Jones stories. If I had to pick two in the entertainment industry that have done more for the future it would have to be George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

George Lucas with Star Wars and Steven Spielberg with Close Encounters. The twentieth century was important as our year of opening our eyes to the future of “What If”. What if others visited us from space? We cannot forget the first Star Trek Series by Gene Roddenberry. The future will always be grateful to these three men and we should, as the Baby Boomer Generation make sure we share our appreciation of these three men with our grandchildren. Those who are now involved in science be it in astrophysics, astronomy, engineering, archaeology, or any other future observations and positions created to reach space will have to remember these people interested in science fiction. Please read the 4 page letter from Gene Roddenberry on Desilu Productions Letterhead.Transcript: Source P.Evans & Below noted. TJ

Desilu Productions Inc.

February 12, 1965

Mr. Alden Schwimmer
Ashley-Famous Agency
9255 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles 69, California

Dear Alden:

Have just talked to Oscar Katz in New York about present indefinite sales status of STAR TREK. I felt that all sides had been heard from but me and I owed it to Oscar that he understand my feelings clearly. And of course I want you to be in on any such conversation, so therefore am repeating it here in this letter and sending a copy to Ted in NYC.

First, about the STAR TREK pilot itself. Whether or not this was the right story for a sale, it was definitely a right one for ironing out successfully a thousand how, when and whats of television science fiction. It did that job superbly and has us firmly in position to be the first who has ever successfully made TV series science fiction a mass audience level and yet with a chance for quality and network prestige too.

We have an opportunity, like “Gulliver’s Travels” of a century or more ago, to combine spectable-excitement for a mass group along with meaningful drama and something of substance and pride.

This particular story, whatever its other merits, was an ideal vehicle for proving this point to ourselves. And if the network wants to be partners in such ventures as these, they have to share some of the pain, responsibility and risk of this type of planning. Or they can have copies of other shows, or parallels, breaking no new ground, without any pain or risk at all. I’m quite willing, and I think capable, of giving it to them either way. In a sense, this has been sort of a test for me whether any brave statements I’ve heard are true.

Now, about the length of the pilot, etc. I agree it should be shorter and should be paced differently. It’s my fault that it wasn’t since I let myself be swayed by an arbitrary delivery date and did not take a day off and then look freshly at the whole picture before it went to negative cutting. This will not happen again. In future, of the two risks, I will risk violating contract provisions rather than sending out product readied only through weeks of sixteen hour a day fatigue. Where the agency can help here is early in the planning of a pilot, leaning hard on the network in those primary stages where they waste three, four and five weeks getting back to you with approvals on this and that. This plays a very large part in ending up with production dates which are bound to create problems.

Let me say about the foregoing, I was under no undue pressure from either Katz or Solow. Unlike most studio executives, they stayed off my back, contented themselves with merely pointing out the obvious contract delivery dates. Solow, whom I worked with most directly and intimately, was enormously helpful. One of the most pleasant and talented men I have ever had the pleasure to work with in this business.

Now, summarizing attitude on the pilot, I think even as it now stands, certainly with many things I’d still like to do with it, it is a good quality product.

For those at NBC who honestly do not like it, do not understand or dig it, do not believe it has audience potential, no complaints from me if they turn thumbs down. I have learned to applaud people who make decisions. But I have no respect or tolerance for those who say things like “If it were just a couple minutes shorter…”, or “Yes, but if it were not so cerebral…”, and such garbage. And I respectfully suggest to you as sale representatives for this product that tolerating or compromising with this kind of thinking could only lead to us making a bad show out of what could have been good. In other words, am wide open to criticism and suggestions but not from those who think answers lie in things like giving somewhat aboard a dog, or adding a cute eleven-year-old boy to the crew.

I’m not saying anyone has suggested the above. Or that you would stand still for it. But having been around television for some time, I do know that shows sometimes reach frantic sales moments in which things like that have been known to happen. And it’s only fair to let you know I’m not that anxious to sell the show.

Which, I guess, is my central point. There seems to be a popular delusion that networks do people a favor by buying shows. I happen to think the truth is somewhat nearer the other direction — that a man who creates a format and offers integrity and a large hunk of his life in producing it, offers much more than networks or advertisers can give in return. Therefore, it logically follows, that side has a right to some terms too.

Mine have not changed. And no matter how difficult or tenuous any negotiation for sale may become, they will not change.

a. We must have an adequate budget to do a show of this type.

b. We must have a time slot which gives us a chance, otherwise the labor involved is foolish and meaningless.

c. Network must give early notification that they are buying the show, or at minimum an early story order so scripts can be put into work.

d. Network must agree that any notifications of pickup or cancellation must be made early, or additional story orders must be made early enough to permit proper continuation of schedules.

Without the above, a sale would be completely meaningless for me. Have no desire to risk heart attack or ulcers without at least a fighting chance to make entertainment I can be proud of. If terms should turn out different, I will cooperate with all involved to find a producer who feels otherwise.

Incidentally, I’ve told both Oscar and Herb Solow I’ve had it with the audience testing thing. The fact that there was this enormous twenty point different between the two STAR TREK tests so far certainly must indicate to any sensible man these people are capable of gross error. And since they are obviously capable of this, I insist that this final test be run in number one position so it is at least a fair comparison with the last test. And no amount of statistical rationalization will budge me from this position. It’s make or break with me, Alden. If they are going to use these tests (and we both know they give great weight to them despite anything they say), then they’ve got to at least give us the benefit of an even chance.

Although I’ve been nervous about STAR TREK for this couple of weeks of decision, actually it’s been a good thing for me. Like a fever reaching a crisis point and then breaking. For the first time I think I see our particular and peculiar medium exactly for what it is. It has been and can be very good — and if someone proves to me they want me to try for that level, I gladly will. On the other hand, without that proof, I intend to aim for safe copies and parallels of existing successes — settle for doing it just two or three percent better than the next guy so that job and profits are always there, and I eat dinner every night at 6:00 p.m. with the children and have two days at home out of every seven to play horseshoes and putter in the garden. And do everything possible to move on into another medium.

Sorry, didn’t mean to make this an epic poem. Maybe it’s just catharsis. But I think it’s more.


(Signed, ‘Gene R’)

Gene Roddenberry


cc: T. Ashley-New York

Visit the Archives for hundreds more letters

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Gene Roddenberry defends the rejected pilot for Star Trek in this unearthed letter
After the first pilot for Star Trek was on the verge being rejected by NBC, Gene Roddenberry sent this impassioned letter to his agent on February 12, 1965. It’s a fascinating snapshot of Roddenberry with his back against the wall.
The second pilot for Star Trek — “Where No Man Has Gone Before” — would eventually be picked up by the network, but this is nonetheless an intriguing artifact from an almost Trek-less world.
[P. Evans via Letters of Note. Thanks Lawdog!]

link directly to this page: more: #generoddenberry, #startrek, #letters,#television, #history, #thecage

PARANORMAL WRITERS LIST Best Magical and Paranormal Fantasy Series and Authors Best Magical and Paranormal Fantasy Series and Authors
A Tribute to Gene Roddenberry Fans of Star Trek
And George Lucas “May the Force be with you!”

1. J.R. Ward

2. Kelley Armstrong

Lynsay Sands

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Has several entwined series.

Christene Feehan
For both her vampires and her witches.

Charlaine Harris

Laurell K. Hamilton
We have Laurell to thank for Anita and Merry. Both are top

Jim Butcher

Lynn Veihl  Darkyn series

Katie MacAlister
A little laughter with your vampires, ghosts, demons

J K Rowling

Kim Harrison
Stephanie Meyer

Lori Handeland

Alyssa Day

Shelly Laurenston

Stephan King

Marjorie M. Liu

Patricia Briggs

Lilith Saintcrow

Mary Janice Davidson

Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

I have been asked to share my point of view of communication persuasion as an Ace Folklife Society and Ascension Center Organization writer. I have returned to academia to sharpen my tools in writing and reasoning. I hope to sharpen my understanding of how life on earth has been presented to academia.

My prior interests in life have been geared toward metaphysical.

Alien ET UFO Paranormal Community Awareness Hints by TJ

I have been asked what a certain question. “What can I do to help earth?” I had people on earth who helped shape my awareness.

I am a paranormal writer that received emails in the alien ET paranormal community. I write because it is a passion of mine.

For those on earth with an angel-entrepreneurial eye, one can see that my topics in articles flow in the path of my interest and inspiration. Whether this is surface research of my own finds, or purely inspiration guidance I cannot tell. I only know that I am an artist and scientist both at heart.

A mass media consideration versus face-to-face information for internalization is now a major part of our daily lives. Facebook is a success on this planet and many wonder where we will go with the future. I am asked to continue sharing my views and opinions.

I am also a spiritualist shaman with desires of becoming a writer historian someday that did make a difference during my time on earth. For now, those who have known me since the 80’s and 90’s of the last century have seen the world change based on the topics and ideas I have shared in my inner spiritual circles, in my expos and fairs, and in my websites. I now hope to share more in my articles and books.

 People want to refer to my experiences and me and simply mirror them back onto themselves and the world in which we all live and create together. Sure, life can be about my experiences and me but life also needs to be about others and how they all experience their lives and the world. We are all important and I hope to use the archetypes in my characters to reflect our views and past to remake a beautiful future for the human race.

We are all to enjoy what energy we can share among others while here on this planet. We might as well make the most of it. Love and Light TJ.


Ancient history is future’s past and critical mass consciousness today is changing. We are all changing. We may all be the same species but we definitely are all appearing different as individuals. 

We can agree that we are either male of female and some of us are born both. Some of us may feel we are to experience life on earth as a feminine spirit in a male body or vice versa. Some of us may feel that we arrived in the wrong physical body and choose to make some changes. 

There are going to be many changes in the near future.

Some deal with our DNA and changes in the God particle in us all. This is going to be felt in various ways since science can now prove there is an energy flowing in all things in and out of us all.

New Solar System findings in our galaxy and universe changing our critical mass consciousness and who we are as spiritual beings sharing humanity as one species may be what we are here to discover in each other and ourselves.

We are changing and knowledge, wisdom, and being more aware of our environment and ourselves has never been more obvious than today. We study our ancient history and how it effects our future’s past.

This is how we change our critical mass consciousness.

History is being written now on the Internet for our future children to understand as awareness.
We are sharing in the awareness of things past and things to come.

We realize now that some of our history is outdated and we can reconstruct that which was at one time thought to be the truth. Truth is always reshaping its power of persuasion as knowledge.

We believe in more than tangible and intangible evidence which fires the synapses of our brains into becoming more than the total substance of our belief systems.

This new God particle theory of the world in science has a way of dealing with our spirituality and our humanity.

This is good news for the critical mass changes for the state of our economy. We may have watchers from above that can change our overall belief system in our future.

The United Nations we have learned to count on since it’s inception.  Will the UN actually be able to assist with information in the future on the extraterrestrial visitation acceptance around the world?

Here is just one of the ways that our UN is helping with WHO and UNICEF.

New York, Dec 21 2010 6:10PM
Faced with a marked decrease in exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia, the United Nations has teamed up with Government and religious leaders to promote a practice that is proven to protect newborns and infants from disease, illness and impaired development.

As Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country commemorates national Mothers’ Day this week, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu leaders pledged at a conference led by the Ministries of Health and Religious Affairs to develop an action plan with their clerics to spread key information about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

“Religious leaders have the power to persuade their followers about the importance of breastfeeding, a simple life-saving practice that is referred to in all the Holy Scripts including the Quran, the Bible, the Vedas and the Tripitaka,” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative Angela Kearney <“”>said.

“The health of the nation is dependent upon a shared vision and shared action that can only come through practical partnerships… Every religion accepts a responsibility to guide its followers, to show wisdom and foresight in enabling people to make the right choices in life. Today, we are focusing on a critical health issue, where our collective voices can offer life-saving guidance to families.”

Rates of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia have fallen from 40 per cent in 2002, with less than one-third of infants now being breastfed in line with global standards in the first six months of life. Data also shows that nearly one in every five Indonesian children under the age of five is underweight, and many children suffer from other nutrition-related problems such as stunting.

Promoting improved nutrition practices are therefore seen as essential to tackling these alarming child development indicators.

The UN World Health Organization (WHO) stresses “with full confidence that breastfeeding reduces child mortality and has health benefits that extend into adulthood,” recommending exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.

WHO underscores that as the natural first food for babies, breast milk provides all the energy and nutrients an infant needs for the first months of life, up to half or more of a child’s nutritional needs during the second half of the first year, and up to one-third during the second year of life.

Exclusive breastfeeding promotes sensory and cognitive development, protects against infectious and chronic diseases, reduces infant mortality due to common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea or pneumonia, and helps for a quicker recovery during illness.

It contributes to the health and well-being of mothers; it helps to space children, reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer, increases family and national resources, is a secure way of feeding and is safe for the environment.

UNICEF and WHO recommend the start of breastfeeding within the first hour of life; exclusive breastfeeding – that is, without any additional food or drink, not even water – for the first six months; breastfeeding on demand – that is, as often as the child wants, day and night – and no use of bottles or pacifiers.
Dec 21 2010 6:10PM
for more details go to UN News Centre at VS ET aka Reptilians versus ET Angels

Is there cause for us to become alarmed when we hear the word “ALIEN”?
Is there cause of our concerns when we hear the word “ET”?

These are questions I am asking others and myself these days. Reason being, I am doing an internal search for emotions that deal with both. The Good as ET and the Bad as Alien.

There is an ET-UFO Community on earth.

There is also an ANCIENT ALIEN Community on earth.

I am exploring the inner being and the outer mind of my own world.

Various parts of all of us create our own world in which we live.

We can learn from our experiences and associations while we are in body-mind-spirit on this planet.

Some of us have learned through our existence on this planet that we must learn to survive the best way we know how.

Some of us have learned to do as we are told and to fit into what the parameters are or at least what is expected in today’s society of what is considered “NORMAL”.

All sentient intelligent beings on this planet are considered humanoids based on our physical design. There is a long drawn out scientific description but this is not the place to go into the deeper meanings of what makes up our creative designs from our DNA, GENOME, and procreation efforts as a male and female.

However, this may be a good time on earth to consider there are various other types of humanoid species that do not fit in with the rest of us humanoids that could be considered “NORDICS”, or humanoid favoring those who look human like. We tend to type ourselves on earth in the past as only one type.

We in the past on earth have been allowed, guided, instructed, or programmed if you will to fight and even create religious wars over our simple belief systems.

Some of these if not all of these wars have been fought over religions and land. We have had wars that were about what we in our tribes thought were worth fighting over for sustenance and survival. These wars were about survival of our species or so we thought at the time.

Now days we are aware that we were all comparing apples to apples or our own kind as humanoids to other humanoids. Sure, we may have had various skin and hair colors, and maybe even different opinions as to what God and/or Goddess to worship.

However, we feel that many of us in the millions and even billions of our 6.8 billion and counting are now above all this infighting among our own species.

World POP Clock Projection
According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World, projected to 11/12/10 at 18:13 UTC (EST+5) is


It is now time to adjust our clocks and our International Programs to the truth!


There has been a war going on among the 400,000 and counting species in the Omniverse and it is time we accept that ALIENS vs. ET.

I am living proof that we can all become aware of the truth if we search out and explore our own domains.


I do not share this lightly. I share this because many of us on earth are aware that there are many who come and go from and to this planet.

Many more of us are willing to share what we know. It is time for the entire world to know what we know. It is time we begin to prepare for our future!

Our future is about the Ascension Age, which involves becoming aware, that Alien Civilizations Exist!

We should all be counting our days until the date of Dec. 21, 2012 T.11:11.

We should all be looking up on this date and time as it crosses over our own unit we call a humanoid body-mind-spirit.

Some of us may come and some of us may go. Some of us may have our eyes and minds opened to the possibility that we are to all become one humanoid species that may be fighting for the right to exist on our planet in space!